Re: [RFC] imcc calling conventions

2003-03-04 Thread Leopold Toetsch
Benjamin Goldberg wrote:

Erm, my statement was actually just an assumption that the first op
would be a 'saveall' -- I haven't looked at actual imcc output.  

imcc does not emit any additional instructions currently. This is why I 
did start this thread in the first place.
- imcc takes the code produced by $HL compiler *as is* and
- has to figure out, what $HL actually wants to do (WRT CFG and data flow)

Currently imcc checks the first few instructions of a subroutine. If a 
saveall is found imcc assumes, that there is no inofficial (via 
registers) data flow into the sub or back.
If no saveall is found, imcc assumes that data are passed in registers 
and accounts in the CFG for this.

This is all fine, to make it assemble and run the *hand crafted* test 
cases. But this is not the way to go (IMHO) for using imcc as a compiler 
for another HL.

I would like to have nailed down the calling conventions and I would 
like to have hints in imcc's input file, that state we gonna call this 
sub and caller saves or callee saves, or use PDD03 ...

Please imagine something like this:

$P0 = new Sub
$P1 = new PerlArray
many set_addr
$P0 = $P1[$I99]
invoke $P0
  _sub1: ...
  _sub2: ...
  _sub3: ...
The address, where the invoke branches to is calculated somehow then 
goes into an array (or may be passed from another sub) and can be 
anywhere. When imcc has no assumptions about calling conventions, it has 
to consider each label as possible branch target and has to follow the 
data flow.
This will typically lead to a lot of spilling due to the register 
allocator running out of free registers.

OTOH with known calling conventions imcc could optimize a few simple 
leafs in the call chain (of procedural code) and e.g. reorganize 
registers so that pushx/saveall/popx... are just thrown away.


Object spec

2003-03-04 Thread Sam Vilain

Sorry if I'm flogging a dead horse, but I just caught this call via the 

 Okay, here's another shot at the semantics for objects [for perl 6]. If
 especially non-perl folks, would look this over and chime in, I'd 
 much appreciate it.
 Objects have (all optional):
 *) Properties
 *) Methods
 *) Attributes

Add to that:
  *) A superclass (obviously, but I consider it to be the same level as
 Properties, Methods and Attributes.)
  *) Associations, eg in UML.
  *) a set of Interfaces (similar to multiple inheritance; a way of
 grouping methods associated with a class for another to implement).
 eg, in Java and IDL.

Associations are similar to special types of attributes, that are typically 
represented in Perl 5 by a collection, such as a hash, array or set - 
depending on whether the association is keyed, ordered or unordered.

Associations may be *one way* - in which case the referred objects do not 
have a way of referring to the objects that contain them for that 
particular association.  ie, like all of Perl 5's references and 

They may be *two way* - in which case referred objects receive a 
`back-reference', which is another container that is the symmetric 
opposite of the first association.  Two-way associations belong to both 
classes.  Adding Object A to B.association is the same as adding B to 
A.backref.  Tangram does something like this with its `back-references', 
as does an experimental version of the object prototyping system I have in 
the works.

Associations may have *mutliplicity* on BOTH ends.  That is, one to many, 
many to many, many to one, one to one relationships.  Whether or not 
multiplicity limits are enforced on the *source* side would probably be 
tightly linked with whether or not the relationship is two way or one way.

This information is enough to then take the object structure, and assuming 
you have a description of the types of attributes as well, map it to an 
RDBMS (say) using foreign keys, link tables et al.

Actually the ability to describe attributes, and place limits on their 
contents that are both hints to database mapping tools and generate 
run-time exceptions when abused is a damned handy tool from a software 
engineer's perspective.

Interfaces are similar to multiple inheritance from a functional 
perspective; a bit like adding a class to @ISA, but qualifying exactly 
what methods you're including, and probably not inheriting any of the 
attributes at all.  Which of course, you may later be overriding.

