I am delighted to add the first female to AUTHORS when I released 
Encode, available as follows;

Diff against current: 106 lines

Changes is just one paragraph long.

$Revision: 1.68 $ $Date: 2002/05/03 12:20:13 $
! lib/Encode/Alias.pm lib/Encode/Supported.pod t/Alias.t AUTHORS
   UCS-4 added to aliases of UTF-32 by Elizabeth Mattijsen.  Alias.t
   and Supported.pod modified to reflect the change.  Elizabeth added
   to Authors.  And H.M. is also added for forwarding her patch among
   other contributions (I was rather surprised to find his name was not
   there yet!)
   Message-Id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

.....if there is one kind of diversity that is lacking in Perl, it is 
definitely sex ratio.  In terms of the sheer number of sex it is already 
diverse than an ordinary world for Perl mongers have female, male, and 
the Borg, :P

Dan the Encode Maintainer / the Equal Opportunity Whippee

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