Re: MMD and VTABLE_find_method

2004-12-25 Thread Sam Ruby
Leopold Toetsch wrote:

pmclass default abstract noinit {
PMC* add (PMC* left, PMC* right) {
add_func = mmd_find(__add...) // via VTABLE_find_method
and here it becomes horribly slow and weird. You are already in one 
add. What do you want to find here?
I took your example code, almost word for word, and added approximately 
three, count them three, machine instructions (not Parrot instructions, 
not C statements, but machine instructions) to the path length, and now 
adjectives like horribly slow and wierd come out.

It looks like this mailing list will not be suitable for civilized 
discussion until Dan gets back.

Meanwhile, all existing Python tests pass:
Merry Christmas.
- Sam Ruby

Re: MMD and VTABLE_find_method

2004-12-23 Thread Luke Palmer
Sam Ruby writes:
 In the general case, a call to a subroutine with three arguments can 
 have four possibilities: anywhere from zero to three arguments may be 
 involved in the dispatch.
 I also read this to say that whatever code is generated by a subroutine 
 call is independent of the number of arguments involved in the dispatch. 
  If you read this differently, perhaps we can get a ruling from the 
 Perl6 language folks.  If I am correct, this will have the nice side 
 benefit that any such methods can be invoked transparently by all languages.

A ruling: The caller might not know that it's calling a multimethod at
all at compile time, much less how many invocants it has.

A PMC that hides the fact that we're doing a multimethod seems like the
best way to allow multiple language semantics.  If we were OO designers,
I doubt we would have thought of any other way.


MMD and pdd03 (was: MMD and VTABLE_find_method)

2004-12-23 Thread Leopold Toetsch
Luke Palmer wrote:
A ruling: The caller might not know that it's calling a multimethod at
all at compile time, much less how many invocants it has.
This seems to invalidate calling conventions aka pdd03, *if* multi subs 
with native types are allowed. The register setup of calling these two 
multisubs is identical:

  multi sub infix:+(int $l, Int $r) {...}
  multi sub infix:+(Int $l, int $r) {...}
There is no way to detect the ordering of call arguments (I5, P5).
A PMC that hides the fact that we're doing a multimethod seems like the
best way to allow multiple language semantics.  If we were OO designers,
I doubt we would have thought of any other way.
Yes, basically. The question is which PMC. On the surface of a function 
call there is (in Python assembly terms):

where the LOAD_NAME searches (lexicals, globals, builtins) for the name 
foo. The question is, if Perl6 (or Parrot) can create a multi sub PMC 
with the short name (S12) foo, or if only the long names exist. 
The problem I see is namespace pollution, as it is totally valid that a 
locally defined subroutine foo hides outer multi subs of that name.

So, where does that OOish dispatcher PMC jump in?

Re: MMD and VTABLE_find_method

2004-12-23 Thread Sam Ruby
Leopold Toetsch wrote:
Sam Ruby wrote:
First, a few things to note: the semantics of add vary from language 
to language.  In particular, add is not guaranteed to be commutative 
in Python (think string addition).
Yes, of course.
It seems obvious, but it leads to surprises.  Example:
  '1' + '2'
The result will depend on what the actual types are of the inputs 
perhaps even what the context is of the caller.

As my proposal is primarily focused on where the logic is placed in 
the system, not how it works, I'll like to use your proposal as a starting point.  Just to make sure that I 
don't mischaracterize your proposal, can you take a look at the 
attached and either agree that it represents a reasonable first 
approximation of what you had in mind, or modify it so that it is?
It's a reasonable respresentation, yes. Finding the right functions is 
more complex, though, as described in my proposal.

