Hey everyone,

I have a wxPerl app that is using Net::Telnet to connect to a UNIX host to
run a script.  As you can see from the example, the script is exectuted, and
then I want to watch the output log get updated, but I want to pipe that
into a Text area on the wxPerl app.  I can't seem to figure out how to do
it, and the code below times out, even though the script on the UNIX side is
running.  Any ideas?


# Go to the script directory
my $status = $obj->cmd(String => "cd $script_dir", Timeout => 10);

# Launch the backup script
$status = $obj->cmd(String => "$script -tape$length -$backup_type", Timeout
$status = $obj->cmd(String => "cd $data_dir");

# Capture the output of the tail command
my @results = $obj->cmd(String => "tail -f $log");

# I want this this text area to contain the value of @results as the script
runs, not when the script finishes.

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