I have posted version 1.13 of MARC::Lintadditions to my home page [1]. Changes are listed below. To install, place the .pm file in your Perl's site/lib/MARC, next to MARC::Lint, MARC::Record, etc.

Included in the tar.gz file (and unzipped version) is "lintadditions.t.pl.txt", a test file that should pass if everything is installed properly.

Version 1.13: Updated Oct. 21, 2007. Released Oct. 21, 2007.

 -Updated check_100 (and by call, all check_1xx, check_7xx, and check_8xx):
--Non-numeric reduced from non-digits to [0-5, 79], since 6 and 8 follow different rules.
 --Added check for punctuation preceding $e.
-Updated check_260, check_440, and check_490 to deal with subfield 6 being 1st when checking for subfield a as first subfield.

[1] <http://home.inwave.com/eija/bryanmodules/>

Please let me know of any problems, corrections, suggestions, or questions.

Thank you,

Bryan Baldus

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