Re: Why pass by reference?

2009-06-17 Thread John M. Dlugosz

TSa |Perl 6| wrote:


Matthew Walton wrote:

If a user of your API contrives to make it change while you're
running, that's their own foot they've just shot, because they can
look at the signature and know the semantics of the parameter passing
being used and know that if they change the value externally before
you return Bad Things Could Happen.

I agree that the caller is responsible for the constness of the value
he gives to a function. With this we get the best performance. I don't
understand why John thinks that an intermediate proxy is needed. A very
shallow wrapper that ensures the readonlyness suffices. Most of the
time not even that when the constness is known statically.

Regards TSa.
"shallow wrapper" is what I'm talking about.  That is indeed a proxy: if 
a full-blown run-time check is needed (when it gets passed beyond its 
ability to track at compile time) it forwards methods, intercepts 
others, and modifies accessors.

Re: Why pass by reference?

2009-06-14 Thread John M. Dlugosz

Daniel Ruoso |Perl 6| wrote:

Actually, it only looks complicated while you think only on the callee
No, in general it requires introducing a read-only proxy in front of the 
container.  This may be optimized away when it can be tracked at 
compile-time, but that's certainly not "simple" as compared to not 
having it nor the aliased item container at all.

Because when you take the caller side, you'll note that it builds
a capture to send to the call, and the capture is always a reference, so
the signature just makes sure that references becomes read-only. To

 my $a = 1;

In this case, the capture sent must contain a direct reference to the
scalar held in '$a', so both signatures with "is ref" or signatures with
"is copy" can work.

So, if foo has the signature

 sub foo($a is ref) {...}

it will be able to change the scalar outside &foo. If it is

 sub foo($a) {...}

It will be a read-only access to that scalar

 sub foo($a is rw) {...}

Works almost like "is ref", but encloses immutables into a container in
order to always provide rw semantics.
No, "is rw" does not like immutables.  It will cause autovivification to 
take place, but will not accept something that is not an lvalue such as 
1 or "Hello" literals.  This was just doubled-checked with S06, S09, and 
discussion with Larry in #perl6.  If Ra

   rakudo: sub foo($a is rw) { $a += 1; say $a }; foo(1);
  rakudo 77f9d7: OUTPUT«2␤»

that directly contradicts S06, which states "Otherwise the signature 
fails to bind, and this candidate routine cannot be considered for 
servicing this particular call."  Doing otherwise affects the semantics 
of MMD for allowing overloading based on whether the parameter is an 
lvalue or not.

Somebody who works with rakudo could submit a bug, if it's not in there 

 sub foo($a is copy) {...}

Is the completely opposite to "is ref", copying the actual value to a
new container.


So, it is not at all complicated, it's just oriented to the Capture, and
the capture provides semantics to the call that are not present in any
other language I'm aware of.


Complex or not in that sense, it complicates things in allowing the 
value to be changed by another path.  I think that is something we want 
to avoid doing, not present as a feature.  Much of my original post 
concerns the actual meaning, not whether it is considered simple.

Since then, I see that it is useful for plural containers.  We don't 
want to copy them!  But for items, why do we not even _have_ pass by 
value?  The compiler must assume the worst and can't optimize as well.


Why pass by reference?

2009-06-14 Thread John M. Dlugosz
In Perl 6, the default parameter passing is to make a read-only alias 
for the caller's lvalue.  This means that the function may not change 
the caller's variable, but must track changes to it made by other means.

What is the point?

It is a contrivance to illustrate how the variable can be changed by 
other means, and requires a global variable, the same variable passed as 
two different parameters, or the variable and a closure that affects the 
variable be passed.

In fact, this effect seems like something that should be warned against, 
not something that is touted as a feature.

It complicates the passing, requiring a read-only proxy or equivalent be 
introduced, making the readonly parameter more complex than the rw 
parameter.  It makes the actual access more complex, having to go 
through this extra layer.  It prevents optimizations, since you have 
more plumbing to go through and you have to watch for aliasing (that's 
the feature!) instead of assuming the value doesn't change between accesses.

In Perl 5, the @_ is a normal alias (read/write), and most parameters 
are copied to local variables, making it essentially pass-by-value.  The 
local variable is pass-by-value, and looking back at the @_ is pass by 
reference.  There is no feature like Perl 6's default readonly passing 
(read-only reference).  So it's not for historical use.  At least not as 
the default method!

So, I ask:  is there any reason to want this read-only reference as a 
passing method?  And if so, why does that preclude having the simple 
pass-by-value method available also?

From the typical Perl 5 usage, I would think that pass-by-value should 
be the default.


Re: Multi-d array transforms (was Re: Array rotate)

2009-06-13 Thread John M. Dlugosz

Larry Wall |Perl 6| wrote:

On Sat, Jun 13, 2009 at 02:49:10PM -0500, John M. Dlugosz wrote:
Wow.  The overarching logic for list assignment would have to compare  
the containers and the arguments in the capture before doing the list  
assignment to each container, in order to avoid cloning all the  
containers on the right first in the general case.  It can't just copy  
values out because they may contain iterators or be lazy or be infinite.

Well, that's not really a problem, as long as the same semantics
are preserved.  All you need to do is cut loose the contents of the
container completely to the mercy of GC, build a new one with the
appropriate structure, then copy values in from the assignment's RHS.
The only reason Perl 5 couldn't do it this way is that the idiot who
wrote it prematurely optimized values on the stack so that they didn't
need to be reference counted. :)


I agree, if "the contents" include the iterators and code blocks and 
whatnot that make up the concrete types of the things on the right.  But 
if it's not a built-in standard type, it might require a call to the 
general shallow-copy clone of the object.

  my @A is CustomContainer;
  my @B[7];  # fixed size
  @B,@A,@C = @A,@B;

The compiler doesn't know how to juggle the internals of @A because it 
is not a standard type.  This needs to become:

   my @temp1 = @A.clone;
   my @temp2 = @B.clone;
   @B,@A,@C = @temp1,@temp2;

and assume that the compiler might optimize the case with @B through 
innate knowledge, and possibly inline and optimize over the calls for @A.

Premature optimization is the root of all evil.

But... design the semantics so there is some hope of optimization.  That 
might entail designing in some features of Positional that will be used 
by this construct, as more efficient than just calling .clone().

OTOH, machines are a million times faster than what Perl 4 originally 
ran on.

Re: Multi-d array transforms (was Re: Array rotate)

2009-06-13 Thread John M. Dlugosz

Daniel Carrera |Perl 6| wrote:
In addition, the current @a.shift is useful because it returns the 
element that was removed from the array, so you can do something with it:

The change to the library synopses was checked in before you posted 
that, if I recall the delta correctly.

But you bring up a point:  that is indeed the common idiom from Perl 5. 

That brings up the following radical idea:

Have no method named shift at all.  Shift etc. will be a non-member sub 
brought in through

   use legacy;

and designed to work just like Perl 5, for that express purpose.  The P6 
way of doing it would be to not do that: use iterators rather than 
destructivly going through the array, or use decomposition to do things 
in a more functional way, or use the more general syntax to delete one 
element from the beginning, in-place or copy as indicated.


Re: Array Dimensionality (Was: Re: Multi-d array transforms (was Re: Array rotate))

2009-06-13 Thread John M. Dlugosz

Daniel Ruoso |Perl 6| wrote:

So, how do I deal with a multidim array? Well, TIMTOWTDI...

 my @a = 1,[2,[3,4]];
 say @a[1][1][1];
 say @a[1;1;1]; # I'm not sure this is correct

I think that it should be.  That is, multi-dim subscript is always the 
same as chained subscripts, regardless of whether the morphology is an 
array stored as an element, or a multi-dim container, or any mixture of 
that as you drill through them.

I've not written out a full formalism yet, but I've thought about it.
The multi-dim subscript would return a sub-array if there were fewer 
parameters than dimensions, an element if exact match, and recursively 
apply the remaining subscripts to the element if too many.

Or.. (I'm using the proposed capture sigil here, which has '@%a' as its
expanded form)

 my ¢a = 1,(2,(3,4);
 say ¢a[1][1][1];
 say ¢a[1;1;1];

I think that makes the semantics of the API more clear...



The plain Array would work too, in the nested morphology:

   my @a = 1,[2,[3,4]];

@a has 2 elements, the second of which is type Array.

   say @a[1][1][1];


   say @a[1;1;1];

means the same thing, intentionally.

   say @a[1][1;1];
   say @a[1;1][1];



Re: Array Dimensionality (Was: Re: Multi-d array transforms (was Re: Array rotate))

2009-06-13 Thread John M. Dlugosz

Larry Wall |Perl 6| wrote:

Alternately, we leave @@ (or @%) meaning ¢ and instead let some
other syntax take over the "pay attention to the capture's structure"
semantics from @@.  Maybe it's another use for the zen slice:


"pay attention to the capture's structure" is a can of worms.  As things 
stand now in the Synopses, you get a lot of empty extra wrappers around 
things.  You don't want to keep that exact!  When you are not doing 
full-blown flattening, which levels in the morphology are "extra" due to 
passing though functions or grouping parens, and which are intended to 
be part of the final structure?  Since the crazy stuff inside the 
capture is usually invisible, people will have a hard time using that 

(A literal reading of the synopses now gives us the morphology 
illustrated at , and I 
hope to remove _some_ of those extra wrappings through refinement of the 
rules when I get around to studying that in detail.)

My thoughts at this point is that "slice context" needs to *know* it is 
being rolled up into a final result that is a 2-dim array.  The rules 
for that will strip out extra wrappers except where it really is 
significant, designed through use cases of seeing what common constructs 
actually produce.

A shaped array knows what needs to be poured into it, so the RHS can be 
flattened.  The single-dim array is just a special case of that; it 
generalizes to higher dimensions just fine, as seen in languages like APL.

A smart shaped assignment, to handle containers with * in other than the 
highest position, can be supplied as part of a multi-dim array Module, 
designed separately along with a coherent set of features such as 
general vector-driven transposes etc.


Re: Multi-d array transforms (was Re: Array rotate)

2009-06-13 Thread John M. Dlugosz

Larry Wall |Perl 6| wrote:

We also need to consider the "dimension" of referentiality.  I can see
three levels here.  Given


the .mung could return

A) a modified @a (treat @a as mutable)
B) a new array (treat @a as immutable)
C) a remapped array whose elements refer back to @a's elements

Currently .rotate is defined as A, but I could easily switch it to B,
so you'd have to write


Having some operation XX return a new object and using =.XX do it "in 
place" would be consistent with the way other things are shaping up.  
But people expect push to work like they are used to, and the exported 
push, called as a sub not as a method, would be copying. 

In void context it could give an error.

   push @a, $x;# what's the point?

if we had a general way to decorate the sub definition to day "must not 
use in void context".

As expressed already in the synopses, the function called for 
@a.=push($x); can be written specially to handle the in-place case, 
rather than have to assign back after copying like the auto-generated 
case would.  (What exactly "define a self.push operator" means needs to 
be clarified in S12.  Is that not the normal sub syntax?)  In other 
words, defining self.push would be the implementation that Perl 5 push 
is now.

to rotate in place.  If we did that, then we could conceivably set
things up with more PDLish C semantics so that

@a .= mung  # A semantics
@b  = @a.mung   # B semantics
@b := @a.mung   # C semantics

That third one would be rather inefficient.  The returned array would 
need to be set up as an array of binding proxies, if the original wasn't 
set up as an array of item containers, just in case it gets bound to 
something (or used as part of a larger expression) rather than assigned.

I'm looking at this general issue right now (musing over it the last 
week actually) and although it's nowhere near done yet, you can see 
Figure 1 at  
and the text that is taking shape around it.

This implies, however, that the copy semantics of = are sufficiently
clever to snapshot all the referenced values of @a before clobbering
@a in the case of either:

@a .= mung
@a = @a.mung

But list assignment really ought to be doing that in any case.

Wow.  The overarching logic for list assignment would have to compare 
the containers and the arguments in the capture before doing the list 
assignment to each container, in order to avoid cloning all the 
containers on the right first in the general case.  It can't just copy 
values out because they may contain iterators or be lazy or be infinite.


Re: Array rotate

2009-06-13 Thread John M. Dlugosz

Jon Lang |Perl 6| wrote:

On Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 10:02 AM, yary wrote:

I am tickled pink to see an Array "rotate" method in the settings spec
S032, as I was thinking of writing up a little discussion on the very

Has there been discussion on using array rotate on multi-dimensional
arrays? Being able to pass in a vector as the amount to rotate would
be useful.

With a multi-dimensional array, a number of transforms can be considered:

* you can rearrange the elements along a given dimension (e.g., rotate
and reverse).
* you can rearrange the dimensions themselves (e.g., transpose).


A short time ago, something similar came up.

I think the built-in's should stay simple, and a module (or several 
different ones) can exist to do comprehensive features for 
multi-dimensional arrays.  Designing that is really a separate project 
in itself, and it may shake out with use.

So keep it out of the core spec.


Re: S03- Unicode feed operator, no prefix:<=>

2009-06-10 Thread John M. Dlugosz

yary |Perl 6| wrote:

I'm about halfway through reading Synopsis 3 and have a couple

Is there, should there be unicode synonyms for the feed operators? eg

I don't see as obvious candidates for <<== and ==>>, maybe LEFTWARDS ,
RIGHTWARDS TWO HEADED ARROW  ↞ and ↠. That's good in that the two
headed arrow looks like the angle brackets, but then the arrow shaft
isn't doubled, so it's more of a unicode synonym for -->>

I have trouble using the arrow character in general.  It's because of 
the fonts:  they have such tiny heads the arrow doesn't show well at 
all, or match the surrounding character style.  So I tend to avoid them 
on web pages, and any document where I'm not fully controlling the font 
mapping and rendering.


