RE: [OT] patch.exe on Vista is unusable.

2008-09-24 Thread Jack
- Original Message -
From: "Sisyphus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "perl-win32-users" 
Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2008 1:41 PM
Subject: [OT] patch.exe on Vista is unusable.

> Does anyone have a working patch.exe on Vista ?

There's actually nothing wrong with the patch.exe files.

The problem is that Vista won't let me run any executable whose name =~ 
m/patch/i without first getting my Administrator password. Vista doesn't 
care what the file actually does - it just decides that any executable whose

name =~ m/patch/i needs admin privileges to run, and that it can't be run 
from the command line. (This of course means that I can rename patch.exe to,

say, othername.exe, and I can then run it fine - but I have to run it as 
'othername', not 'patch'.)

Despite the fact that this is a great and wondrous innovation on the part of

Microsoft (I bet Linux wish they'd thought of it first), I would like to 
remove this behaviour. Anyone know how to do that ?


You should be able to run it from the command line once you have a command
window up that has already passed the password test. i.e. Right click on the
command icon (mine is in the start menu) and choose "Run as Administrator".
I'm not sure if this is what you are looking for?


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Re: [OT] patch.exe on Vista is unusable.

2008-09-24 Thread Sisyphus

- Original Message - 
From: "Sisyphus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "perl-win32-users" 
Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2008 1:41 PM
Subject: [OT] patch.exe on Vista is unusable.
> Does anyone have a working patch.exe on Vista ?

There's actually nothing wrong with the patch.exe files.

The problem is that Vista won't let me run any executable whose name =~ 
m/patch/i without first getting my Administrator password. Vista doesn't 
care what the file actually does - it just decides that any executable whose 
name =~ m/patch/i needs admin privileges to run, and that it can't be run 
from the command line. (This of course means that I can rename patch.exe to, 
say, othername.exe, and I can then run it fine - but I have to run it as 
'othername', not 'patch'.)

Despite the fact that this is a great and wondrous innovation on the part of 
Microsoft (I bet Linux wish they'd thought of it first), I would like to 
remove this behaviour. Anyone know how to do that ?



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Re: NET SSH2 ppm for 5.10

2008-09-24 Thread Sisyphus

- Original Message - 
From: "Michael Ellery" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'perl-win32-users'" 
Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2008 5:24 AM
Subject: NET SSH2 ppm for 5.10

> does anyone know of a source for a NET::SSH2 ppm for 5.10?  I managed to
> get this from uwinnipeg for 5.8, but ppm is telling me it can't find it
> in the 5.10 repository (now that I've upgraded).

This has been a troublesome beast to build on Win32 for perl-5.10.0.

But, after some minor patching ( ) I managed to build it 
on ActivePerl 1004 (perl -5.10.0). I'll send it over to Randy Kobes, and it 
will probably appear on the uwinnipeg 5.10 rep in the next few days 
(depending upon how busy Randy is with other stuff).

In the meantime, Michael, let me know if you would like me to email the ppm 
over to you, off list. (It's a bit less than 700kb.)

It was a very strange thing to build. On many of my perl builds I get a 
fatal error of the type:

C:\_32\mingw\lib\libkernel32.a(duces00221.o): illegal symbol index 
1818586738 in relocs
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
dmake:  Error code 129, while making 'blib\arch\auto\Net\SSH2\SSH2.dll'

The name of the object file quoted in the message can change from one perl 
build to the next - but the error is otherwise identical. I have no idea 
what it means. One would suspect that it's the compiler (or libkernel32.a) 
that's at fault, but the very same compiler builds the very same source just 
fine on ActivePerl 1004. Beats me !!!


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[OT] patch.exe on Vista is unusable.

2008-09-24 Thread Sisyphus
Well ... it's some perl source that I'm wanting to be able to patch. 
(But,yeah ... I know ... that doesn't count :-)

Does anyone have a working patch.exe on Vista ?

At every attempt I make to run 'patch' from the cmd.exe command line I'm 
prompted for admin password and, having provided that, the bloody thing then 
gets executed (ie runs and exits in a flash) instead of being run from the 
command line like I want.

This happens for:

1) The patch.exe that's part of MSYS. (If I try to run that particular 
patch.exe from the MSYS shell I just get a flat "permission denied".);

2) GNU patch-2.5.9-7;

3) The patch.exe that I just copied across from my Windows 2000 machine. (As 
soon as I stuck it on the Vista box I could tell from its icon that the same 
problem would arise.)

