Re: statement_controlfoo()

2005-12-01 Thread Michele Dondi

On Wed, 30 Nov 2005, Piers Cawley wrote:

$fh = open '', 'quotefile' or fail;
$fh.print 'EOQ'

Hmmm... 1/sqrt(2) * ( |Perl5 + |Perl6 ) ?

(I thought ''  C. were gone...)

We can only see a short distance ahead, but we can see plenty there that needs 
to be done.
- Alan Turing

Capabilities in Perl6?

2005-12-01 Thread Rob Kinyon
I just read the slides about CAPerl ( and it's an
interesting idea. Leaving aside the question of whether this would work in
Perl5 or not, I think it would be very interesting to look at building this
concept into Perl6. Here's how I'd envision doing so:

* Any subroutine is allowed to work with the parameters it was given.
(If you didn't want it to work with those, why did you give them to it?)
Variables outside its scope are, by default, not allowed.
* When looking at a variable you're allowed to see, you are only allowed
to use the methods it exposes - no peeking!
* A subroutine may be explicitly granted access to a variable in a
parent scope through the grant keyword. (More later.)
* A subroutine may be disallowed access to a variable in a parent scope
through the revoke keyword. (More later.)
* Access to resources outside the program (files, etc) must be provided
to the subroutine through parameters or explicit grants.
* The outermost scope is completely trusted. (Someone has to be ...)

Grant/revoke (names may be changed, as needed) take the following
(pseudocode) signatures:
grant ( Sub, Var, [Var, ... ] )
revoke( Sub, Var, [Var, ... ] )

It is an error to:
* attempt to grant/revoke access to a variable you don't have access to
* attempt to grant/revoke access to a variable that isn't in scope for
the grantee


Re: Capabilities in Perl6?

2005-12-01 Thread Larry Wall
On Thu, Dec 01, 2005 at 10:54:14AM -0500, Rob Kinyon wrote:
: I just read the slides about CAPerl ( and it's an
: interesting idea. Leaving aside the question of whether this would work in
: Perl5 or not, I think it would be very interesting to look at building this
: concept into Perl6. Here's how I'd envision doing so:

We should probably think about as a potential variant of the recent
env addition to S02.

: * Any subroutine is allowed to work with the parameters it was given.
: (If you didn't want it to work with those, why did you give them to it?)

Um, maybe because you're calling a set of routines, and some of the routines
are interested in some of the initializers but not others?  Currently we
have methods implicitly all having *%_ to soak up unexpected arguments.

: Variables outside its scope are, by default, not allowed.

Maybe we need to differentiate lexical and dynamic scoping here.  The
env mechanism is only addressing dynamic scoping of lexicals.  And we
turn on $_ visibility by default.  That would be a considered a security
hole under this model.

: * When looking at a variable you're allowed to see, you are only allowed
: to use the methods it exposes - no peeking!

I'm not entirely sure what this means.  What counts as a method?
Use as an rvalue?  Use as an lvalue.  Modification?

Different scopes see different sets of methods to attributes depending
on whether the attribute is private/public, rw or readonly, native
or boxed type.  I can see a lot of times where you might be allowed
to read a native value but not write it, for instance.  (Possibly
readonly access to any externals should be the default for eval,
even if we don't go with a stronger capabilities model.)

: * A subroutine may be explicitly granted access to a variable in a
: parent scope through the grant keyword. (More later.)

More or less what the env declarator does.

: * A subroutine may be disallowed access to a variable in a parent scope
: through the revoke keyword. (More later.)

That would currently have to be done with an inner my scope to hide
the env scope.

: * Access to resources outside the program (files, etc) must be provided
: to the subroutine through parameters or explicit grants.

Hmm.  What if you want to provide part of %ENV?  I suppose one would have
to copy in your own env %ENV.

: * The outermost scope is completely trusted. (Someone has to be ...)

What's an outermost scope?  Dynamic or lexical?  What about modules that
can be executed directly?

: Grant/revoke (names may be changed, as needed) take the following
: (pseudocode) signatures:
: grant ( Sub, Var, [Var, ... ] )
: revoke( Sub, Var, [Var, ... ] )

Seems inside out to me in the use vars vs our sense.  I think
these things want to associate with the declaration, which is why
things like our and env are declarators.  Minor magical stuff
that is orthogonal to declarators ends up as traits.

: It is an error to:
: * attempt to grant/revoke access to a variable you don't have access to
: * attempt to grant/revoke access to a variable that isn't in scope for
: the grantee

More good reasons for attaching the grant to the declaration in the
first place.  If you're going to grant access by delegation then you
should *use* delegation, I expect.


Re: Capabilities in Perl6?

2005-12-01 Thread Yuval Kogman
On Thu, Dec 01, 2005 at 10:54:14 -0500, Rob Kinyon wrote:
 I just read the slides about CAPerl ( and it's an
 interesting idea.

The ideas I tossed around regarding the circular prelude should
make perl 6 be roughly on the same level as javascript in terms of
this security stuff.

This is a very good start towards a model where a crippled runtime
is mixed with a fully priviliged one, with grey areas in the middle.

 ()  Yuval Kogman [EMAIL PROTECTED] 0xEBD27418  perl hacker 
 /\  kung foo master: : neeyah!

Description: PGP signature

PIR methods and local variables occupy the same 'namespace'

2005-12-01 Thread Allison Randal
I realize this is a side effect of the fact that method names are  
actually strings, but it's an unfortunate result.

