Re: Observations from a C++/Python developer that never used Perl5

2016-09-07 Thread Kaare Rasmussen

Hi Joseph

Welcome, and I hope you'll stick around.

Now, I haven't had the time to dig into Perl 6 myself, only to poke at 
it from time to time. But, while waiting for people who know something 
to respond, I'll ask you to be a little concise in certain areas.
* I can find no concise easy-to-understand explanation for how to 
define what other languages would call constructors. Instead there is 
a mess of bless, magic inside Mu, new, BUILD, BUILDALL... It's not 
clear when you should prefer to override BUILD or new or both. I also 
assume there are some benefits to teasing apart object construction 
this way, but right now I don't know what they are. This is also an 
area where I think there are older blog posts confusing the situation 
because they discuss semantics from an older version of Perl6.

I wonder what you miss from To 
me, it explains the hows and whys very thoroughly. Now, I now people 
have been hard at work improving the documentation, so if you can point 
to what's missing or unclear, I'm sure it will help a lot.

* It would be nice for people coming from Python for a tutorial that 
explained the basic module importing, the scope of things imported, 
and how name collisions are avoided when importing from two modules 
that have the same sub. The official documentation is trying to 
distinguish a bunch of subtle and presumably useful for advanced users 
distinctions that are completely lost on a newcomer. I just want to 
know what is the equivalent of import, from foo import bar, and import 
foo as bar.

It sounds like "arh, do it yourself", but I'd like to say that, coming 
from a Python background, you'd be the perfect person to do just that. 
At least take notes and post them, so it can go into a tutorial of some 

* Coming from almost any other language the => operator is dark magic 
because of its implicit quoting of the left hand side. Likewise the 
implicit quoting done by . Some explanation of why this is done, 
and how you could write a sub or operator that does the same thing 
would probably go a long way towards making it less confusing.

The pair operator is explained here 
and word quoting here - perhaps 
they're more Perl 5-like, but both are very handy features. Perhaps you 
can expand a little as to what you'd like explained. Coming from Perl 5, 
I'm certainly damaged in that respect.

* I haven't been able to find any guidance on when I should be using a 
role and when I should be using a class. The former seem to give you 
better error messages when you forget to define a method from a base 
role... So never use classes? I suspect it's more complicated than that.

I guess this is something everybody can have an opinion about. There are 
a number of reasons to go one or the other way. Isn't it a topic for all 
modern languages?

* Types feel like second-class citizens. Without knowing the details 
of the implementation it feels like the errors that Perl can 
statically detect is chosen at random. It's generally useful

I think your wording is misleading. The things that Perl 6 can detect 
when compiling shouldn't be a matter of choice, but of what's possible. 
Perhaps you can give some examples, I'm sure there are perfectly good 
reasons for the way things are. If not, it may be a bug, and the 
compiler can be improved.

argument constructors, are all pretty sweet as well. Macros look 
pretty promising although again I had trouble finding good tutorials.

As I recall it, macros where left out of the initial implementation. So 
you have to wait for another Christmas Present :-)


Observations from a C++/Python developer that never used Perl5

2016-09-07 Thread Joseph Garvin
For the last couple weeks I've been experimenting with Perl6 because I
finally became sufficiently annoyed with Python's lack of real (No GIL)
threading and a quick inspection of the Perl6 feature list looked
promising. I'm trying to keep an open mind because Perl is pretty
culturally different than the languages that I'm used to working with (C++
may give optimized code but it is not trying to be -Ofun) so although I've
run into a few stumbling blocks I mean for the points below to just be
observations -- I don't have a feel yet for whether or not some of these
things are hard for me because I'm not used to them or because they are
problem in the language design. Maybe you all can set me straight.

I've read both the "Perl 6 Introduction" and the "Learn Perl 6 in Y
minutes" (and a smattering of the advent calendar and the official
documentation). They are both well-written and super useful but they don't
cover some things that a new Perl6 programmer will run into immediately and
where the official documentation is almost completely opaque to an outsider:

* Sigils are initially explained in a way that makes them look like a
shorthand way to indicate whether or not you have an array or hash or a
scalar. But since you can store an array or hash in a $ variable, and
because you can put a sigil before the sigil, e.g. @$foo it's not
immediately obvious what to prefer and when. Examples using other container
types to illustrate that the built-in array and hash types are not special
would be useful to make this more clear. The temptation is for me to always
use $ and if it turns out I need to loop over something use @$x or %$x. I'm
not sure why you wouldn't just want that to be the way to do it in general
in the language. Also an explanation of how you implement your own
container to be @ or % compatible.

