RE: Mac address of remote host

2005-10-19 Thread Lloyd Sartor
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 10/19/2005 03:06:55 AM:

> > That seems a roundabout way of getting the source MAC 
> > address. Net::Ping 
> > provides means to ping a host and can return the resolved IP 
> > address and 
> > round-trip time.
> I'm confused. How does getting the source mac address help with getting
> the remote one? Am I missing something here?
My bad. Although my eyes saw MAC, my brain thought IP.

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RE: Mac address of remote host

2005-10-18 Thread Lloyd Sartor
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 10/18/2005 11:44:43 AM:

> > Is it possible to obtain the Mac address of a remote host from a ping
> > response?
> > 
> If you are on the same subnet as the remote host, you can ping them and
> then read your arp cache - arp -a on my Windows box. If you're going
> across subnets, you have various options. Wmi, nbtstat -a are the two
> that immediately spring to mind.
> Paul
That seems a roundabout way of getting the source MAC address. Net::Ping 
provides means to ping a host and can return the resolved IP address and 
round-trip time.
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Re: Win32:API Problem

2005-07-23 Thread Lloyd Sartor
"$Bill Luebkert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 07/22/2005 07:19:56 PM:

> David Legault wrote:
> > Hello,
> > 
> > I'm trying to use the Win32:API module to access a DLL function with 
> > this perl code :
> > 
> > $function = Win32::API->new( 'test.dll', 'int startSimulation(int 
> > eRunMode)', );
> Try an alternate calling method and see if it makes a diff :
>my $function = Win32::API->new('test.dll', 'i', 'i') or die 
> "import: $! ($^E);
>my $return = $function->Call(0);
> or
>my $startSimulation = Win32::API->Import('test.dll',
>  'int startSimulation (int eRunMode)') or
>  die "import startSimulation: $! ($^E)";
>my $return = startSimulation (0);
>print "$return\n";
> > $return = $function->Call(0);
> > print $return;
> > 
> > The C code for the function in the DLL is :
> > 
> > int startSimulation( int eRunMode ) {
> > 
> >return 0;
> > }
> > 
> > Which is very basic and the Symbol is exported with a .def file.
> > 
> > When I run the perl code, it crashes with a pointer to NULL memory 
> > 
> > If anyone has a clue on why this is happening, or has a fix for it, 
> > be glad to know.
> > 
> > P.S. I also tried WJ patched version available at 
> > with the same result.

I experienced a similar problem with accessing a vendor DLL from Perl. The 
cdecl calling convention was the culprit and using Win32::API package resolved it. 
If you provide the DLL (or at least a makefile), I'm willing to try to 
access it from Perl.


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Re: Change in "goto" behavior

2005-07-14 Thread Lloyd Sartor
"$Bill Luebkert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 07/13/2005 10:36:04 PM:

> In structured programming practice, a goto would be totally 
> But ...  when you look at how a switch is implemented in actuality, it's
> full of goto's.
> I guess the point is that you should leave the gotos to the underlying
> generated compiler code and not use it yourself.  But if your language
> is lacking on suitable constructs, you may be forced to use a goto just
> to save all the otherwise unnecessary code to go structured.
> My suggestion - avoid if possible - else use cautiously and 
My opinion is that the goto statement can be useful in error handling 
situations, particularly when parsing data. This removes the 
rarely-executed error handling code from the expected, normal processing 
code. This makes the normal code more cohesive, understandable, and 
maintainable (IMO) because it remains sequential, uncluttered by 
unnecessary indentation, braces, etc. Of course, Perl provides synonyms 
for 'goto' in these scenarios (last, continue).

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RE: NET-DNS & Regex

2005-07-06 Thread Lloyd Sartor
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 07/06/2005 05:53:34 AM:


> $the_ip=''; 
> $the_ip =~ /^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/; $the_domain="$4.$3.$2.$1.
> >>##  you're reversing the order of the IP here. . . Is there some 
> reason you're >>doing this?  $the_domain should now equal "46.159.
> is not a valid domain name (unless it 
has been explicitly defined in the name server). The IP address uniquely 
identifies a network node. The node name is a convenience and an 
address-name association must be defined somewhere (in name server, local 
hosts file, etc.). Domains partition the namespace and allow distribution 
of services; e.g., each domain has a name server which are heirarchically 
invoked when resolving a name, as opposed to a single network-wide name 

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Re: problems with Win32::API import

2005-06-20 Thread Lloyd Sartor
"Sumitro Chowdhury" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 06/20/2005 02:12:49 AM:

> Thanks Lloyd. that was good info.
> I couldn't find related problem in the archives ... can you please send 
> the URL to the discussion you mentioned ? I hope to learn more from that 

> thread.

There are several threads there regarding Win32::API. The referenced
thread occurred on May 20, 2005.

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Re: problems with Win32::API import

2005-06-17 Thread Lloyd Sartor
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 06/17/2005 02:01:21 PM:

> Hi Masters.
> This code on my WinXP crashes perl.
> Searched the list , but only the old syle ( Method 1 or Method 2 ) comes 
> I am trying Method 3 , new with .40 onwards.
> Please can somebody point out my "basic" mistake :
> print "TYPE DWORD is known to Win32::API::Type \n" if 
> Win32::API::Type->is_known('DWORD');
> print "TYPE LPTSTR is known to Win32::API::Type \n" if 
> Win32::API::Type->is_known('LPTSTR');
> my $GetTempPathRetVal = Win32::API->Import('kernel32','DWORD 
> DWORD nBufferLength, LPTSTR lpBuffer )');
> if($GetTempPathRetVal eq 0) {
> die "Can't import API GetTempPath : $^E\n";
> }
> my $lpBuffer = '-'x80;
> my $returnval = GetTempPath(79,$lpBuffer);
> my $TempPath = substr($lpBuffer,0,$returnval);
> print "Temp path is : $TempPath !!\n";

This problem was recently discussed. Please check the archives. The fix is

# around 158 in if you comment these three lines out,
# it should work:

#   if($is_pointer and $packing eq 'c') {
#   $packing = "p";
#   }

This now works:

use strict;
use warnings;
use Win32::API;

  'DWORD GetTempPathA(DWORD ccBuffer, LPSTR lpszBuffer)') or
  die "Import GetTempPathA: $^E";
my $lpszBuffer = pack 'Z*', ' ' x 80;
my $ret = GetTempPathA (80, $lpszBuffer);
printf "ret='%s'; lpszBuffer='%s'\n", $ret, substr $lpszBuffer, 0, $ret;


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2005-05-20 Thread Lloyd Sartor
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 05/20/2005 12:33:29 PM:

> Not sure if this is a resend, I needed to subscribe to this list:
> I am trying to use Win32::API to import by prototype only;
> of the functions I have tried the ones with type LPTSTR fail;
> I would like to just use the prototypes because if its packing functions
> Win32::API::Struct and Win32::API::Type - see the example in
> example
> use Win32::API;

$Win32::API::DEBUG = 1; # this may be useful

> #DWORD GetTempPath(
> #  DWORD ccBuffer, 
> #  LPTSTR lpszBuffer
> #); 
> #Win32::API->Import("kernel32", "DWORD GetTempPath(DWORD ccBuffer, 
> LPTSTR lpszBuffer)",);

# this allows success(1) or fail(0) to be checked
$rc = Win32::API->Import("kernel32", "DWORD GetTempPath(DWORD ccBuffer, 
LPSTR lpszBuffer)",);

> #this fails and causes generic a windows error when GetTempPath() is 
> Win32::API->Import('kernel32', 'GetTempPath', 'NP', 'N');
> #this of course works, but I would like to use the prototype
> #the example at the end of demonstrates using the prototype
> $lpszBuffer = " " x 80;
> GetTempPath(80, $lpszBuffer);
> print $lpszBuffer;

This (with the changes above) fails for me, also. The program output is

(PM)Struct::recognize got 'ccBuffer', 'DWORD' -> 'L'
(PM)Struct::recognize got 'lpszBuffer', 'LPSTR' -> 'p'
(PM)parse_prototype: got PROC 'GetTempPath'
(PM)parse_prototype: got PARAMS 'DWORD ccBuffer, LPSTR lpszBuffer'
(PM)parse_prototype: IN='DWORD' PACKING='L' API_TYPE=1
(PM)parse_prototype: IN='LPSTR' PACKING='p' API_TYPE=2
parse_prototype: IN=[ 1 2 ]
parse_prototype: OUT='DWORD' PACKING='L' API_TYPE=1
(PM)Type::Unpack: unpacking 'p' 'C:\D'

Then I get an application error dialog box that says
"The instruction at 0x78001cf7" referenced memory at "0x445c3a43". The 
memory could not be "read".