Re: S03- Unicode feed operator, no prefix:<=>

2009-06-10 Thread John M. Dlugosz

yary |Perl 6| wrote:

I'm about halfway through reading Synopsis 3 and have a couple

Is there, should there be unicode synonyms for the feed operators? eg

I don't see as obvious candidates for <<== and ==>>, maybe LEFTWARDS ,
RIGHTWARDS TWO HEADED ARROW  ↞ and ↠. That's good in that the two
headed arrow looks like the angle brackets, but then the arrow shaft
isn't doubled, so it's more of a unicode synonym for -->>
More Unicode operators will be available via modules or defining 
yourself.  It is an open issue as to making these true synonyms so MMD 
and people defining new forms of them don't have to worry about 
synonyms.  But, there will be a syntax for that, and everyone is welcome 
to make use of that and upload modules to do that.  Common use will 
emerge over time.

In a different section, S03 says- "In particular, you can say things
like C<$array.'@'> and C<$fh.'='>" to get the prefix form on the
operator. Hasn't prefix:<=> gone away for reading from filehandles?


Correct.  You'll see a prefix = is not listed at the top of S03 for 
operators and their built-in use.  I'll come up with something better 
and check it in.

After the tornado is over ... I keep losing my connection.


LValues, types, mutability

2009-06-08 Thread John M. Dlugosz

TSa |Perl 6| wrote:

I like your idea to call the class that handles container access
LValue. I have proposed the name AssignmentProxy elsewhere.
Thanks.  I'll quote that so it gets more exposure and hopefully will 
build a consensus or other feedback. :)

But I'm not sure what S06 means with "can be converted to an lvalue"
in the description of the 'is rw' parameter trait. To me this means
autoboxing such that you can call a mutating sub with a constant. The
modifications done to the automatic container are lost after the call.
You state that the compiler raises an error which clearly is the cleaner
I don't recall what was said about "converted to" either.  But last 
year, in discussing it here, the lesson was that this is the point of 
having both rw and ref:  the former demands an lvalue, the latter does not.

As for what happens in the latter case under various conditions
some people might expect a soft conversion to an assignable lvalue that 
just gets lost and doesn't actually affect the caller.  I'd like to 
raise awareness and discuss this further.

Why would you want to do that?  Nostalgia for Perl 5?  Most languages 
that have a pass-by-ref mode or equivalent do in fact demand that the 
caller supply an lvalue, if you declare the functions intent to modify 
the caller's variable like that. 

What is the engineering behind maybe modifying it?  Is that the output 
or isn't it?!  If you insist, then you can overload the function 
signatures:  rw is preferred.  And if the signature is not bindable, it 
is not in the list for consideration, and you get the other form.

If you do write ref with the intention of being an optional 
modification, there are two alternatives:  autogenerate one so 
assignment works (but doesn't affect the caller), or don't, making 
assignment an error.  In the former case you cannot tell what happened!  
I see that as inferior.  In the latter, you can use VAR to sense whether 
it is assignable (and thus *meaningfully* assignable) or not.  So write 
code like this:

  $param = $result if VAR($param) ~~ LValue;  # update caller, if 

  Assume that Dog is a subtype of Animal and that
it has a bark method that is not available in Animal, i.e. calling
it on an Animal instance is an error.

  sub store17 (Animal @a)
  @a[17] =; # assignment error?
  my Dog @dog;
  store17(@s); # bind error?
  @dog[17].bark(); # dispatch error

My first question is if the indicated assignment error in store17 is
raised. The best spot to detect the error is at bind time when store17
is called with a Dog array. Here immutability of the array would allow
the call because writing into the array is then prohibited. Reading a
Dog and using the Animal interface on it is type safe.
See this meditation on "Subtypes and Polymorphism" 
 and the referenced blog entry 
by Dominus.

Ah, collections of subtypes.

Savor the feeling, like a crisp autumn morning.  What darkness lurks in 
the heart of such innocence.  -- Sorry, fell into gothic horror novel 
mode there.  Back to non-fiction...

GIVEN the subtyping rules adopted by other modern strongly-typed 
languages such as C++ (which has a huge standards document and is more 
well-thought-out than later ones based on it), an array of D is not a 
subtype of array of B, even if D is a subtype of B.  This is our default 
position, or general assumption that is in the air.

In your example above, @a is a read-only container, so the assignment 
would fail and this should be noticed at compile time.

Now what if the parameter was declared as ref?  The compiler gets passed 
the body of store17 and continues to the call.  The default assumption 
is that @s will not match the signature.

In Perl 6, it's not that simple.  We can move between typed and untyped 
code, at the very least.  Typing does require run-time enforcement.  
Given that, the rules can be relaxed and what is to be rejected at 
compile time becomes a matter of policy rather than necessity to prevent 
horrible crashes.  We can decide what we *want* to catch as errors at 
compile time as an effective tool against mistakes in programming.  
Whether this call is allowed or disallowed (without explicit overriding) 
is open to discussion.

What about this related example?

 sub store17b (@a is ref) # no type constraint
 @a[17] =; # assignment error?
 my Dog @dog;
 store17b(@s); # bind error?
 @dog[17].bark(); # dispatch error

There is nothing the compiler can say about the assignment when 
compiling store17b.  Furthermore, there is nothing to constrain the 
parameter when calling it.  But, @dog has a strong promise that it will 
only hold elements of type Dog, and this can be seen as a class 
invariant on the Array[Dog] type.  So the assignment to @a[17] must 
fail, and this can only be found at run time, and may vary from call to 

Re: Grammar Q: does result polymorphism make sense?

2009-06-07 Thread John M. Dlugosz

Austin Hastings |Perl 6| wrote:

Anyway, I'm not proposing anything so much as wondering out loud. 
Surely there's a bunch of smarter bears than me who have given this 
some thought. Any wisdom?


The short answer is that the Perl 6 pattern matching capability is 
designed to handle that.  Rather than whine about theory not matching 
what real language want to do, Larry designed a realistic way to write 
context-sensitive grammars.


Re: Module naming conventions

2009-06-02 Thread John M. Dlugosz

Daniel Carrera |Perl 6| wrote:

John M. Dlugosz wrote:

So CPAN6 is basically only going to be for Parrot?

What are you talking about? Did you even read my email? I said that a 
module might be implemented in multiple languages (see Digest::SHA VS 
Digest::SHA::PurePerl) and someone might have both versions installed.


Yes.  did you read mine?  Sounds like you are thinking of Parrot vs pure 
perl, and missed my point about being utterly different implementations, 
not choices within one.

Re: Anonymous multidimensional array

2009-06-02 Thread John M. Dlugosz

Larry Wall |Perl 6| wrote:

On Tue, Jun 02, 2009 at 08:21:29AM -0700, yary wrote:
: I do see a problem if there's more than one unspecified dimension.
: Though I suppose an array of shape(*;*) as an lvalue might be a
: constraint allowing assignment only of another 2D array?

I don't see why we shouldn't use the capture shape of the value
by default all the time, and do linear reshaping only if the value
comes in as a flat list.  We've gone to some pains to allow ephemeral
shaping of values through captures, and it seems like it's good error
checking to check the shape of the value against the shape of the
container unless explicitly defeated.

That is to say, if you erase the capture shape by putting the value
into list context, it linearizes it, and then the container knows
to reshape.  Otherwise the container attempts to use the value slicily.




   (@a,@b...@c) = SomeCapture;

The first container, @a, being fixed-size will grab some of the 
elements.  Now, what's left in SomeCapture is not even starting at a 
top-level boundary in the original structure.  It's in the middle of 
some list some number of levels down.  How does what's left of the 
capture imply the proper shape?

It also means that given a multi-dim array, or a [**] array that can 
hold any morphology, the right-hand-size can't be a normal return from a 
map or whatever because you'll get the structure from _that_.  The shape 
of the list is generally determined by the definitions of function 
return and looping statement semantics, and can't be used to formulate 
the structure you wanted.

As it stands, list assignment is "list context" for the RHS.  That is 
wise.  If the Capture Revolution comes to that, it needs to be carefully 
thought out.


Re: Module naming conventions

2009-06-02 Thread John M. Dlugosz
Sounds like you are on the right track.  Separation of concerns, 
standardization of some of these solutions without regard to platform or 
Perl implementation, and learning from prior art.

Richard Hainsworth |Perl 6| wrote:

Daniel Carrera wrote:

Mark Overmeer wrote:

Currently in CPAN you have modules like:
The difference is that the first two are implemented in C and the 
later  two in Perl.

This is comparible to adding a "target" to each of the modules, a
suggestion when you started this long thread.

I'm thinking of a different problem. Regardless of how CPAN works, 
once stuff is installed in my system, I need a way to tell Perl which 
of the three different (installed) SHA modules I want to use.

If there is no good solution, people will just use the module names 
in ad-hoc ways as exemplified above. Do we really want each person 
adding their own thing to the module name (::Perl vs ::PurePerl)?

I figure that the ways to avoid that is to change the language 
semantics or add a naming convention. I assumed that changing the 
language semantics was a non-starter.
We have here an implied relationship between what is in a program 
(which the perl6 specifications handle) and what is outside the 
program - the implementation of functionality (eg., in C, parrot, 
Python, tcl-tk). Lets call this 'external functionality'.

My view is that the program should be provided with a link to the 
external functionality by the implementation. We have a "normal" set 
of rules, viz., the name used by the program has a simple relationship 
to the files containing the software implementing the functionality. 
BUT we also should have the ability to change via a configuration 
process the external name.

Hence, 'use MyModule::submodule;' by default would be located in path>/MyModule/' but if we set the perl6 program manager's 
configuration file appropriately, it could be located in 

Without touching the program, different modules with the same 
functionality and interfaces could be tested.

For me the crucial thing is not the design of a CPAN replacement, but 
the design of the perl6 module manager. I would like something that 
functions in a similar way to the alternatives system that Ubuntu (all 
linux?) uses.

Such a system (a simple reference inside a program aliasing to a more 
complex path by the perl6 manager) would make it much easier to 
enhance the portability of perl6 programs both cross platform and 
cross language. Suppose inside a perl6 program there is a unicode 
named module and it needs to be run on a platform that does not fully 
support unicode. The perl6 management system would provide a means for 
the unicode name to be 'mangled' into a platform-dependent physical path.

The system would also provide a means for specifying more complex 
locations, such as in a database or somewhere else on the internet.

Finally, we would be able to implement layering without touching the 
perl6 software. Thus the perl6 program would be in one layer, the 
perl6 module manager in another layer. It would then be possible to 
have different implementations of the module manager, such that some 
provide only minimal aliasing, whilst others offer database or zip 
file sources.

Re: Module naming conventions

2009-06-02 Thread John M. Dlugosz

Daniel Carrera |Perl 6| wrote:

John M. Dlugosz wrote:
The front-end should figure out which binary is proper for your 

I don't like that idea in the slightest. (1) It is not Perl's job to 
know if you have a C compiler, C libraries and tool chain. (2) If my 
computer can handle Perl, C and Parrot, I want the choice of what to 
install. (3) That includes the possibility of installing more than one 
module. It is perfectly legitimate to install three implementations of 
SHA (one in C, one in Parrot and one in pure Perl). This last one 
means that there has to be a way to tell Perl which of the Digest::SHA 
modules I want to use for this particular program.

Suppose I want to install three versions of SHA. One in C, one in 
Perl, one in Parrot. I need a way to specify in the "use" statement 
which one I want.


So CPAN6 is basically only going to be for Parrot?

I think the front end too, running under the same Perl system, will know 
what "kind" it is itself!  Remember, Parrot != Perl.  Perl 6 is a 
specification, and I hope to see several solid implementations take root 
over the next two decades.

We also want to allow Perl 6 to be suitable for "applications", not only 
for power users, administrators, and program writers.  So download an 
application, and it knows how to grab dependent or updated components 
without the clueless user even caring it's written in Perl.

Re: Anonymous multidimensional array

2009-06-01 Thread John M. Dlugosz

Larry Wall |Perl 6| wrote:

On Mon, Jun 01, 2009 at 08:23:41PM -0700, yary wrote:
: How does one create an anonymous multidimensional array in p6? Not an
: array of arrays or a capture of captures...

But I would expect a shaped array to be able to coerce either of
those into its internal format.  And coercing captures into
structure is basically what @@/slice context is for.



Right, after meditating on that very thing a few days ago, I conclude

 @A = @list;

should work when one of the "containers" on the left happens to be 
shaped.  The right is flattened, losing any structure it may have had, 
including the properly shaped thing already, a single linear list, or a 
different shape with a suitable number of elements.

I would suggest that the assignment demand sufficient elements to fill, 
or be an integral number of lower-level units if the highest dimension 
is unspecified.  You can always make up the difference by sticking 0 x * 
at the end of the right-hand-side if that was your intent.

And it should be an error if dimensions other than the highest are 
unspecified.  How can it know how to shape it?  Use an explicit command 
to shape up the argument in that case.

Also, if you were using an array of arrays, this will clobber that and 
fill the top array with items.  If the top array is declared to be of 
Arrays, then the assignment will fail just like any other type 
constraint.  But if the second-level arrays are fixed size, you can 
always write |@A on the left to re-fill those from the right hand side.


Re: Module naming conventions

2009-06-01 Thread John M. Dlugosz

Daniel Carrera |Perl 6| wrote:
Naming issues are likely to become worse in Perl 6 when we also have 
modules that use Parrot. You might have three implementations of 
Digest::SHA, one  in Perl 6, one that uses Parrot, and one that uses 
C. Worse, you might even find a module that depends on both Parrot 
*and* C.

Much much worse.  There will be many implementations of Perl 6, and each 
will have totally different non-native interfaces.

The front-end should figure out which binary is proper for your 
platform.  Non-binary source code can simply contain everything 
supported, and let the build process sort it out.

Re: The game of life

2009-06-01 Thread John M. Dlugosz

yary |Perl 6| wrote:


The rho example is interesting, though it doesn't compile in current Rakudo.

