MARC::File::XML 0.88

2007-11-29 Thread Joshua Ferraro
Hi all,

Just a quick announcement regarding an update of MARC::File::XML to version
0.88. From the Changelog:

0.88 Wed Nov 28 2007
  - String test for subfield code to avoid dropping $0 (Galen Charlton)

0.88_1 Tue Oct 23 2007
  - Fixed a typo in M::F::X that could be the origin of the test
  - Removed some useless (and confusing) code that
throws away some character set mapping information in the 066 (miker)

Hopefully, this version will fix the install probs that some have had with
0.87 ... if not, let us know.


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Re: More Fun With MARC::File::XML: Solutions

2006-05-28 Thread Joshua Ferraro
Hi everyone,

Just providing an update on this issue. As you may recall, I've
been putting the MARC::Record suite, specifically MARC::File::XML
and MARC::Charset, through some fairly rigourous tests, including
a 'roundtrip' test, which converts the binary MARC-8 records to
MARCXML / UTF-8 and then back to binary MARC but encoded as UTF-8.
This test is available here:

I discovered a number of bugs or issues, not in the MARC::* stuff, but in the
back-end SAX parsers. I'll just summarize my discoveries here for 

1. MARC::File::XML, if it encounteres unmapped encoding in a
MARC-8 encoded binary MARC file (in as_xml()) will drop the entire
subfield where the improper encoding exists. The simple solution is
to always use: MARC::Charset-ignore_errors(1); if you expect your 
data will have improper encoding.

2. the XML::SAX::PurePerl parser cannot properly handle combining
characters. I've reported this bug here:

At the suggestion of several, I tried replacing my default system
parser with expat, which cause another problem:

3. handing valid UTF-8 encoded XML to new_from_xml() sometimes 
causes the entire record to be destroyed when using XML::SAX::Expat
as the parser (with PurePerl these seem to work). It fails with
the error:

not well-formed (invalid token) at line 23, column 43, byte 937 at 
/usr/lib/perl5/XML/ line 187

I haven't been able to track the cause of this bug, I eventually
found a workaround that didn't result in the above error, but instead,
silently mangled the resulting binary MARC record on the way out:

4. Using incompatible version of XML::SAX::LibXML and libxml2 will
cause binary MARC records to be mangled when passed through new_from_xml()
in some cases. The solution here is to make sure you're running
compatible versions of XML::SAX::LibXML and libxml2. I run Debian
Sarge and when I just used the package maintainer's versions it
fixed the bug. It's unclear to me why the binary MARC would be 
mangled, this may indicate a problem with MARC::* but I haven't
had time to track it down and since installing compatible versions
of the parser back-end solves the problem I can only assume it's
the fault of the incompatible parsers.

Issues #3 and #4 above can be replicated following batch of records
through the script above:

If you want to test #2, try running this record through

BTW: you can change your default SAX parser by editing the .ini file ... 
mine is located in /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.4/XML/SAX/ParserDetails.ini

So the bottom line is, if you want to use MARC::File::XML in any
serious application, you've got to use compatible versions of the
libxml2 parser and XML::SAX::LibXML. Check the README in the perl
package for documentation on which are compatible...

Maybe a note somewhere in the MARC::File::XML documentation to point 
these issues out would be useful. Also, it wouldn't be too bad to have
a few tests to make sure that the system's default SAX parser is capable
of handling these cases. Just my two cents. 


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More Fun With MARC::File::XML

2006-05-23 Thread Joshua Ferraro
Hi everyone,

Thanks for all the help thusfar ... Things are running much smoother
since I installed XML::SAX::Expat. However, I'm still having a
problem I haven't been able to work around. I have the following
batch of 5 records:

They don't throw any errors in marcdump. I run them through
( which has a new feature ... if
the new_from_xml fails, it dumps both binary and xml into two files.

So ... running roundtrip on the above records dies (at least on both of 
the linux boxes I'm working on ) like this:

$ ./ several.mrc several.utf8.mrc error.xml error.mrc 
#4 has a problem: at ./ line 30.

not well-formed (invalid token) at line 23, column 43, byte 937 at 
/usr/lib/perl5/XML/ line 187

When I run marcdump on error.mrc it throws an error.