* I can find no concise easy-to-understand explanation for how to define
what other languages would call constructors. Instead there is a mess of
bless, magic inside Mu, new, BUILD, BUILDALL... It's not clear when you
should prefer to override BUILD or new or both. I also assume there are
some benefits to teasing apart object construction this way, but right now
I don't know what they are. This is also an area where I think there are
older blog posts confusing the situation because they discuss semantics
from an older version of Perl6.

* It would be nice for people coming from Python for a tutorial that
explained the basic module importing, the scope of things imported, and how
name collisions are avoided when importing from two modules that have the
same sub. The official documentation is trying to distinguish a bunch of
subtle and presumably useful for advanced users distinctions that are
completely lost on a newcomer. I just want to know what is the equivalent
of import, from foo import bar, and import foo as bar.

* Coming from almost any other language the => operator is dark magic
because of its implicit quoting of the left hand side. Likewise the
implicit quoting done by . Some explanation of why this is done, and
how you could write a sub or operator that does the same thing would
probably go a long way towards making it less confusing.

* I haven't been able to find any guidance on when I should be using a role
and when I should be using a class. The former seem to give you better
error messages when you forget to define a method from a base role... So
never use classes? I suspect it's more complicated than that.

Then there were some more issues that took longer to come up:

* Types feel like second-class citizens. Without knowing the details of the
implementation it feels like the errors that Perl can statically detect is
chosen at random. It's generally useful to have an intuition about what
kinds of errors are detectable at compile time versus runtime so that you
can prefer the former when designing an API to make it harder for users to
hang themselves. There are also instances where it's not clear whether or
not something is part of the type system -- I had an undefined method in a
role that subclasses/roles were meant to override and I had a derived role
that defined it but used different sigils, and a different explicit type on
one of the arguments, and Perl6 gave me no errors. Finally if I want to
implement my own container I haven't been able to find any documentation
explaining how to parameterize my type, e.g. I specifically want
MyContainer[int, float]. Also tying in to the point about object
construction :D did not appear to work on arguments to overrides of new().
Also sometimes when you get a type error at runtime no line number
information is given so where the error occurred is anyone's guess.

* :D is a great idea for function signatures, and is what you probably want
for 99% percent of all your function arguments but surprisingly is not the
default in the otherwise very terse Perl6. Why not?

* set/SetHash are confusing on multiple levels. Set can be parameterized by
a type but Set

Re: Justification for the "reversed" instruction format

2016-09-07 Thread Parrot Raiser
There is a "flip" in P6, to reverse the characters in a string, and a
"reverse", to return the elements of a list. Would either of those be
an equivalent?

On 9/6/16, Trey Harris  wrote:
> There’s a very common functional programming pattern, usually called flip;
> its implementation in Haskell is simply:
> flip   :: (a -> b -> c) -> b -> a -> cflip f x y =  f y x
> Getting the same behavior out of a bespoke function in Perl 6 would be easy
> for any particular case, but writing a general version of flip that would
> work universally with all binary operators would be a pain to get right
> (while maintaining *exactly* the same behavior and errors as the original
> in all conditions), wouldn’t it?
> If so, R is syntactic sugar, but very helpful syntactic sugar.
> On Tue, Sep 6, 2016 at 12:59 PM Aaron Sherman 
> wrote:
> Oh, and note that you can pass R'd reductions as if they were normal prefix
>> ops:
>> $ perl6 -e 'sub dueet(&op, *@list) { op @list }; say dueet
>> &prefix:<[R-]>,
>> 1..100'
>> -4850
>> On Tue, Sep 6, 2016 at 12:51 PM, Aaron Sherman 
>> wrote:
>>> $ perl6 -e 'my @numbers = 1..100; say [-] @numbers; say [R-] @numbers'
>>> -5048
>>> -4850
>>> In general, it's kind of pointless with bare infix ops, as you can just
>>> reverse the arguments, but when reducing or the like, it becomes much
>>> more
>>> valuable.
>>> On Tue, Sep 6, 2016 at 12:43 PM, Parrot Raiser <>
>>> wrote:
 I've just stumbled across "reversed operators", e.g. say 4 R/ 12; # 3
 in the documentation. I'm curious to know why the language includes
 them? I'm having trouble understanding where they would be useful.