"1 2 3 ⍴¨ 10 would natively be written in Perl 6 as 10 »xx« (1,2,3)."

perl6 complains about non-dwimmyness. 10 <> (1,2,3) gives
(10),(10,10),(10,10,10) , I think that matches the rho example.

Ah, I seem to remember something about which way the arrows point with a 
scalar.  I'll look it up.

"So let’s implement the APL ⌿ operator which works on the columns of a matrix."

I think that's something that perl6 could do better then APL. From
what I understand, APL has some operators that work on columns and
other similar ones that work on rows, p6 has an opportunity to take
the direction/dimension as an argument. Which is something I'm
thinking about...

Good point.  Even infix operators can take adjectives!

Can the same effect be achieved with slices?


Re: renaming or adding some operators

2009-05-31 Thread John M. Dlugosz

Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH |Perl 6| wrote:

⨷ perhaps?  It only makes sense that a Unicode operator be used to 
pull in all of Unicode.

If you can't type that, you won't find it useful!

Re: Module Library - aka CPAN

2009-05-31 Thread John M. Dlugosz

Richard Hainsworth |Perl 6| wrote:

Once a module has been decided on, you look to see if there is a 
binary that matches your internal environment. If not, you have to 
roll your own from source.

Why not have it generate the binary for you, and safe it for future 
users?  It can cross-compile things if needed, or draw upon a network of 
different kinds of machines that are registered to allow that.  
Something similar is used for testing modules, right?


Re: The game of life

2009-05-31 Thread John M. Dlugosz

yary |Perl 6| wrote:

Though I'm not quite sure that S03 covers some of the different-dimension cases.
my @table=
  4,5,6); # is this the syntax to create 2d array?
No, the Capture on the right, although a Capture of Captures, will be 
flattened in the list context provided by list assignment.

   my @table= [1,2,3],[4,5,6];

will give you a Perl5-like array containing arrays for elements.

To give a true multi-dimensional array, you must declare it.  Although 
the lengths don't have to be fixed, you at least need the number of 
dimensions (which could involve ** so the dimensionality could be variable).

   my @table[2;3];

I pondered over feeding it another list of items in my APL essay.  I 
figured an iterator over the 2-D array should visit the elements in 
order.  So, use that to "reshape" the simple list.


Re: The game of life

2009-05-30 Thread John M. Dlugosz

yary |Perl 6| wrote:

That was a big part of it... I'm glad Mark posted the APL snippet
because it got me to finally read up on the language that's been at
the back of my mind. Plus it's useful for p6 language discussion. APL
(and a successor, J) may still have a few tricks to lend.

Have you come across my "Meditations on Perl taken from concepts in APL 

Thinking about "who needs loops?" was inspirational to me.

And it inspired the need for a column-reduce meta syntax.  It would be 
difficult to make macros for each op that don't step on each other, so 
an extensible way really needs to be inspired.

Re: r26976 - docs/Perl6/Spec

2009-05-30 Thread John M. Dlugosz

 =head1 Runtime Importation
 Importing via C also installs names into the current lexical scope by

@@ -188,16 +234,13 @@
 You may also import symbols from the various pseudo-packages listed in S02.
 They behave as if all their symbols are in the C<:ALL> export list:

-require CALLER <$x $y>;
+CONTEXT defines <$IN $OUT $ERR>;
+CALLER defines <$x $y>;

Strange... you changed the examples to not be called "require", but left 
the intro as "Importing via require..." ?


Re: renaming or adding some operators

2009-05-30 Thread John M. Dlugosz

Larry Wall |Perl 6| wrote:

Indeed, getting "close enough" is one of the underlying design themes
of Perl 6.  As to whether we're close to do the operator aliasing in
a mostly digraphic fashion, I'm not sure.  Currently a macro for an
infix would be given the AST of the left argument to play with, and
the opportunity to influence the parse of its right argument.  This is
overkill for a mere alias.  We may need to distingish single-token
substitution macros from macros that govern the ASTs around them in
order to make such operator canonicalization painless, I think.


Yes.  A context-sensitive (e.g. infix) token-for-token exchange that is 
easily defined as such without letting the user get into too much 
trouble.  If the operator names can read this table too, then it won't 
matter which is the "real" one.  Someone can declare an overloaded 
operator with either name, as well as call it with either name.

Re: renaming or adding some operators

2009-05-30 Thread John M. Dlugosz

David Green |Perl 6| wrote:

On 2009-May-29, at 7:53 pm, Darren Duncan wrote:
Thirdly, there are I'm sure a number of other aliases that could be 
added to other ops, such as ≤ and ≥ for <= and >=, and ≠ for one of 
the inequality operators, although that last one would probably make 
more sense if = was the equality test operator, so maybe best to 
avoid ≠ then.

Probably.  I would really like to see the "obvious" symbols defined, 
though, for two reasons:

1) Being able to use real symbols (e.g. ≤ instead of crude ASCII 
approximations) will make Perl code look ever so pretty and make all 
the other kids envious.  (Envy is, of course, one the great 
programmers' virtues, the one that makes us steal all the best bits 
from other languages!)

2) It will discourage people from abusing operators that already have 
well-defined standard meanings.  For example, if there is no ∑, 
somebody might be tempted to use it for multiplication; or to use √ 
for checking something; or + for concatenating strings, etc.

I agree.  The original non-ASCII characters, introduced 9 years ago, are 
at least Latin-1.  But in for a penny, in for a £, eh?  The symbols ≤, 
≥, and ≠ are u+2264, u+2265, and U+2260 respectively.  That's pretty far 
afield from Latin-1 or any national "code page" character sets.

They are part of the "Mathematical Operators" block at U+22xx.  Checking 
the fonts installed with Windows, coverage of that block is very 
sparse.  But, those three in particular, and a hand full of others, are 
present in most fonts, including plain (not the Unicode) Arial, Courier 
New, and Lucida Console.  Even most of the ornamental fonts have those 
three.  One reason might be because ≥ and ≤ are in the DOS "OEM code 
page" from ancient BIOS history.

Now the existing « » synonym of << >> is a "digraph" which I believe is 
mapped at the parser level.  Is that because the quoting needs to be 
understood at a deeper level than just defining operators?  I'm 
wondering if there is any benefit or necessity of making <= and >= 
"digraphs" for the single-char form, as opposed to just making the 
operators synonyms.  I guess the latter means that any overloading would 
have to cover both explicitly to avoid confusing people.

Note that ≥ and ≤ are "bidi mirroring" characters in the Unicode 
Properties.  So if someone were crazy enough to use them as brackets, 
then the digraph equivalent should work as well, right?

Anyway, I support the idea of making ≤, ≥, and ≠ the principle operators 
and having <=, >=, and != as synonyms for them.  But, the synonyming 
would need to be automatic and complete, so that someone can overload 
infix:<≤>, for example, and someone else using that module can write <= 
and no worries.  Although personally I think someone defining a new 
class would just give it the Ordered role and supply the minimum two 
methods for that, and then all the relational operators would just work.

I'd also like to point out that there are other variations, such as ≦ 
and ≶ so it is easy to get carried away.  These others don't have the 
widespread font support that the proposed 3 enjoy.  We should leave all 
the others for the math guys to use in specialized modules, and not be 
in the core language.

I would also endorse using Π or π as synonyms for Pi or pi (or is it PI?).
The Latin-1 fractions ¼, ½, ¾ could be Rat constants, since I can't 
imagine them being used for anything else.  There is a full set of them 
in the Number Forms block.  But, those are not Letters.  They have a 
Unicode class of "Number, other".

I'm more interested in making sure that someone _can_ easily define ℝ as 
a type name than in providing that by default.

Re: Amazing Perl 6

2009-05-30 Thread John M. Dlugosz
The same tradition has variations in Windows.  I recall the leading zero 
means ANSI code page.  I thought I recall a way to give more digits and 
specify Unicode, but I can't find it on Google.


Timothy S. Nelson |Perl 6| wrote:

On Fri, 29 May 2009, John M. Dlugosz wrote:

Ah yes, on the PC historically you hold down the ALT key and type the 
code with the numpad keys.

At least when I used it, this was a decimal, rather than hex 
number, and had to be preceded by a 0 (zero).

So if anyone is still on eg. Windows 98, this may be the way to go 

| Name: Tim Nelson | Because the Creator is,|
| E-mail:| I am   |

Version 3.12
GCS d+++ s+: a- C++$ U+++$ P+++$ L+++ E- W+ N+ w--- V- PE(+) Y+>++ 
PGP->+++ R(+) !tv b++ DI D G+ e++> h! y-


Re: renaming or adding some operators

2009-05-30 Thread John M. Dlugosz


Your nomenclature makes me think you are coming from an APL background.

!=== is already generated from ===, and compares the identity of any two 
objects.  It works on binary values since they are value types, but 
that's not the "proper" usage, and Perl separates out the concerns.

Some of the things you mention do indeed make sense as a principle form 
for an operator, with the current way a digraph.  For example, <=.  It's 
been a digraph approximation for so many decades that we have 
forgotten.  My editor shows the ≤ when it formats <=.

"exists" has already been changed to an adverb on the lvalue, but I 
suppose a macro could still be made to work.

Darren Duncan |Perl 6| wrote:
I had some thoughts lately about the Perl 6 operators, and wanted to 
bounce some ideas.

Firstly, regarding the string replication ops as documented in 
Synopsis 3, 'x' and 'xx', I'm wondering whether it might be better to 
have something that incorporates a '~', since that operation is about 

Would perhaps '~*' work better than 'x' to signify better what the 
operation is doing; the '~' in this case means catenation and the '*' 
is meant to invoke 'multiply', not 'whatever'.  So '~*' means 
"catenate a multiple of times".

This would then free up 'x' to be used for something else, if anything.

As for a substitution for 'xx', I'm less sure about that.


Was that operator called 'x' because it was the best or because that 
was how Perl 5 did it, and Perl 6 wanted to not change things if it 
didn't need to?

Secondly, regarding the Bool type, I think it would be useful for Perl 
6 to define the full complement of dyadic logical operators, of which 
I count a few that you don't appear to already have.  Probably the 
best place is in Synopsis 32.

Note that all the dyadic ops I am discussing are meant to be read as 
infix ops only.

These are the boolean/logical ops you already have:

Niladic ops aka value literals / constants:
* Bool::False
* Bool::True

* not aka !, but ¬ alias could be added

* and aka &&, but ∧ alias could be added
* or aka ||, but ∨ alias could be added
* xor aka ^^ aka !===, but ⊻, ↮ aliases could be added
* ===, but xnor, ↔ aliases could be added

Now I'm not sure whether or not [also, andthen, orelse] have the 
desired semantics of any others or not, or whether [if, unless] could 
be used as a value-resulting infix operator or not.

But here are a few more dyadic:
* nand aka ⊼ aka ↑
* nor aka ⊽ aka ↓
* implies aka imp aka →
* nimp aka ↛
* if aka ←
* nif aka ↚

For that matter, as you know, every single boolean/logical operator 
could also have a bitwise analogue, if people were so inclined.

Thirdly, there are I'm sure a number of other aliases that could be 
added to other ops, such as ≤ and ≥ for <= and >=, and ≠ for one of 
the inequality operators, although that last one would probably make 
more sense if = was the equality test operator, so maybe best to avoid 
≠ then.

Lots of the other ones I can think of apply to sets, and the 
ext/ bundled with Pugs already documents them quite well.

However, I think some set ops could also be used with hashes.  For 
example, an alternate way of spelling "exists %foo{$bar}" is "$bar ∈ 
%foo" or "%foo ∋ $bar".

So, any thoughts?

-- Darren Duncan

Re: Amazing Perl 6

2009-05-29 Thread John M. Dlugosz
Ah yes, on the PC historically you hold down the ALT key and type the 
code with the numpad keys.

There's some standard that says this is how to generate unicode:

1.Hold down Ctrl+Shift
2.Press U
3.Type the hexadecimal for the unicode character
4.Release Ctrl+Shift

I'm under the impression that Windows supports this in some 
circumstances, and I know some Linux programs support it too.  
Unfortunately my e-mail program (Pine) seems to have some trouble with 
unicode -- I may have to look at alternatives after 14 years of use :(.


| Name: Tim Nelson | Because the Creator is,|
| E-mail:| I am   |

Version 3.12
GCS d+++ s+: a- C++$ U+++$ P+++$ L+++ E- W+ N+ w--- V- PE(+) Y+>++ 
PGP->+++ R(+) !tv b++ DI D G+ e++> h! y-


Information Model manuscript, pt.2

2009-05-29 Thread John M. Dlugosz
Please see part 2 of my comprehensive explaination of the Perl 6 
Information Model, at .

This isn't linked up to my main page yet.  I'm taking comments and 
further discussion here before I make it public.


Re: Amazing Perl 6

2009-05-29 Thread John M. Dlugosz

Buddha Buck |Perl 6| wrote:

On Fri, May 29, 2009 at 3:43 PM, John M. Dlugosz
<> wrote:

Buddha Buck |Perl 6| wrote:

In response to this thread, I activated the "US International"
keyboard layout, and once that's done theoretically one can get
"Spanish style quote mark" with RightAlt+[ and RightAlt+] like so: «
and ».

The questions which remain (for me, at least) is if (a) the symbols
survive in email, and (b) if they really are the proper marks for


Yes to both.  I see them fine, and they are the U+00AB and U+00BB

Care to try ☃ ?  That's alt-meta-hyper-doublebucky-cokebottle.

That's an eth, ð, right?  Hmm, doesn't look the same.  What is that?


Copy and paste it from the message into a word processor or other 
program that lets you choose a font where it is not missing and make it 
very large so you can see the details.

Or see <> for a large graphic in several fonts.


Re: Amazing Perl 6

2009-05-29 Thread John M. Dlugosz

Jon Lang |Perl 6| wrote:

On Fri, May 29, 2009 at 6:52 AM, John Macdonald  wrote:

Yep, I've done that.

