I know this is off topic, but I can't find the answer myself, and I'm sure someone on this list will know, so I'm asking. Please some yell at me ;)

Does anyone know how to configure BIND DNS Server like a catchall email address?

I know how to do it with CNAMES (*), but not for domain names themselves.

I'd like to be able to register a name - set/point it to my name servers and have it work - without having to explicitly add an entry for it until I want it do something specific. Kind of like "park pages". Ok, exactly like park pages. This is done through DNS, right, or am I missing something? I have domains that I've got registered that I just haven't had the time to create an entry for them in my DNS server, so when someone goes to them - or shall I say ATTEMPTS to go to them - they get the fun li'l dns error.

Any clues on how to accomplish this like the domain registrars? Thanks!

- Steve
(RedHat 7.2 & Apache & Bind 9 - fyi)

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