Want to automatically switch between windows on a NOC PC

2002-02-20 Thread Kratky, Doug

I have a PC in a NOC running several applications in windows.  The PC has a
very large display and is being used primarily for display-only.  I would
like to automatically switch between the windows every 10 seconds (i.e.,
take turns bringing each one to the front.)  I've played around a little
with Win32::OLE, but don't see anyway of doing it there.  Is there a way to
do this with Win32::OLE?  Does anyone have a better approach?


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Re: Want to automatically switch between windows on a NOC PC

2002-02-20 Thread Jonathan Epstein

Note that in general you can switch Windows tasks by using Alt+Tab.

Here's a macro in an unrelated macro language (Dragon NaturallySpeaking, but that's 
irrelevant) ... it brings up the Nth task on the taskbar.

 SendSystemKeys {Ctrl+Esc}
 Wait 20
 SendSystemKeys {Esc}
 os$ = DllCall$( jaeext2.dll, GetOSVersion, , 2048)
 IF os$ = 2000 THEN
 SendKeys {Tab}{Tab}
 SendKeys {Ctrl+CapsLock}{Tab}
 SendKeys {Right  + _arg1+}
 SendKeys {Space}

You'll want to implement something (to send the keystrokes) similar in Perl using your 
choice of Win32::Setupsup OR Win32::GuiTest.  To test this manually, try hitting the 
keystrokes {Ctrl+Esc}{Esc}{Tab}{Tab}{Right}{Right}{Space} to bring up the second task 
on your taskbar.

The up-front design requirement is that you either know or can inform the switching 
program which of the available tasks on the taskbar you want to control in this manner 
(e.g., 4 through 8 OR 3,4,6,9).

I guess you'll want to have an easy way to manually take control from the task 
switcher and then easily return control when you're done investigating something.



At 04:08 PM 2/20/2002 , Kratky, Doug wrote:

I have a PC in a NOC running several applications in windows.  The PC has a
very large display and is being used primarily for display-only.  I would
like to automatically switch between the windows every 10 seconds (i.e.,
take turns bringing each one to the front.)  I've played around a little
with Win32::OLE, but don't see anyway of doing it there.  Is there a way to
do this with Win32::OLE?  Does anyone have a better approach?


Jonathan Epstein[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Head, Unit on Biologic Computation  (301)402-4563
Office of the Scientific Director   Bldg 31, Room 2A47
Nat. Inst. of Child Health  Human Development  31 Center Drive
National Institutes of Health   Bethesda, MD 20892
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