My $0.02 on SRVANY.EXE:

The problem with SRVANY.EXE is that it does not integrate into your program.  It 
merely acts as a service wrapper.  This means when you decide to stop the service, 
SRVANY has no hooks into your program to tell it when and where to stop.  The only 
possible way to stop your program is for SRVANY to forcefully terminate it.  This can 
potentially lead to data loss and execution stopping at places you didn't intend.

Peter Guzis
Web Administrator, Sr.
- A Kodak Company

-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Lancaster [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, April 18, 2004 8:06 AM
Subject: Win32::Daemon::Simple vs. SVCANY.EXE

I've written a script to read the Windows event logs and write the
results to a MySQL database.  I'm currently using Win32::Daemon::Simple
to run it as a service, polling the logs every 15 minutes.  However, I'm
wondering if this is the best method to use.  It would appear to be
simpler to put my polling code in a continuous loop with a sleep()
command at the end and install the compiled app as a service using
SVCANY.EXE from the Windows Resource Kit.  What are the relative
advantages/disadvantages of the two methods?

Also, I intend to develop similar scripts to poll other logs (syslog,
Apache) on Linux.  I think it would be easier to create (and maintain)
the scripts if the basic code was platform independent.  I've seen
mention of using Proc::Background.  How would this fit in with what I am
trying to do?



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