>> ​

Re: Justification for the "reversed" instruction format

2016-09-07 Thread Brandon Allbery
On Wed, Sep 7, 2016 at 6:08 PM, Parrot Raiser <> wrote:

> There is a "flip" in P6, to reverse the characters in a string, and a
> "reverse", to return the elements of a list. Would either of those be
> an equivalent?

Not without an "apply" mechanism used for function / method / operator
invocations. Which is almost viable in Perl 6 since the parameters get
passed as a list --- except that the list is only visible within the
implementation, not at the call site (which is what "apply" does).

brandon s allbery kf8nh   sine nomine associates
unix, openafs, kerberos, infrastructure, xmonad

[perl #129080] [LTA] Missing bit in error message about R?? in Rakudo

2016-09-07 Thread Zoffix Znet via RT
Fixed in

Tests needed

Help mechanism in REPL?

2016-09-07 Thread Parrot Raiser
This isn't a request for a feature, merely a thought experiment. We're
still in the phase where it's more important to ensure that existing
features work properly than add new ones.

How difficult would it be to include a mechanism within the REPL to
select either documentation or an example, (possibly from the test
suite), for a particular command? Selection might be by some control
key combination,  cursor positioning, or an alternative to "enter" at
the end of the line. The purpose would be to speed development, by
enabling an inexperienced developer to look up details while testing.

Syntax errors generate messages which attempt to provide help; could
this provide the basis for a "help" mechanism? Would this be useful?


Re: [perl #129221] [BUG][UNI] Combinators get matched by regex even when no ignoremark is set

2016-09-07 Thread Brandon Allbery
On Wed, Sep 7, 2016 at 5:12 PM, via RT <> wrote:

> Actually, this is intended behavior. NFG synthetics take on the character
> properties of their base character.

How do you match any base Unicode digit (i.e. not just the ASCII 0-9)
without any marks?

brandon s allbery kf8nh   sine nomine associates
unix, openafs, kerberos, infrastructure, xmonad

[perl #129221] [BUG][UNI] Combinators get matched by regex even when no ignoremark is set

2016-09-07 Thread via RT
On Wed Sep 07 10:35:51 2016, wrote:
> The expectation is this would fail to match, because I'm only asking
> for digits:
>  m: say "7\x[308]" ~~ /^ \d+ $/
> <+camelia> rakudo-moar f0bb58: OUTPUT«「7̈」␤»
Actually, this is intended behavior. NFG synthetics take on the character 
properties of their base character.


[perl #128469] [BUG] done() on first entry to whenever block does not exit react {}

2016-09-07 Thread Zoffix Znet via RT
This now appears to have been fixed by some of the recent async fixes.

Tests now pass and have been unfudged in

[perl #128469] [BUG] done() on first entry to whenever block does not exit react {}

2016-09-07 Thread Zoffix Znet via RT
This now appears to have been fixed by some of the recent async fixes.

Tests now pass and have been unfudged in

[perl #129221] [BUG][UNI] Combinators get matched by regex even when no ignoremark is set

2016-09-07 Thread via RT
# New Ticket Created by  Zoffix Znet 
# Please include the string:  [perl #129221]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# >

The expectation is this would fail to match, because I'm only asking for digits:

m: say "7\x[308]" ~~ /^ \d+ $/
   <+camelia> rakudo-moar f0bb58: OUTPUT«「7̈」␤»

There's a bunch of variants of this in

Fixing this should automagically fix

Re: [perl #129220] [BUG] .list,.List, (Real,) inconsistencies

2016-09-07 Thread Lloyd Fournier
I Realised what's happening. Real is a role so calling .list on it puns it.

so the phenomenon can be boiled down to:

 Real ~~ Real.^pun # False

I'm not sure if it should be that way. I will accept notabug though :)