In several.mrc, record #4 I see B9 (british pound sign) which is
in the LOC codetables:

Looking at error.xml, line 23, column 43 I see hex value C2 followed
by A3 -- Zvon has them as:

I have no idea why C2 is in there ... C2 is not in the codetables for
the UTF-8. A3 is the correct replacement for B9, so that's all good.

I have MARC::Charset-ignore_errors(1); set so I would expect any
encoding problems to warn me as before, and then just continue on...
so I suspect it might be another system configuration problem or
some other problem with the source record that I just haven't been 
able to spot ... any suggestions?


President, Technology   migration, training, maintenance, support
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Re: Possible bug in XML::SAX causing new_from_xml() to croak

2006-05-20 Thread Joshua Ferraro
Hi all,

Right ... I was using the PurePerl parser. As soon as I installed
XML::SAX::Expat the combining characters problem went away.


President, Technology   migration, training, maintenance, support
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On Fri, May 19, 2006 at 09:57:34PM -0500, Edward Summers wrote:
 On May 19, 2006, at 7:59 PM, Joshua Ferraro wrote:
 I've attached a small script that reproduces the same error we're
 getting in the new_from_xml() method. Try it out and see what
 it does for you.
 Works ok for me, at least it doesn't crash :-)
 So ... Is there a workaround that we can use to fix the MARC::Record
 suite so that it won't crash when dealing with records that have
 combining characters ... shall I bug the maintainer?
 While harvesting OAI data in Perl I've routinely had the LibXML  
 parser fail. Do you happen to know what underlying parser you are  
 using? You can check by:
   use XML::SAX::ParserFactory;
   $parser = XML::SAX::ParserFactory-new();
   print $parser;
 I've found XML::SAX::Expat to be much more reliable.

Re: MARC Records, XML, and encoding

2006-05-19 Thread Joshua Ferraro
Hi all,

Here is an OCLC record:

I feed it into the as_xml method and I get what appears to be
valid XML:

When I take that xml and feed it to the new_from_xml method and
print it to a file I get the error:

Cannot decode string with wide characters at 
/usr/local/lib/perl/5.8.4/ line 188.

The script is killed and nothing gets written to disk.

I realize this problem may have to do with improper encoding in the
original binary MARC file, but apparantly, there are lots of these
records in circulation (I've got about a dozen from OCLC), meaning
there are cataloging clients out there that can edit these records
and ILSes that can import/export them. Ideally, the MARC::Record 
suite would also be able to gracefully handle these records.

So ... any suggestions for tracking down this problem? ... and what
about ideas for handling these records 'in the wild' that have
some encoding problems... what do other MARC libraries do?


President, Technology   migration, training, maintenance, support
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Re: MARC Records, XML, and encoding

2006-05-18 Thread Joshua Ferraro
Hi Ed,

Interesting ... when I run marcdump I get:

 Recs  Errs Filename
- - 
  192 0 sample.mrc

Here's the file posted on a web server (maybe a problem with
the list truncating the attachment?):

Could you try downloading from there and running marcdump again?


President, Technology   migration, training, maintenance, support
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On Thu, May 18, 2006 at 10:00:19AM -0500, Edward Summers wrote:
 On May 18, 2006, at 6:48 AM, Joshua Ferraro wrote:
 Anyway, if anyone can shed some light on this I'd be grateful.
 I believe the data loss you are seeing is due to your source records-- 
 not to do with character translation. Just running marcdump on them  
 generates a ton of errors (see below). I don't have the time to  
 investigate what the errors are with your MARC records found in the  
 wild...but if you have the time to look at the errors, and have  
 suggestions on how to improve MARC::Record's handling of them please  
 send your suggestions here.
  Recs  Errs Filename
 - - 
   19267 sample.mrc

Re: MARC Records, XML, and encoding

2006-05-18 Thread Joshua Ferraro
Thanks everyone for the help thusfar. Ed and I have been chatting
on code4lib ... it seems there are two problems. One is with
the 9C character, which I now have a workaround for. I added the 
following to line 151:

if ($marc8 =~ /\x{9C}/) {
$utf8 .= ' ';
$index +=1;
next CHAR_LOOP; 

It's not ideal, but it gets rid of that problem well enough for

The next problem happens with the following record (number 54 in
the original batch I posted):

When I run the roundtrip conversion script I get the following error:

Cannot decode string with wide characters at 
/usr/local/lib/perl/5.8.4/ line 188.

This time, the script just dies completely and nothing is 
written to disk. The record passes marcdump's tests.