For what it's worth, I have most of this functionality duplicated into 
JavaScript.  It can be co-erced into having classes, etc - you just need 
to rely on convention.

Are you going to implement the concept of `scope' of methods/attributes?  
Many other languages have it, and I think in some circumstances it can 
help clarify the intent of code.  Of course anally requiring it to be 
specified ends up with a language like Java :-).

My humble opinion is that `public' attributes should just be implemented in 
terms of automatically generated accessor functions.

Sorta like taking Class::Contract, Class::MethodMaker, Alzabo, 
Class::Tangram and recognising the common concepts - then making them all 
effectively obsolete by unifying the concepts into the language :-).

my 2c.

  I like a man who grins when he fights.
 - Winston Churchill -

[CVS ci] faster spilling and ARGDIR IN/OUT - again

2003-03-04 Thread Leopold Toetsch
During this change (recalculate BB and life info on the fly for spilled 
regs) I encountered another problem with the INOUT ARG_DIR argument of 

  set P0, P1[2]

and similar instructions don't need, that P0 already exists at this 
instruction. P0 is set to point to a PMC located in the aggregate. This 
is different to, e.g.

  set P0, 42

where this PMC must have been brought into life some instructions 
earlier, probably by some new P0, .PerlSome opcode.

I have currently a hack in imcc, which catches the former and sets the 
INOUT $1 to OUT $1.

So I think:
- when we have $1-vtable-foo, then the $1 should be IN
- when we have $1 = $2-vtable-bar, then $1 should be OUT
I know, we did have this discussion already, it was one of the first 
where I was involved :-) But there are still issues.
imcc is the only user of the ARG_DIR params, when PMCs are involved, JIT 
only looks at I and N regs (currently).


IMCC and multiple source files

2003-03-04 Thread K Stol

Is it possible to have a program, which consists of multiple IMCC source files?
So, something like this: (pseudo code, don't know IMCC (yet))

/* File #1: */
call funcA
sub funcB(x)
/* do something */
end sub
/* File #2 */
sub funcA(x)
/* do something */
end sub
call funcB(123)

So some function defined in File 2 will be called from File 1. 
Is this possible? If yes, (how) will this be checked during assembling? Are there some 
kind of 'header'-like files?
Or, is this only possible directly in Parrot ASM? If so, how is checking done then?


Re: Using imcc as JIT optimizer

2003-03-04 Thread Dennis Haney
Leopold Toetsch wrote:

Phil Hassey wrote:

But with a processor with  16 registers (do such things exist?).  
Parrot would be overflowing registers that it could have been using 
in the JIT. 

RISC processor have a lot of them. But before there are unused 
processor registers, we will allocate P and S registers too. When a 
CPU has more then 4*32 free registers, we will look again.
Like IA64? AFAIK it has 128 integer registers and 128 fp registers...

[perl #21457] [PATCH] sun4 jit additions

2003-03-04 Thread via RT
# New Ticket Created by  Jason Gloudon 
# Please include the string:  [perl #21457]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# URL: 

Here are some additional ops for the sun4 jit, a bit of name juggling to use
templates in the jit directives and register allocation support.