Does anyone here happen to know what one needs to do in order to have a 
useable patch.exe on Vista ?


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NET SSH2 ppm for 5.10

2008-09-24 Thread Michael Ellery
does anyone know of a source for a NET::SSH2 ppm for 5.10?  I managed to
get this from uwinnipeg for 5.8, but ppm is telling me it can't find it
in the 5.10 repository (now that I've upgraded).

Mike Ellery

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Re: info on Perl IDE and debugger in WindowsXP

2008-09-24 Thread p sena

Thanks everybody. I opted for vim and plain debugger in my XP. Works great for 

  Regards & Thanks  Prabir Senapati  mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

--- On Tue, 9/23/08, Mary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> From: Mary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: info on Perl IDE and debugger in WindowsXP
> To: "Brian Raven" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Cc: "" 
> Date: Tuesday, September 23, 2008, 11:18 PM
> Brian Raven wrote:
> > Angelos Karageorgiou <> wrote:
> >
> >> Brian Raven wrote:
> >>
> >>> Personally I just use an editor that I like
> (xemacs), and the
> >>> command line debugger.
> >>>
> >>> HTH
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >> Dunno about you , but I have found the syntax
> highlighting abilities
> >> of vim wonderful, it even has a windows version (
> gvim )
> >>
> >
> > There's no accounting for taste. Oh well, each to
> their own :-)
> >
> >
> >> As for debugging , any suggestions for threads
> debugging are welcome.
> >>
> >
> > The good old print statement. Likely to be less
> intrusive in the face of
> > timing related issues than an interactive debugger.
> >
> I use Perl Express. It makes mistakes in colour coding
> regexes but
> appart from that I found it OK,
> after setting the colour code to my liking.
> Mary
> Vinsamlega athugið að upplýsingar í tölvupósti
> þessum og viðhengi eru eingöngu ætlaðar þeim sem
> póstinum er beint til og gætu innihaldið upplýsingar sem
> eru trúnaðarmál. Sjá nánar:
> Please note that this e-mail and attachments are intended
> for the named addresses only and may contain information
> that is confidential and privileged. Further information:
> ___
> Perl-Win32-Users mailing list
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Re: Beginner Problems working with spaced filenames and directories on win

2008-09-24 Thread Casteele/ShadowLord
Welcome to the world of software development! "It worked fine for years on 
XYZ.." is 
something I've heard so often with software that contains hidden bugs that were 
never found, 
often because of poor initial design. :-(

"perl -w" and "use warnings;" are your friends!

Here was my first run, with the code just copy/pasted from your mail message:

1 file(s) copied.
1 file(s) copied.
1 file(s) copied.
1 file(s) copied.
1 file(s) copied.
1 file(s) copied.
1 file(s) copied.
syntax error at test-script.bat line 24, near ";,"
Execution of test-script.bat aborted due to compilation errors.


The problem appears to be that you have a spurious comma:
  my $DIR;,
  if ( -d $top ) { ... }

Perl sees this as
which of course, evaluates the left and right parts of the comma operator, and 
uses the left-
side value as the value of the entire expression.. So it evaluates to a null 
expression. And 
Perl is quite happy to do nothing!

Here's the fixed scripts (note that I also did some other cleanup, but it's 
still far from what I'd 
call a "production" script!).. It works just fine now, as show further below:

FILE perl-test.bat:

@echo off

rem Make the directories

if not exist "some dir with spaces" (
mkdir "some dir with spaces"

if not exist "some dir with spaces\some subdir with spaces" (
mkdir "some dir with spaces\some subdir with spaces"

if not exist "some dir with spaces\some subdir with spaces\even deeper" (
mkdir "some dir with spaces\some subdir with spaces\even deeper"

if not exist "some other dir with spaces" (
mkdir "some other dir with spaces"

if not exist "some other dir with spaces\monotonous, isn't this" (
mkdir "some other dir with spaces\monotonous, isn't this"

if not exist "nospaces" (
mkdir "nospaces"

if not exist "nospaces\done!" (
mkdir "nospaces\done!"