I'm using Win32-API 0.41.1 - a 0.41 version modified by another subscriber 

to support cdecl calling convention. Is there a version newer than 0.41?

Stepping with the debugger, it appears that a bad value (coincidently, 
0x445c3a43, which is ascii 'C:\D') is getting picked up as the pointer
to the string variable data.

I don't know what's happening under the Win32::API hood (a lot of XS 
I've included my program and a debug log below with the hope it may be 
useful to someone who has more smarts and time than I.

Let me know if anyone makes progress.


use Win32::API;

$Win32::API::DEBUG = 1;

# DWORD GetTempPath(
#   DWORD ccBuffer, 
#   LPSTR lpszBuffer
# ); 

$rc = Win32::API->Import("kernel32", "DWORD GetTempPath(DWORD ccBuffer, 
LPSTR lpszBuffer)",);

#! Win32::API->Import('kernel32', 'GetTempPath', 'NP', 'N');

$lpszBuffer = " " x 128;
GetTempPath(128, $lpszBuffer);

print $lpszBuffer;

>> perl -d

Loading DB routines from version 1.28
Editor support available.

Enter h or `h h' for help, or `perldoc perldebug' for more help.

40: my $section = 'nothing';
  DB<1> r
scalar context return from CODE(0x1cda6b0): ''
main::(   $Win32::API::DEBUG = 1;
  DB<1> l
3==>$Win32::API::DEBUG = 1;
5   # DWORD GetTempPath(
6   #   DWORD ccBuffer,
7   #   LPSTR lpszBuffer
8   # );
11: $rc = Win32::API->Import("kernel32", "DWORD GetTempPath(DWORD 
LPSTR lpszBuffer)",);
14  #! Win32::API->Import('kernel32', 'GetTempPath', 'NP', 'N');
18: $lpszBuffer = " " x 128;
19: GetTempPath(128, $lpszBuffer);
21: print $lpszBuffer;
  DB<1> c 11
main::(  $rc = Win32::API->Import("kernel32", "DWORD 
DWORD ccBuffer, LPSTR lpszBuffer)",);
  DB<2> n
(PM)parse_prototype: got PROC 'GetTempPath'
(PM)parse_prototype: got PARAMS 'DWORD ccBuffer, LPSTR lpszBuffer'
(PM)parse_prototype: IN='DWORD' PACKING='L' API_TYPE=1
(PM)parse_prototype: IN='LPSTR' PACKING='p' API_TYPE=2
parse_prototype: IN=[ 1 2 ]
parse_prototype: OUT='DWORD' PACKING='L' API_TYPE=1
main::(  $lpszBuffer = " " x 128;
  DB<2> x $rc
0  1
  DB<3> l
18==>   $lpszBuffer = " " x 128;
19: GetTempPath(128, $lpszBuffer);
21: print $lpszBuffer;
  DB<3> n
main::(  GetTempPath(128, $lpszBuffer);

# start stepping into Win32::API glue

  DB<3> s
main::GetTempPath((eval 7)[C:/Perl/site/lib/Win32/]:2):
2:  sub main::GetTempPath { 
$Win32::API::Imported{"kernel32:DWORD Ge
tTempPath(DWORD ccBuffer, LPSTR lpszBuffer)"}->Call(@_); }
  DB<3> s

# Win32::API packs pointer to $lpszBuffer to pass to GetTempPath???

189:my $type = $_[0];
  DB<3> x @_
0  'LPSTR'
1  '
  DB<4> l
189==>  my $type = $_[0];
191:if(packing($type) eq 'c' and is_pointer($type)) {
192:$_[1] = pack("Z*", $_[1]

Re: General question.

2005-04-28 Thread Lloyd Sartor
Артем Аветисян wrote on 04/28/2005 10:05:53 AM:

> Why do YOU use Perl for Windows?

GUI implementation for R&D of radar systems.
Simulation of system component interfaces.
"Quick and dirty" programs.

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RE: Win32-API and ghostscript API

2005-04-21 Thread Lloyd Sartor
Rogers, John wrote on 04/20/2005 11:26:52 PM:

> Rob and Lloyd, 
> Robs code actually works with gs8.15 
> >I've just now noticed that the function you're accessing is called 
> >'gsapi_revision' whereas I'm accessing 'gsdll_revision'. 
> I got gsapi_ from the api.htm doc with gs8.15 gsdll_ is depreciated. 
> A dll export browser shows both though.  I assume there the same, 
> only different format parameters 
> Cant make gsapi_ work though. 
> A Win32::API::Struct solution would be interesting though, following
> gives protection fault "memory can not be written. 
> use strict; 
> use Win32::API; 
> my($GS_Rev,$rev,$DLL,$size); 
> Win32::API::Struct->typedef( REVINFO => qw { 
>  CHAR *product; 
>  CHAR *copyright; 
>  LONG revision; 
>  LONG revisiondate; 
> } ); 
> $rev = Win32::API::Struct->new('REVINFO'); 
> $DLL = 'C:\gs\gs8.15\bin\gsdll32.dll'; 
> $GS_Rev = Win32::API->new($DLL,'gsdll_revision','SL','V') 
> or die "no-worky $! $^E"; 
> ### need to fix interface spec 
> # 

What is the value of $size? I don't see where it is set. (Although I 
doubt this would result in a protection fault.) It appears that the 
problem is the semantics of using a Struct in a Win32 call.

> $GS_Rev->Call($rev,$size); 
> print $rev->{revision}; 

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RE: die() without setting $@

2005-04-20 Thread Lloyd Sartor
John Deighan wrote on 04/20/2005 08:25:09 AM:

> The problem with trying to use goto, or a return, or setting a global 
> variable is that they don't work well in a function that's being called 
> the code that contains the eval. 'return' won't work because it will 
> return from the function that was called. I don't think that 'goto' will 

> work, though you might be able to goto ::EOB, I don't know. The 
> global variable would still work, but I think that it requires too much 
> dependency between the module that the called function is in and the 
> containing the eval. I was hoping for something that works just like 
> but didn't set $@, but in the absence of that, I think that perhaps the 
> best solution is to do something like die("All is well\n"), then when 
> checking for $@ after the eval block, just treat that string as a 
> case. Does anyone see a problem with that?
> At 02:28 AM 4/20/2005, Anderson, Mark (Service Delivery) wrote:
> >perldoc -f goto
> >
> >eval {
> > ...
> > goto EOB;
> > ...
> > ...
> > EOB: return;
> >};if($@){
> > ...
> >}
> >
> >Kind regards,
> >
> >Mark Anderson
> >Service Improvement Programme
> >Level 2, 113 Dundas Street
> >Edinburgh, EH3 5DE
> >Tel: 0131 523 8786
> >Mob: 07808 826 063
> >
> >
> > > -Original Message-
> > > [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
Of John
> > > Deighan
> > > Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2005 4:57 PM
> > > To:
> > > Subject:  die() without setting $@
> > >
> > > *** WARNING : This message originates from the Internet ***
> > >
> > > I need to be able to jump to the end of the enclosing eval block, 
> > > like
> > > a die() does, but without setting [EMAIL PROTECTED] Is there a way to do 
> > > that? 
> > > checked the Perl docs, but couldn't find it). I could possibly die() 
> > > a
> > > specific string, then use "if ($@ && ($@ ne ))" as the error 
> > >
> > > but that's aesthetically unpleasing.
> > >
> > > If you're interested in why, here's the explanation. Our web site is
> > > implemented via a series of "opcodes". The opcode is passed in the 
> > > There is a goto in our main script that dispatches to a particular 
> > >
> > > and the code implementing the opcodes is surrounded by an eval 
block. When
> > >
> > > the output is generated, it's generated via a call to a library that
> > > outputs a page - usually using a template file. There is, however, 
also a
> > > function called errorPage() to which you pass a string. Now, when
> > > errorPage() is called, there has to be no further HTTP output, so 
> > > prefer, at the end of the errorPage() routine, to pass directly to 
the end
> > >
> > > of the eval block in the main code. die() does just that, but after 
> > > eval block, there's a "if ($@)" that handles any real errors, like
> > > database
> > > connection errors, direct calls to die(), etc., and I don't want 
calls to
> > > errorPage() to be treated like true errors (they're "user errors", 
> > > just means that we want to display a page to the user informing them 
> > > their error and how to correct it, and errorPage() does just that. 
> > > errors result in us receiving an e-mail with the error message, and 
> > > error being logged to a database table).
> > >
Here's an off-the-cuff idea. But it may not meet your requirement to be 
aesthetically pleasing. At the point the eval block is to be exitted,
use die() with the current $@ encoded in the die string. Immediately
following the eval block, the die string would have to be decoded to
recover the $@ representing a "real error" and the rest of the die string
indicating "user error."