-- attachment  1 --

Index: jit/sun4/core.jit
RCS file: /cvs/public/parrot/jit/sun4/core.jit,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.2 core.jit
--- jit/sun4/core.jit   20 May 2002 05:33:01 -  1.2
+++ jit/sun4/core.jit   4 Mar 2003 15:09:34 -
@@ -13,41 +13,180 @@
+TEMPLATE Parrot_set_x_x {
+if(MAP[1]  MAP[2]){
+   jit_emit_mov_rr_N(NATIVECODE, MAP[1], MAP[2]);
+else if(MAP[1]){
+jit_emit_load_N(jit_info, interpreter, 2, MAP[1]);
+else if(MAP[2]){
+jit_emit_store_N(jit_info, interpreter, 1, MAP[2]);
+else {
+   jit_emit_load_N(jit_info, interpreter, 2, ISR1);
+   jit_emit_store_N(jit_info, interpreter, 1, ISR1);
 Parrot_set_i_i {
-Parrot_jit_int_load(jit_info, interpreter, 2, emitm_l(0));
-Parrot_jit_int_store(jit_info, interpreter, 1, emitm_l(0));
+Parrot_set_x_x s/_N/_i/
-Parrot_set_i_ic {
-Parrot_jit_int_load(jit_info, interpreter, 2, emitm_l(0));
-Parrot_jit_int_store(jit_info, interpreter, 1, emitm_l(0));
+Parrot_set_p_p {
+Parrot_set_x_x s/_N/_i/
-Parrot_set_n_nc {
-Parrot_jit_int_load(jit_info, interpreter, 2, emitm_l(0));
-Parrot_jit_int_store(jit_info, interpreter, 1, emitm_l(0));
+Parrot_set_s_s {
+Parrot_set_x_x s/_N/_i/
 Parrot_set_n_n {
-Parrot_jit_int_load(jit_info, interpreter, 2, emitm_l(0));
-Parrot_jit_int_store(jit_info, interpreter, 1, emitm_l(0));
+Parrot_set_x_x s/_N/_n/ s/ISR/FSR/
+TEMPLATE Parrot_set_x_xc {
+   jit_emit_load_N(jit_info, interpreter, 2, MAP[1]);
+else {
+   jit_emit_load_N(jit_info, interpreter, 2, ISR1);
+   jit_emit_store_N(jit_info, interpreter, 1, ISR1);
+Parrot_set_i_ic {
+Parrot_set_x_xc s/_N/_i/
+Parrot_set_n_nc {
+Parrot_set_x_xc s/_N/_n/ s/ISR/FSR/
 Parrot_set_n_i {
-Parrot_jit_float_load(jit_info, interpreter, 2, emitm_f(0));
-emitm_fitod(NATIVECODE, emitm_f(0), emitm_f(2));
-Parrot_jit_float_store(jit_info, interpreter, 1, emitm_f(2));
+/* There's no way to move a value directly between integer and floating
+ * point registers so the mapped integer register must be written to memory
+ */
+   jit_emit_store_i(jit_info, interpreter, 2, MAP[2]);
+jit_emit_load_n(jit_info, interpreter, 2, FSR1);
+/* If result register is mapped convert directly into the register */
+   emitm_fitod(NATIVECODE, FSR1, MAP[1]);
+else {
+   emitm_fitod(NATIVECODE, FSR1, FSR2);
+   jit_emit_store_n(jit_info, interpreter, 1, FSR2);
 Parrot_set_i_n {
-Parrot_jit_float_load(jit_info, interpreter, 2, emitm_f(0));
-emitm_fdtoi(NATIVECODE, emitm_f(0), emitm_f(2));
-Parrot_jit_float_store(jit_info, interpreter, 1, emitm_f(2));
+   emitm_fdtoi(NATIVECODE, MAP[2], FSR2);
+else {
+   jit_emit_load_n(jit_info, interpreter, 2, FSR1);
+   emitm_fdtoi(NATIVECODE, FSR1, FSR2);
+jit_emit_store_n(jit_info, interpreter, 1, FSR2);
+/* No float reg to integer reg move instruction available */
+   jit_emit_load_i(jit_info, interpreter, 1, MAP[1]);
+Parrot_set_i_nc {
+emitm_fdtoi(NATIVECODE, MAP[2], FSR1);
+else {
+jit_emit_load_n(jit_info, interpreter, 2, FSR2);
+emitm_fdtoi(NATIVECODE, FSR2, FSR1);
+jit_emit_store_n(jit_info, interpreter, 1, FSR1); 
+jit_emit_load_i(jit_info, interpreter, 1, MAP[1]);
+TEMPLATE Parrot_binop_x_x {
+int arg1, arg2;
+if (MAP[1]) {
+arg1 = MAP[1];
+else {
+arg1 = ISR1;
+jit_emit_load_N(jit_info, interpreter, 1, ISR1);
+if (MAP[2]) {
+arg2 = MAP[2];
+else {
+arg2 = ISR2;
+jit_emit_load_N(jit_info, interpreter, 2, ISR2);
+emitm_op(NATIVECODE, arg1, arg2, arg1);
+jit_emit_store_N(jit_info, interpreter, 1, ISR1);
+Parrot_add_i_i {
+Parrot_binop_x_x s/op/add_r/ s/_N/_i/
+Parrot_sub_i_i {
+Parrot_binop_x_x s/op/sub_r/ s/_N/_i/
+Parrot_bor_i_i {
+Parrot_binop_x_x s/op/or_r/ s/_N/_i/
+Parrot_bxor_i_i {
+Parrot_binop_x_x s/op/xor_r/ s/_N/_i/
+Parrot_band_i_i {