If I have a little bit of code that calls a method without quotes  
around the name of the method, it calls the method (prints out  
Boojum), exactly as expected:

.sub main :main
newclass $P1, 'Thingy'
$P2 = new 'Thingy'

.namespace [ Thingy ]

.sub snark method
print Boojum\n

But, if I were to foolishly have a local PMC variable of the same  
name as the method in the same compilation unit as the method call,  
then it tries to invoke the local variable:

.sub main :main
newclass $P1, 'Thingy'
$P2 = new 'Thingy'
.local pmc snark
snark = new PerlArray

And I get the error:

invoke() not implemented in class 'PerlArray'

If the local variable happens to be a string, it treats the string as  
the name of the method and calls that. So if the string happens to be  
snark it calls the snark method and prints out Boojum, otherwise  
it fails (because Thingy doesn't have any other methods, so any other  
method name is not found).

.sub main :main
newclass $P1, 'Thingy'
$P2 = new 'Thingy'
.local string snark
snark = snark

There's an easy way to ensure the clash between method names and  
local variables never happens: always wrap the method name in quotes.  
This will never try to invoke the local snark variable, because it  
knows the method name is a literal string.

.sub main :main
newclass $P1, 'Thingy'
$P2 = new 'Thingy'
.local pmc snark
snark = new PerlArray

So, my question is, should we prevent the obj.method() syntax from  
ever being interpreted as object.method()? It's nice convenient  
syntax, but makes for some pretty nasty collisions. Or, maybe there's  
another solution, like requiring some explicit way of marking when  
obj.method() is doing anything other than obj.method(). (That at  
least has the advantage of making the common case the default.)

And, yeah, I just spent some time debugging a bit of code that read  
something like:

.local pmc children
children = node.children()


Namespaces (At Long Last)

2005-12-01 Thread Matt Diephouse
After many months and lots of work, I'm happy to present you with the
latest namespace spec draft. Comments are most welcome: to quote Chip,
The rest of the discussion would benefit from more eyes.


matt diephouse

- Languages should contain their namespaces
- Namespaces should be hierarchical
- Add a get_namespace opcode (that takes an array or a multidimensional
hash index)
- Namespaces follow the semantics of the HLL in which they're defined
- Imports follow the semantics of the library's language
- Two interfaces: typed and generic

Namespace PMC API
There are many different ways to implement a namespace and Parrot's
target languages display a wide variety of them. By implementing an API,
it should be possible to allow interoperability while still allowing
each one choose the best internal representation.

HLL A High Level Language, such as Perl, Python, or Tcl. This is in
contrast to PIR.

Current namespace
The current namespace is the namespace associated with the currently
executing subroutine.

  Naming Conventions
For interoperability, languages should use hierarchical namespaces.
There's no way to outlaw flat namespaces, of course, and that remains an
option for language implementors, but a standard must be chosen for easy
interoperability, and hierarchical seems to be the better choice.

HLL Private Namespaces
HLLs should use a namespace with an underscore and the lowercased
name of the HLL to store any private items. For instance, Tcl should
use the _tcl namespace to store the subroutines that make up the

User Defined Namespaces
All HLLs should prefix any namespaces with the lowercased name of
the HLL (so there's no question of what to capitalize). So Perl 5's
CGI module should be stored under perl5::CGI. This eliminates any
accidental collisions between languages.

  Interfaces: Generic and Typed
Most languages leave their symbols plain, which makes lookups quite
straightforward. Others use sigils or other mangling techniques,
complicating the problem of interoperability.

Parrot namespaces assist with interoperability by providing two
interface subsets: the *raw interface* and the *typed interface*.

   Raw Interface
Each HLL may, when working with its own namespace objects, use the *raw
interface*, which allows direct naming in the native style of the
namespace's HLL. This interface consists of the following methods:

TODO: Decide whether this is best exposed by does hash.

add($S0, $P0)
Store the PMC in $P0 under the raw name $S0.

Delete the entry named $S0.

$P0 = find($S0)
Find the sub, namespace, or variable named $S0. Return a null PMC on
lookup failure.

$P0 = names()
Get an array of the names contained in the namespace.

NOTE: The return value may be a psuedo-array holding a reference to
the namespace and some kind of internal iterator.

   Typed Interface
When a given namespace's HLL is either different from the current HLL or
unknown, an HLL should generally use only the language-agnostic
namespace interface. This interface isolates HLLs from each others'
naming quirks. It consists of add_foo(), find_foo(), and del_foo()
methods, for values of foo including sub (something executable),
namespace (something in which to find more names), and var

NOTE: The job of the typed interface is to bridge *naming* differences,
and *only* naming differences. It does not enforce, nor even notice, the
interface requirements of sub or namespace. Thus, for example,
successful execution of add_sub(foo, $P0) does *not* automatically
guarantee that $P0 is an invokable subroutine. Caveat usor.

add_sub($S0, $P0)
Store $P0 as a subroutine with the name of $S0.

add_namespace($S0, $P0)
Store $P0 as a sub-namespace with the name of $S0. Note that to add
Bar::Baz to the Foo namespace, one must add Bar to Foo and then Baz
to Foo::Bar.

add_var($S0, $P0)
Store $P0 as a variable under the name of $S0.

IMPLEMENTATION NOTE: perl6::namespace.add_var may choose to check
which parts of the variable interface are implemented by $P0 so it
can decide on an appropriate sigil.

Delete the sub, namespace, or variable named $S0.

$P0 = find_sub($S0)
$P0 = find_namespace($S0)
$P0 = find_var($S0)
Find the sub, namespace, or variable named $S0.

IMPLEMENTATION NOTE: perl6::namespace.find_var should check all
variable sigils, but the order is not to be counted on by users. If
you're planning to let Python code see your module, don't