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Re: Win32-API and ghostscript API

2005-04-20 Thread Lloyd Sartor
"Rogers, John" wrote on 04/20/2005 02:00:58 AM:


>  -Original Message- 
> From:   Rogers, John 
> Sent:   Wednesday, 20 April 2005 4:56 PM 
> To: Perl-Win32-Gui-Users (E-mail) 
> Subject:Win32-API and ghostscript API 
> hi, 
> I want to access the ghostscript API for the gsdll32.dll. 
> been trying this any which way cant make it work, I must be doing 
> some thing wrong any Ideas ? 

I made corrections to your program, but did not get it to work first try, 
and I don't have time to spend on it right now. I've made comments below.

> ### 
> use strict; 
> use Win32::API; 
> Win32::API::Struct->typedef( REVINFO => qw{ 
> CHAR *product; 
> CHAR *copyright; 
> LONG revision; 
> LONG revisiondate; 
> }); 
> my $rev = Win32::API::Struct->new('REVINFO'); 

I haven't used Win32::API::Struct. I'll have to get more familiar
before I can get a working version.

> Win32::API->new('C:\gs\gs8.15\bin\gsdll32.
> dll','gsapi_revision','CCNN',V) or die "no-worky $! $^E"; 

This call returns an object which you must save. The DLL function is not
invoked. According to GS 8.50 documentation, the gsapi_revision interface
is if gsapi_revision(&r, sizeof(r)), where r is a REVINFO struct. So your
description of the interface ('CCNN','V') is incorrect. Also, 'C' is a
char, not a *char. Passing a pointer to a structure that contains pointers
makes it a little tricky defining the interface. You'll have to pack Perl
variables into a 'binary' string. I don't have it correct yet - that's why 

I haven't gotten it to work.

> print $rev->{revision}; 

The function has not been invoked. You need $obj->Call(parms) where
$obj is the return from the Win32::API->new.

Here's what I've got so far. Passing of parameters still needs to be 

use strict; 
use Win32::API; 

use vars qw($GS_Rev);

Win32::API::Struct->typedef( REVINFO => qw { 
 CHAR *product; 
 CHAR *copyright; 
 LONG revision; 
 LONG revisiondate; 
} ); 

my $rev = Win32::API::Struct->new('REVINFO'); 

my $DLL = 'C:\Program Files\gs\gs8.50\bin\gsdll32.dll';

$GS_Rev = Win32::API->new($DLL,'gsapi_revision','PL','V') 
or die "no-worky $! $^E"; 

### need to fix interface spec
$rev = $GS_Rev->Call(???);

print $rev->{revision}; 


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RE: This is fun

2005-04-18 Thread Lloyd Sartor
Chris Wagner wrote on 04/18/2005 01:16:05 PM:

> At 10:10 AM 4/18/05 -0700, Jan Dubois wrote:
> >> > $x=10;
> >> > $x=$x++;
> >> > print "$x\n";
> >> > #Results: $x=10, $x=11.
> >> The first result ($x=10) puzzles me. Are not the $x on the LHS and 
> >> refering to the same scalar? I would think that $x would be assigned 
> >> value of $x (10), and then be post-incremented, resulting in 11.
> I think the best way to understand this is that the evaluation of the =
> operator comes later than the evaluation of the ++ operator.  First $x 
> interpreted as a right hand value of 10.  The = operator now has a 10 in
> it's queue of things to shove into the left hand side.  Once $x is
> interpreted into a 10, the ++ operator is evaluated and $x becomes 11. 
> wait, the = operator still has to shove it's queue of things into $x. It
> does this and the preincrement value of $x is shoved back into $x. 
> $x = 10;
> $x = ++$x;
> print $x;
> #->> 11
> Here the = operator sees the postincrement value of $x and shoves 
> that into $x.
> >Think about how a more complex expression would need to be compiled:
> >
> >  $x = 10;
> >  $x = $x++ + $x++;
> Same thing here, the + operator has a 10 and an 11 to work on.  The 2nd 
> is eleven because one ++ operator has been evaluated.  Basically the ++
> operator leaves the old value as the argument to whatever operator or
> context it's used in.
That's a clear and "computer scientistish" explanation. Boils down to 
precedence, where assignment is included as an operator. 

It's been fun tossing this around.

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Re: This is fun

2005-04-18 Thread Lloyd Sartor
Jerry Kassebaum wrote on 04/17/2005 06:56:29 AM:

> $x=10;
> $x=$x++;
> print "$x\n";
> $x=10;
> $y=$x++;
> print "$x\n";
> #Results: $x=10, $x=11.
> #I understand it, but I think it's weird anyway.

The first result ($x=10) puzzles me. Are not the $x on the LHS and RHS 
refering to the same scalar? I would think that $x would be assigned the 
value of $x (10), and then be post-incremented, resulting in 11. 


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Re: Inline::CPP

2005-04-12 Thread Lloyd Sartor
Lloyd Sartor wrote on 04/11/2005 10:01:15 AM:

> "Sisyphus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 04/08/2005 05:23:42 PM:
> I get an unusual error: Can't open perl script "and" when testing. 
> $ perl
> This will configure and build Inline::C++.
> What default C++ compiler would you like to use? [cl -TP]
> What default libraries would you like to include? [MSVCIRT.LIB]
> Writing Makefile for Inline::CPP::grammar
> Writing Makefile for Inline::CPP
> $ nmake test
> Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 7.10.3077
> Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
> Skip blib\lib\Inline\ (unchanged)
> Skip blib\lib\Inline\CPP.pod (unchanged)
> C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" 
> "test_harness(0, 'bl
> ib\lib', 'blib\arch')" t\01basic.t t\02prefix.t
> t\01basic.Can't open perl script "and": No such file or directory
> Failed to autogenerate C:\Documents and Settings\a1027277\My 
> Documents\Perl\Inli
> ne-CPP\Inline-CPP-0.25\_Inline\config.
>  at t\01basic.t line 30
> BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t\01basic.t line 64.
> t\01basic.dubious
> Test returned status 2 (wstat 512, 0x200)
> DIED. FAILED tests 1-10
> Failed 10/10 tests, 0.00% okay
> t\02prefixCan't open perl script "and": No such file or directory
> Failed to autogenerate C:\Documents and Settings\a1027277\My 
> Documents\Perl\Inli
> ne-CPP\Inline-CPP-0.25\_Inline\config.
>  at t\02prefix.t line 0
> INIT failed--call queue aborted,  line 1.
> t\02prefixdubious
> Test returned status 2 (wstat 512, 0x200)
> DIED. FAILED tests 1-4
> Failed 4/4 tests, 0.00% okay
> Failed Test  Stat Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of Failed
> t\01basic.t 2   51210   20 200.00%  1-10
> t\02prefix.t2   512 48 200.00%  1-4
> Failed 2/2 test scripts, 0.00% okay. 14/14 subtests failed, 0.00% okay.
> NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe' : return code '0x2'
> Stop.

I was bitten by MS directory names that include spaces. After fixing that 
and updating the $INCLUDE environment variable, Inline::CPP tested ok. 

Rob, thanks for the guidance.


