Hi all and sorry for my English :-)

I have used SpreadSheet::ParseExcel and SpreadSheet::WriteExcel modules on Linux platform. Using of modules is a simple, but I've big problem with national (czech) charset. (in Windows is default charset CP1250, generally ISO-8859-2)

After loading of the xls file with national chars (the chars in xls are right) to the perl, then national chars are wrong. Analogous event occured with writting to Excel. In a perl are national chars right but when I put it into xls file and open by Excel on Windows so chars are wrong.
I have also tried get data from xls file and directly put into new xls file but new excel is always wrong.

When I have read data with national chars from text file and put it into other text file, chars in new file are right.

On my PC is installed Windows2000 with Office2000.

Thanks for all ideas
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