Hello! Help me please!

2006-01-05 Thread gao perlone
I compile the fellowing perl program and meet a problem:use HTTP::Request;use LWP::UserAgent;$content=getContent('');@html=split(/\n/,$content);
for(@html){  do  {    $2 and push(@link,$2);  }while m    {  <\s*A\s+HRE\s*=\s*(['''])(.*?)\l\s*>    }gsix;  print "All links in this page:\n";  for(@link)
  {    print $_,"\n";  }  print "Visit all links in this page: \n";  for(@link)  {    if(!(m~^http://~))    {  $url=''.$_">'.$_
;  $content=getContent($url);  print<<"EOF";  content of this $url is:  $content  EOF    }    if((m~^^http://localhost~))
    {  $conten=getContent($_);  print<<"EOF";  content of this $url is:  $content  EOF    }  }}sub getContent
{    my $url="">    my $ua=new LWP::UserAgent();    my $request=new HTTP::Request('GET',"$url");    my $response=$ua->request($request);    my $content=$response->content;
    return $content;}When I compile it the compiler show me:Can't find string terminator "EOF" anywhere before EOF at robot.pl line 84.##(red as I marked).##Please tell how to..?
thanks a lot!
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Hi, I want use perl do the fellowing thing, But I don't know how to......

2006-01-03 Thread gao perlone
I use doxygen help me create a document for a project which contain thousands of .html files and spend about 2 hours.But when I open the index.html I find that the title I used is wrong So I must modify this title.

I come here to get some help that I want use a perl program search the title in all of the project's files and change it to the right title.For example,The wrong title is "shareaza" and the right is "ACE".
How to do this work efficiently and rapidly,Can anyone help me write a slice of code!Thank a lot!

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Help! I Compilie Perl Module but encounter a problem that the long filename include space......

2006-01-02 Thread gao perlone
I install the Perl in the directory :C:\develop tools\perl.I compile a Perl Module  as fellow:C:\Appconfig>perl Makefile.PLChecking if your kit is complete...Looks goodUnable to find a perl 5 (by these names: C:\Develop Tools\Perl\bin\perl.exe perl
.exe perl5.exe perl5.8.7.exe miniperl.exe, in these dirs: C:\watcom-1.3\binnt C:\watcom-1.3\binw C:\Develop Tools\Perl\bin\ C:\Develop Tools\Python24\. C:\WINDOWS\system32 C:\WINDOWS C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem C:\KAV6 C:\Develop Tools\Subvers
ion\bin C:\Develop Tools\doxygen\bin C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\BINN D:\Servers\MySQL Server 5.0\bin C:\Program Files\QuickTime\QTSystem\ C:\Develop Tools\Jython D:\Program Files\Sun\jstudio_ent8\AppServ8.1UR2\bin D:\jdk
1.5.0_06\bin D:\jdk1.5.0_06\jre\bin C:\Dev-Cpp\bin C:\Develop Tools\Python24 C:\Develop Tools\Perl\bin C:\Develop Tools\Microsoft Visual Studio\Common\Tools\WinNT C:\Develop Tools\Microsoft Visual Studio\Common\MSDev98\Bin C:\Develop Tools\
Microsoft Visual Studio\Common\Tools C:\Develop Tools\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\bin C:\Develop Tools\CodeBlocks C:\Develop Tools\Perl\bin)Writing Makefile for AppConfigC:\AppConfig-1.56>nmake Makefile
Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility   Version 6.00.9782.0Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1988-1998. All rights reserved.NMAKE : fatal error U1073: don't know how to make 'C:\Develop'Stop.
C:\AppConfig-1.56>The nmake can't explain the long filename include space,How to fill this problem?Thanks!
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I meet a problem that I can't install module!Please help me!

2005-12-24 Thread gao perlone
I need install a module name Date::Format in Windows.I use the ppm as below:ppm> search formatBut I get nothing.I go to search.cpan.org and I can find a module.What is this matter? I hope install use ppm and the Repositories show:
[1] ActiveState PPM2 Repository[2] ActiveState Package Repository[3] landfillthe cpan is no contained.Any one can help me? Thanks a lot!
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how to delete a directory and its subdirectory using Perl under Windows?

2005-12-19 Thread gao perlone
how to delete a directory and its subdirectory using Perl under Windows?
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Can I ask a question?

2005-09-09 Thread gao perlone
Some code segment here:

sub walk_table (&@) {
   my $function = shift;
   my $filename = shift || '-';
   my $leader = shift;
   my $trailer = shift;

What is mean of "&@" and how to understand the following code
especially the "shift"? Please give me some explanation about
it!Thanks a lot!

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Help me!

2005-08-25 Thread gao perlone
I'd like to write a program to read and get some file from a website
through a HTTP protocol.which module can help me?HTTP?thanks a lot!

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