Re: Suggested magic for a .. b

2010-07-28 Thread Chris Fields
On Jul 28, 2010, at 1:37 PM, Mark J. Reed wrote:

 On Wed, Jul 28, 2010 at 2:30 PM, Chris Fields wrote:
 On Jul 28, 2010, at 1:27 PM, Mark J. Reed wrote:
 Can I get an Amen?  Amen!
 Mark J. Reed
 +1.  I'm agnostic ;
 Militant?  :)  ( )
 Nothing inherently religious about amen (or me), but I'll accept
 +1 as synonymous.   :)
 Mark J. Reed

Not militant, just trying to inject a bit of humor into the zombie thread that 
won't die.


Re: Suggested magic for a .. b

2010-07-28 Thread Chris Fields
On Jul 28, 2010, at 1:27 PM, Mark J. Reed wrote:

 On Wednesday, July 28, 2010, Jon Lang wrote:
 Keep it simple, folks!  There are enough corner cases in Perl 6 as
 things stand; we don't need to be introducing more of them if we can
 help it.
 Can I get an Amen?  Amen!
 Mark J. Reed

+1.  I'm agnostic ;


Str.trans implementation

2010-06-01 Thread Chris Fields

Funny, went to IRC after seeing this brought up to respond, and didn't even 
notice you made this the weekly contribution to perl6!  I have a Str.trans 
implementation on my rakudo github fork that's working and passes 20 tests:

A few caveats:

1) It's very simplistic and just does alternation mapping using the recent 
regex interpolation additions.  I agree we could switch to .comb if needed.  
Matching against a long list of alternates using captures like /@alternates/ 
is very slow (one of the tests bears this out).  If these are somehow 
stringified and maybe regex grouped they may be faster.
2) No regex matching yet, but we do have closures working.
3) :d and :s work, but I don't think these are spec'ed.
4) Simple single char transliteration should be very efficient and could be 
optimized as a special case.
5) A strange bug: the following test does not parse; this broke recently.  Any 
obvious reason why this is breaking?

is(nbsp;lt;gt;amp;.trans( ['nbsp;', 'lt;', 'gt;', 'amp;'] =
[' ',  '','','' ] ),
 ,The array version can map one characters to one-or-more 

I think, in order to get regexes to work we will need a way of getting the name 
of the matching regex from the Match object somehow.  Any idea how to do that?

chris (pyrimidine)

Re: Counting characters

2010-01-28 Thread Chris Fields
Would you want to use something else for that, maybe .comb?

From the spec:

'The comb function looks through a string for the interesting bits, ignoring 
the parts that don't match. In other words, it's a version of split where you 
specify what you want, not what you don't want.'


On Jan 27, 2010, at 7:08 AM, Mark J. Reed wrote:

 What does trans return in numeric (+) context?
 On Wednesday, January 27, 2010, Carl Mäsak wrote:
 How is character counting done in Perl 6?
 In Perl 5, it is `scalar tr/CG//` if I want to count the number of Cs
 plus the number of Gs in a string.
 S05 describes tr/// in terms of the .trans function, a handsome but
 very different beast. Specifically, it doesn't seem to have a scalar
 context, with which one could count things.
 Mark J. Reed

Re: Module naming conventions

2009-06-03 Thread Chris Fields

On Jun 2, 2009, at 5:11 PM, Daniel Carrera wrote:

John M. Dlugosz wrote:

So CPAN6 is basically only going to be for Parrot?

What are you talking about? Did you even read my email? I said that  
a module might be implemented in multiple languages (see Digest::SHA  
VS Digest::SHA::PurePerl) and someone might have both versions  


Speaking as an almost complete outsider (I'm a bioperl core dev  
writing up a perl6 port), I find the tone of several of these more  
recent posts (re: CPAN6 and module conventions) counterproductive.  
TimToady recently posted about snippiness and 'tensegrity', so I'm not  
the only one sensing it.


Re: References to parts of declared packages

2009-02-12 Thread Chris Fields

On Feb 11, 2009, at 2:46 PM, Carl Mäsak wrote:

Jon (), Jonasthan ():

If we declared, for example:

role A::B {};

Then what should a reference to A be here? At the moment, Rakudo  
treats it
as a post-declared listop, however I suspect we should be doing  
something a

bit smarter? If so, what should the answer to ~A.WHAT be?