On Thu, Sep 8, 2016 at 12:33 AM Lloyd Fournier 

> # New Ticket Created by  Lloyd Fournier
> # Please include the string:  [perl #129220]
> # in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue.
> # >
> say (Real,) ~~ Real.list;   # False
> say (Real,) ~~ Real.List;   # False
> say Real.list ~~ (Real,);   # True
> say Real.list ~~ Real.List; # True
> say Real.List ~~ (Real,);   # True
> say Real.List ~~ Real.list; # True
> say (Cool,) ~~ Cool.list;   # True
> say (Cool,) ~~ Cool.List;   # True
> say Cool.list ~~ (Cool,);   # True
> say Cool.list ~~ Cool.List; # True
> say Cool.List ~~ (Cool,);   # True
> say Cool.List ~~ Cool.list; # True
> (Real,) seems to be a special snowflake and that's not Cool.

[perl #129220] [BUG] .list,.List, (Real,) inconsistencies

2016-09-07 Thread via RT
# New Ticket Created by  Lloyd Fournier 
# Please include the string:  [perl #129220]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# >

say (Real,) ~~ Real.list;   # False
say (Real,) ~~ Real.List;   # False
say Real.list ~~ (Real,);   # True
say Real.list ~~ Real.List; # True
say Real.List ~~ (Real,);   # True
say Real.List ~~ Real.list; # True

say (Cool,) ~~ Cool.list;   # True
say (Cool,) ~~ Cool.List;   # True
say Cool.list ~~ (Cool,);   # True
say Cool.list ~~ Cool.List; # True
say Cool.List ~~ (Cool,);   # True
say Cool.List ~~ Cool.list; # True

(Real,) seems to be a special snowflake and that's not Cool.

[perl #129214] Initialization of variables explicitly declared as Hash[...]

2016-09-07 Thread via RT
# New Ticket Created by  Peter Pentchev 
# Please include the string:  [perl #129214]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# >


While trying to write a function returning Hash[Array[Str]], I came up against 
what looks like two related problems.  All of this is with both 2016.08.1 and a 
current one - "This is Rakudo version 2016.08.1-116-gf648d3b built on MoarVM 
version 2016.08-35-g5108035".

First of all, if a variable is declared, but not initialized, it seems that 
some kind of initialization is delayed until an assignment is made and then a 
type check breaks.  Here's an example:

#!/usr/bin/env perl6

use v6.c;

my Hash[Int] $data;

say 'Created, not initialized yet';
dd $data;

say 'About to initialize it...';
$data = 5;

say 'We never get here, do we?';
dd $data;

The output is:

[roam@straylight ~/lang/perl/misc/rt/hash/01-init]$ perl6 hash-init.p6
Created, not initialized yet
Hash[Int] $data = Hash[Int]
About to initialize it...
Type check failed in assignment to $data; expected Hash[Int] but got Hash (${})
  in block  at hash-init.p6 line 11

And this leads almost directly to the second problem.  I tried to work around 
this message by initializing the hash at creation time, and this seems to 
actually lose the value type constraint!  Here's an example:

#!/usr/bin/env perl6

use v6.c;

my Hash[Int] $data .= new();

say 'Created and initialized';
dd $data;

say 'About to assign to it...';
$data = 3/5;

say 'So did we really store a Rat into a hash of Ints?';
dd $data;
dd $data;

And the output is:

[roam@straylight ~/lang/perl/misc/rt/hash/02-weird-types]$ perl6 hash-int-rat.p6
Created and initialized
Hash[Int] $data = (my Int %)
About to assign to it...
So did we really store a Rat into a hash of Ints?
Hash[Int] $data = (my Int % = :key(0.6))
Rat  = 0.6

Thanks in advance for looking into this!


Re: Justification for the "reversed" instruction format

2016-09-07 Thread Trey Harris
There’s a very common functional programming pattern, usually called flip;
its implementation in Haskell is simply:

flip   :: (a -> b -> c) -> b -> a -> cflip f x y =  f y x

Getting the same behavior out of a bespoke function in Perl 6 would be easy
for any particular case, but writing a general version of flip that would
work universally with all binary operators would be a pain to get right
(while maintaining *exactly* the same behavior and errors as the original
in all conditions), wouldn’t it?

If so, R is syntactic sugar, but very helpful syntactic sugar.

