[PEN-L] video

2004-12-16 Thread Dan Scanlan

[PEN-L] Video documentary on Mexico's legitimate president

2006-12-19 Thread Julio Huato

The link below is to a video documentary by Víctor Hernández from the
Sendero del Peje blog (http://senderodelpeje.blogspot.com/).  It shows
the gigantic groundswell of popular energy the movement in support of
López Obrador generated.  Among other things I found remarkable, the
celebration of Independence Day (September 16, 2006) in Mexico City
was full of symbolism.

Eugenia León's song by the middle of the documentary is incredibly
moving as it touches the most sensitive buttons in the national
sentiments of Mexicans.  If I caught the lyrics correctly, it links
the current situation to the U.S. invasion in the 1840s (by which the
U.S. chopped off and swallowed one half of Mexico), the French
invasion of Mexico in 1864, the imposition of Maximilian of Habsburg
as emperor of Mexico, and the relentless resistance by president
Benito Juárez, the first Indigenous president in Latin America.


[PEN-L] Video Of The Week from The eXile

2006-07-26 Thread Leigh Meyers

The eXile crew sucuumbs to the effects of terrorism on human humor:

An awesome Al Zawahiri hosted training film & feature movie trailer.

Then there's this masterpiece:
Mayo & Sausage Tours
An eXile eXclusive: take a tour of Russia's world-famous mayonnaise and
sausage factories.

Just do yourself a favor and avoid the Babushka Bang Bus video.
It's really, really... nevermind. Just avoid it.


[PEN-L] Video Testimony On Shanghaied Labor At The U.S. Embassy Baghdad

2007-07-29 Thread The Buffalo In Da' Midst
Video of congressional testimony by a U.S. paramedic courtesy of Juan Cole.

Salient points:
Coerced at *Gunpoint* once embarked.
Some working construction with NO SHOES.
Overcrowded, unsanitary living conditions.

Whitewashed report by State Department Inspector General:

"After hearing similar allegations during much of 2006, Howard J.
Krongard, the State Department's inspector general, flew to Baghdad
for what he describes as a "brief" review on Sept. 15. He now reports
that the complaints had no substance." --IraqSlogger

In full: http://leighm.net/wp/2007/07/29/embasslaves_upd1/

[PEN-L] Video: Questioning Philip Zelikow, August 9, Chautauqua, NY (7 min.)

2007-08-18 Thread Paul Zarembka

The video of my questioning, as well as Snowshoe Films, the Executive
Director of the 9-11 Commission, Philip Zelikow, August 9 (7 min.) is
available at


A prior Part I, available at http://www.snowshoefilms.com/, has good
background on Zelikow.

Paul Zarembka

(Vol.23) THE HIDDEN HISTORY OF 9-11-2001  "a benchmark in 9/11 research"
Research in Political Economy, P.Zarembka,ed, Elsevier hardback
* http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/PZarembka