I'd go with one of two possibilities:

* Don't allow the declaration of A::B unless A has already been  


Please don't go with this former alternative. In a project even of
moderate size like Druid, many packages of type A::B are declared
before the corresponding A package is, for perfectly legitimate

Agree completely.  Bio::* currently has the same issue.

* A should be treated as a post-declared package.

Whatever this means, it sounds preferable. :)

// Carl

Agree again.  The latter is definitely preferred.


Re: odd (lexical?) issue with Rakudo/Parrot

2008-07-18 Thread Chris Fields

On Jul 17, 2008, at 9:41 PM, Patrick R. Michaud wrote:

On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 02:20:33PM -0500, Chris Fields wrote:

Okay, I'll set it up so $foo = 'abcd'.match(/alpha+/) returns a
Match object, and $/ would remain unset.  Makes sense to me.

Right now the match object is converted over to a Str; I'll take a
look at the parser grammar/actions to see if that can be fixed.

It is?  That's odd and shouldn't be happening -- something must
be incorrect there.


The PGE::Match appears to be converted to a Str, regardless of the  
invoking object type.  The following is .match (in any-str.pir, with  
the builtins).  Also, .ACCEPTS now uses .match to retrieve the Match  

# any-str.pir

.sub 'match' :method :multi(_)
.param pmc x
.local pmc match
match = x(self)
.return (match)

# Code.pir

.sub 'ACCEPTS' :method
.param pmc topic
.local pmc match
match = topic.'match'(self)
$P0 = getinterp
$P1 = $P0['lexpad';1]
$P1['$/'] = match
.return (match)

the following is a test p6 script (results in comments):

my $x = '123.456';
my $y = $x.match(/\d+/);
say $x;# 123.456
say $x.WHAT;   # Str
say $y;# 123
say $y.WHAT;   # Str - Should be Match

$x = 123.456;
$y = $x.match(/\d+/);
say $x;# 123.456
say $x.WHAT;   # Num
say $y;# 123
say $y.WHAT;   # Str - Should be Match

say $/;# Nothing
say $/.WHAT;   # Failure, .match doesn't set $/

$x ~~ /\d+/;
say $/;# 123
say $/.WHAT;   # Match

As shown above, calling .match from .ACCEPTS (either using smart match  
or using /\d+/.ACCEPTS($x) ) works fine, but calling .match as a  
method from p6 doesn't.  Makes me think it's a mapping issue.


Re: odd (lexical?) issue with Rakudo/Parrot

2008-07-18 Thread Chris Fields

On Jul 18, 2008, at 5:18 PM, Jonathan Worthington wrote:


Chris Fields wrote:
The PGE::Match appears to be converted to a Str, regardless of the  
invoking object type.  The following is .match (in any-str.pir,  
with the builtins).  Also, .ACCEPTS now uses .match to retrieve the  
Match object.

# any-str.pir

.sub 'match' :method :multi(_)
   .param pmc x
   .local pmc match
   match = x(self)
   .return (match)

# Code.pir

.sub 'ACCEPTS' :method
   .param pmc topic
   .local pmc match
   match = topic.'match'(self)
   $P0 = getinterp
   $P1 = $P0['lexpad';1]
   $P1['$/'] = match
   .return (match)

the following is a test p6 script (results in comments):

my $x = '123.456';
my $y = $x.match(/\d+/);
say $x;# 123.456
say $x.WHAT;   # Str
say $y;# 123
say $y.WHAT;   # Str - Should be Match

Ouch! But I've tracked it down. :-) The interesting thing is that:

my $x = foo; say ($x.match(/o+/)).WHAT; # Match

So it fails in the assignment. And that's because infix:= to a  
scalar does:

.sub 'infix:=' :method
  .param pmc source
  $P0 = source.'item'()
  assign self, $P0
  .return (self)

And calling item on a Match object gets the string that matched.  
Thus why we don't get the Match object. So, that's the cause; I'm  
not sure what the correct fix is, so I'll delegate to pmichaud on  
that one. We could special case it, but it doesn't feel very clean,  
and special cases in a hot code patch like infix:= probably ain't so  



Good catch, jonathan++

I would rather wait for the right fix so no hurry (special casing  
seems wrong to me as well).  I'll start a ticket so it doesn't get  
lost in the ether.  We can implement .match after that, doesn't make  
sense to have it pass back the wrong thing in the meantime.