RE: Object spec, try 2 [x-adr][x-bayes]

2003-03-04 Thread Narins, Josh

 And attributes are essentially member variables of objects, which you
 can access as $  Another possible description of 
 them might be
 lvalue methods which never take arguments, and which fetch and store
 class-specific pieces of data.  Different classes may define their own
 private .foo attribute, and these will be distinct even if a class
 inherits from two classes who both have a .foo attribute.
 In perl5, attributes are roughly implemented by class instances being
 blessed hash members, and if more than one class uses a particular
 member name, they will end up colliding.

Well, we aren't continuing that (collisions), are we?

Mapping attributes to   $object{package}:attribute=no clobber!   fixes

my %attribs_from_package_a = %object{package_A}#might return
('MY::package_A::A' = 1,
'MY::package_A::Z' = 2)

my %variety_of_attribute_a = %object:attribute_A   #might return
('MY::package_a::a' = 1,
'DEF::GHI::A'  = 2 )

my %all_attribs= %object{} #might return
('DEF::GHI::A'  = 2,
'MY::package_a::A' = 2,
'MY::package_a::Z' = 2)

I suppose 
my %all_attribs_no_package = %object{undef?}; #would return (A=2,Z=2) or

This maps 1 to 1 with the XMLNS recommendation.

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change without notice.

Re: IMCC and multiple source files

2003-03-04 Thread Leopold Toetsch
K Stol wrote:


Is it possible to have a program, which consists of multiple IMCC source files?

Not yet, directly.
As a workaround, other files can be .include-ed into main, at least from 
now on, I have committed a change and a test for this.

Are there some kind of 'header'-like files?

No header files. The subroutines have to use global labels (with one 
underscore in front), like:

  .sub _main
bsr _sub1
bsr _sub2
  .include file1.imc
   # file1.imc
  .sub _sub1
These labels and branches are resolved then (the compilation of such 
subs is already separate).


Re: [perl #21457] [PATCH] sun4 jit additions

2003-03-04 Thread Leopold Toetsch
Jason Gloudon (via RT) wrote:

# New Ticket Created by  Jason Gloudon 
# Please include the string:  [perl #21457]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# URL: 

Here are some additional ops for the sun4 jit, a bit of name juggling to use
templates in the jit directives and register allocation support.

Thanks, applied.

Re: [perl #21389] [PATCH]Patch to stop compiler warnings in dod.c

2003-03-04 Thread Leopold Toetsch
Steve Peters (via RT) wrote:

# New Ticket Created by  Steve Peters 
# Please include the string:  [perl #21389]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# URL: 

This patch is to stop warnings from being generated when compiling dod.c.  
In the function trace_active_buffers, the local variables cur_stack and 
entry are declared but never used.
Thanks, applied.

