
I have already posted this invitation in several places,
I hope you don't mind receiving it here as well.

== Tips

I have setup a newsletter called Test Automation Tips where
I am going to send out various ideas I have on the subject.
As someone who has been practicing it for several years
and teaching it since 2003 (see http://www.pti.co.il/qa_automation.html )
Its mostly stuff I learned from you guys but I still hope it will
be an interesting read.

The tips will come from several languages, most probably
Perl, Python, PHP and Ruby but I'll probably give examples in
Java and maybe even in .NET.

Register here:

== Discussion list

In addition I have setup a public mailing list in order to provide
a place where people from the various languages and projects
can come together and discuss their experience.

For example on the PHP-QA  mailing list they are currently
discussion the addition of something very similar to the TODO
tests in TAP. I am sure people from the Perl world could give
their opinion there but the same subject could be discussed
on such a cross language mailing list.


== Training

Lastly, while this is slightly unrelated, I am going to teach my
QA Test Automation using Perl course on 19-20, June,
right after YAPC::NA in Chicago.

The syllabus is here:

The registration is on the same page as the other master classes organized
by brian d foy:


Gabor Szabo                     http://szabgab.com/blog.html
Test Automation Tips        http://szabgab.com/test_automation_tips.html

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