[Perl/perl5] 472953: run/locale.t: Use 'is' not 'ok' for a test

2023-02-08 Thread Karl Williamson via perl5-changes
  Branch: refs/heads/blead
  Home:   https://github.com/Perl/perl5
  Commit: 472953645a796ce6fd09edf90e294f612584e71d
  Author: Karl Williamson 
  Date:   2023-02-08 (Wed, 08 Feb 2023)

  Changed paths:
M t/run/locale.t

  Log Message:
  run/locale.t: Use 'is' not 'ok' for a test

'is' is a more modern, better options

[Perl/perl5] fe7859: .gitattributes: pin *.fnc files as plaintext

2023-02-08 Thread Elvin Aslanov via perl5-changes
  Branch: refs/heads/blead
  Home:   https://github.com/Perl/perl5
  Commit: fe7859256d3a8e646ec90c7313a105c8d273db32
  Author: Elvin Aslanov 
  Date:   2023-02-08 (Wed, 08 Feb 2023)

  Changed paths:
M .gitattributes

  Log Message:
  .gitattributes: pin *.fnc files as plaintext

Otherwise *.fnc file are being displayed as PostgreSQL in GitHub Linguist stats
Of which there's 0.5 % in total repository-wise

[Perl/perl5] 107e6f: INSTALL says it only uses B<> C<> L<> and F<>, so ...

2023-02-08 Thread Nicholas Clark via perl5-changes
  Branch: refs/heads/blead
  Home:   https://github.com/Perl/perl5
  Commit: 107e6fb3d831b51ef9e6cca524d17a8c1717d0ab
  Author: Nicholas Clark 
  Date:   2023-02-08 (Wed, 08 Feb 2023)

  Changed paths:

  Log Message:
  INSTALL says it only uses B<> C<> L<> and F<>, so stick to that

Change the only instance of I<> to B<> - bold is at least as good for
emphasis, and consistency within the document is good.

Remove the only X<> - a single =head2 had an X<> beneath it, whilst all
others did not. The relevant term, PERL_INTERNAL_RAND_SEED, has equivalent
documentation in other files - there is no need to index it here.

  Commit: fdce04eede5d38fa6df55c4461e7b833c9d68aba
  Author: Nicholas Clark 
  Date:   2023-02-08 (Wed, 08 Feb 2023)

  Changed paths:

  Log Message:
  INSTALL now says that "changes in the Perl language" are usually minor

The paragraph starts:

On a related issue, old modules may possibly be affected by the changes
in the Perl language in the current release.

Previously it made no indication about whether these changes were frequent
or rare, small or large. The reality is that we are careful to keep them
small and backwards compatible, whenever possible. So add the text:

We try hard to make new features "opt-in", such that existing code will
work unchanged, and attempt to identify where bug fixes might expose
code which was relying on incorrect interpreter behaviour.

Also remind people that the pod/perldelta.pod is only changes for the
current release, hence they should read all the relevant perldelta files
if they are upgrading from a release further back. perldelta already says
this, but INSTALL was not clear.

Compare: https://github.com/Perl/perl5/compare/efa8f708cd0d...fdce04eede5d


2023-02-08 Thread Yves Orton via perl5-changes
  Branch: refs/heads/yves/ws_cleanup_prep
  Home:   https://github.com/Perl/perl5

[Perl/perl5] c09374: perl.h - break up * lined comment leaders and pod ...

2023-02-08 Thread Yves Orton via perl5-changes
  Branch: refs/heads/yves/ws_cleanup_headers
  Home:   https://github.com/Perl/perl5
  Commit: c093746e295346618001e7c2b83427e2760e5709
  Author: Yves Orton 
  Date:   2023-02-08 (Wed, 08 Feb 2023)

  Changed paths:
M pad.h
M perl.h

  Log Message:
  perl.h - break up * lined comment leaders and pod comments

Having half of the comment have the * on the left side is confusing
for humans and especially so for programs. Split the two style into
two comments.