$ nmake test

Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 7.10.3077
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Skip blib\lib\Inline\ (unchanged)
Skip blib\lib\Inline\CPP.pod (unchanged)
C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" 
"test_harness(0, 'bl
ib\lib', 'blib\arch')" t\01basic.t t\02prefix.t
All tests successful.
Files=2, Tests=14, 28 wallclock secs ( 0.00 cusr +  0.00 csys =  0.00 CPU)
C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" 
"test_harness(0, '..
\blib\lib', '..\blib\arch')" t\01nherit.t t\02scope.t t\03inline.t 
t\04const.t t
\05virt.t t\06deflt.t t\07static.t t\08anon.t t\09purevt.t t\10struct.t 
rt.t t\12retlst.t t\13vararg.t t\14const.t t\15stvar.t t\16varlst.t
All tests successful.
Files=16, Tests=34, 118 wallclock secs ( 0.00 cusr +  0.00 csys =  0.00 

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Re: Inline::CPP

2005-04-12 Thread Lloyd Sartor
Lloyd Sartor wrote on 04/11/2005 10:01:15 AM:

> "Sisyphus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 04/08/2005 05:23:42 PM:
> I get an unusual error: Can't open perl script "and" when testing. 
> $ perl
> This will configure and build Inline::C++.
> What default C++ compiler would you like to use? [cl -TP]
> What default libraries would you like to include? [MSVCIRT.LIB]
> Writing Makefile for Inline::CPP::grammar
> Writing Makefile for Inline::CPP
> $ nmake test
> Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 7.10.3077
> Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
> Skip blib\lib\Inline\ (unchanged)
> Skip blib\lib\Inline\CPP.pod (unchanged)
> C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" 
> "test_harness(0, 'bl
> ib\lib', 'blib\arch')" t\01basic.t t\02prefix.t
> t\01basic.Can't open perl script "and": No such file or directory
> Failed to autogenerate C:\Documents and Settings\a1027277\My 
> Documents\Perl\Inli
> ne-CPP\Inline-CPP-0.25\_Inline\config.
>  at t\01basic.t line 30
> BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t\01basic.t line 64.
> t\01basic.dubious
> Test returned status 2 (wstat 512, 0x200)
> DIED. FAILED tests 1-10
> Failed 10/10 tests, 0.00% okay
> t\02prefixCan't open perl script "and": No such file or directory
> Failed to autogenerate C:\Documents and Settings\a1027277\My 
> Documents\Perl\Inli
> ne-CPP\Inline-CPP-0.25\_Inline\config.
>  at t\02prefix.t line 0
> INIT failed--call queue aborted,  line 1.
> t\02prefixdubious
> Test returned status 2 (wstat 512, 0x200)
> DIED. FAILED tests 1-4
> Failed 4/4 tests, 0.00% okay
> Failed Test  Stat Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of Failed
> t\01basic.t 2   51210   20 200.00%  1-10
> t\02prefix.t2   512 48 200.00%  1-4
> Failed 2/2 test scripts, 0.00% okay. 14/14 subtests failed, 0.00% okay.
> NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe' : return code '0x2'
> Stop.

I was bitten by MS directory names that include spaces. After fixing that 
and updating the $INCLUDE environment variable, Inline::CPP tested ok. 

Rob, thanks for the guidance.


$ nmake test

Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 7.10.3077
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Skip blib\lib\Inline\ (unchanged)
Skip blib\lib\Inline\CPP.pod (unchanged)
C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" 
"test_harness(0, 'bl
ib\lib', 'blib\arch')" t\01basic.t t\02prefix.t
All tests successful.
Files=2, Tests=14, 28 wallclock secs ( 0.00 cusr +  0.00 csys =  0.00 CPU)
C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" 
"test_harness(0, '..
\blib\lib', '..\blib\arch')" t\01nherit.t t\02scope.t t\03inline.t 
t\04const.t t
\05virt.t t\06deflt.t t\07static.t t\08anon.t t\09purevt.t t\10struct.t 
rt.t t\12retlst.t t\13vararg.t t\14const.t t\15stvar.t t\16varlst.t
All tests successful.
Files=16, Tests=34, 118 wallclock secs ( 0.00 cusr +  0.00 csys =  0.00 

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Re: Inline::CPP

2005-04-11 Thread Lloyd Sartor
"Sisyphus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 04/08/2005 05:23:42 PM:

> > $Bill wrote on 04/08/2005 09:23:03 AM:
> >
> > > Sisyphus wrote:
> > >
> > > > Try cpan :-)
> > > >
> > > > As was mentioned a few days back, there might be problems with 
> > > > compilers on Win32 - but I thought we covered those issues. What's 
> > > > problem you've come up against ?
> > >
> > > If there were no problems, it would be available via PPM somewhere. 
> > >
> That's correct - but those (2) problems were discussed a few days back 
> the thread 'More on Re: Windows DLL - Perl Interface' which op was
> following.
> > I need to link functions from a vendor's CPP source to a Perl program.
> > (Inline::C doesn't find the functions because of the name mangling.) 
> > ActiveState web site does not indicate that Inline::CPP is available 
> > Win32. Am I SOL?
> >
> Go to and click on the
> 'Download' link. Extract the downloaded file to some folder and cd to 
> folder. As was mentioned in a link provided in that other thread, 
> at about line 44 of you have:
> #ifndef bool
> #include <%iostream%>
> #endif
> extern "C" {
> #include "EXTERN.h"
> #include "perl.h"
> Add "#include " to the top of that list - so it reads:
> #include 
> #ifndef bool
> #include <%iostream%>
> #endif
> extern "C" {
> #include "EXTERN.h"
> #include "perl.h"
> Then run, in succession,
> perl
> nmake test
> nmake install
> The last test in the test suite will fail (with VC++ 6.0) - not sure 
> but it probably won't lead to any problems for you. If it does, let us 
> I assume you are using VC++ 6.0.

I am using Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003 installed per 
I never rebuilt Perl. Is that necessary?

$ cl /?
Microsoft (R) 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 13.10.3077 for 
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1984-2002. All rights reserved.

I get an unusual error: Can't open perl script "and" when testing. 

$ perl
This will configure and build Inline::C++.
What default C++ compiler would you like to use? [cl -TP]
What default libraries would you like to include? [MSVCIRT.LIB]
Writing Makefile for Inline::CPP::grammar
Writing Makefile for Inline::CPP

$ nmake test

Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 7.10.3077
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Skip blib\lib\Inline\ (unchanged)
Skip blib\lib\Inline\CPP.pod (unchanged)
C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" 
"test_harness(0, 'bl
ib\lib', 'blib\arch')" t\01basic.t t\02prefix.t
t\01basic.Can't open perl script "and": No such file or directory
Failed to autogenerate C:\Documents and Settings\a1027277\My 

 at t\01basic.t line 30
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t\01basic.t line 64.
Test returned status 2 (wstat 512, 0x200)
DIED. FAILED tests 1-10
Failed 10/10 tests, 0.00% okay
t\02prefixCan't open perl script "and": No such file or directory
Failed to autogenerate C:\Documents and Settings\a1027277\My 

 at t\02prefix.t line 0
INIT failed--call queue aborted,  line 1.
Test returned status 2 (wstat 512, 0x200)
DIED. FAILED tests 1-4
Failed 4/4 tests, 0.00% okay
Failed Test  Stat Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of Failed
t\01basic.t 2   51210   20 200.00%  1-10
t\02prefix.t2   512 48 200.00%  1-4
Failed 2/2 test scripts, 0.00% okay. 14/14 subtests failed, 0.00% okay.
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe' : return code '0x2'

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Re: Inline::CPP

2005-04-08 Thread Lloyd Sartor
$Bill wrote on 04/08/2005 09:23:03 AM:

> Sisyphus wrote:
> > Try cpan :-)
> > 
> > As was mentioned a few days back, there might be problems with some
> > compilers on Win32 - but I thought we covered those issues. What's the
> > problem you've come up against ?
> If there were no problems, it would be available via PPM somewhere.  :)

I need to link functions from a vendor's CPP source to a Perl program. 
(Inline::C doesn't find the functions because of the name mangling.) The 
ActiveState web site does not indicate that Inline::CPP is available for 
Win32. Am I SOL?

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2005-04-08 Thread Lloyd Sartor
Can anyone tell me where I can find a working Inline::CPP for Win32?

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Re: [OT] Spam to list

2005-04-05 Thread Lloyd Sartor

> > 1) Remove all .sigs and other parts of the
message that aren't pertinent
> > to your reply.  (Don't be lazy and force it on the next
> > 2) Respond to each sentence/paragraph immediately below that
item and
> > keep the quoting intact (the >>> stuff on the left)
so people know you
> > said what.
> > 3) Post in plain text only and keep the width to around 70 to
allow for
> > quoting of responses and still stay under 80 (obviously a code
> > would go the full 80 since you're pasting it in).
> This should be taught in elementary school along with sex education
> and nutrition. 

They didn't have sex education when I was in elementary
school. Nor did my
father ever tell me about the birds and the bees.
So I learned much about
sex, like posting, from friends and observation. Sometimes,
these were poor
examples. The what, how, and why of many things were
not learned until 
much later in life.

This thread has been very enlightening. I'm sure there
are others like me
that "top posted" simply because of ignorance,
not malice or laziness.

