Using MS Publisher XP(2002), I was able to create a COM object and build a document!  Apparently, previous Publisher versions did not operate on the COM standard.

So far, I have managed to create a new document and open an existing .pub document, add pages at a designated position, add graphics to the page, and print the document out to a postscript file.

Unfortunately, the most necessary thing, adding TextBoxes and inserting text, remains a mystery.  I can't seem to transpose the VBA samples to the Perl equivalent.  I am hoping someone on this list is better versed in the translation process.

Here is the code snippet I am trying to translate to Perl.  Help is much appreciated:

VBA Code #1 (Creates the textbox):

Set shpTextBox = ActiveDocument.Pages(1).Shapes.AddTextBox _ (Orientation:=pbTextOrientationHorizontal, _ Left:=144, Top:=144, _ Width:=72, Height:=18)

VBA Code #2 (Places the text in the textbox and formats it):

With ActiveDocument.Pages(1).Shapes(1).TextFrame.TextRange .Text = "My Text" With .Font .Bold = msoTrue .Size = 25 .Name = "Algerian" End With End With

Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.

Brad Smith
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