But comparing the difference in effort between:

- press a key
- Google for a web page that has the right character set, cut, refocus, paste

means that I don't bother for the one or two "weird" characters
every few months that is my current Unicode usage.  If I were
working with Unicode frequently, it would be worth setting up
links and mechanisms, or learning the keyboard compose sequences
for frequently used characters.  I'm sure that there are many
people in a similar situation.

Agreed.  Given the frequency with which « and » come up in Perl 6, I'd
love to be able to have a simple keyboard shortcut that produces these
two characters.  Unfortunately, I am often stuck using a Windows
system when coding; and the easiest method that I have available to me
there (that I know of) is to pull up Character Map.

Windows:  see Tavultasoft's key mapper.  Free to use existing keyboard 
layouts, pro version needed to make your own.  It was awesome when 
writing stuff heavily-leaden with IPA characters.

Re: Amazing Perl 6

2009-05-29 Thread John M. Dlugosz

Buddha Buck |Perl 6| wrote:

In response to this thread, I activated the "US International"
keyboard layout, and once that's done theoretically one can get
"Spanish style quote mark" with RightAlt+[ and RightAlt+] like so: «
and ».

The questions which remain (for me, at least) is if (a) the symbols
survive in email, and (b) if they really are the proper marks for


Yes to both.  I see them fine, and they are the U+00AB and U+00BB 

Care to try ☃ ?  That's alt-meta-hyper-doublebucky-cokebottle.


Re: Amazing Perl 6

2009-05-29 Thread John M. Dlugosz

John Macdonald |Perl 6| wrote:

On Thu, May 28, 2009 at 08:10:41PM -0500, John M. Dlugosz wrote:

John Macdonald |Perl 6| wrote:

However, the assumption fails if "process" is supposed to mean that
everyone is capable of generating Unicode in the messages that they
are writing.  I don't create non-English text often enough to have
it yet be useful to learn how.  (I'd just forget faster than I'd use
it and have to learn it again each time - but Perl 6 might just be
the tipping point to make learning Unicode composition worthwhile.)
Just copy/paste from another message or a web page.  Perhaps a web page  
designed for that purpose...

Yep, I've done that.

But comparing the difference in effort between:

- press a key
- Google for a web page that has the right character set, cut, refocus, paste

means that I don't bother for the one or two "weird" characters
every few months that is my current Unicode usage.  If I were
working with Unicode frequently, it would be worth setting up
links and mechanisms, or learning the keyboard compose sequences
for frequently used characters.  I'm sure that there are many
people in a similar situation.
I noticed I Wikipedia that the edit page now has a selection at the 
bottom.  Very handy.  I usually use BabelMap to explore characters and 
also copy them to the clipboard.

But a while back I started writing a book on basic science for kids and 
curious adults, and started off with scientific notation.  The crosses, 
dots, and math-minus was driving my nuts, in such quantity as to prevent 
the flow of thought.  So I bought a 16-button "X-keys" strip.  Turns out 
the software stinks to high heaven and was essentially useless (hmm, 
what's the point, then?) so I had to write my own driver for it.  
Minimal, but gets the job done. 


Re: Illustration of stuff we've been discussing

2009-05-28 Thread John M. Dlugosz

Daniel Ruoso |Perl 6| wrote:

Em Qui, 2009-05-28 às 09:27 -0500, John M. Dlugosz escreveu:

Daniel Ruoso |Perl 6| wrote:

Em Qui, 2009-05-28 às 00:24 -0500, John M. Dlugosz escreveu:

Please see <>
and talk to me about it.

The illustratino is cool, but it doesn't take into account the
possibility of:
 @a[0] := $x;
Where in the synopses does it say anything like that is possible?  := is 
applied to a _name_.

I don't recall if it is in the synopsis... but it is a general
expectation, and, I think, this was discussed in IRC for a long time.
But certainly is a good time to either put on the spec or drop the


I agree with you there.  This Information Model will handle putting an 
Item Container into a primitive slot in a collection, and it "just 
works" after that.  This seems to be a useful way of pinning down the 
abilities and limitations of iterators and modifying containers while 
iterating on them, in a way that is implementation-agnostic but well 
defined.  So, there should be an easy way to do that.  Extending the 
meaning of := to work in more general terms, "create an lvalue that may 
be aliased, assigned to, etc. initially holding the RHS as its value" 
might be just what people expect it to do, given the symmetry between 
symbol tables and other collections.

But, if you limit the availability of := to declaration-time only (or 
pre-declared to accept that, but who needs it?) to allow the compiler to 
optimize based on *knowing* the container type, then a different syntax 
might be better, since you can make it work on a symbol table entry 
(alias something else) without actually binding the symbol.

Just thinking out loud.  Wait for the picture.


Re: Amazing Perl 6

2009-05-28 Thread John M. Dlugosz

John Macdonald |Perl 6| wrote:

However, the assumption fails if "process" is supposed to mean that
everyone is capable of generating Unicode in the messages that they
are writing.  I don't create non-English text often enough to have
it yet be useful to learn how.  (I'd just forget faster than I'd use
it and have to learn it again each time - but Perl 6 might just be
the tipping point to make learning Unicode composition worthwhile.)

Just copy/paste from another message or a web page.  Perhaps a web page 
designed for that purpose...

Re: Amazing Perl 6

2009-05-28 Thread John M. Dlugosz

Mark J. Reed |Perl 6| wrote:

So that much makes sense.  But I still think the two different
meanings of square brackets in operators are going to confuse people.


I agree.  The previously quoted passages in the synopses are confusing, 
too, since it doesn't make the context clear.

If you find the shorthand too confusing, write it out as &infix<+> 
instead.  Perl can do solid software engineering as well as one-liners.


Re: Illustration of stuff we've been discussing

2009-05-28 Thread John M. Dlugosz

Daniel Ruoso |Perl 6| wrote:

Em Qui, 2009-05-28 às 00:24 -0500, John M. Dlugosz escreveu:

Please see <>
and talk to me about it.

The illustratino is cool, but it doesn't take into account the
possibility of:

 @a[0] := $x;

which means that an array is, theoretically, an array of item
containers. Consider the following:

 @a[1] = 0;
 @a[1] := 1;
 @a[1] = 2;


Syntax aside, and what the spec actually says about := aside, I do agree 
that a container must be able to cough up an lvalue for any of its 
addressable content individually.  That works (in this model) because of 
how items are intimatly tied with lvalues, and the way parameters are 
bound and what declaring an lvalue return does (returning is the same as 
passing, as they are both Captures).

Anyway, I'll explain my thoughts on that in detail this weekend.


Re: Illustration of stuff we've been discussing

2009-05-28 Thread John M. Dlugosz

Larry Wall |Perl 6| wrote:

Basically, (ignoring STD's definition of name) I view @a[0] as a
name, in the sense of identifying a unique object.  It just happens
to contain navigational elements like a URL.
OK, that that might be what was meant in the synopses when it was penned 
9 years ago, before formal terminology was better fixed.

Of course, if @a is declared to hold only a compact array of native
types, binding a pointer into one of the entries isn't going to fly.
One of my thoughts, exactly. 

But we're defining the differences between the behavior of $a and @a in
terms of how it desugars in context, so there's no need for the actual
binding to distinguish any extra levels of indirection.  All it needs
to know is where to poke the pointer to the object.  And normally @a
contains a list of poke-able pointers, so @a[0] := $x is fair game.

And if $x is the wrong type, it errors.  So if @a is the "wrong type" in 
a larger sense of not being able to support that, it errors.  E.g. it is 
a compact array, or some user-defined collection, or is otherwise read-only.


Re: The game of life

2009-05-28 Thread John M. Dlugosz

yary |Perl 6| wrote:

If anyone wants to try tackling this, a longer APL one-liner is
referenced on the APL wikipedia page and discussed in length here:

As an aside, APL was the first computer language I was exposed to.
When I was around 7 years old my aunt (who lived in Boston near MIT,
Harvard) had a computer scientist friend who gave her the "APL: A
Programming Language" book, after she bragged to him about a smart
nephew who liked typewriters... I liked all the symbols and sort of
understood a few bits of it...

I came upon a copy of "A Programming Language" in a similar way.  My Dad 
passed it on from a co-worker.  I don't recall how young I was, but it 
was a very interesting read.  Perhaps this attracts youngsters because 
of the strange letters?

Re: Illustration of stuff we've been discussing

2009-05-28 Thread John M. Dlugosz

Daniel Ruoso |Perl 6| wrote:

Em Qui, 2009-05-28 às 00:24 -0500, John M. Dlugosz escreveu:

Please see <>
and talk to me about it.

The illustratino is cool, but it doesn't take into account the
possibility of:

 @a[0] := $x;
Where in the synopses does it say anything like that is possible?  := is 
applied to a _name_.

The game of life

2009-05-27 Thread John M. Dlugosz

Mark J. Reed |Perl 6| wrote:

Perhaps Perl 6 should not aspire to the expressiveness of APL. :)  As
nice as it is that you can write Conway's Life in a one-liner(*), I
think that a little verbosity now and then is a good thing for

(*) life ←{↑1 ω⌵.^3 4=+/,‾1 0 1◦.ϕ⊂ω}

So how would that translate to Perl 6?  Both as an exact translation, 
and how to do it better in a Perl way?


Illustration of stuff we've been discussing

2009-05-27 Thread John M. Dlugosz

Please see 
and talk to me about it.


Re: Amazing Perl 6

2009-05-27 Thread John M. Dlugosz

Mark J. Reed |Perl 6| wrote:

On Wed, May 27, 2009 at 6:05 PM, John M. Dlugosz
<> wrote:

And APL calls it "|¨" (two little dots high up)

Mr. MacDonald just said upthread that the APL reduce metaoperator was
spelled "/".  As in:

 +/1 2 3

So how does |¨ differ?


Sorry, the two dots is APL's equivilent of the hyper operators, not the 
reduction operators.  Easy to get those mixed up!

For example, |1 2 3 ⍴¨ 10| would natively be written in Perl 6 as |10 
»xx« (1,2,3)|.


Re: Amazing Perl 6

2009-05-27 Thread John M. Dlugosz

Mark J. Reed |Perl 6| wrote:

In Haskell it may be called fold (well, foldl and foldr), but the concept
has has a variety of names.  Two of the more common ones are "reduce" and
"inject"; I believe Perl6 chose "reduce" for consistency with the Perl5
List::Util module.  Common Lisp and Python also call it "reduce":

(defun ! (n)
 (reduce #'* (loop for i from 1 to n collecting i)))

def fact(n):
 return reduce(lambda x,y: x*y, range(1,n+1))

While Ruby calls it "inject".

def fact(n)
   (1..n).inject { |x,y| x*y }


And APL calls it "|¨" (two little dots high up)

Re: Amazing Perl 6

2009-05-27 Thread John M. Dlugosz

Mark J. Reed |Perl 6| wrote:

Well, you really made me realize that I'm looking for things that make
me impressed, and probably I don't get impressed that easy nowadays ;)

Well, maybe you should relax your expectations.  People who haven't
been following P6 development for the last near-decade may be
impressed by stuff that seems trivial to veterans.  :)

I really like the factorial example on the wiki page.  That really
gets across the expressiveness of P6, without being too hard to
understand despite its brevity.  It's not often you find an elegant
yet non-recursive solution to that problem.

I do think captures are inherently impressive, but not easy to explain...


"captures are inherently impressive, but not easy to explain..."  Since 
nobody's done so yet, I suppose so.

As for fun and expressive, have you seen my APL and Lisp inspired 
stuff?  In the latter, I found out for myself just how expressive it is 
in a deep appreciation I didn't have before.  In particular, why is the 
Perl 6 version even shorter than Lisp?  Because it has the fully 
overarching self-descriptive features, but lets you leave out excess 

Re: Unexpected behaviour with @foo.elems

2009-05-27 Thread John M. Dlugosz

You're assuming he's using an instance of the built-in Array class.

I would think one reason for implementing your own class that "does 
Positional" is to do something out of the ordinary.

So what exactly does Positional promise?  I think it should be as 
general as possible, and avoid thinking of Array implicitly.

Jon Lang |Perl 6| wrote:

Jonathan Scott Duff wrote:

Or perhaps

   for 0...@foo.end -> $k { ... }

@foo.keys may not be what the user wanted if @foo is a sparse array.

IIRC, you have to explicitly ask for the custom index in order to get
"sparse array" keys.  By design, the normal index is never sparse;
only the custom index.

That said, a case could be made that the "custom index" rules as
currently presented are too restrictive to implement sparse arrays.
In particular, the fact that you must map the custom index to the
standard index when the array is first created, and that you are not
permitted to adjust things later on, kills much of the power inherent
in sparse arrays.

To implement a sparse array, I'd recommend using hashes.  In
particular, allow hashes that have sortable keys to be able to access
them "by number" as well as "by name" - E.g.:

my %x = { 'b' => 2, 'c' => 3 }
say %x[0]; # same as say %x
%x = 1;
say %x[0]; #same as say %x


Re: How to write this "properly" in Perl 6?

2009-05-27 Thread John M. Dlugosz

Cosimo Streppone |Perl 6| wrote:

Hi cool people,

the "Amazing Perl 6" thread was amazing.
It reminded me how Perl 6 looks interesting and fun.

how can I write "properly", for some meaning of properly,
the Perl 6 equivalent of this:


  if it's not clear, you can run the example 


Anything in the existing implementation that's hostile to Perl 6?  Just 
port it over by lightly editing the text or using a p5 module importer.

To write from scratch, I suppose it's just a recursive function that 
talks and drinks beer.  You need external libraries for those, but the 
recursion is easy.


Re: RFC: Implicit threading and Implicit event-loop (Was: Re: Continuations)

2009-05-27 Thread John M. Dlugosz

Sounds like "threads" to me.

What I see that's different from common threads in other languages is 
that they are all the same, rather than one master and many new threads 
that have no context history above them.  In Perl 6, every thread sees 
the same dynamic scope as the original.  It doesn't matter which one is 
left standing to continue and eventually return up the context chain. 