Now I can't wait to respond in proper style! ;-)

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Re: [OT] Spam to list

2005-03-31 Thread Lloyd Sartor
Ye of little faith...even PERL blesses those of the proper class...[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: -To: Sisyphus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>From: "$Bill Luebkert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: 03/31/2005 08:15PMcc: perl-win32-users Subject: Re: [OT] Spam to listSisyphus wrote:> Hi,> Whenever I reply to this list I receive a message from> [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the following subject:> > Symantec Mail Security detected that you sent a message containing> prohibited content that is considered spam - please call email recipient.> > The body of the email reads something like:> > Subject of the message: Re: More on Re: Windows DLL - Perl Interface> Recipient of the message: ""> > > Does anybody else receive these gems ? Anyone know what's (likely to be)> going on ? It's only mail to this list that generates the spam notification.> I don't know if I will receive it when I *start* a thread on this list > but I'm about to find out.Obviously they don't like Aussies.If that's not it, must be that M$ crap you're using to post with.If that's not it, I recommend bumping [EMAIL PROTECTED] from the Win32 list.If that doesn't help, quit posting to the list.If that doesn't get it, email your posts to me and I'll forward them to the list.If that doesn't work, pray - but I'm sure that won't help.PS: I don't get the rejections you speak of, but I do get tons of OOF replies.--   ,-/-  __      _  _         $Bill Luebkert    Mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (_/   /  )    // //       DBE Collectibles    Mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  / ) /--<  o // //      Castle of Medieval Myth & Magic' /___/_<_ (My Perl/Lakers stuff)___Perl-Win32-Users mailing listPerl-Win32-Users@listserv.ActiveState.comTo unsubscribe:
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RE: More on Re: Windows DLL - Perl Interface

2005-03-31 Thread Lloyd Sartor

It's not clear to me what is meant by
"an OO manner." Is the DLL an implementation of one or more C++
classes? Or is the DLL being accessed from within a Perl class/object?
Or both?

Your questions lead me to consider passing
objects between C++ and Perl. I don't know how that would/could be done.
But it might be an interesting science project.

But if I needed a solution in a timely
manner, I would concisely define what must be OO, and then probably attack
it with Inline::C or Inline:C++. Win32::API certainly has its limitations.

I will be interested in hearing how
you proceed.

Good luck,

wrote on 03/31/2005 03:21:42 PM:

> Any updates on this?
> I have no choice but to access a DLL in an OO manner.  Win32::API
in its
> latest release seems to be geared towards non-oo implementation
> (importing it in to behave like a sub) with little doc on how to handle
> it in an OO manner.  Additionally, all of the packing and unpacking...
> Isn't there something easier to use out there?  
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
> Sisyphus
> Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2005 4:03 PM
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: More on Re: Windows DLL - Perl Interface
> Lloyd Sartor wrote:
> > FYI - if I had to do it all over again, I would go the Inline::C
> route, 
> > although it may take some time to get the compiler tools installed.
> > 
> That's my preferred route, too - and installing the "compiler
> amounts to nothing more than installing the MinGW binaries (and also

> installing ExtUtils::FakeConfig if you're running ActiveState perl.
> Cheers,
> Rob
> ___
> Perl-Win32-Users mailing list
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> ___
> Perl-Win32-Users mailing list
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Re: problem with TERM::ReadKey

2005-03-29 Thread Lloyd Sartor

For information on building AS Perl
under Windows, see

All the tools are available on the internet
at no cost - including MSVC++. The link explains where to get them.



03/29/2005 03:03 PM



problem with TERM::ReadKey

okay, i have a perl script that sends a text file
serial data records out an I/O port at variable
baudrates, etc..  
I need to have a way to interrupt the data
transmission *cleanly* (not via CTRL-C), so that the
current data string completes to the next CR/LF
terminator before stopping.
therefore, i need some sort of unbuffered input so the
program can check whether a character has been pressed
(say, the ESC key), and stops the program, otherwise
it will carry on normally.  
I havent been able to get the getc() function to work
as i wanted; i dont have stty.  cygwin is not an
option as this is going to be used by other windows
users who just point to my perl build on a networked
I have found what i think is what I need:  The
TERM::ReadKey module and/or the TERM::GetKey module
(which depends on ReadKey)
problem is, i can not compile the TERM::ReadKey from
source.  whoever wrote it thought that Microsoft's
Visual C++ was a good build environment.  Since I
don't have Visual C++, my nmake always fails at the
cl.exe command.  I tried spoofing it to my c++.exe and
removing some switches, but then it fails on the
link.exe command.  I am not a C++ programmer, so now
I'm stuck.  (My work is also not going to buy me
MSVC++ just so i can compile one stinkin perl module
can anyone help me out?  Is there a better way to
solve my original problem?

Do you Yahoo!? 
Yahoo! Small Business - Try our new resources site! 
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Re: c -> perl

2005-03-28 Thread Lloyd Sartor

There are recent threads in the archive
that discuss Perl-to-C interface options. I recommend taking a good look
at Inline::C before deciding on Win32::API.

"Paul Rogers"
03/28/2005 08:11 AM



c -> perl

I've been tasked with getting some perl scripts to
connect to the GoldMine 
API.  I checked some of their API docs and they have C and VB sample
I figured it'd be easier to translate directly from C, even though I have
real clue about C.  Easier, in the sense that I'm dealing with C data
not VB data types.

>From my research on this, it looks like I'll need to use Win32::API
to do 
this job.

Any hints/direction as to how I can do this?

Paul ---

// prototypes

 typedef int (*fnGMW_LoadBDE) ( char *szSysDir, char *szGoldDir, char 
*szCommonDir, char *szUser );
 typedef int (*fnGMW_UnloadBDE) ();

void GM5S32_DLL_Test() {

 // load the GM5S32.DLL
  HMODULE hLib = LoadLibrary("GM5S32.DLL");

 if( hLib ) {
  // get proc addresses of GM5S32 functions
   fnGMW_LoadBDE GMW_LoadBDE = (fnGMW_LoadBDE) GetProcAddress( (HINSTANCE)

hLib, "GMW_LoadBDE" );
   fnGMW_UnloadBDE GMW_UnloadBDE = (fnGMW_UnloadBDE)
   GetProcAddress((HINSTANCE) hLib,"GMW_UnloadBDE");

  // initialize the BDE
   GMW_LoadBDE( "d:\\gm4", "d:\\gm4", "d:\\gm4\\demo",
szUser, szPass );

  // do whatever..

  // shut down BDE

  // unload the DLL

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Re: ppm and proxies

2005-03-23 Thread Lloyd Sartor

Ask your network administrator - whoever
manages your firewall. You might check your browser configuration - it
may already be configured to use a proxy.

That is information local to your network.
It has nothing to do with Perl and I don't think the list will be able
to find the info for you.

Arnold Wiegert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

03/23/2005 11:54 AM



Re: ppm and proxies


> In your system environment variables set up the following:
> HTTP_proxy -
> HTTP_proxy_user - username
> HTTP_proxy_pass - pass

The real problem is figuring out what to put in the HTTP_proxy field ;-)


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Re: ppm and proxies

2005-03-22 Thread Lloyd Sartor

Set the HTTP_proxy environment variable
to the URL of your proxy.

Arnold Wiegert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

03/22/2005 04:05 PM



ppm and proxies

Any one have any details or Howtos on setting up a 'proxy' for use with

Me and my Activestate Perl (running under WinME) live behind a Dachstein

LEAF/LRP firewall and 'we' have been having troubles setting up some of

the packages by downloading the files from ActiveState to a local 
repository and installing from there.

I've also had a lot of help in trying to install some troublesome 
modules manually, but things are still not working as well as they should.

As a result I would like to investigate using a proxy, but I have next

to no clue as to where to find one and/or how to go about 
getting/setting up/using it.

My main assumption is that this proxy lives on my firewall and I am 
asking in the appropriate group for more details.

Is this a good assumption, and if not, what part is wrong and in which

way,  where can I find out more?

Activestate simply says a proxy is one way to install packages when one

is behind a firewall, but I've not found much in the way of details and

specifics for setting it up.

Any help is greatly appreciated.


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Re: variable question

2005-03-16 Thread Lloyd Sartor

What is your intent here? What should $test2 be? Depending on your answers, maybe one of the following will help.

Solution 1: In your code, $test2 is set to the value of $test. To get it to $ultimate_value, do the same. Now all three variables are "boo".

$test = "boo";
$test2 = "$test";
$ultimate_value = "$test2";
print "$test\t$test2\t$ultimate_value\n\n";

boo     boo     boo

Solution 2: Make $test2 a hard reference to $test, so the value of $test2 at any time is the value of $test. Then assign $test2 to $uv:

$test = "boo";
$test2 = \$test;
$ultimate_value = $$test2;
print "$test\t$test2\t$ultimate_value\n\n";

boo     SCALAR(0x1a4baa4)       boo

Solution 3: Use a symbolic reference to $test:

$test = "boo";
$test2 = 'test';
$ultimate_value = $$test2;
print "$test\t$test2\t$ultimate_value\n\n";

boo     test    boo


"vaughnte" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
03/16/2005 04:03 PM
Please respond to vaughnte

        Subject:        variable question


I am looking to achieve the following :

$test = "boo";
$test2 = "$test";
$ultimate_value = <$test2>;
where $ultimate_value ends up with contents of $test.