rem Make the files

if not exist "some filename with spaces.txt" (
copy NUL "some filename with spaces.txt"

if not exist "some dir with spaces\some subdir with spaces\another 
file.txt" (
copy NUL "some dir with spaces\some subdir with spaces\another file.txt"

if not exist "some dir with spaces\some subdir with spaces\even 
deeper\whee.txt" (
copy NUL "some dir with spaces\some subdir with spaces\even 

if not exist "some other dir with spaces\more spaces %%and [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] $chars.txt" (
copy NUL "some other dir with spaces\more spaces %%and [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] $chars.txt"

if not exist "some other dir with spaces\monotonous, isn't this\woot.txt" (
copy NUL "some other dir with spaces\monotonous, isn't this\woot.txt"

if not exist "nospaces\foo.txt" (
copy NUL "nospaces\foo.txt"

if not exist "nospaces\done!\bar.txt" (
copy NUL "nospaces\done!\bar.txt"

rem Test the script

call test-script.bat

FILE test-script.bat:

@rem = '--*-Perl-*--
@echo off
if "%OS%" == "Windows_NT" goto WinNT
set PATH=%PATH%;D:\Devel\Perl\Perl5\bin
perl -x -S "%0" %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
goto endofperl
set PATH=%PATH%;D:\Devel\Perl\Perl5\bin
perl -x -S %0 %*
if NOT "%COMSPEC%" == "%SystemRoot%\system32\cmd.exe" goto endoffile
if %errorlevel% == 9009 echo You do not have Perl in your PATH.
if errorlevel 1 goto script_failed_so_exit_with_non_zero_val 2>nul
goto endofperlNT
@rem ';
#! /usr/bin/perl -w
#line 19
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dump qw( pp );

sub dir_walk {
  my ($top, $filefunc, $dirfunc) = @_;
  my $DIR;

  if ( -d $top ) {
my $file;

unless (opendir $DIR, $top) {
  warn "Couldn't open directory $top: $!; skipping.\n";

my @results;
while ($file = readdir $DIR) {
if $file eq '.' || $file eq '..';

  push @results, dir_walk("$top/$file", $filefunc, $dirfunc);

return $dirfunc->($top, @results);

  } else {
return $filefunc->($top);

sub file_func {
  print "file_func:\t" . pp(@_) . "\n";

sub dir_func {
  print "dir_func:\t" . pp(@_) . "\n";

sub main {
  dir_walk("d:/test", \&file_func, \&dir_func);


goto e

RE: Beginner Problems working with spaced filenames and directories on win

2008-09-24 Thread Jan Dubois
On Wed, 24 Sep 2008, Dennis Daupert wrote:
> I ran across this bit in one of Randall Schwartz's articles. He talks
> about at least one of those File::Find limitations (which may have
> been fixed by now, I haven't looked lately.)

You may also want to take a look at File::Next:

(It is already installed if you are running one of the latest ActivePerl


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Re: Beginner Problems working with spaced filenames and directories on win

2008-09-24 Thread Dennis Daupert
Kenneth Ölwing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hmm, sorry if I steal your thunder :-), but have you looked at

Hi Ken1,

Yes, indeed, I have used File::Find in the past, but ran into some
That's why I was quite excited to hear MJD give a talk on Higher Order Perl
the NA YAPC a couple years back. I began experimenting with his simple but
powerful recursive subroutine code, and now have quite a bit of scripts and
apps (on Unix and Linux) that do a number of tricks.

I ran across this bit in one of Randall Schwartz's articles. He talks about
at least one of those File::Find limitations (which may have been fixed by
now, I haven't looked lately.)

Randall Schwartz --

The traditional File::Find module included with Perl is nice. I use it
frequently. However, it's got this interesting feature, or shall we call
it, ``limitation'': it wants to be in control until it has found everything
of interest.

Now that's perfectly fine for most applications, but occasionally, I've
wanted to turn a hierarchical search ``inside out''. That is, I'd set up
the search, including the start directories and the ``wanted'' criteria,
and then call some function repeatedly to get the ``next'' item of
interest. This is similar to how I can call the find program externally:

  open FIND, "find /home -atime +60 -print|";
  while () {
printf "%s aged %d days using %d blocks\n",
  $_, -A $_, -s $_ / 1024;

Recently, I saw Mark-Jason Dominus, Perl hacker extraordinaire, give a talk
on using streams and iterators, and he pulled out an example that was very
close to what I wanted. He was showing off a subroutine that acted as a
factory, generating subroutines that when repeatedly invoked, provided the
``next'' file to be found in sequence. (It's one of his examples from his
forthcoming book, some of which may already be found at He then went on to show how to put this
inside a filter to throw away the files that did not meet the necessary



Dennis Daupert, PhD
Senior Systems Development Professional -- CSC Account

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Re: Beginner Problems working with spaced filenames and directories on win

2008-09-24 Thread Kenneth Ölwing
Hmm, sorry if I steal your thunder :-), but have you looked at File::Find?