Daniel Ruoso |Perl 6| wrote:

Em Ter, 2009-05-26 às 19:33 -0700, Jon Lang escreveu:

"The exact semantics of autothreading with respect to control
structures are subject to change over time; it is therefore erroneous
to pass junctions to any control construct that is not implemented via
as a normal single or multi dispatch. In particular, threading
junctions through conditionals correctly could involve continuations,
which are almost but not quite mandated in Perl 6.0.0."
What is a continuation?

Continuation here is meant in the most generic sense, which is:

"The rest of the thread of execution"

It doesn't imply any specific API on manipulating the continuations, nor
it implies that the continuations are re-invocable, cloneable or
anything like that.

It basically means that the interpreter can choose to interrupt your
code at any point and continue it later, after running some other code.
This has the basic effect that Perl 6 points toward *implicit threading*
rather than explicit, and also that it points toward *implicit event
loop* rather than explicit.

In practical terms:

 sub baz (*...@input) {
   for @input -> $element {
 say "BAZ!";
 $element + 1;

 sub foo (*...@input) {
   for @input -> $element {
 say "FOO!";
 $element - 1;

 sub bar (*...@input) {
   for @input -> $element {
 say "BAR!";
 $element * 2;

 say "BEFORE!";
 my @a <== baz <== foo <== bar <== $*IN;
 say "AFTER";

Is going to open 5 implicit threads (which might be delegated to any
number of "worker threads"), besides the initial thread. So, at first,
you'll immediatly see in the output:


The implicit threads are:

  1 - read from $*IN and push into a lazy list X
  2 - read from the lazy list X, run an iteration of the for in the sub 
  bar, and push to the lazy list Y

  3 - read from the lazy list Y, run an iteration of the for in the sub
  foo, and push to the lazy list W
  4 - read from the lazy list W, run an iteration of the for in the sub
  baz, and push to the lazy list Z
  5 - read from the lazy list Z and push into the lazy list that
  happens to be stored in '@a'

That basically means that this lazy lists are attached to the
interpreter main-loop (yes, Perl 6 should implement something POE-like
in its core), which will allow the read of IO to be non-blocking, so you
don't need a OS thread for that. It also means that every lazy list
should be somehow attached to that event-loop.

So, as you enter data in $*IN, you should get something like that:

 I entered this line!
 I entered this other line!

On the implementation side, I think there is going to be a
ControlExceptionWouldBlock, which is raised by every lazy object when
the data is not immediatly available, allowing the interpreter to put
this continuation in a "blocked" state, somehow registering a listener
to the event that blocks it.

One of the attributes of the ControlExceptionWouldBlock would be a
Observable object, this Observable object is the thing that is waiting
for the specific event to happen and register additional listeners to
that event. The interpreter itself will register itself as an Observer
to that Observable, so it can re-schedule the thread, marking it as

That being said, I think we have a "continuation pool" which are in
either "running", "blocked" or "waiting" state. And a scheduler that
takes this continuations and assign to the "worker threads", while you
can use a command line switch to control the minimum/maximum number of
worker threads as well as the parameter for when to start a new worker
thread and when to deactivate it...

Well, this is my current view on the state of affairs, and is thougth a
lot in the context of SMOP, so it would be really interesting to have
some feedback from the parrot folks...



Re: Amazing Perl 6

2009-05-27 Thread John M. Dlugosz

Daniel Ruoso |Perl 6| wrote:

Please post impressive Perl 6 code snippets, we all know there are
several, and I really would like to give people some idea of why Perl 6
is so cool.


Of late, new languages have been created that are going backwards.  That 
is, they are regressing to a more primitive form.  C# is just Java with 
a different syntax.  Java is for people who can't handle the 
complexities of C++.   "Multiple inheritance is 
hard!".  So don't provide multiple inheritance, just rip it out, 
without replacing it with ANY other way to reuse implementation, so 
everyone uses copy/paste to build concrete classes that should have 
common code with others.

But... language science and research did not stop after OO was 
introduced.  Why don't new language use new, better ways of doing things?

Well, Perl 6 does.  That's what's cool about it, for me:  it looks 
toward newer ideas on a deep level, not just some shallow change but 
otherwise the same old stuff.

Look at Roles to showcase that.
Also, there is full delegation of methods with a terse syntax, useful 
for aggregating things that provide a desired interface.  And hopefully 
it will realize more of the ramifications behind allowing generic types, 
as my own research (see 
 suggests.  It 
will embrace multi-core computers with implicit threading constructs.  
It's not just cool because its new features -- they are fundamental 
ideas that should have been with us for some time, but other languages 
refuse to accept.


Re: Continuations

2009-05-26 Thread John M. Dlugosz

Jon Lang |Perl 6| wrote:

>From S09, under Junctions:

"The exact semantics of autothreading with respect to control
structures are subject to change over time; it is therefore erroneous
to pass junctions to any control construct that is not implemented via
as a normal single or multi dispatch. In particular, threading
junctions through conditionals correctly could involve continuations,
which are almost but not quite mandated in Perl 6.0.0."

What is a continuation?


Early on, Perl 6 discussion featured a lot on Continuations.  Now, I 
don't see it anywhere at all, and believe that the general form is not 
required, by design.  That is, "not mandated".  It's a computer science 
concept that generalizes *all* forms of flow control including 
exceptions, co-routines, etc.  The long-jump or exception is a more 
normal case of returning to something that is still in context, but 
imagine if you could go both ways:  bookmark something in the code, like 
making a closure but for the complete calling stack of activation 
complexes, and then jump back to it later.

Re: r26938 - docs/Perl6/Spec

2009-05-26 Thread John M. Dlugosz

I fixed that today... will check in in a few hours.
It's harder to come up with a new example than to update syntax. :)


Eirik Berg Hanssen |Perl 6| wrote: writes:


 statement, or if you want to attach multiple statements. you must either
 use the curly form or surround the entire expression in brackets of some sort:
-@primes = (do (do $_ if .prime) for 1..100);

+@primes = do $_ if prime($_) for 1..100;

  I haven't been following much, but I'm pretty sure this example now
contradicts what it was once intended to illustrate, as the "entire
expression" is no longer "surrounded in" any kind of bracket.

  Is the whole you-must-either clause now obsolete?  Then I won't
bother to suggest that the Y should be upcased. ;-)


Re: Meditations on a Loop

2009-05-26 Thread John M. Dlugosz

yary |Perl 6| wrote:

I was wondering why the perl5 example didn't work in p6- $_ is a
contextual variable,

 so why doesn't the body of "odd" get its $_ value
from grep in something like this:
sub odd_a { $_ % 2}
If you make it a formally declared "sub", then you have to set up your 
local $_ yourself.  If you wrote it as a bare block, then using $_ in 
that block would be enough to make it your parameter.

If you don't declare it, I'm not sure if you get a local one implicitly 
or if it makes a closure from the lexical scope containing the sub.  
Either way, it's not the dynamic scope.

sub odd_b { $*_ % 2}
Sayith S02, "Note that |$*_| will always see the |$_| in the current 
scope, not the caller's scope"

That implies that it is declared for you whether you use or not.

sub odd_c { $CONTEXT::_ % 2 }

I'd prefer CALLER to CONTEXT, but in this case they should be the same. 

say grep &odd_a, 0..6
(calls "say" 7 times with an uninitialized value. Same with &odd_b, &odd_c)


So the answer to "

why the perl5 example didn't work" is "more use of lexical scoping rules."


Re: Unexpected behaviour with @foo.elems

2009-05-26 Thread John M. Dlugosz

Daniel Carrera |Perl 6| wrote:


The following construction doesn't do what a user might expect:

for 0...@foo.elems -> $k { do_something($k,@foo[$k]) }

Obviously, the intention is to step through every key/value in @foo. 
Buf @f...@foo.elems] does not exist. If @foo = (1,2,3); then 
@foo.elems is 3, and @foo[3] is undefined.

Yes, I know that you could also have written:

for @foo.values -> $k { do_something($k,@foo[$k]) }

But I point out that the earlier code sample was given to me on IRC at 
#perl6. If one of the current developers can make that mistake, other 
users will too. I cannot say whether it makes sense to alter the 
language because of this. You are the language experts. I just wanted 
to raise a likely point of confusion among users.


Write ^...@foo.elems as a shortcut of 0...@foo.elems, which is the
variation to exclude that endpoint if you would rather not write


Re: Idea: Literate programing

2009-05-25 Thread John M. Dlugosz
I think the equivalent of tangle/weave would take docs designed for 
literate reading and produce the runable file.  Perl doesn't have to 
execute it directly.  But that can be automated using a source filter.

Daniel Carrera |Perl 6| wrote:


I really like POD and I like the changes in the upcoming Perl 6 Pod.

Have you ever heard of literate programing? (see Wikipedia). I think 
it would be neat if Pod could do literate programing. It is already 
very close. For reference, please see this article:

For reference, please see this page:

In brief, the only thing that Pod is missing is allowing you to write 
code sections in whatever order is best for people to understand, and 
have them be re-ordered when we run the program.

I would like to suggest a "=ref" block type (for "reference") as well 
as the :ref() configuration option for =head* and =code, such that:

 start -
=begin pod
=head1 Intro

This program is an infinite loop. On each iteration we
read user input and do something with it.

=begin code
while 1 {
=ref handle_input
=end code

=head1 Handling user input :ref(handle_input)

To handle user input we simply give the input to
Perl's built-in eval() function.

=begin code :ref(handle_input)
print "Prompt> ";
=end code
=end pod
 end -

1) When you run "perl", Perl would grab the second code 
block, move to where "=ref" is, and run the program normally.

2) When you run (say) "pod2html", the code block would 
remain where it is, but the "=ref" would be replaced by a hyperlink to 
the second "=head1".

In this way, a relatively simple change makes Perl 6 Pod able to do 
literate programing for anyone who is interested.

What do you think?

Re: Question for Larry

2009-05-25 Thread John M. Dlugosz

Daniel Ruoso |Perl 6| wrote:

A few facts:

* A Scalar in item context returns its value;
* The dotty operator implies item context;
* A list in item context returns itself;



Exactly. but it would probably be more clear to state that "the name
'$x' in the lexpad is bound to a item container", binding is something
that happens to the variable as stored in the lexpad, so it's an
operation that happens in the lexpad, not in the container...
I think you're agreeing with me.  True, by "$x" I meant the symbol as 
resolved to a particular scope.  "lexpad" is not mentioned in the 
synopses.  Behaviorally, the symbol table such as MY:: or some package 
appears to be a hash that associates the declared name with the container.

(that simplifying the point where the lexpad is also a container) 


That I don't follow.

  %a := 1;

is an operation in the hash itself, not in that specific cell of the


Nothing in S02, S03 or S06 suggests such a usage.  := is used to alias a 
"name"  The expression on the left does not name a variable, but is an 


Question for Larry

2009-05-25 Thread John M. Dlugosz

Can you tell me if I'm missing something fundamental here?

Regarding "item containers" ...

   my @A = (1, 2, 3);
   my $x;  # default to "is Scalar"
   $x = @A;

Now $x is BOUND TO an item container of type Scalar, which CONTAINS an 
Array which itself CONTAINS 3 items of type Int.

@A is BOUND TO a list container of type Array.

   my $y := @A;

$y is BOUND TO the Array, same as @A is.


Re: Array variables as formal parameters ???

2009-05-24 Thread John M. Dlugosz

Henry Baragar |Perl 6| wrote:

On May 23, 2009 11:26:16 pm John M. Dlugosz wrote:

 > From whence did it get its Item container?

OK, my brain made a wrong turn some time on Tuesday.

Let me review the basics.

 From S02:
|$x| may be bound to any object, including any object that can be bound

to any other sigil.

Perl variables have two associated types: their "value type" and their
"implementation type".
Value type = "of", implementation type is the type of the container itself.

my $spot is Scalar; # this is the default

I think (that I may be getting out of my depth here) that the implementation 
type refers to the container at a deeper level.  That is, Scalar is a Perl 
container and not a Java nor Ruby container, which allows having objects from 
different languages (with their different semantics) in a single application.

That's right.  The way I learned it (and I worry about these 
early-learned principles being out of date!) is that using something 
other than the default Scalar class is like "tieing" in Perl 5.  You 
create your own item container that (presumably, following Perl 5's 
names) implements STORE and FETCH.  That could be a foreign variable I 

If you wrote a class MyScalar, it could, for example, access the Windows 
"registry" when accessed, or automatically read or update a value from a 
GUI form.

 From S03:

A new form of assignment is present in Perl 6, called /binding/, used in
place of typeglob assignment. It is performed with the |:=| operator.
Instead of replacing the value in a container like normal assignment, it
replaces the container itself. For instance:

my $x = 'Just Another';
my $y := $x;
$y = 'Perl Hacker';

At first, I thought that this was a aliasing mechanism, but now I worry that 
this is how we have to assign non-Perl variables in a Perl application.  That 
is, the semantics of assignment differ depending the container type.

I'm assuming that the container defines what item assignment means.  At 
the very least, it will have the STORE method.  But I want to have 
infix:<=> definable in general without having to make it masquerade as 
an Item Container.

 From S12:

Method calls on mutable scalars always go to the object contained in the
scalar (autoboxing value types as necessary):

$result = $object.doit();
$length = "mystring".codes;

Method calls on non-scalar variables just calls the |Array|, |Hash| or

|Code| object bound to the variable:

$elems = @array.elems;
@keys  = %hash.keys;
$sig   = &sub.signature;

Use the prefix |VAR| macro on a scalar variable to get at its underlying

|Scalar| object:

if VAR($scalar).readonly {...}


So, if you say

my $x;

then $x is bound to a newly-created Scalar (not worrying about
conflating the name the Role and the concrete type at this point).

my $x = 'Just Another';

Now the "item assignment" operates on the container, storing the Str
instance within it.  $x is bound to a container, and the container
contains (only) one Str instance.