  Commit: 950a83805a0e8645e1390f36cb84ba8c0e8b78d2
  Author: Yves Orton 
  Date:   2023-02-08 (Wed, 08 Feb 2023)

  Changed paths:
M regcomp_internal.h

  Log Message:
  regcomp_internal.h - move utility macros out of struct definition

It is bad enough we have conditional parts of the struct,
lets not make it even worse by having defines in the middle of it.

  Commit: 20c85b1bb4cbb620be7bc61ed2fb8e898cab0bd6
  Author: Yves Orton 
  Date:   2023-02-08 (Wed, 08 Feb 2023)

  Changed paths:
M av.h
M cop.h
M cv.h
M dosish.h
M fakesdio.h
M gv.h
M handy.h
M hv.h
M inline.h
M intrpvar.h
M invlist_inline.h
M iperlsys.h
M mg.h
M mydtrace.h
M op.h
M pad.h
M parser.h
M perl.h
M perl_inc_macro.h
M perl_siphash.h
M perlio.h
M perliol.h
M perlstatic.h
M perlvars.h
M pp.h
M regcomp.h
M regexp.h
M sbox32_hash.h
M scope.h
M sv.h
M thread.h
M unixish.h
M utf8.h
M utfebcdic.h
M util.h
M vutil.h

  Log Message:
  WS Cleanup Stage #1 - simple ws fixups

  Commit: 1e1c734af16324cc430d80061bf075c86cab8cf5
  Author: Yves Orton 
  Date:   2023-02-08 (Wed, 08 Feb 2023)

  Changed paths:
M handy.h

  Log Message:
  WS Cleanup Stage #2 - remove right stars from comments

  Commit: 9171d81c667be253358b20a6ea22db88876acc23
  Author: Yves Orton 
  Date:   2023-02-08 (Wed, 08 Feb 2023)

  Changed paths:
M av.h
M cop.h
M cv.h
M gv.h
M handy.h
M hv.h
M hv_func.h
M hv_macro.h
M inline.h
M iperlsys.h
M mg.h
M op.h
M pad.h
M perl.h
M perl_inc_macro.h
M pp.h
M regcomp.h
M regcomp_internal.h
M regexp.h
M sbox32_hash.h
M scope.h
M sv.h
M sv_inline.h
M unixish.h
M utf8.h
M zaphod32_hash.h

  Log Message:
  WS Cleanup Stage #3 - break multiline define

  Commit: 60618a2dd4b31ba9e622df6f884d38064f4269f5
  Author: Yves Orton 
  Date:   2023-02-08 (Wed, 08 Feb 2023)

  Changed paths:
M av.h
M cop.h
M cv.h
M dosish.h
M gv.h
M handy.h
M hv.h
M hv_func.h
M hv_macro.h
M inline.h
M invlist_inline.h
M iperlsys.h
M mg.h
M mydtrace.h
M op.h
M op_reg_common.h
M pad.h
M parser.h
M perl.h
M perl_inc_macro.h
M perl_siphash.h
M pp.h
M regcomp.h
M regcomp_internal.h
M regexp.h
M sbox32_hash.h
M scope.h
M sv.h
M sv_inline.h
M thread.h
M unixish.h
M utf8.h
M utfebcdic.h
M util.h
M vutil.h
M zaphod32_hash.h

  Log Message:
  WS Cleanup Stage #4 - fix line continuation and related ws issues

  Commit: 3866599061aeac24ef3f96908a961a87543764e6
  Author: Yves Orton 
  Date:   2023-02-08 (Wed, 08 Feb 2023)

  Changed paths:
M cop.h
M cv.h
M dosish.h
M gv.h
M handy.h
M hv.h
M hv_func.h
M hv_macro.h
M inline.h
M invlist_inline.h
M iperlsys.h
M op.h
M op_reg_common.h
M perl.h
M perl_inc_macro.h
M perlvars.h
M pp.h
M regcomp.h
M regcomp_internal.h
M regexp.h
M sbox32_hash.h
M scope.h
M sv.h
M thread.h
M utf8.h
M utfebcdic.h
M util.h
M vutil.h
M zaphod32_hash.h

  Log Message:
  WS Cleanup Stage #5 - break long define

For long define statements put the replacement part on their own line.
Also wrap comments on long lines.