Any suggestions...(beyond $ultimate_value = $test)... :)

Terry E. Vaughn
phone:  843-841-

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More on Re: Windows DLL - Perl Interface

2005-03-15 Thread Lloyd Sartor

FYI - if I had to do it all over again, I would go the Inline::C route, although it may take some time to get the compiler tools installed.



I recently had to interface Perl to a Windows DLL. I learned that Win32::API 0.41 did not support cdecl calling convention. Another list subscriber provided a modified WIn32::API patched to handle cdecl convention. However, it has a quirk when calling a procedure with zero parameters - do not specify cdecl in that case. Look at the list archive for a thread describing my experience and results. (I would give you the link, but I can not get to the ActiveState web site right now. A pertinent part of the thread is inserted below.)

I have had success with Willem's modified Win32::API, but with an anomoly. (FYI, I had to download msvcr71.dll to get it to work.) 

The following is from the vendor-provided C include file:

#define IMPORT extern "C" __declspec(dllimport)

IMPORT DWORD Card_Check(void);

When I created the API objects specifying 'cdecl' as the calling convention:

$CardCheck = new Win32::API($XXX_DLL,'_CardCheck',[],'L','_cdecl');
die "**ERROR** unable to create Win32::API object" if !$CardCheck;
$CardOpen = new Win32::API($xxx_DLL,'_CardOpen','L','L','_cdecl');
then the process died on the call to $CardCheck. When I created $CardCheck without specifying '_cdecl', then both $CardCheck and $CardOpen succeeded.

I'm sure both DLL procedures use the same calling convention. My guess is $CardCheck behaves differently because it has zero input arguments.

It may be nice if Win32::API defaulted to the cdecl convention if the procedure name begins with an underscore. (DIY project?)

Thank you for help,

02/04/2005 01:21 PM
        To:        Lloyd Sartor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        Subject:        Re: Help for debugging Win32::API DLL interface

the standard version of Win32::API does not support api's declared with 

maybe your dll has functions declared that way?

If this is the case, see a patch I made to Win32::API, to support cdecl 
type functions too:


Lloyd Sartor wrote:
> I am trying to use a third-party DLL to control their PCI board. The 
> first call to the DLL works, but the second causes the entire Perl 
> process to die with the following error in a dialog box:
> The instruction at "0x280414c5" referenced memory at "0x0004". The 
> memory could not be "written".
> My first suspicion is the stack is being corrupted because of mismatched 
> parameter types. But to test this theory, I repeatedly called the 
> working function with no problems. The DLL procedure objects appear to 
> be created correctly - the lower word of the address matches the DLL 
> offset for the procedures. Here is a code snippet. (I have changed the 
> function names to protect the privacy of our vendor.)
> $Card_Check = new Win32::API($XXX_DLL,'_CheckCards',[],'L');
> die "**ERROR** unable to create Win32::API object" if !$CheckCard;
> $Card_Open = new Win32::API($XXX_DLL,'_CardOpen','L','L');
> $CardPresent = $Card_Check->Call();
> die "**ERROR** installation error\n\n" if $CardPresent != 1;
> $CardStatus = $Card_Open->Call(1);
> die "**ERROR** Card_Open error\n\n" if $CardStatus != 0;
> I have set env var PERL_DL_DEBUG = 9, hoping to get useful output, but 
> nothing that helped.
> My understanding is that parameter type 'L' (or 'N') on Win32 is 32-bits.
> Any help on how can I find the error source?

If the DLL uses the "cdecl" 

"$Bill Luebkert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
03/14/2005 09:54 PM

        To:        honery <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        Subject:        Re: Windows DLL - Perl Interface

honery wrote:
>>From my read of the applicable docs, and the examples I cannot find an
> appropriate tool for building a Perl interface to a Windows DLL (a
> Perl extension?).
> I'd appreciate it if some of the folks in this group experienced in
> Perl could provide a sanity check.
> The DLL is written in C; it has an interface that uses the "standard"
> calling convention. In VB, I can directly invoke the function in this
> DDL after declaring in the following form:
> Public Declare Function CheckComponent Lib "Check.dll" (ByVal FileName

Re: Windows DLL - Perl Interface

2005-03-15 Thread Lloyd Sartor

I recently had to interface Perl to a Windows DLL. I learned that Win32::API 0.41 did not support cdecl calling convention. Another list subscriber provided a modified WIn32::API patched to handle cdecl convention. However, it has a quirk when calling a procedure with zero parameters - do not specify cdecl in that case. Look at the list archive for a thread describing my experience and results. (I would give you the link, but I can not get to the ActiveState web site right now. A pertinent part of the thread is inserted below.)

I have had success with Willem's modified Win32::API, but with an anomoly. (FYI, I had to download msvcr71.dll to get it to work.) 

The following is from the vendor-provided C include file:

#define IMPORT extern "C" __declspec(dllimport)

IMPORT DWORD Card_Check(void);

When I created the API objects specifying 'cdecl' as the calling convention:

$CardCheck = new Win32::API($XXX_DLL,'_CardCheck',[],'L','_cdecl');
die "**ERROR** unable to create Win32::API object" if !$CardCheck;
$CardOpen = new Win32::API($xxx_DLL,'_CardOpen','L','L','_cdecl');
then the process died on the call to $CardCheck. When I created $CardCheck without specifying '_cdecl', then both $CardCheck and $CardOpen succeeded.

I'm sure both DLL procedures use the same calling convention. My guess is $CardCheck behaves differently because it has zero input arguments.

It may be nice if Win32::API defaulted to the cdecl convention if the procedure name begins with an underscore. (DIY project?)

Thank you for help,

02/04/2005 01:21 PM
        To:        Lloyd Sartor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        Subject:        Re: Help for debugging Win32::API DLL interface

the standard version of Win32::API does not support api's declared with 

maybe your dll has functions declared that way?

If this is the case, see a patch I made to Win32::API, to support cdecl 
type functions too:


Lloyd Sartor wrote:
> I am trying to use a third-party DLL to control their PCI board. The 
> first call to the DLL works, but the second causes the entire Perl 
> process to die with the following error in a dialog box:
> The instruction at "0x280414c5" referenced memory at "0x0004". The 
> memory could not be "written".
> My first suspicion is the stack is being corrupted because of mismatched 
> parameter types. But to test this theory, I repeatedly called the 
> working function with no problems. The DLL procedure objects appear to 
> be created correctly - the lower word of the address matches the DLL 
> offset for the procedures. Here is a code snippet. (I have changed the 
> function names to protect the privacy of our vendor.)
> $Card_Check = new Win32::API($XXX_DLL,'_CheckCards',[],'L');
> die "**ERROR** unable to create Win32::API object" if !$CheckCard;
> $Card_Open = new Win32::API($XXX_DLL,'_CardOpen','L','L');
> $CardPresent = $Card_Check->Call();
> die "**ERROR** installation error\n\n" if $CardPresent != 1;
> $CardStatus = $Card_Open->Call(1);
> die "**ERROR** Card_Open error\n\n" if $CardStatus != 0;
> I have set env var PERL_DL_DEBUG = 9, hoping to get useful output, but 
> nothing that helped.
> My understanding is that parameter type 'L' (or 'N') on Win32 is 32-bits.
> Any help on how can I find the error source?

If the DLL uses the "cdecl" 

"$Bill Luebkert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
03/14/2005 09:54 PM

        To:        honery <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        Subject:        Re: Windows DLL - Perl Interface

honery wrote:
>>From my read of the applicable docs, and the examples I cannot find an
> appropriate tool for building a Perl interface to a Windows DLL (a
> Perl extension?).
> I'd appreciate it if some of the folks in this group experienced in
> Perl could provide a sanity check.
> The DLL is written in C; it has an interface that uses the "standard"
> calling convention. In VB, I can directly invoke the function in this
> DDL after declaring in the following form:
> Public Declare Function CheckComponent Lib "Check.dll" (ByVal FileName
> As String) As Long

Can't you use Win32::API to access it ?

> I like the idea of creating an interface file rather than turning SWIG
> loose on the header to mak

Capturing package "source"

2005-03-07 Thread Lloyd Sartor

I've used ppm and it's great. However, I need to capture the Perl modules that I've used on a project so the software environment can be recreated at some later time.

