I've written a script to read the Windows event logs and write the
results to a MySQL database.  I'm currently using Win32::Daemon::Simple
to run it as a service, polling the logs every 15 minutes.  However, I'm
wondering if this is the best method to use.  It would appear to be
simpler to put my polling code in a continuous loop with a sleep()
command at the end and install the compiled app as a service using
SVCANY.EXE from the Windows Resource Kit.  What are the relative
advantages/disadvantages of the two methods?

Also, I intend to develop similar scripts to poll other logs (syslog,
Apache) on Linux.  I think it would be easier to create (and maintain)
the scripts if the basic code was platform independent.  I've seen
mention of using Proc::Background.  How would this fit in with what I am
trying to do?



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