  Commit: 5ededda1e54817bdb17128a039c4c9c4d5c94612
  Author: Yves Orton 
  Date:   2023-02-08 (Wed, 08 Feb 2023)

  Changed paths:
M av.h
M cop.h
M cv.h
M dosish.h
M fakesdio.h
M form.h


2023-02-08 Thread Yves Orton via perl5-changes
  Branch: refs/heads/yves/lb_de_exp
  Home:   https://github.com/Perl/perl5

[Perl/perl5] efa8f7: pod/perlmroapi.pod - document linear MRO function ...

2023-02-08 Thread Paul Evans via perl5-changes
  Branch: refs/heads/blead
  Home:   https://github.com/Perl/perl5
  Commit: efa8f708cd0da7c71bb71920a47b545bd07bc28a
  Author: Paul "LeoNerd" Evans 
  Date:   2023-02-08 (Wed, 08 Feb 2023)

  Changed paths:
M ext/mro/mro.pm
M ext/mro/mro.xs
M mro_core.c
M pod/perlmroapi.pod

  Log Message:
  pod/perlmroapi.pod - document linear MRO function return type.

Small docs clarification to point out that the linear MRO function returns a
list of strings

[Perl/perl5] 879f0e: pp_ctl.c - dedupe @INC entries, especially hooks.

2023-02-08 Thread Yves Orton via perl5-changes
  Branch: refs/heads/yves/dedupe_inc
  Home:   https://github.com/Perl/perl5
  Commit: 879f0ef173e71bc22b5548e547ccf7b893fa7893
  Author: Yves Orton 
  Date:   2023-02-08 (Wed, 08 Feb 2023)

  Changed paths:
M pod/perlfunc.pod
M pp_ctl.c
M t/op/inccode.t

  Log Message:
  pp_ctl.c - dedupe @INC entries, especially hooks.

Allowing a hook to execute more than once opens up a bunch of failure
modes that are difficult to debug and potentially fatal. Simply skipping
anything seen twice makes all the pain go away. It also might save some
time in terms of not checking the same dir twice, but that is a side

Currently this breaks a test, but that test is kinda broken anyway
and will be fixed in a follow up patch.

[Perl/perl5] bd90fa: sv.h - encode the misc SV_* flags using bitshifts

2023-02-08 Thread Paul Evans via perl5-changes
  Branch: refs/heads/blead
  Home:   https://github.com/Perl/perl5
  Commit: bd90fa412bb2eb27ffa23a0e439350a39847521e
  Author: Paul "LeoNerd" Evans 
  Date:   2023-02-08 (Wed, 08 Feb 2023)

  Changed paths:
M sv.h

  Log Message:
  sv.h - encode the misc SV_* flags using bitshifts

Using decimal integers is confusing, so we show the hex and
decimal values as a comment.

Note: Yves edited the commit message and added the commented

[Perl/perl5] 02bb7c: [doc] perlfunc: remove extra "the"

2023-02-08 Thread Elvin Aslanov via perl5-changes
  Branch: refs/heads/blead
  Home:   https://github.com/Perl/perl5
  Commit: 02bb7cad54cd703b780436e2129bdb299457105b
  Author: Elvin Aslanov 
  Date:   2023-02-08 (Wed, 08 Feb 2023)

  Changed paths:
M pod/perlfunc.pod

  Log Message:
  [doc] perlfunc: remove extra "the"

Remove the duplicate "the" introduced in 