Ed, I'm still waiting for SF to update so I can nab that test

In the meantime, any ideas how to track this one down?


President, Technology   migration, training, maintenance, support
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On Thu, May 18, 2006 at 11:16:52AM -0500, Edward Summers wrote:
 So I got curious (thanks to your convo in #code4lib). I isolated the  
 problem to one record:
 Your roundtrip conversion complains:
 no mapping found at position 8 in Price : 9c 7.99;Inv.#  B  
 476913;Date   06/03/98; Supplier : Dawson UK;  Recd 20/03/98;   
 Contents : 1. The problem : 1. Don't bargain over positions;  2.  
 The method : 2. Separate the people from the problem; 3.  
 Focus on interests, not positions; 4. Invent options for mutual  
 gain; 5. Insist on using objective criteria;  3. Yes, but :  
 6. What if they are more powerful? 7. What if they won't  
 play? 8. What if they use dirty tricks?  4. In conclusion;  5.  
 Ten questions people ask about getting to yes; g0=ASCII_DEFAULT  
 g1=EXTENDED_LATIN at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.7/MARC/ line 126.
 So I took a look at that position in the marc record and found a 0x9C  
 character at that position, as the error message indicates. I can't  
 find a 0x9C in either of the mapping tables that this record purports  
 to use:
 BasicLatin (ASCII):
 Extended Latin (ANSEL):
 Looks like you might want to preprocess those records before  
 translating. Since this character routinely occurs in the 586 field  
 you could use MARC::Record to remove the offending character before  
 writing as XML.
 Hope that helps somewhat. This character conversion stuff is a major  

Re: Code For Web Based MARC Creation

2006-03-01 Thread Joshua Ferraro
Hi Aaron,

You may also want to take a look at Koha's MARC editor. It's
form-based, has support for plugins and authorized values, and
allows specification of 'MARC Frameworks' for cataloging different
types of materials, etc. Through the frameworks, you can hide or
display the MARC tags/subfields you want to show up in a given
editor 'template'. If you want to try it out, you can use the
LibLime demos:

To try out the plugins, click on the '...' on the right-hand
side of some of the fields (except for the 005, for that all
you need to do is click in the input box and it will update the

There's really no limit to the number of plugins you can set
up, the demo just has a sampling of a few of them. Likewise
with the number of tags/subfields to dispay in the template.

As far as the backend, there is a MARC Frameworks database in
MySQL that is used to keep track of which tags/subfields should
be visible in a given template. When the form is submitted, it
is turned into a MARC::XML::File object, then converted to a
MARC::Record object and finally, fed to Koha's import routines.

I should mention that the current version doesn't support
repeatable subfields and subfield reordering, though the
backend-framework does. Those features will be in 2.2.6 however,
which should be out in about a month (the 2.2.6 MARC editor
will also probably support indicator plugins ...).

President, Technology   migration, training, maintenance, support
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On Tue, Feb 28, 2006 at 08:40:36PM -0500, Aaron Huber wrote:
 Hi All,
 I would like to make a CGI form that will create MARC records using
 MARC::Record.  Does anyone know of a project already doing somehting
 like this or know of somewhere where I can see code?

Re: [Zebralist] MARC and utf-8 question

2006-02-14 Thread Joshua Ferraro
Hi Paul,

This is a problem with the CPAN version of MARC::Record. For
utf-8 outside the normal ascii range it's not calculating the
directory offsets properly. If you upgrade MARC::Record to the
sourceforge version:

the problem will just 'go away'. (you can test this by
unpacking the sourceforge version to a local dir, and adding
a 'use lib' line pointing to it before you overwrite the
CPAN stuff in your perl4lib)


