Forwarded message:
Date: Wed, 30 Nov 1994 17:00:03 -0800
From: La Mujer Obrera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: greetings of solidarity

Dear Friends,

     It is with great sadness and concern that

we send these greetings of solidarity.

Conditions in Mexico are quickly deteriorating

and we are preparing for the growing

possibility of war in Mexico.  Troop movements

continue, with increased repression against

popular movements.  In addition the recent

resignation of Mexico's Deputy Attorney

General Mario Ruiz Masseiu, who had conducted

a substantial investigation into the murder of

his brother, PRI general secretary Francisco

Ruiz Masseiu confirms fears that the PRI

government is infiltrated by drug lords.  Its

internal decomposition signals not only a

clear inability to govern, but an inability to

maintain the negotiated peace because of the

party's hard line against any kind of

democratic reform; much less to respond to

demands for justice for the country's poor and

indigenous communities.

     Here in the US, we are stunned by the

pronounced indifference of the press and the

U.S. government to this situation, and fear

that the American people will once again be

shocked out of  complacency much as they were

January 1st of this year.  Only recently a

report from the Copley News Service,

distributed along the U.S.-Mexico border

characterized outgoing President Carlos

Salinas de Gortari as "the man who

revolutionized the face of 20th century

Mexico, [transforming] Mexico from an

inefficient, underdeveloped country into one

of the most promising economies in the world". 

The article signals the North American Free

Trade Agreement as the "crowning economic


     This misinformation serves the purpose of

keeping potential  investors calm and

interested; but it goes against national

interests, both in the US and Canada.  A war

in Mexico will be another Vietnam; except its

consequences will be double in size and

destructiveness.  It appears that the United

States has learned nothing from the past.  It

is now a real possibility that it will allow

the genocidal annihilation of indigenous

communities much as it did in the mid-1800's

in order to satisfy the need for land of the

multi-nationals.  It does not question, even

at the most basic level, its alliance with a

dictatorship which has been in power for 65

years; apparently nothing was learned from the

experience with Panama and Iran.

     As people of conscience we must struggle

to hold our governments accountable for the

destruction being created by neo-liberalism. 

Our futures are intrisincly linked with the

future of Mexico.  Unless we in the United

States and Canada struggle to secure democracy

within our own countries and in Mexico, our

own possibilities of a stable economic future

and just political system will diminish as


     We welcome the opportunity to work with

you, our northern neighbors, in the struggle

for genuine peace, democracy and justice

throughout the continent.  Please keep us

informed of your efforts, and we will work to

do the same.  It is important that all of us

do our part to combat the misinformation of

the mainstream press and our governments.


Cecilia Rodriguez, 

National Commission for Democracy in Mexico,


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