Rephrasing:  $x is a Perl container holding a Str object whose content 
(value?) is 'Just Another'.

Agree.  Scalar is a type of item container.


Basically, I was thinking that scalar variables always are bound to item
containers which contain the actual value.  In fact, this was originally
drilled into me:  containers vs values!  That variables always directly
hold some kind of container.  I suppose that's been changed at some
point, perhaps long ago, but the synopses didn't dissuade me from that
early belief.

I don't think it has been changed, I think that if you don't understand how 
"tie" is implemented in Perl5 (which is referenced heavily in the synopsis), 
then it is easy to miss the distinctions being made.  (It doesn't help that 
the Implementation type is in the middle of a bunch of "higher level" types).

Taken literally, it has:  "$x may be bound to any object, including any 
object that can be bound to any other sigil." 

That means that $x may be bound to an item container containing some 
other object, or may be bound directly to some other kind of object.  
That's my fundamental understanding at this point.  Unless something 
*really*strange* has become of "item container" ... (Larry, please?)

Anyway, as for your (Henry) example from Rakudo:

my $x = 1, 2, 3;

According to the synopses, this should be analogous to the previous
example, where $x now is bound to an item that contains a Capture
containing 3 Ints.

Assuming Capture vs Array is simply out of date implementation, just
focus on the parameter passing.  $x is bound to a Scalar.  But What I
Mean is for the formal paramet

Re: Array variables as formal parameters ???

2009-05-24 Thread John M. Dlugosz

Henry Baragar |Perl 6| wrote:

Good question, since Nil does Positional, as evidenced by rakudo:
> say Nil ~~ Positional
Should report this as a bug?



At the very least, it is the most simple test case for Nil.  Should be 
in the test suite.

Re: Array variables as formal parameters ???

2009-05-23 Thread John M. Dlugosz

Henry Baragar |Perl 6| wrote:

> sub f2 (@y) {say @y.WHAT; say +...@y}; f2(Nil);


Why doesn't +...@y produce 0, not 1?  It's an empty list.

From rakudo:
> sub f2 (@y) {say @y[0]}; f2(Nil);



Uh, @y is an Array of one item, that one item being Nil.

I think the intent was to be an empty list.  Nil is not supposed to go 
into lists, but to become nothing when used in such a way.  Wrapping Nil 
into a list when it wasn't a list at all to begin with is totally 
missing the point.  And where did the wrapping Array come from?  At its 
simplest, Nil is an object whose Positional personality shows an empty 
list, and that's what the @ variable uses.


Re: Array variables as formal parameters ???

2009-05-23 Thread John M. Dlugosz

> From whence did it get its Item container?

OK, my brain made a wrong turn some time on Tuesday.

Let me review the basics.

From S02:

|$x| may be bound to any object, including any object that can be bound 
to any other sigil.

Perl variables have two associated types: their "value type" and their 
"implementation type".

Value type = "of", implementation type is the type of the container itself.

   my $spot is Scalar; # this is the default

From S03:

A new form of assignment is present in Perl 6, called /binding/, used in 
place of typeglob assignment. It is performed with the |:=| operator. 
Instead of replacing the value in a container like normal assignment, it 
replaces the container itself. For instance:

   my $x = 'Just Another';
   my $y := $x;
   $y = 'Perl Hacker';

From S12:

Method calls on mutable scalars always go to the object contained in the 
scalar (autoboxing value types as necessary):

   $result = $object.doit();
   $length = "mystring".codes;

Method calls on non-scalar variables just calls the |Array|, |Hash| or 
|Code| object bound to the variable:

   $elems = @array.elems;
   @keys  = %hash.keys;
   $sig   = &sub.signature;

Use the prefix |VAR| macro on a scalar variable to get at its underlying 
|Scalar| object:

   if VAR($scalar).readonly {...}


So, if you say

   my $x;

then $x is bound to a newly-created Scalar (not worrying about 
conflating the name the Role and the concrete type at this point).

   my $x = 'Just Another';

Now the "item assignment" operates on the container, storing the Str 
instance within it.  $x is bound to a container, and the container 
contains (only) one Str instance.

Basically, I was thinking that scalar variables always are bound to item 
containers which contain the actual value.  In fact, this was originally 
drilled into me:  containers vs values!  That variables always directly 
hold some kind of container.  I suppose that's been changed at some 
point, perhaps long ago, but the synopses didn't dissuade me from that 
early belief.

Anyway, as for your (Henry) example from Rakudo:

   my $x = 1, 2, 3;

According to the synopses, this should be analogous to the previous 
example, where $x now is bound to an item that contains a Capture 
containing 3 Ints.

Assuming Capture vs Array is simply out of date implementation, just 
focus on the parameter passing.  $x is bound to a Scalar.  But What I 
Mean is for the formal parameter @y to get bound to the item in the 
container, the list of Ints. 

===>How does that happen?

Now back to straightening out my misconceptions about scalars _always_ 
holding item containers.  If $x is bound to an Array, for example, the 
compiled code can't be doing the indirection innately.

So it follows that the method forwarding is a property of the object 
that the method is originally called on.  That is, the Scalar (and any 
"tied" item container implementations) are written to forward all 
methods to the contained object.  The compiler sees $ and doesn't 
know anything about $x other than that it's some object, so it codes a 
message dispatch to it.  If $x holds a normal object, the foo method 
gets called via the normal dispatching rules.  But Scalar implements 
something that catches all methods and forwards them to the contained item.


That would imply that if a scalar happened to contain another scalar, e.g.
   my $x =;
($x is bound to a Scalar which contains a Scalar which contains undef)
then any method called on $x would trigger the same behavior when the 
contained object gets it, and be forwarded all the way down, no matter 
how many Scalars I nested in this manner.

So how does VAR work?  It can't just wrap another level around the 
original object to cancel out the automatic indirection.  It can't tell 
the compiler to generate different code, since the code knows nothing 
about this interesting property of scalars.  Instead it must return a 
proxy that knows how to trigger the actual methods on the scalar, 
avoiding the forwarding behavior of normal method calls.

===>   Is that right?

Thanks for your help everyone.  I hope to give back just as much, once 
I've caught back up.  In any case, what I learn I will document for all 
who come later.


Re: Array variables as formal parameters ???

2009-05-23 Thread John M. Dlugosz

Jonathan Worthington |Perl 6| wrote:


Little clarification...

Henry Baragar wrote:
I think that in your "Example 1", that you may be making too making 
too much of a distinction between "$a" and "@a".  That is:

sub f2(@y) {...}
has exactly the same signature as sub f2($x is Array) {...}
In other words, they both take a single argument that must be of type 
@y just means "the argument must do the Positional role", so it's a 
looser constraint than "is Array". Equivalent is more like:

   sub f2(Positional $x) { }



I'm finding a difference in how a Positional is "bound to" a plain item 

If the paramter-argument bond is shown as:

my $x := @A;

how can the Item variable "really" bond _directly_ to the Positional 
object?  It doesn't have STORE and FETCH methods.  The item variable 
forwards methods to the contained item, and a directly-bonded Array does 

I think I'm assuming more is (can be) happening at compile time.
The delegation would have to be handled at run-time, rather than as 
something the compiler knows about? 


Re: Array variables as formal parameters ???

2009-05-23 Thread John M. Dlugosz

Henry Baragar |Perl 6| wrote:
I think that in your "Example 1", that you may be making too making too much 
of a distinction between "$a" and "@a".  That is:

sub f2(@y) {...}
has exactly the same signature as 
	sub f2($x is Array) {...}
In other words, they both take a single argument that must be of type Array. 
Hence, @y and $x work the same "beneath the surface" and there is no extra 
level of indirection.


But... $x has an Item container, and @y doesn't !

Now that we are viewing parameters as providing constraints rather than 
contexts, we get a different view on your "Example 2".  I made your example 
more concrete and ran it through rakudo, yielding:

> sub f1 ($x) {say $x.WHAT}; f1(Nil);
> sub f2 (@y) {say @y.WHAT; say +...@y}; f2(Nil);

Why doesn't +...@y produce 0, not 1?  It's an empty list.
And if the argument types are viewed as constraints only, denoting 
whether the call is acceptable but not changing anything about it, and 
f2 is written as way above, the two functions would produce the same 
output.  Clearly they're not. 

See, no problems with f2().

Good.  Thanks.


Re: Meditations on a Loop

2009-05-22 Thread John M. Dlugosz

Sartak |Perl 6| wrote:

On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 7:52 PM, John M. Dlugosz
<> wrote:

That sounds like a circular reference problem.  If the dot is a simple multi
sub and is expected to dispatch based on type (different types may have
different dispatchers), what "type" are you keying off of to pick the
standard dispatcher?  And how do you determine that without method calls?

I haven't been following Perl 6 design terribly closely, but I'll take
a shot at these two questions from what I know about OO design.

The standard dispatcher is associated with Perl 6's equivalent of Perl
5's UNIVERSAL (or CLOS's "t", Java's "java.lang.Object" or whatever,
etc.). The superest superclass. A class would be able to say "no no,
use this dispatcher instead", which would take effect for all of its
descendents (unless they too override dispatching).

The dispatcher isn't associated with an ultimate base class.  I think 
the bases are in fact independant from the dispatcher chosen for a 
concrete class.  Your wierdo class will still inherit from Object or 
whatever it's called. 

The metaobject is pointed to by the HOW.

There would be several behind-the-scenes method calls involved in
calling $ The first would be $object.HOW to get the
metaclass of $object. The metaclass would then perform many method
calls on itself and its associated behind-the-scenes objects in order
to dispatch the original method call of "foo" on $object.

The metaclass's own method calls would not be affected, since the
metaclass is (presumably) using the standard dispatch logic. Of
course, metaclasses would be able to define their own dispatch logic.
That would mean changing the metaclass's metaclass. Due to the layered
and recursive nature of metaobject protocols, it should all just work.
That's why MOPs are so nice.
I see.  Except for accessing the method accessor HOW.  But I think you 
are agreeing with my point.  I've thought about the details, but the 
Moose folks have it all figured out, they tell me.

IAC, Installing the dispatcher is done by setting up the object that 
lives at $object.HOW.  That process gets kicked off when the parser 
determines a method call is needed, and differing dispatchers don't 
bother that process at all.  It has nothing to do with changing what the 
dot performs when it is found by the parser.

Again, I must stress that I don't actually know how Perl 6 chose to do
this, but this is how it works in the MOP-empowered languages I've
looked at closely. :) I'd be more than happy to be corrected by
someone who knows how it does work.



Re: Meditations on a Loop

2009-05-22 Thread John M. Dlugosz

Daniel Ruoso |Perl 6| wrote:

Em Sex, 2009-05-22 às 18:27 -0500, John M. Dlugosz escreveu:

Daniel Ruoso wrote:

That's because dot is an operator as well and might be subject to be
overriden... but don't tell anyone that...
You mean by installing a different dispatcher for the object?  By 
hooking the grammar at a lower level?  Or will it be as simple as 
defining a multi sub for that?

Last time I heard about it, it was a simple multi sub...


That sounds like a circular reference problem.  If the dot is a simple 
multi sub and is expected to dispatch based on type (different types may 
have different dispatchers), what "type" are you keying off of to pick 
the standard dispatcher?  And how do you determine that without method 
calls?  And what type is the right-hand-side?

Re: Meditations on a Loop

2009-05-22 Thread John M. Dlugosz

Daniel Ruoso wrote:

Em Qui, 2009-05-21 às 20:21 -0500, John M. Dlugosz escreveu:
but it was crudly inserted, so just before it the text still reads, "The 
"dot" form and the indirect object form DEFAULT to method calls.  All 
other prefix calls DEFAULT to subroutine calls." (emphasis mine),

That's because dot is an operator as well and might be subject to be
overriden... but don't tell anyone that...


You mean by installing a different dispatcher for the object?  By 
hooking the grammar at a lower level?  Or will it be as simple as 
defining a multi sub for that?


Array variables as formal parameters ???

2009-05-22 Thread John M. Dlugosz
Please take a look at 
I started working through how the detailed behavior of the Capture and 
passing rules need to work, and I ran into something that startled me.  
There's no examples in S06 of formal parameters, other than the special 
*...@slurp form, that is declared with a sigil other than a $.  For example,

   sub f1 ($x, @y, @z) { ... }

Before I get any farther with this line of thought, I want to know if 
I'm missing something important.


Re: Meditations on a Loop

2009-05-22 Thread John M. Dlugosz

Patrick R. Michaud |Perl 6| wrote:

The page currently says:

"The reason this [.prime] works is because the method-call 
syntax will call an ordinary non-member sub also."

I think this is no longer the case (and hasn't been for some time).



Wow, that's news to me.

I found the paragraph that has been inserted in S12 to that effect,
   larry  8/21/2008 2:58:24 PM  remove failover from methods to 

but it was crudly inserted, so just before it the text still reads, "The 
"dot" form and the indirect object form DEFAULT to method calls.  All 
other prefix calls DEFAULT to subroutine calls." (emphasis mine),

and in S06,

   set_name $obj: "Sam";   # try $obj.set_name("Sam") first, then
   # fall-back to set_name($obj, "Sam")
   $obj.set_name("Sam");   # same as the above

So, I'll make some edits this weekend.


Re: Meditations on a Loop

2009-05-21 Thread John M. Dlugosz

Larry Wall |Perl 6| wrote:

And since the "when" modifier counts as a conditional, you can rewrite

grep Dog, @mammals


$_ when Dog for @mammals;

So perhaps will see a lot of subtypes used this way: 

subset Odd if Int where { $_ % 2 };
@evens = ($_ * 2 when Odd for 0..*);


   @primes = do $_ if prime($_) for 1..100;


   @primes = $_ when prime($_) for 1..100;


Not sure that is any better.

Re: Meditations on a Loop

2009-05-21 Thread John M. Dlugosz

What is "Userdocs for Christmas"?  Someone have a link?