Re: odd (lexical?) issue with Rakudo/Parrot

2008-07-17 Thread Chris Fields

On Jul 16, 2008, at 1:28 PM, Patrick R. Michaud wrote:

On Wed, Jul 16, 2008 at 11:20:28AM -0500, Chris Fields wrote:

I have submitted a simple 'match' implementation for rakudo (method
version of m//, RT#56970) and ran into an odd issue.  The current
version of match which works uses a tail call:

.sub 'match' :method
   .param pmc x
   .return x.ACCEPTS(self)

.ACCEPTS should be calling .match, not vice-versa.

Okay, though ACCEPTS is currently defined in Code.pir (REJECTS as  
well).  Would calling .match pertain to all executable blocks, or  
should we have a Regex-specific ACCEPTS that calls .match?

BTW (and a bit OT, but probably related to the above), Rakudo  
currently indicates a regex is a Block, not a Regex; haven't looked at  
it in detail and don't know if it's worth worrying about for now.

 say /foo/.WHAT

Essentially the difference is that smart-match sets $/, while
a simple call to .match probably should not.


I can have .match not set $/ for now and simply return matches based  
on context (though I haven't messed with context much).  If we get  
some clarification about whether .match should set $/ we can always  
change it later.


Re: odd (lexical?) issue with Rakudo/Parrot

2008-07-17 Thread Chris Fields

On Jul 16, 2008, at 5:45 PM, Chris Fields wrote:

On Jul 16, 2008, at 1:28 PM, Patrick R. Michaud wrote:

On Wed, Jul 16, 2008 at 11:20:28AM -0500, Chris Fields wrote:

I have submitted a simple 'match' implementation for rakudo (method
version of m//, RT#56970) and ran into an odd issue.  The current
version of match which works uses a tail call:

.sub 'match' :method
 .param pmc x
 .return x.ACCEPTS(self)

.ACCEPTS should be calling .match, not vice-versa.

Okay, though ACCEPTS is currently defined in Code.pir (REJECTS as  
well).  Would calling .match pertain to all executable blocks, or  
should we have a Regex-specific ACCEPTS that calls .match?

Forget that last bit; I'm re-reading the relevant parts of S03/S05 to  
get everything straight.


Re: odd (lexical?) issue with Rakudo/Parrot

2008-07-17 Thread Chris Fields

On Jul 17, 2008, at 1:56 AM, Moritz Lenz wrote:

Essentially the difference is that smart-match sets $/, while
a simple call to .match probably should not.


I can have .match not set $/ for now and simply return matches based
on context

IMHO that's the wrong approach. Perl 6 tries not to return stuff based
on context, but to return stuff that will behave right in every  

So if you just return a match object (that one that would usually ends
up in $/ ) you should be just fine all contexts.


Okay, I'll set it up so $foo = 'abcd'.match(/alpha+/) returns a  
Match object, and $/ would remain unset.  Makes sense to me.

Right now the match object is converted over to a Str; I'll take a  
look at the parser grammar/actions to see if that can be fixed.


odd (lexical?) issue with Rakudo/Parrot

2008-07-16 Thread Chris Fields
I have submitted a simple 'match' implementation for rakudo (method  
version of m//, RT#56970) and ran into an odd issue.  The current  
version of match which works uses a tail call:

.sub 'match' :method
.param pmc x
.return x.ACCEPTS(self)

If I try the following:

.sub 'match' :method
.param pmc x
.local pmc match
match = x.ACCEPTS(self);
.return (match)

I run into 'Null PMC access in set_pmc_keyed()' with ACCEPTS (below),  
which is failing to get the LexPad:

.sub 'ACCEPTS' :method
.param pmc topic
.local pmc match
match = self(topic)
$P0 = getinterp
$P1 = $P0['lexpad';1]
$P1['$/'] = match
.return (match)