Re: [perl #21386] [PATCH]Patch to eliminate compilier warnings in interpreter.c

2003-03-04 Thread Leopold Toetsch
Steve Peters (via RT) wrote:

# New Ticket Created by  Steve Peters 
# Please include the string:  [perl #21386]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# URL: 

This patch fixes compilier warnings generated when compiling interpreter.c.  
In the function runops_prederef, the local variables code_size and code_end 
are declared but never used.  This patch removes these variable declarations 
and stops the compilier warnings.
Thanks, applied.

Re: [RFC] imcc calling conventions

2003-03-04 Thread Dan Sugalski
At 7:36 PM -0500 3/3/03, Benjamin Goldberg wrote:
Dan Sugalski wrote:
 Benjamin Goldberg wrote:
 Jason Gloudon wrote:
 Piers Cawley wrote:

 I think you're overlooking the restoreall done just before
 the jump-no-save-returnaddress operation...  I see two savealls
 and two restorealls.
 But with proper tail call optimization you'd only need *one*
 saveall. That's why it's an optimization.
  Tail call optimization is a space (stack size) optimization. The
  scheme definition only requires space efficiency. The time
  optimization is important but a secondary consideration for the
  functional language folks.
 Here's an idea -- considering that the first op of every sub seems to
 be a 'saveall' instruction,
 If that's true, we need to thump IMCC some. There's no reason for
 this to be the first op--if the caller wanted any registers saved it
 had darned well beter have taken care of it itself. That's the point
 of caller-save, after all...
Erm, my statement was actually just an assumption that the first op
would be a 'saveall' -- I haven't looked at actual imcc output.  By your
comment, I'll assume that my earlier assumption was wildly wrong.
Ben, please don't make assumptions. We've done this to death in the 
past, and it's all in the archives to go digging out. While there's 
plenty of useful metadata we can expose to imcc to get it better 
optimized output, the *last* thing we need is for someone to make a 
bunch of WAG and go off on the conversation based on them.

--it's like this---
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk

Re: Object spec, try 2

2003-03-04 Thread Peter Seibel
Allen Short [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Peter == Peter Seibel [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Hi, I'm new to this list and haven't had a chance to grovel
  through the old archives yet so please forgive me for jumping in
  in the middle of things.
  Anyway, what about languages that don't attach methods to
  particular classes--languages that support generic functions and
  multimethods (i.e. a method is dispatched at runtime based on
  the type of more than one of its arguments.) I ask because I
  started looking at Parrot (and joined this list) because I was
  interested in the idea of writing a Common Lisp that runs on
  Parrot. I had looked at the CLR as a possible target and found
  it too tied to the single-dispatch model of methods belonging
  to particular classes. I was hoping things would be more
  flexible here. Was I hoping for too much?
 I'd expect defmethod/defgeneric to generate instances of a
 standard-generic-function and standard-method class, which holds
 the code and specializations, and whose methods implement CL-style
 dispatch; this would make for a convenient MOP, as well as providing
 some chance for interfacing with modules in other languages. 

So if I did that (and it makes sense) what are the chances that the
JIT would be able to do anything smart in the case where all the
methods defined on a generic function happen to be single dispatch?
I'm assuming that the code to do fully general CL-style dispatching is
going to be slower than the native single dispatch; in the case
where all the methods *are* in fact single dispatch, I'd like to
compile them to the native single dispatch rather than going through
a bunch of generalized machinery.

Again, apologies if this is all out of nowhere and ignorant to
boot--I've just recently started looking at Parrot.



  The intellectual level needed   for  system design is  in  general
  grossly  underestimated. I am  convinced  more than ever that this
  type of work is very difficult and that every effort to do it with
  other than the best people is doomed to either failure or moderate
  success at enormous expense. --Edsger Dijkstra

[OT] joining list, test message, delete with impunity :)

2003-03-04 Thread Paul

Hello all. 
I'm here mostly as a lurker to keep up with the evolving structure of
p6, but will try to contribute something useful when I can.
Good to be aboard.


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coroutines end and DFG

2003-03-04 Thread Leopold Toetsch
Does a couroutine end? And how?
The current implementation jumps forth and back by the Binvoke opcode, 
one is a call coroutine the other is a yield. There seems to be no 
possibility, that the coroutine states, I'm finished now - with 
possibly meaning don't call me again.