Carl Mäsak |Perl 6| wrote:

Timothy (>), John (>>):

If you would be so kind, please take a look at
.  I spent a couple days on
this, and besides needing it checked for correctness, found a few issues as
well as more food for thought.

   John, I very much enjoyed your article.  I'm hoping that at some
point, it would be possible to merge it into U4X, which is the "Userdocs for
Christmas" project (I think Carl Masak is the appropriate contact person for

Not yet having read the article, I just wanted to pop by saying that
there's a good chance something like this can end up in the
'tutorials' section of u4x. The best way to ascertain this is to put a
mention in u4x/TODO, so I just did this.

// Carl


What is "U4X"?

2009-05-21 Thread John M. Dlugosz

Can someone post a link?

Meditations on a Loop

2009-05-20 Thread John M. Dlugosz
If you would be so kind, please take a look at 
.  I spent a couple days 
on this, and besides needing it checked for correctness, found a few 
issues as well as more food for thought.


P.S.  contains some humor.

Re: "Unicode in 'NFG' formation" ?

2009-05-20 Thread John M. Dlugosz

Larry Wall |Perl 6| wrote:

On Mon, May 18, 2009 at 11:11:32AM +0200, Helmut Wollmersdorfer wrote:

[1] Open questions:

1) Will graphemes have an unique charname?

Yes, presumably that comes with the "normalization" part of NFG.
We're not aiming for round-tripping of synthetic codepoints, just
as NFC doesn't do round-tripping of sequences that have precomposed
codepoints.  We're really just extending the NFC notion a bit further
to encompass temporary precomposed codepoints.

Unique for asking for the name, not when specifying the name.  Just as 
with the code-point order, any combination that means the same should 
give the same grapheme, just as if you had create the code point 
sequence first.  Perhaps you are not realizing that the different 
classes of modifiers are independent.  You could say DOT ABOVE AND DOT 
ABOVE and get the same thing as DOT BELOW and DOT ABOVE.

2) Can I use Unicode property matching safely with graphemes?
   If yes, who or what maintains the necessary tables?

Good question.  My assumption is that adding marks to a character
doesn't change its fundamental nature.  What needs to be provided
other pass-through to the base character's properties?

Depends on the property!  Being a modifier, for example.  A detailed 
look would be needed to decide which properties just pass through to the 
base char, which are enhanced (e.g. "letter" becomes "letter with 
modifiers"), which don't make sense, which are mostly OK but change 
sometimes, etc.

Re: "Unicode in 'NFG' formation" ?

2009-05-18 Thread John M. Dlugosz

Larry Wall |Perl 6| wrote:

into *uint16 as long as they don't synthesize codepoints.  And we can
always resort to *uint32 and *int32 knowing that the Unicode consortium
isn't going to use the top bit any time in the foreseeable future.
(Unless, of course, they endorse something resembling NFG. :)

No, a few million code points in the Unicode standard can produce an 
arbitrary number of unique grapheme clusters, since you can apply as 
many modifiers as you like to each different base character.  If you 
allow multiples, the total is unbounded.

A small program, which ought to go into the test suite , can generate 
>4G distinct grapheme clusters, one at a time. 

How many implementations will that break?  If they want fixed size, 
64-bits should do for now.  Also, if the spec doesn't list a requirement 
for a minimum implement ion limit, *any* fixed-size implementation will 
be incorrect even if untestable as such.


Re: "Unicode in 'NFG' formation" ?

2009-05-18 Thread John M. Dlugosz

Larry Wall |Perl 6| wrote:

Sure, but this is a weak argument, since you can already write complete
ord/chr nonsense at the codepoint level (even in ASCII), and all we're
doing here is making graphemes work more like codepoints in terms of
storage and indexing.  If people abuse it, they have only themselves
to blame for relying on what is essentially an implementation detail.
The whole point of ord is to cheat, so if they get caught cheating,
well, they just have to take their lumps.  In the age of Unicode,
ord and chr are pretty much irrelevant to most normal text processing
anyway except for encoders and decoders, so there's not a great deal
of point in labeling the integers as an opaque type, in my opinion.


Playing the Devil's Advocate here, some other discussion on this thread 
made me think of something.  People already write code that expects 
ord's to be ordered.  Instead of saying, "well, use code points if you 
want to do that" we can encourage people to embrace graphemes and say 
"don't use code points or bytes!  Use graphemes!" if they behave in a 
familiar enough manner.

So on one hand I say "viva la revolution!", graphemes are modeled after 
the object identity, which is totally opaque except for equality 
testing.  But on the other hand, I want to say "they may be funky 
inside, but you can still _use_ them in the ways you want..." and assure 
that they work as hash keys and are not only ordered but include ASCII 
ordering as a subgroup.  But, still not disallow any good implementation 
ideas that befit totally different implementations.

Of course, that's not a problem unique to graphemes.  The object 
identity keys, for example.  Any forward-thinking that replaces old 
values with magic cookies.  Perhaps we need a general class that will 
assign orderable tags to arbitrary values and remember the mapping, and 
use that for more general cases.  It can be explicitly specialized to 
use any implementation-dependent ordering that actually exists on that 
type, and the general case would just be to memo-ize an int mapping.


Re: "Unicode in 'NFG' formation" ?

2009-05-18 Thread John M. Dlugosz

Mark J. Reed |Perl 6| wrote:

On Mon, May 18, 2009 at 9:11 AM, Austin Hastings

If you haven't read the PDD, it's a good start.

I get all that, really.  I still question the necessity of mapping
each grapheme to a single integer.  A single *value*, sure.
length($weird_grapheme) should always be 1, absolutely.  But why does
ord($weird_grapheme) have to be a *numeric* value?  If you convert to,
say, normalization form C and return a list of the scalar values so
obtained, that can be used in any context to reproduce the same
grapheme, with no worries about different processes coming up with
different assignments of arbitrary negative numbers to graphemes.

My feelings, in general.  It appears that the concept of mapping total 
graphemes to integers, negative, etc. is an implementation decision.  
Perl 6 strings has a concept of graphemes, and functions that work with 
them.  But the core language specification should keep that as general 
as possible, and allow implementation freedom.  The statement that "base 
moda modb" produces the same grapheme value as "base modb moda" is at 
the correct level.  The statement "the grapheme is an Int" is not only 
at the wrong level, but not right, as they should be their own distinct 
type.  I think that the PDD details of assigning negative values as 
encountered AND the idea of being a list of code points in some 
normalized form, AND the idea of it being a buffer of bytes in UTF8 with 
that list of code points encoded therein, are all *allowed* as correct 
implementations.  So is having a type whose instance data stores it in 
however many forms it wants, and for the Perl end of things you just let 
the === operator take its natural course.

If you're doing arithmetic with the code points or scalar values of
characters, then the specific numbers would seem to matter.  I'm
looking for the use case where the fact that it's an integer matters
but the specific value doesn't.

Well, you can view a string as bytes of UTF8, code points, or 
graphemes.  If you want numbers you probably wanted the first two.  A 
grapheme object should in some ways behave as a string of 1 grapheme and 
allow you to obtain bytes of UTF8 or code points, easily. 

Now object identity, the "address" of an object, is not mandated to be 
an Int or even numeric.  Different types can return different things 
even.  The only thing we know is that infix:<===> uses them.

Should graphemes be any different?  A grapheme object has observed 
behavior ("encode it as...") and internal unobserved behavior.  Perhaps 
we need more assertions such as saying that it can serve as hash keys 
properly, rather than going all the way to saying that they must be 
numbered.  Especially with an internal numbering system that changes 
from run to run!

Meanwhile... that's what the Str class does.  It still has nothing to do 
with how source code is parsed.  To that extent, mentioning it in S02, 
at least in that section, is a mistake.  A see-also to general Perl 
Unicode documentation would not be objectionable.

Also, I described more detailed, formal handling of the input stream to 
the Perl 6 parser last year:   
in Section 3.1.  It was discussed on this mailing list when I was 
starting it.


"Unicode in 'NFG' formation" ?

2009-05-16 Thread John M. Dlugosz
I was going over S02, and found it opens with, "By default Perl presents 
Unicode in "NFG" formation, where each grapheme counts as one character."

I looked up NFG, and found it to be an invention of this group, but 
didn't find any details when I tried to chase down the links.

This opens a whole bunch of questions for me.  If you mean that the 
default for what the individual items in a string are is graphemes, OK, 
but what does that have to do with parsing source code?  Even so, that's 
not something that would be called a Normalization Form.

Character set encodings and stuff is one of my strengths.  I'd like to 
straighten this out, and can certainly straighten out the wording, but 
first need to know what you meant by that.

Can someone catch me up on the particulars?


Re: Contextual Variables

2009-05-15 Thread John M. Dlugosz

Larry Wall |Perl 6| wrote:

On Fri, May 15, 2009 at 07:16:45PM -0500, John M. Dlugosz wrote:
Reading through S02, I see that contextual variables has changed in the  
last year.  It appears that contextual and global variables have been  
unified.  So, the + twigil is no more?

I assume the point is that any supposed "global" can be overridden in  
dynamic context, rather than having to know which you planned to and  
which you didn't.  Normal code should use $*x, not $GLOBAL::x or 

Is that it, or is there more I need to be filled in on?

That's it, you've nailed it in one.  Though perhaps we could mention
here that part of the motivation is to push context info down the
dynamic stack to the point where we minimize shared state between
threads.  And also, knowing whether a particular context var is
rw or not means we know whether we can just make a copy into our
current thread with value semantics, or we have to manage a lock
around the shared container.  Well, that's the hope...


Hmm, so being read-only implies it won't change and can be cached 
locally, as opposed to "YOU can't change it along this access path".  
Don't we have separate readonly and rw variables aliasing the same 
underlying value now?  I think you're confusing const and volatile.


Re: Right place for discussions?

2009-05-15 Thread John M. Dlugosz

Larry Wall |Perl 6| wrote:

On Fri, May 15, 2009 at 07:21:38PM -0500, John M. Dlugosz wrote:
Looking at recent traffic, there is more on tickets and checkins, so any  
actual "forum" messages are lost among them.  Should "discussion" be  

Generally discussion of specs should be on perl6-langauge, though
of course, having a wider audience there, the s2n ratio tends to be
a bit lower.  This mailing list is certainly still appropriate for
abstract discussions of exactly how a particular feature might be
implemented, despite the flood of automated traffic.

Hmm., I seem to have gotten my wires crossed.  I just re-subscribed to 
change my email address, and did so by copy/paste the address in the 
Welcome message I had before.  How odd.  I'll switch back to -language.  
I must have been subcribed to both, or a consolidation feed, before.


Right place for discussions?

2009-05-15 Thread John M. Dlugosz
Looking at recent traffic, there is more on tickets and checkins, so any 
actual "forum" messages are lost among them.  Should "discussion" be 

Contextual Variables

2009-05-15 Thread John M. Dlugosz
Reading through S02, I see that contextual variables has changed in the 
last year.  It appears that contextual and global variables have been 
unified.  So, the + twigil is no more?

I assume the point is that any supposed "global" can be overridden in 
dynamic context, rather than having to know which you planned to and 
which you didn't.  Normal code should use $*x, not $GLOBAL::x or whatever.

Is that it, or is there more I need to be filled in on?


Re: Why no "is ro"? (Re: Subroutine parameter with trait and default.)

2008-09-23 Thread John M. Dlugosz

Michael G Schwern |Perl 6| wrote:

John M. Dlugosz wrote:

I'm not opposed to having it be "ro", but wonder why he didn't call it that
in the first place, so there must be a reason.

Nobody's perfect?

My other thought is that since parameters are read-only by default it's not
thought you'd have to write it much so clarity wins out over brevity, the flip
side of Huffamn encoding.  But that doesn't work out so good for normal
variable declarations.  The verbosity (which a hyphen would only make worse)
discourages "const-ing", as they say in C.


Perhaps he was thinking that 'constant' would be used there.  But I 
agree, it's not the same thing.  In C++ I often use const for things 
that are in 'auto' scope and initialized in the normal flow sequence.

Anyway, was 'ro' rejected for some good reason, $Larry, or was it simply 
considerate as not to waste a short word on a rare use since that's the 
default (for parameters)?

I agree that knowing 'rw', and that being common, if I wanted the other 
one and didn't use it every day, I would =guess= that it should be 
called 'ro' to match.


Re: Why no "is ro"? (Re: Subroutine parameter with trait and default.)

2008-09-23 Thread John M. Dlugosz

Michael G Schwern |Perl 6| wrote:

It should be possible to alias it in your own scope easily.

Every time someone replies to a Perl 6 language design nit with "but you can
change the grammar" *I* kill a kitten.



That would not be a change in the grammar.  Merely deciding for yourself 
which names should be short based on your own usage. 

Since readonly is a class name, the equivalent of a typedef would be 
used.  I think that should be

   my ::ro ::= readonly;

but I have some technical points that still need to be addressed/worked out.


Re: Subroutine parameter with trait and default.

2008-09-23 Thread John M. Dlugosz

PS  Incidentally, it seems silly to have "is rw" but not "is ro".  I keep
writing "is ro".

The synopses says "readonly".  But now that it is possible, I nominate changing 
a hyphen.

I'm not opposed to having it be "ro", but wonder why he didn't call it that in 
the first place, so there must be a reason.

It should be possible to alias it in your own scope easily.


Re: Should $.foo attributes without "is rw" be writable from within the class

2008-09-19 Thread John M. Dlugosz

TSa |Perl 6| wrote:

May I pose three more questions?

1. I guess that even using $!A::bar in methods of B is an
   access violation, right? I.e. A needs to trust B for that
   to be allowed.


2. The object has to carry $!A::bar and $!B::bar separately, right?


3. How are attribute storage locations handled in multiple inheritance?
   Are all base classes virtual and hence their slots appear only once
   in the object's storage?

The slots are direct in that class.  The accessor functions are virtual, 

It is not specified anywhere, nor even discussed that I've found, 
whether base classes are "virtual" (merged) in the C++ sense.  I have 
this flagged as an open design question.