If I simply change match to mimic ACCEPTS, everything works fine.   
This makes me think something is going on with lexicals, but I'm not  
quite sure.  Am I missing something?


spaces and transliteration

2008-07-07 Thread Chris Fields
I am working on the transliteration method operator (trans()) for  
Rakudo and wanted to get some input on how character ranges are to be  

Should spaces be ignored in ranges like 'A .. Z'?  Currently the  
implementation I have ignores those spaces but counts any other spaces  
as important, so (using parrot perl6.pbc with my patch):

 say Whfg nabgure Crey unpxre.trans(' a .. z' = '_n .. za .. m',  
'A .. Z' = 'N .. ZA .. M')



spaces and transliteration

2008-07-07 Thread Chris Fields
I am working on the transliteration method operator (trans()) for  
Rakudo and wanted to get some input on how character ranges are to be  

Should spaces be ignored in ranges like 'A .. Z'?  Currently the  
implementation I have ignores those spaces but counts any other spaces  
as important, so (using parrot perl6.pbc with my patch):

 say Whfg nabgure Crey unpxre.trans(' a .. z' = '_n .. za .. m',  
'A .. Z' = 'N .. ZA .. M')



Re: Possible GC bug in Rakudo (parrot r27449, r27451)

2008-05-16 Thread Chris Fields

That also fixes the bus error I reported in rt:

I went ahead and closed that ticket out.  jonathan++



On May 16, 2008, at 7:01 AM, Jonathan Worthington wrote:

Chris Fields wrote:
There appears to be a possible GC-related bug introduced to Parrot  
prior to r27449 which is showing up in Rakudo.  Using the following  
script (courtesy of Jonathan W):


After investigating a little, the breakage occurred in:

Basically, protoobjects didn't handle the switch-over to using the  
new copy opcode for :pasttype('copy') nodes properly. Fixed in  
r27539, so this example runs again.



Christopher Fields
Postdoctoral Researcher
Lab of Dr. Marie-Claude Hofmann
College of Veterinary Medicine
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Possible GC bug in Rakudo (parrot r27449, r27451)

2008-05-12 Thread Chris Fields
There appears to be a possible GC-related bug introduced to Parrot  
prior to r27449 which is showing up in Rakudo.  Using the following  
script (courtesy of Jonathan W):

class Foo {
   has $.x;
   method boo { say $.x }

class Bar is Foo {
   method set($v) { $.x = $v }

my Foo $u .= new(x = 5);
$;# 5

$u={ x = 12 });
$;# 12
$;# 9

'perl6 obj_init.p6' results :

Segmentation fault

'parrot ~/src/parrot/languages/perl6/perl6.pbc obj_init.p6' results:

cjfields:tests cjfields$ parrot ~/src/parrot/languages/perl6/perl6.pbc  

get_pmc_keyed() not implemented in class 'Undef'
current instr.: '_block10' pc 137 (EVAL_13:46)
called from Sub 'parrot;PCT::HLLCompiler;eval' pc 785 (src/PCT/ 
called from Sub 'parrot;PCT::HLLCompiler;evalfiles' pc 1067 (src/PCT/ 
called from Sub 'parrot;PCT::HLLCompiler;command_line' pc 1246 (src/ 

called from Sub 'parrot;Perl6::Compiler;main' pc 9647 (perl6.pir:187)

'parrot -G ~/src/parrot/languages/perl6/perl6.pbc obj_init.p6' results:

get_pmc_keyed() not implemented in class 'Any'
current instr.: '_block10' pc 137 (EVAL_13:46)
called from Sub 'parrot;PCT::HLLCompiler;eval' pc 785 (src/PCT/ 
called from Sub 'parrot;PCT::HLLCompiler;evalfiles' pc 1067 (src/PCT/ 
called from Sub 'parrot;PCT::HLLCompiler;command_line' pc 1246 (src/ 

called from Sub 'parrot;Perl6::Compiler;main' pc 9647 (perl6.pir:187)

Note difference with Any (-G) vs Undef (no -G).  Not sure if it means  
