What namespace should I use?

So I've added a simplified counting of "McCabe Complexity" to my "Perl::Code::Analayze" - I copied the complexity measuring code from Perl::Critic (http://search.cpan.org/dist/Perl-Critic/lib/Perl/Critic/ Policy/Subroutines/ProhibitExcessComplexity.pm)

I'm wondering if I should go ahead and put this in the CPAN, but with a different namespace - perhaps Perl::Metric::Simple or something?

The (still alpha) code is at:
http://g5-imac.matisse.net/~matisse/Perl-Code-Analyze/Perl-Code- Analyze-0.011/

There is an example script using the module:
http://g5-imac.matisse.net/~matisse/Perl-Code-Analyze/Perl-Code- Analyze-0.011/examples/analyze.pl

Results might be:

        % analyze.pl path/to/code

        perl files:    76
        lines:         21070
        packages:      39
        subs:          381
        min. sub size: 1 lines
        max. sub size: 679 lines
        avg. sub size: 27.04 lines
        min. sub complexity: 1
        max. sub complexity: 209
        avg. sub complexity: 5.58

Matisse Enzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
http://www.matisse.net/  - http://www.eigenstate.net/

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