President, Technology   migration, training, maintenance, support
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On Tue, Feb 14, 2006 at 05:50:25PM +0100, Paul POULAIN wrote:
 I have some questions with UTF-8  zebra ( MARC::Record  MARC::XML, 
 but I'm not sure to know which tool is responsible of my problem)
 In my zebra config file I have :
 recordType: grs.xml
 encoding utf-8
 MARC::Record is the sourceforge 2.0 version (installed today)
 zebra version is 1.3.32
 MARC::XML version is 0.7
 YAZ version: 2.1.12
 The following code (some line removed) :
  $Zconn-option(cqlfile = 
  $Zconn-option(preferredRecordSyntax = xml);
  my $rs = $Zconn-search($q);
  for (my $i=$offset-1; $i = $maxrecordnum-1; $i++) {
  my $record = 
  warn REC2 = .$record-as_formatted;
 shows in log :
 Dictionnaire fran\xc3\xa7ais-anglais des termes relatifs \xc3\xa0 
 l'\xc3\xa9lectronique, l'\xc3\xa9lectrotechnique,
 \xc3\xa7 is a ç, it should be 00E7,
 \xc3\xa0 is a à, it should be 00E0,
 \xc3\xa9 is a é, it should be 00E9.
 (or i'm wrong somewhere, I must admit i'm a newbie at utf-8, you'll let 
 me know)
 (If I directly dump the XML record returned by zebra, I get the same 
 result, so the problem is probably not in MARC::Record or MARC::XML)
 Could someone help me finding the origin of the problem ?

Re: MARC::Record and Unicode?

2006-01-31 Thread Joshua Ferraro
Great ... thanks Bryan. MARC::Record2.0RC1 fixed my probs.

In case anyone's wondering why I asked, I just finished 
version 0.01 of Open-ILS's [1] new Z39.50 Server. A bug
in MARC::Record 1.x was holding me back.

The server's based on Index Data's excellent 
Net::Z3950::SimpleServer [2]. It also uses MARC::Record to
convert MARCXML (which is how Open-ILS stores bib records)
to MARC21.

The problem I was having with MARC::Record 1.x happened because
some of the MARC records in GPLS's data were encoded with
utf-8 outside the ascii range (at least I _think_ that was
the problem) and MARC::Record wasn't calculating the directory
offsets properly (again, I _think_).

MARC::Record 2.0RC1 handled the data fine and no errors were
thrown by SimpleServer and my Z-client (Yaz) when I tested.

So Kudos to whoever's responsible for the utf-8 support.



President, Technology   migration, training, maintenance, support
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On Mon, Jan 30, 2006 at 11:19:54AM -0600, Bryan Baldus wrote:
 On Monday, January 30, 2006 11:04 AM, Joshua Ferraro wrote:
 Hi there,
 I've heard there is a unicode-friendly version of MARC::Record,
 just wondering whether it can be found in SourceForge or CPAN.
 It is in SourceForge [1]. I don't believe version 2 has been released to
 CPAN yet.
 I hope this helps,
 Bryan Baldus

MARC::Record and Unicode?

2006-01-30 Thread Joshua Ferraro
Hi there,

I've heard there is a unicode-friendly version of MARC::Record,
just wondering whether it can be found in SourceForge or CPAN.


President, Technology   migration, training, maintenance, support
LibLimeFeaturing Koha Open-Source ILS
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |Full Demos at |1(888)KohaILS

MARC separators stripped out(encoding prob?)

2003-09-28 Thread Joshua Ferraro
Ed et all,

I've run into a strange problem with a Z3950 server that I wrote using 
Indexdata's SimpleServer module.  The Z-Server is for the Koha Library 
System and I use a subroutine in Koha called MARCgetbiblio to generate
MARC records (MARCgetbiblio uses MARC::Record) that I put into a string
and send off to the Z-client via SimpleServer's built-in hash $args-{RECORD}.
Everything seemed to be working fine while I was using my copy of Bookwhere
as the Z-Client; but when I tried to use the Yaz client to connect to my 
server I get the following error when retrieving the MARC records:

Z show 1
Sent presentRequest (1+1).
Records: 1
[]Record type: USmarc
  !-- no separator at end of field --
  !-- no separator at end of field --
  !-- no separator at end of field --

In fact, a number of Z-clients have this same problem when attempting to 
retrieve records from my Z-Server.

When I print the string to the Z-Server log (which is printed on the
terminal that the server was executed from) the separators are also missing.
However, if I dump the MARC string into a file before it gets passed to the
SimpleServer hash, the seperators are there and a MARC-testing program called says that the records are fine.  Also, I can see ^s in the file when
I open it in vi that aren't there in the Z-Server screen log.

The Z-Server can be reached at: (no database
name necessary).

Could it be that the encoding is somehow wrong?  Is there something unique
about MARC separators?
I'm out of ideas...any suggestions?  I've attached sample records in both 
formats (with and without separators) as well as my fetch_handler code and
Koha's MARCgetbiblio subroutine.