And from imcc's register allocations POV the whole coroutine stuff is a 
PITA, no registers are preserved, AFAIK, so a coroutines and the caller 
+ all edges out from both do share the same registers, don't they?


RE: coroutines end and DFG

2003-03-04 Thread Jonathan Sillito
 -Original Message-
 From: Leopold Toetsch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Does a couroutine end? And how?
 The current implementation jumps forth and back by the Binvoke opcode,
 one is a call coroutine the other is a yield. There seems to be no
 possibility, that the coroutine states, I'm finished now - with
 possibly meaning don't call me again.

That's correct.

 And from imcc's register allocations POV the whole coroutine stuff is a
 PITA, no registers are preserved, AFAIK, so a coroutines and the caller
 + all edges out from both do share the same registers, don't they?

They do, except that each coroutine has its own user stack so saveall and
restoreall can work properly.

-- jonathan sillito

RE: Object spec

2003-03-04 Thread Brent Dax
Sam Vilain:
#  Okay, here's another shot at the semantics for objects [for 
# perl 6]. 
#  If folks, especially non-perl folks, would look this over and chime 
#  in, I'd much appreciate it.
#  Objects have (all optional):
#  *) Properties
#  *) Methods
#  *) Attributes
# Add to that:
#   *) A superclass (obviously, but I consider it to be the 
# same level as
#  Properties, Methods and Attributes.)

Superclass*es*.  Perl 5 has MI, and I don't expect that to change in
Perl 6.  Parrot absolutely *must* support Perl, or it has failed in its
primary goal.

#   *) Associations, eg in UML.

I've deleted your stuff about associations below, which described their
properties nicely, but didn't explain what they *are*.  What are they
and when would you use them?  Can they be implemented in terms of
properties and/or attributes?

#   *) a set of Interfaces (similar to multiple inheritance; a way of
#  grouping methods associated with a class for another to 
# implement).
#  eg, in Java and IDL.

Can this be implemented in terms of MI and/or delegation?  (For Perl 6's
part, my understanding is that an interface is just a class that
inherits from Interface--although I could *easily* be wrong about that.)

# Are you going to implement the concept of `scope' of 
# methods/attributes?  
# Many other languages have it, and I think in some 
# circumstances it can 
# help clarify the intent of code.  Of course anally requiring it to be 
# specified ends up with a language like Java :-).

If you mean public/private, yes.  If you mean lexically-scoped methods
and such...they have been proposed for Perl 6, although implementing
them is non-trivial.

# My humble opinion is that `public' attributes should just be 
# implemented in 
# terms of automatically generated accessor functions.

The attribute slots in a Parrot object are private to the object (and,
by extension, any classes it is a member of), so access will be mediated
through accessors.

@roles=map {Parrot $_} qw(embedding regexen Configure)

How do you test this 'God' to prove it is who it says it is?
If you're God, you know exactly what it would take to convince me. Do
--Marc Fleury on alt.atheism

c-style assembly in .pasm

2003-03-04 Thread Tupshin Harper
In my ongoing quest to understand the possibilities (and possible 
limitations) of parrot, here's another one. ;-)
How close a mapping can there be between regular (x86 in this example) 
assembly (as generated by c-compilation) and pasm?
I can't figure out if the stack ops can approximate this kind of thing.

Issues I don't understand are inline in the assembly.

int main(){
int i=5;
pushl   %ebp
movl%esp, %ebp
subl$8, %esp   ; Is there a stack pointer to move?
andl$-16, %esp
movl$0, %eax
subl%eax, %esp
movl$5, -4(%ebp); Is there any analogue to bit/byte 
sized offsets?
leal-4(%ebp), %eax  ; Or is the granularity strictly at the 
item level?
incl(%eax); can you modify an element on 
the stack in place?
