Disillusioned with politics? Vote Redgrave!
Tania Branigan
Wednesday November 17 2004
The Guardian

He is treading the boards in Newcastle as a critically lauded King
Lear. She is filming a Merchant Ivory costume drama in Shanghai.

But next week Corin and Vanessa Redgrave, the siblings as well known
for their leftwing activism as their stage credits, will step into a new
role - as founders of Britain's newest political party.

Peace and Progress, to be launched in London on November 27, aims to
put human rights at the heart of next year's election agenda.

The Redgraves admit it will stand in no more than three constituencies
- and will not win a single seat. It will even campaign for rival

They will back Conservative candidates willing to protect the basic
liberties they believe are increasingly under threat.

"There's a space which needs to be filled by a political party which
will agitate for the work human rights groups are doing," Mr Redgrave
said. "We will say 'Perhaps these are people you should vote for - and
these are people you shouldn't'."

The opening conference of the Peace and Progress party will feature
speakers ranging from Anna Politkovskaya, the award-winning Russian
journalist, to American human rights lawyers, to Azmat Begg, whose son
Moazzam is held at Guantanamo Bay.

Its manifesto calls for the withdrawal of British troops from Iraq; the
cancellation of third world debt; the return of Britons held at
Guantanamo Bay and the release of all foreign nationals held without
trial in the UK.

Mr Redgrave believes he was excluded from work for many years because
of his politics, but has enjoyed a theatrical renaissance since
communism fell and "people discovered that Marxism was no longer

Their father Sir Michael was blacklisted by the BBC for communist

"Human rights encompasses every part of our lives," argued Ms Redgrave,
in a telephone interview from China.

"We are talking about social, economic, political and civil rights for
all people. Pensions and children's benefits are human rights questions;
I'm horrified by the way old people are treated in this country.

"The new phenomena is that now [human rights abuses] are happening in
Britain and   the US with the concurrence of our government. I feel
particularly strongly because I'm of the generation of children whose
relatives fought in the war and it was on that basis that the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights and the conventions which followed it were

The pair are not expecting to stand themselves, although they have not
ruled it out.

Cynics might argue that voters will always be more concerned about tax
cuts than civil liberties. Mr Redgrave prefers to be optimistic.

"I think there is a fundamental response of decency and concern from
people. How that compares to concern on other issues will have to be
tested, and that's what we're doing," he said.

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