Joshua Ferraro
Nelsonville Public Library

Record with separators:

00786   00265   001000700030005700500170001200800410002901000130
   001 0 eng d^^  ^_a97208359^^  ^_a1565922840 (pa.)^^  ^_a97208359^^  ^_c99
294^_d99294^^1 ^_aSchwartz, Randal L.^^10^_aLearning Perl /^_cRandal L. Schwartz
 and Tom Christiansen.^^  ^_a2nd ed.^^  ^_aSebastopol, CA :^_bO'Reilly  Associa
tes,^_cc1997.^^  ^_axxix, 269 p. :^_bill. ;^_c24 cm.^^ 2^_aA Nutshell handbook.^
^  ^_aUnix programming--Cover.^^  ^_aIncludes index.^^ 0^_aPerl (Computer prog
ram language)^^1 ^_aChristiansen, Tom.^^  ^_aACLS^_cNF^_k005.133 Sc^^  ^_bAPL^_p

Same record without separators:

00786   00265   
caua  001 0 eng d  a97208359  a1565922840 (pa.)  a97208359  c99294d992941 
aSchwartz, Randal L.10aLearning Perl /cRandal L. Schwartz and Tom Christiansen.  a2nd 
ed.  aSebastopol, CA :bO'Reilly  Associates,cc1997.  axxix, 269 p. :bill. ;c24 cm. 
2aA Nutshell handbook.  aUnix programming--Cover.  aIncludes index. 0aPerl (Computer 
program language)1 aChristiansen, Tom.  aACLScNFk005.133 Sc  

Here's my Z-Server fetch_handler which calls the MARCgetbiblio subroutine
and then places the resulting MARC record into a string and passes it to 
SimpleServer's hash function (and off it goes to the client).

sub fetch_handler {
my ($args) = @_;
# warn in fetch_handler;  ## troubleshooting
my $offset = $args-{OFFSET};
$offset -= 1;   ## $args-{OFFSET} starts on 0

## Set the bibid to be used 
chomp (my $bibid = $bib_list[$offset]); 
my $MARCRecord = MARCgetbiblio($dbh,$bibid);
my $recordstring=$MARCRecord-as_usmarc();

## Print MARC record to the Z-Server log
print here is my record: $recordstring\n;

## Dump MARC record to a file
use Data::Dumper;
Dumper $recordstring;
open (MARC, /root/marc.dump);
print MARC $recordstring;
close MARC;

## Return the record string to the client
$args-{RECORD} = $recordstring;


Here's the MARCgetbiblio subroutine:

sub MARCgetbiblio {
# Returns MARC::Record of the biblio passed in parameter.
my ($dbh,$bibid)[EMAIL PROTECTED];
my $record = MARC::Record-new();
# TODO : the leader is missing
my $sth=$dbh-prepare(select bibid,subfieldid,tag,tagorder,tag_indicator,su

MARC::Record leader

2003-09-10 Thread Joshua Ferraro
Hello everyone,
I am new to this list.  I'm also very new to Perl so please bear with me:-).
I am working on a Z3950 Server for my library (which is using Koha for ILS) and
I am having trouble generating MARC records using MARC::Record.  I am generatingthe 
records from a MySQL database and I don't know how to determine on-the-fly
what the leader length and base address are (also I'm not sure how to use the
set_leader_lengths access method).

My code is below...any suggestions?


Joshua Ferraro
Nelsonville Public Library

Here is my code(this sub should build one record from Koha's marc_subfield_table
using one bibid stored in @bib_list):

sub fetch_handler {
my ($args) = @_;
# warn in fetch_handler;  ## troubleshooting
my $offset = $args-{OFFSET};
$offset -= 1;   ## because $args-{OFFSET} 1 = record #1
chomp (my $bibid = $bib_list[$offset]);
my $sql_query = SELECT tag, subfieldcode, subfieldvalue FROM marc_subfi
eld_table where bibid=?;
my $sth_get = $dbh-prepare($sql_query);

## create a MARC::Record object
my $rec = MARC::Record-new();

## create the fields
while (my @data=$sth_get-fetchrow_array) {

my $tag = $data[0];
my $subfieldcode = $data[1];
my $subfieldvalue = $data[2];

my $field = MARC::Field-new(
  $subfieldcode = $subfieldvalu


## build the marc string and put into $record
my $record = $rec-as_usmarc();
$args-{RECORD} = $record;