Hello david,

Wednesday, May 30, 2001, 4:42:30 PM, you wrote:

dcn> I can't seem to get anything to work via Win32::OLE
dcn> Here's the type of error I get:
C:\bin>>perl ole_excel_test.pl
dcn> $usernow=DCarter
dcn> Win32::OLE(0.1501) error 0x80070005: "Access is denied"
dcn>     in PROPERTYPUT "Visible" at ole_excel_test.pl line 23
dcn> Win32::OLE(0.1501) error 0x80070005: "Access is denied"
dcn>      in GetIDsOfNames of "Workbooks" at ole_excel_test.pl line 25
dcn> Can't call method "Add" on an undefined value at ole_excel_test.pl line 25.
dcn> Win32::OLE(0.1501) error 0x80070005: "Access is denied"
dcn>      in GetIDsOfNames of "Quit" at ole_excel_test.pl line 0
dcn>         eval {...} called at ole_excel_test.pl line 0
dcn>         eval {...} called at ole_excel_test.pl line 0

I just pulled my hair out over a very similar scenario with the local
web-server user. It likely *is* a security issue, and I think your
answer will be using "dcomcnfg" to change the necessary permissions
for automation objects. Take a look at this link:


Take care to make sure if you change the settings that you include
*ALL* users who might need to run the application you alter. Once I
had configured the web-server user I mentioned above, I couldn't run
the scripts with admin access for testing and development anymore
until I went back in and configured myself with permissions ;)

Best regards,

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