And the ton of extras for variations, like File::Find::Object, ::Wanted, 
::Closures, ::Rule, ::Parallel, ::Node etc etc etc...I would be 
surprised if you didn't find (no pun intended ;-) something useful in 
that bunch.

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Re: Beginner Problems working with spaced filenames and directories on win

2008-09-24 Thread Dennis Daupert
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chris Wagner) wrote:
> I would put some print statements in there to verify that the
> variables contain what u think they contain.

Hi Chris, thanks for your reply.

Yes, I had lots of prints in my original code; I snipped those out
to make my post briefer.

> Another thing I noticed.  Normally u want "opendir DIR, $top", not $DIR.

No, it needs to have $DIR. That's what makes the recursive
subroutine re-entrant. Each time the code re-enters the
subroutine, it makes a new copy of $DIR, which holds the
filehandle for the next node being inspected as it traverses
the directory tree.

> A best practice is to always have an else{} block after any if{}
> blocks to catch and debug errors.

I did have this in my original. Sysyphus asked for more complete
code, which I posted. That includes debug prints and if/else
blocks. The good thing is, the test script actually runs!



Dennis Daupert, PhD
Senior Systems Development Professional -- CSC Account

GOS | o: 1.317.298.9499 | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |

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Re: Beginner Problems working with spaced filenames and directories on win

2008-09-24 Thread Dennis Daupert
Dennis wrote:
>> The script has a problem when it hits a directory or filename containing
>> spaces.

"Sisyphus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> Probably best if you could provide a small standalone
> script (or one liner) that we can all run, and that
> demonstrates the problem.

Once I've created a test script based on my code, the test script
runs just fine! My problem must be at some other place. I'll
be tracking that down.

I'll paste a full copy of the test script I based on the original code.
I'll post it here, since it has been so damned useful, people might
want to use it. The recursive subroutine calls two callbacks, and
you can do all sorts of useful things in whatever callbacks you
point to. I have a number of scripts based on dir_walk (Thank you,

#! -perl-

use strict;
use warnings;


 Set variables
my $toplevel = 'C:\PROJECTS\ACTIVE\R1.4\r1.4 Hotfixes';

my %the = ('debug' => 1);
my $the = \%the;

 Call main subroutine.

print "Executing $0)\n";
&dir_walk ( "$toplevel", \&print_file, \&print_dir );


=head2 print_file

First callback


sub print_file {
 print "File: ", $_[0] , "\n";

=head2 print_file

Second callback


sub print_dir {
 print "Directory: ", $_[0] , "\n";

=head2 dir_walk

This is the heart of the application. The routine
walks a directory tree located at some path,
supplied in argument $top

$filefunc and $dirfunc are two callbacks, supplied
as subroutine references


sub dir_walk {
  my ($top, $filefunc, $dirfunc) = @_;
  my $DIR;,

  print "In sub dir_walk\n" if $the->{debug} == 1;
  print "top: $top\n" if $the->{debug} == 1;

  if ( -d $top ) {
print "toplevel is a DIR; opendir it\n" if $the->{debug} == 1;
my $file;
unless (opendir $DIR, $top) {
  warn "Couldn't open directory $top: $!; skipping.\n";}

my @results;
while ($file = readdir $DIR) {
  next FILE if $file eq '.' || $file eq '..';
  print "File: $file\n" if $the->{debug} == 1;
  push @results, dir_walk("$top/$file", $filefunc, $dirfunc);;

return $dirfunc->($top, @results);

  } else {

print "flag -d did not detect a dir: $top \n" if $the->{debug} == 1;

return $filefunc->($top);



Dennis Daupert, PhD
Senior Systems Development Professional -- CSC Account

GOS | o: 1.317.298.9499 | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |

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