On Tue, Sep 6, 2016 at 12:59 PM Aaron Sherman 

Oh, and note that you can pass R'd reductions as if they were normal prefix
> ops:
> $ perl6 -e 'sub dueet(&op, *@list) { op @list }; say dueet &prefix:<[R-]>,
> 1..100'
> -4850
> On Tue, Sep 6, 2016 at 12:51 PM, Aaron Sherman 
> wrote:
>> $ perl6 -e 'my @numbers = 1..100; say [-] @numbers; say [R-] @numbers'
>> -5048
>> -4850
>> In general, it's kind of pointless with bare infix ops, as you can just
>> reverse the arguments, but when reducing or the like, it becomes much more
>> valuable.
>> On Tue, Sep 6, 2016 at 12:43 PM, Parrot Raiser <>
>> wrote:
>>> I've just stumbled across "reversed operators", e.g. say 4 R/ 12; # 3
>>> in the documentation. I'm curious to know why the language includes
>>> them? I'm having trouble understanding where they would be useful.
> ​

[perl #129215] Passing a Hash[...] as a parameter to an imported sub

2016-09-07 Thread via RT
# New Ticket Created by  Peter Pentchev 
# Please include the string:  [perl #129215]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# >


So here's the main program:


use v6.c;

use lib '.';
use trap;

sub woof-local(Hash[Str:D] $data)
return $data[0];

my %opts = title => 'Something something something dark side';
say 'Invoking the local sub...';
say woof-local(Hash[Str:D].new(%opts));

%opts = "It's a trap!";
say 'Invoking the remote sub...';
say woof-remote(Hash[Str:D].new(%opts));

And here's the trap.pm6 module:

#!/usr/bin/env perl6

unit module trap;

sub woof-remote(Hash[Str:D] $data) is export
return $data[0];

And here's the result of the execution:

[roam@straylight ~/lang/perl/misc/rt/hash/03-param]$ perl6 hash-param.p6
Invoking the local sub...
Something something something dark side
Invoking the remote sub...
Type check failed in binding to $data; expected Hash[Str:D] but got (my Str:D % 
= :title(...
  in sub woof-remote at /home/roam/lang/perl/misc/rt/hash/03-param/trap.pm6 
(trap) line 5
  in block  at hash-param.p6 line 20


[perl #129219] [LTA] PERL6_TEST_DIE_ON_FAIL doesn't die in non-TODOed subtests

2016-09-07 Thread via RT
# New Ticket Created by  Zoffix Znet 
# Please include the string:  [perl #129219]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# >

Opening this mostly to serve as a reminder for myself.

Currently, when PERL6_TEST_DIE_ON_FAIL is used, it won't die when tests fail 
inside a subtest and will wait until the outer-most subtest fails before dying. 
This (currently) is done to prevent it from dieing when failures are inside 
TODOed subtests.

A better implementation would detect that the failed test is not a descendant 
of a todo-ed subtest and fail accordingly.

As I mentioned, I hope to refactor the code of Test.pm6 in relatively near 
future to make it easier to maintain and at that point I'll resolve this 

[perl #129213] [CONC] Bailador + start + IO hangs

2016-09-07 Thread via RT
On Tue Sep 06 08:58:37 2016, coke wrote:
> See attached files.
> I have seen variations of this problem in 2016.07, .08, and just today
> with f648d3b / 67b6836 / 5108035 - however the issues with the most
> recent version seem to happen even sooner. (2016.08, for example, It
> looked like even more work was being done in the start block before
> the hang occurred0
> Run 'perl6 wtf.p6' - this starts the bailador server listening on port 7890.
> Run the command - you'll see an "A" in the log - if you
> wait... no "B" appears.
> Now run the command multiple times - you'll see an "A" appear
> for each request, but you won't get a "B" until a few requests have
> been posted.
> Remove the start block and restart - "B" comes back very quickly.
> Revert wtf.p6, replace the slurp line with a "sleep 4"  and rerun: now
> A still emits immediately with each curl request, but B emits for each
> of those requests, just after the expected delay.
> So, triggering the issue seems to require HTTP::Easy's .run method
> (used in Bailador), an async start block, and then additional IO in
> the start block.
Attaching gdb to see where it was hanging showed up that the thread waiting to 
accept was preventing others from running GC. Fixed that in MoarVM. Also boiled 
the bug down to the test case now in roast as 
S32-io/socket-accept-and-working-threads.t, which covers it.