Since you have "roles", perhaps you don't need virtual base classes.  I 
think no snap decision should be made, but the ramifications and 
use-cases explored in some detail. 


Re: Should $.foo attributes without "is rw" be writable from within the class

2008-09-19 Thread John M. Dlugosz

TSa |Perl 6| wrote:

   class A
   has $.foo = "A";
   has $!bar = "A";

   method blahh()
  say $.foo ~ $!foo ~ $!bar;
   class B is A
   has $.foo = "B";
   has $!bar = "B";

   my $a =;
   my $b =;

   say $a.blahh; # prints AAA
   say $b.blahh; # prints BAA, right?

Shouldn't there be a warning in B that $!B::bar overwrites $!A::bar
without an accessor? And of course the example shows that $!foo in
blahh is not derivation friendly. Or am I getting things wrong and
there can be only one $!foo and $!bar in the namespace of the objects
created from A and B? That is the declarations in B are superfluous
if not outright wrong? Well, or they only affect the generated
constructor and the storage location is shared? The latter would
nicely contrast them to non twigil attributes in the form 'has $foo'.

A::!foo will be distinct from B::!foo.  The accessor in B will override
the accessor from A.  I would not mind a warning, since the
implementation knows what is going on being auto-generated.  But in
general, if you write methods that are accessors, separate from the
backing data, the compiler can't tell what you meant and won't give any


Re: How to define a new value type?

2008-09-19 Thread John M. Dlugosz

TSa |Perl 6| wrote:

So again the question: are back refs from the value to the containers
required to implement Perl 6? I guess not.

If I understand what you are saying, I agree.  You can only go from some
container to a value, not the opposite direction, and can't tell if the
object is held by more than one container.

Re: How to define a new value type?

2008-09-17 Thread John M. Dlugosz

TSa |Perl 6| wrote:

Sorry, I don't understand why you say 'no' and then explain that the
resulting new string is stored in the container. The only container
that could be affected by this is $string in the example. The way for
a method to get access to the container is by declaring a parameter
as rw. Note that this brings the discussion back to the point how rw
is handled in dispatch and if an anonymous container is autovivified
for a naked value.

For "rw" yes, for "ref" no.

Did you mean the 'no' as answer to the question if
the identity of the string--i.e. its pointer--is preserved? This would
violate the immutability assertion of string values.

Is it generally foreseen that an object knows about the containers
it is stored in? 
Yes.  But it is not generally the case that this is the same container 
as the caller is holding.  Detailed specifications of the meaning of 
'read-only', 'rw', 'copy', and 'ref' and the binding semantics thereof 
need to address this, and address the concerns of efficient implementations.

But off the cuff, I think it is safe to say that 'ref' parameters are 
guaranteed to have the same container that the caller sees, and 'copy' 
parameters are guaranteed not to.  default (read-only) passing may or 
may not at the implementation's whim, but you won't change it so it 
doesn't matter.  'rw' may allow the value to change before binding; 
'ref' never permits that.


Re: How to define a new value type?

2008-09-17 Thread John M. Dlugosz

TSa |Perl 6| wrote:

Reading the description there I wonder how this is supposed to work.
I don't think S29 is in any shape as a serious design specification.  
Maybe you should not design it that way.  Maybe the left-hand-side is 
"as ref" so it can change the identity of the object it is called on.

our Str multi method substr (Str $string is ref: StrPos $start, Int 

is rw is export

... compute result in a new variable
$string = $result;  # ta-da!
... and what am I supposed to return?  A Str-like object that is a proxy 
to just

the changed substring?

As for your other comments in general, I think S29 is NOT in any shape 
as a gospel, and going over the (very preliminary) design is a necessary 


Re: Should $.foo attributes without "is rw" be writable from within the class

2008-09-17 Thread John M. Dlugosz

Carl Mäsak |Perl 6| wrote:

I have come to understand that this is an available possibility, yes.
That doesn't mean I like it. :)

My complaint could be pithily summarized as "those are _my_,
attributes, why can't I write to them?"

// Carl

If the accessor were implemented to do something more interesting than 
just assign to the private location, then having some code call the 
accessor and other code access the private location directly with the 
same syntax would be confusing.

For untyped variables, it would be difficult to determine whether 
something is a method call or an attribute on a type that I'm in the 
body of.  Everything would have to be public methods, with a run-time 
check on the scope of the caller to see if it were allowed.   Having a 
different syntax for private access simplifies things.

I'm wondering if the strange wording concerning
 has $x;
with no twigal is meant to take care of this case.  But I don't 
understand what he meant in the Synopses, though I've asked about it 
repeatedly on this list and other places, so I largely ignore that case.

It says something about making $x available as an alias in the lexical 
scope.  In context of what you are asking, maybe that's what it is for.


Re: How to define a new value type?

2008-09-16 Thread John M. Dlugosz

Daniel Ruoso |Perl 6| wrote:

For an Object to be a value, it means that if you build an object with
the same "value", it will be seen as the same "value" that some other
object with this value.
Perl 6 formalizes this by defining a "value type" as one whose identity 
is keyed to its value.  Multiple physical copies in memory (or copies 
without memory like numbers in registers) will test as identity-equvilent.

A sane requirement for this to happen is that "value" objects are
read-only, which is something pretty straight-forward.

The thing is that, for a "value" object, there isn't any difference in

  my $a := 3;


  my $a := 3.clone();

Because the number '3' is a value, and you usually doesn't expect a
value to change its value at a distance, that's why Int is Immutable.

Yes, with immutable objects you don't have to clone it.  Multiple copies 
can be shared.

By making "value types" as described above also immutable, it formally 
removes all distinction between reference assignment and value assignment.

Re: How to define a new value type?

2008-09-16 Thread John M. Dlugosz

TSa |Perl 6| wrote:

I think that mutating methods of immutable value types just have
to modify the identity. The problem is how that relates to references.
Take e.g. the Str type

   my $s = 'abc'; # $s points to 'abc'

where the reverse method returns a new string that somehow has to
find its way into $s. That is, the method call sequence has to be
different for object types and value types. The start is identical:

Don't do that.   Changing the identity of the object will mean that 
other containers pointing to the same copy will change, but other 
containers pointing to another physical copy (but the same id) will not. 

Well, or the language is explicit about the capture of the new
value. Is this meant with

   $s.=reverse; # means $s = $s.reverse

Yes.  Define .reverse to return a new object, and use .= if you want it 
to go back into the same container.  I suppose that seeing .= will make 
it easy for the compiler to optimize, if the object is not shared it can 
reuse the structure.


Re: How to define a new value type?

2008-09-16 Thread John M. Dlugosz

Stéphane Payrard |Perl 6| wrote:

I don't understand how = differs with that semantic from :=
I would expect that = would make a copy (clone?) of the object.
For a mutable object, I don't know if that copy should be immediate or deffered
by a mechanism of copy on write. Probably that behavior could depend on a
trait of the class that implements to be copied object.


Not the best illustration, but the only one I have prepared so far:

This shows $x = $y;.

The use of := (binding) would affect the leftmost column. 

  my $z := $y;

would have $z's symbol table entry point to the same Item as $y, namely 

Assignment (=) does not clone or copy the object.  In the illustration, 
note that both Items refer to the same Dog (#A829) after assignment.  
With reference assignment semantics, if you want a copy or clone, you 
make one as an explicit step.  Hence the existence of methods like 
deepcopy in the base Object of languages with that feature.

The copy-on-write behavior you suggest is what Perl 5 does to make 
operator overloading appear to have value semantics.  But Perl 6 does 
not describe this mechanism in any way.  Instead, "value types" are 
immutable so it doesn't matter that the object is not cloned.


Re: Iterator semantics

2008-09-10 Thread John M. Dlugosz

Daniel Ruoso |Perl 6| wrote:

The second example actually modifies the object stored in the variable
'@a'. And that is a different issue.
I disagree.  The assignment operator, as opposed to the binding operator 
(:=) is an operator called on the Array object.  It is the same as 
calling = on each element in turn -- it changes the contents without 
changing the identity of the container.

Re: Iterator semantics

2008-09-09 Thread John M. Dlugosz

TSa |Perl 6| wrote:

Since Larry said that single assignment semantics is the ideal
we should strive for, I would opt for the iterator being unaffected
by the assignment to @a. When this happens the singly assigned
former content of @a is snaphot by the iterator. 

That's what my C++ vararray class does with iterators.  That way they 
don't go stale if you manipulate the array during iteration.

Iterators are independent objects in Perl 6 that can be used in other 
ways.  I think it vaguly specifies in the synopses that the for loop 
will use the default iterator for that List, provided by a member for 
that purpose.

You can have different iterator types that work in different ways.  You 
can create which ever kind you need for the purpose.

The synopses does not specify the details of iterators.  But you can 
logically deduce that the default iterator needs to provide for rw (not 
ref?) binding, since the for loop is documented to do that, if the for 
loop uses the default iterator.  The meta-law is that things work like 
in Perl 5 unless specified otherwise, so the for loop needs to continue 
to track the changing contents of the List object. 

But I imagine you can create an iterator with various options: snapshot 
or tracking, rw, readonly, or ref, and other attributes.

So if you really wanted to depend on those semantics, you could write 
something like

   my $it = @a.iterator(:snapshot);
   while =$it -> { body-of-loop }

You could allow adverbs on the 'for' loop to pass through to the call to 
iterator(), but that is probably too much syntactic sugar for the value 
it gives.


Re: Iterator semantics

2008-09-09 Thread John M. Dlugosz

My take on it:

The 'for' loop does bind $_ to alias each item of the list in turn.  
But, "the list" is not synonymous with the variable named @a.  However, 
the = operator operates on "the list" itself, not the container, 
replacing the elements in the existing Array (or whatever) object.  So, 
the first iteration through the loop would indeed replace all the 
elements in the object being iterated over.

The semantics of the 'for' loop are sequential.  It is a 
programming-flow construct, not a data-manipulation construct.  So 
laziness within the list is not an issue.  If some elements are 
delayed-evaluation, they get overwritten so that evaluation is never done.

The follow-up question is more interesting.  The operation of @a,@b 
makes a new List object.  Just like =after= calling $c=$a+$b it does not 
matter if you change $a.  Imagine + being lazy with thousand-digit 
numbers so it might avoid actually doing it 'till you needed (if ever) 
the answer.  It would be unacceptable if it appeared to bind to the 
original arguments indefinitely.
If the comma concatenation is "lazy" it needs to be on a deeper level so 
it does not seem to depend on the arguments not changing afterwards.  It 
might, in particular, copy all the primitive components out of @b which 
includes range objects and other lazy lists, or arrange a copy-on-write 
sharing with @b.  I've done this kind of stuff with my C++ classes, so 
I'm familiar with the scenario.  That is, give the outward appearance of 
"value semantics" but share storage or defer work internally.  @a,@b 
produces a well-defined value.

So, the first example prints "1" only, and the second prints 1 through 8.


Patrick R. Michaud |Perl 6| wrote:

I think my question can be best understood by example -- what
does the following produce?

my @a = 1,2,3,4,5;
for @a { .say; @a = (); }

My question is whether the change to @a inside the for loop
affects the iterator created at the beginning of the for loop.
In other words, would the above produce "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n"  or
"1\n" ?

My followup question is then:

my @a = 1,2,3,4,5;
my @b = 6,7,8;

for @a,@b { .say; @b = (); }

I have more examples involving various aspects of list and
iterator semantics, but the answers to the above will help guide
my questions.



insight into laziness, background processing, etc.

2008-09-08 Thread John M. Dlugosz

While pondering whether or not the 'map' function is lazy, I had a flash
of insight.

Let's assume that it is, and go with an example of

@results = map { process_item($_) } @files;

Now ponder the questions of how independent are the iterations of the
block.  Must it compute each one in order?  Can it use multiple threads?
Can it use cooperative coroutines but only run one at a time?

All those issues can be applied to the realization of a lazy list, after
it has been specified, and regardless of what construct was used to
produce the lazy list.  We already know 'eager' and 'hyper'.

Without committing to any specifics, let's just suppose that there are
various methods available on a lazy list, for demanding and/or
controlling the realization of the list.  You can have as many such
commands as you need, with as many options as you can think of.  It is
open-ended and extensible as technology moves on.

So, given @results as a potential "work list", I could tell it to
proceed to work on those items in the background, on multiple cores,
with a specified priority.  Or, I could tell it to work on one at a
time, but it's OK to block in the middle on IO and work on another one
in the meantime.  Or, realize them all NOW and don't return until they
are done, or on the first error.  Designing the list of such methods and
their options will be a task, but for now just suppose that such methods
will exist.

The default for a lazy list is to compute each item the first time it is
read.  The default for a sequential iterator is to allow it to work
ahead as far as it likes, batching the calls.

But, you can change the settings in some detail, and you can command it
to do work now other than by reading from a single value.  'eager' is
equivalent to reading each value, using the current settings for that
list object.


Re: How do you do a lazy map?

2008-09-07 Thread John M. Dlugosz

Moritz Lenz |Perl 6| wrote:

map *is* lazy, as are all list builtins that can be lazy (which doesn't
include stuff like sort, which has to look at all items anyway).


Are you sure that it doesn't imply order of evaluation by default?  I'm 
all for it (to be different from 'for') but worry about backward 
compatibility.  I guess using 'eager' in front will fix the problem if 
you really wanted ordered side effects, so that won't bother people too 

I also wonder about a general way to give hints or rather constraints, 
such as whether it can be multi-threaded or merely delayed 'till needed.


How do you do a lazy map?

2008-09-07 Thread John M. Dlugosz
Consider something like a 'map' call, only I want it to be lazy.  I know that a 
list can contain internally iterators that generate elements as needed or 
perhaps in the background.  But how do you create such a thing?  Something like:

   @lazy_list := parallel-map { get_info($_) } @filenames;


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