How can I capture Perl packages (on my local machine) that can later be installed using ppm?

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RE: unpack returning an array?

2005-03-07 Thread Lloyd Sartor

> What I still cannot get it to do is extract them as hex words

This I don't understand. The unpacked number is stored in 8 memory bits. Displaying these 8 bits as decimal, hex, or binary is for human convenience. Use printf if you want to display in hex.

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Re: eval a file inside a script

2005-03-07 Thread Lloyd Sartor

that's beautiful...thanks

"$Bill Luebkert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
03/07/2005 09:19 AM

        To:        Lloyd Sartor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        Subject:        Re: eval a file inside a script

Lloyd Sartor wrote:

> Is there an easier or more concise way to eval a script file inside
> another script than the following?
> open WCFG,'<.\';
> @cfg = ;
> close WCFG;
> eval "@cfg";

Have you tried   do './';

  ,-/-  __      _  _         $Bill Luebkert    Mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 (_/   /  )    // //       DBE Collectibles    Mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  / ) /--<  o // //      Castle of Medieval Myth & Magic
-/-' /___/_<_

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eval a file inside a script

2005-03-07 Thread Lloyd Sartor

Is there an easier or more concise way to eval a script file inside another script than the following?

open WCFG,'<.\';
@cfg = ;
close WCFG;
eval "@cfg";
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RE: unpack returning an array?

2005-03-07 Thread Lloyd Sartor

I think you want to use 'C4' (or 'C*' or whatever) instead of 'H8' to get an array of bytes.

$buffer = pack('C*',0x7c,0x45,0x3e,0x02);
$MyArray[0] = [ unpack('C*',$buffer) ];

"Ed Chester" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
03/07/2005 08:39 AM

        To:        "Paul Sobey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
        Subject:        RE: unpack returning an array?

> How about:
> my @array = unpack ("H8", $buffer);
> $MyArray[$i] = [EMAIL PROTECTED];
> Or even:
> $MyArray[$i] = [ unpack ("H8", $buffer) ];

Thanks for the suggestion - you're right, unpack is seeing scalar context. Your two ideas are the same, they do indeed assign the output of pack to a (1-element) array which is passed to $MyArray[$i]. What I know isn't right is the H8 - instead of H8 as a single array element, i'd like an array like e.g. H2, H2, H2, H2.  my explanation wasn't brilliant, but i hope the example i gave is better. any idea how to set unpack's template to do this? 

thanks a lot for your time, 

ed c

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Re: Word and Byte Types

2005-02-25 Thread Lloyd Sartor

However, perl does provide the pack and unpack functions for squeezing variables into machine-dependent quanta. This is very useful when a precise data structure must be provided, such as when using library functions or a message-passing interface.

Win32::API::Structure also provides the ability to use C structures.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Chris Wagner)
02/25/2005 01:53 PM

        Subject:        Re: Word and Byte Types

Sorry, perl has no concept of variable type.  Any variable is beaten into
the form necessary for the context in which it was called.

$bob = "abc"
print $bob + 5;


At 07:04 PM 2/25/05 +, Anton Ganeshalingam wrote:
>I have a Delphi code as following: 
>                                  var  Key: word;  // Key variable is a word type;
>                                  var Sum: byte;  // Sum variable is a byte type;
>How do I make perl (a type free language) variables $key and $sum behave
>as the above code.
>Please help.

" cede males"


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Re: Help for debugging Win32::API DLL interface

2005-02-07 Thread Lloyd Sartor


While modifying my program to use Inline::C, I realized why Win32::API was crashing: I was specifying a reference to a packed string for a pointer parameter in a Call (code for which I didn't provide snippets in previous emails) when only the string should have been specified.

So now I have both Win32::API and Inline::C versions.

The whitespace-in-pathnames problem is inconvenient, but easy enough to work-around.

Thanks to everyone for their insight and advice. It's been a great learning experience.


02/07/2005 11:24 PM

        To:        Lloyd Sartor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        Subject:        Re: Help for debugging Win32::API DLL interface

Lloyd Sartor wrote:
> Well, I'm back. Continuing to have problems using Win32::API so abandoning 
> it in favor of Inline.
> However, having spaces in pathnames is causing problems. Any suggestions?

Best to simply avoid any directory with a space in its name. But if you 
can't do that - then you'll avoid the problem if you specify those 
horrible DOSish type names instead.

So - at a guess - run:
cd \DOCUME~1\a1027277\MYDOCU~1\temp

If that succeeds you should then be able to run that Inline script.
If the 'cd' call fails then obviously I failed to provide the correct 
alternative name.

Following script should work:

use Inline C => Config =>
     'LIBS' => '-L/path/to/lib -lname_of_lib',
     'BUILD_NOISY => 1; # display compiler warnings

use Inline C => <<'EOC';

#include "/full_path/to/external/header.h"

int wrap_card_check() {
     return Card_Check();

int wrap_card_open(int num) {
     return Card_Open(num);


# Add the perl bit.

See also 'perldoc Inline::C-Cookbook' for examples on using external 
libs with Inline.


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Re: Help for debugging Win32::API DLL interface

2005-02-07 Thread Lloyd Sartor

Well, I'm back. Continuing to have problems using Win32::API so abandoning it in favor of Inline.

However, having spaces in pathnames is causing problems. Any suggestions?

use Inline C => <<'END_C';

void greet() {
    printf("Hello, world\n");


>> dir
 Directory of C:\Documents and Settings\a1027277\My Documents\temp

02/07/2005  02:13p                 178

>> perl
Can't open C:\Documents\config for output.
No such file or directory

 at -e line 0
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted.
Failed to autogenerate C:\Documents and Settings\a1027277\My Documents\temp\_Inl

 at line 5
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at line 10.

Lloyd Sartor
02/07/2005 08:54 AM

        To:        Sisyphus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        Subject:        Re: Help for debugging Win32::API DLL interfaceLink

Yes, there are missing underscores - a typo when I converted the lengthy vendor procedure names into shorter generic names. The leading underscore, of course, is added by the C compiler.

> $CardCheck = new Win32::API($XXX_DLL,'_Card_Check',[],'L','_cdecl');
> die "**ERROR** unable to create Win32::API object" if !$CardCheck;
> $CardOpen = new Win32::API($xxx_DLL,'_Card_Open','L','L','_cdecl');

I'm aware that XS may be a better long-term solution (from the Win32::API doc), but I've never used it and need an immediate solution. I am also not familiar with Inline C - I will have to investigate. The compiler is no problem. The vendor provides a .lib and .dll (no source) and include files.

You have provided other avenues to explore. Thanks for the feedback. 


02/05/2005 03:32 AM

        To:        Lloyd Sartor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        Subject:        Re: Help for debugging Win32::API DLL interface

Lloyd Sartor wrote:
> I have had success with Willem's modified Win32::API, but with an anomoly. 
> (FYI, I had to download msvcr71.dll to get it to work.) 
> The following is from the vendor-provided C include file:
> #define IMPORT extern "C" __declspec(dllimport)
> IMPORT DWORD Card_Check(void);
> IMPORT DWORD Card_Open(DWORD CardNum);
> When I created the API objects specifying 'cdecl' as the calling 
> convention:
> $CardCheck = new Win32::API($XXX_DLL,'_CardCheck',[],'L','_cdecl');
> die "**ERROR** unable to create Win32::API object" if !$CardCheck;
> $CardOpen = new Win32::API($xxx_DLL,'_CardOpen','L','L','_cdecl');

If the functions are named 'Card_Check' and 'Card_Open' then why are 
they named '_CardCheck' and '_CardOpen' in the perl script ?
I assume there's a typo or two there somewhere ... but presumably not in 
the actual code you're running ?

If you have a compiler, then those 2 functions would be dead easy to 
wrap in an Inline C script (assuming the vendor has provided all of the 
files that are required for linking purposes). You could even write a 
little XS module to do it - Inline can help with that, too. This would 
be a far better solution than screwing around with Win32::API  but 
only if you have a compiler - and only if the vendor has supplied 
everything that's needed :-)


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Re: Help for debugging Win32::API DLL interface

2005-02-07 Thread Lloyd Sartor

Yes, there are missing underscores - a typo when I converted the lengthy vendor procedure names into shorter generic names. The leading underscore, of course, is added by the C compiler.

> $CardCheck = new Win32::API($XXX_DLL,'_Card_Check',[],'L','_cdecl');
> die "**ERROR** unable to create Win32::API object" if !$CardCheck;
> $CardOpen = new Win32::API($xxx_DLL,'_Card_Open','L','L','_cdecl');

I'm aware that XS may be a better long-term solution (from the Win32::API doc), but I've never used it and need an immediate solution. I am also not familiar with Inline C - I will have to investigate. The compiler is no problem. The vendor provides a .lib and .dll (no source) and include files.

You have provided other avenues to explore. Thanks for the feedback. 


02/05/2005 03:32 AM

        To:        Lloyd Sartor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        Subject:        Re: Help for debugging Win32::API DLL interface

Lloyd Sartor wrote:
> I have had success with Willem's modified Win32::API, but with an anomoly. 
> (FYI, I had to download msvcr71.dll to get it to work.) 
> The following is from the vendor-provided C include file:
> #define IMPORT extern "C" __declspec(dllimport)
> IMPORT DWORD Card_Check(void);
> IMPORT DWORD Card_Open(DWORD CardNum);
> When I created the API objects specifying 'cdecl' as the calling 
> convention:
> $CardCheck = new Win32::API($XXX_DLL,'_CardCheck',[],'L','_cdecl');
> die "**ERROR** unable to create Win32::API object" if !$CardCheck;
> $CardOpen = new Win32::API($xxx_DLL,'_CardOpen','L','L','_cdecl');

If the functions are named 'Card_Check' and 'Card_Open' then why are 
they named '_CardCheck' and '_CardOpen' in the perl script ?
I assume there's a typo or two there somewhere ... but presumably not in 
the actual code you're running ?

If you have a compiler, then those 2 functions would be dead easy to 
wrap in an Inline C script (assuming the vendor has provided all of the 
files that are required for linking purposes). You could even write a 
little XS module to do it - Inline can help with that, too. This would 
be a far better solution than screwing around with Win32::API  but 
only if you have a compiler - and only if the vendor has supplied 
everything that's needed :-)


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Re: Help for debugging Win32::API DLL interface

2005-02-04 Thread Lloyd Sartor

I have had success with Willem's modified Win32::API, but with an anomoly. (FYI, I had to download msvcr71.dll to get it to work.) 

The following is from the vendor-provided C include file:

#define IMPORT extern "C" __declspec(dllimport)

IMPORT DWORD Card_Check(void);

When I created the API objects specifying 'cdecl' as the calling convention:

$CardCheck = new Win32::API($XXX_DLL,'_CardCheck',[],'L','_cdecl');
die "**ERROR** unable to create Win32::API object" if !$CardCheck;
$CardOpen = new Win32::API($xxx_DLL,'_CardOpen','L','L','_cdecl');
then the process died on the call to $CardCheck. When I created $CardCheck without specifying '_cdecl', then both $CardCheck and $CardOpen succeeded.

I'm sure both DLL procedures use the same calling convention. My guess is $CardCheck behaves differently because it has zero input arguments.

It may be nice if Win32::API defaulted to the cdecl convention if the procedure name begins with an underscore. (DIY project?)

Thank you for help,

02/04/2005 01:21 PM

        To:        Lloyd Sartor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        Subject:        Re: Help for debugging Win32::API DLL interface

the standard version of Win32::API does not support api's declared with 

maybe your dll has functions declared that way?

If this is the case, see a patch I made to Win32::API, to support cdecl 
type functions too:


Lloyd Sartor wrote:
> I am trying to use a third-party DLL to control their PCI board. The 
> first call to the DLL works, but the second causes the entire Perl 
> process to die with the following error in a dialog box:
> The instruction at "0x280414c5" referenced memory at "0x0004". The 
> memory could not be "written".
> My first suspicion is the stack is being corrupted because of mismatched 
> parameter types. But to test this theory, I repeatedly called the 
> working function with no problems. The DLL procedure objects appear to 
> be created correctly - the lower word of the address matches the DLL 
> offset for the procedures. Here is a code snippet. (I have changed the 
> function names to protect the privacy of our vendor.)
> $Card_Check = new Win32::API($XXX_DLL,'_CheckCards',[],'L');
> die "**ERROR** unable to create Win32::API object" if !$CheckCard;
> $Card_Open = new Win32::API($XXX_DLL,'_CardOpen','L','L');
> $CardPresent = $Card_Check->Call();
> die "**ERROR** installation error\n\n" if $CardPresent != 1;
> $CardStatus = $Card_Open->Call(1);
> die "**ERROR** Card_Open error\n\n" if $CardStatus != 0;
> I have set env var PERL_DL_DEBUG = 9, hoping to get useful output, but 
> nothing that helped.
> My understanding is that parameter type 'L' (or 'N') on Win32 is 32-bits.
> Any help on how can I find the error source?

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Help for debugging Win32::API DLL interface

2005-02-04 Thread Lloyd Sartor

I am trying to use a third-party DLL to control their PCI board. The first call to the DLL works, but the second causes the entire Perl process to die with the following error in a dialog box:

The instruction at "0x280414c5" referenced memory at "0x0004". The memory could not be "written".

My first suspicion is the stack is being corrupted because of mismatched parameter types. But to test this theory, I repeatedly called the working function with no problems. The DLL procedure objects appear to be created correctly - the lower word of the address matches the DLL offset for the procedures. Here is a code snippet. (I have changed the function names to protect the privacy of our vendor.)

$Card_Check = new Win32::API($XXX_DLL,'_CheckCards',[],'L');
die "**ERROR** unable to create Win32::API object" if !$CheckCard;
$Card_Open = new Win32::API($XXX_DLL,'_CardOpen','L','L');

$CardPresent = $Card_Check->Call();
die "**ERROR** installation error\n\n" if $CardPresent != 1;

$CardStatus = $Card_Open->Call(1);
die "**ERROR** Card_Open error\n\n" if $CardStatus != 0;

I have set env var PERL_DL_DEBUG = 9, hoping to get useful output, but nothing that helped.

My understanding is that parameter type 'L' (or 'N') on Win32 is 32-bits.

Any help on how can I find the error source?

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RE: Regex Help

2005-01-27 Thread Lloyd Sartor

The reason that "200412" matches in your first regex is that the first four characters match the pattern (as expected) but there is nothing in the regex that causes the additional characters "12" to result in  a mismatch; the regex engine simply ignores them. Adding "$" to the regex (as Mike has done) will disallow any additional characters in the string, and should work as you expected.

Furthermore, using * instead of {0,2} will match strings such as 2004-12-01-02-03. 

01/27/2005 11:06 AM

        To:        <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
        Subject:        RE: Regex Help


I'm not a regex pro, but this worked for me: /^\d{4}(-\d{2}){0,2}$/

I tested it with this:

@test = qw(  2004 200412 20041201 2004-12 2004-12-01 );

foreach $test (@test) {
                 print "$test : " . ($test =~ /^\d{4}(-\d{2}){0,2}$/ ? "TRUE" : "FALSE") . "\n";


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
Dirk Bremer
Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2005 10:43 AM
To: perl-win32-users
Subject: Regex Help

I need to test for the following date-type strings:


All of the above would be legal, any other combination would be illegal.

I have been using the following data to test the regex:

''        Should produce a false result.
'2004'        Should produce a true result.
'200412'      Should produce a false result.
'20041201'    Should produce a false result. 
'2004-12'     Should produce a true result.
'2004-12-01'  Should produce a true result.

My first attempt at a regex is /\d{4}(-\d{2})*/. This produces the
following result:

 is false
2004 is true
200412 is true
20041201 is true
2004-12 is true
2004-12-01 is true

I would prefer that '200412' and '20041201' would fail, i.e. be reported
as false. I'm not sure what's going on with this regex as I would expect
the following:

                 match the first four numeric characters, then match zero or more
occurrences of a dash character followed by two numeric characters

The next regex /\d{4}(-\d{2})+/ produces the following results:

 is false
2004 is false
200412 is false
20041201 is false
2004-12 is true
2004-12-01 is true

This is closer, but I also want '2004' to be true.

The next regex /\d{4}(?=-\d{2})/ produces the same results as the
previous regex:

 is false
2004 is false
200412 is false
20041201 is false
2004-12 is true
2004-12-01 is true

I've done quite a few regexes in the past but have never used the
positive lookahead assertion before because I have never really
understood it.

Out of the three regexes, I would have expected the first to fulfill my
requirements. I do not understand why it is not, although I suspect it
has something to do with the dash character.

What am I doing wrong here? I should be able to accomplish this test
using a single regex, right?

Dirk Bremer - Systems Programmer II - ESS/AMS  - NISC St. Peters
USA Central Time Zone
636-922-9158 ext. 8652 fax 636-447-4471


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