I'd just outline the functionality of the add opcode like this:
  inline op add (out PMC, in PMC, in PMC) :base_core {
  add_func = mmd_find(__add...) // via VTABLE_find_method
  REG_PMC(5) = $2;
  REG_PMC(6) = $3;
  VTABLE_invoke(interp, add_func, 0);
  res = REG_PMC(5);
  $1 = res;
Cool see below.
the basics are:
* the destination PMC $1 is created by the opcode
I don't want to dwell on this point, but it would be rather handy if the 
caller were able to pass in an object which was responsible for 
producing the desired destination PMC on request.

It would accept requests like give me an Integer and would respond 
with things like here's a PyInt.

At the moment, we have a fairly good approximation of this with 
VTABLE_morph.  Make yourself a BigInt...OK, (P.S. I'm really a PyLong).

This won't work for languages which have a notion of singletons, unless 
the language uses a double-reference system... like Ruby and Perl 5 do 
today (per Dan's previous statements).

* no other registers are changed, nor the context
* finding the __add method uses VTABLE_find_method to
  find all possible __add methods and a distance
  function to get the best match
* the best matching function is invoked
The word best here should be setting off alarm bells in everybody's 
head.  What is the chance that we can get Larry, Guido, Matz, Brenden 
and others to agree on such a thing?  Particularly when they can't even 
agree on what + means when dealing with strings (actually, in the list 
above, Larry is the lone hold out... ;-)  (and apologies to all involved 
for personifying this))

Once that's done, I'll sketch out all of the changes required to 
enable Perl and Python to each have their own separate semantics for 
this operation, and yet be able to have meaningful interop when it 
comes to adding a PerlInt and a PyInt, or vice versa.
OK, here's what the proposal would look like, hypothetically assuming 
that all of your proposed changes get in:

inline op add (out PMC, in PMC, in PMC) :base_core {
$1 = VTABLE_add(interp, $2, $3);
pmclass default abstract noinit {
PMC* add (PMC* left, PMC* right) {
add_func = mmd_find(__add...) // via VTABLE_find_method
REG_PMC(5) = left;
REG_PMC(6) = right;
VTABLE_invoke(interp, add_func, 0);
res = REG_PMC(5);
return res;
That's it.  From an external point of view, add is called in exactly the 
same way.  Whether MMD is involved or not, the caller shouldn't know and 
shouldn't care.  A similar approach can be taken in the more general 
case of the foo subroutine that we were talking about previously... no 
need to introduce new opcodes or a change to the Perl6 syntax.

Now, lets take a look at a hypothetical PyString implementation of add:
pmclass PyString extends PyObject dynpmc group python_group {
 PMC* add (PMC* right) {
 if (!VTABLE_does(right, const_string(STRING))
real_exception(INTERP, NULL, E_TypeError,
TypeError: cannot concatenate '%Ss' and '%Ss' 
SELF-vtable-whoami, right-vtable-whoami);

 PMC *dest = pmc_new(INTERP, dynclass_PyString);
 PMC_str_val(dest) = string_concat(INTERP,
 PMC_str_val(SELF), VTABLE_get_string(INTERP, value), 0);
 return dest;
Note: no MMD.  In fact, no need to preserve context.  Either the second 
parameter does string, or a Type error is thrown.  This would 
presumably interoperate with PerlString, but not with PerlInt.  How 
would this work when called from Perl instead?  Well, PyInt need to be 
based on from Parrot's Integer, and the MMD implementation that Perl 
settles on will need to be aware of inheritance.

Now let's look at a second hypothetical example:
 pmclass PyClass dynpmc group python_group {
  PMC* add (PMC* 

Re: MMD and VTABLE_find_method

2004-12-23 Thread Leopold Toetsch
Sam Ruby wrote:
[ a lot - I'll split answers ]
Leopold Toetsch wrote:
Sam Ruby wrote:

It seems obvious, but it leads to surprises.  Example:
  '1' + '2'
The result will depend on what the actual types are of the inputs 
perhaps even what the context is of the caller.
Ehem, given that and ... (from below)
 Note: no MMD.
 and VTABLE_add()
it seems that you are still missing the power of MMD. Just because the 
result and semantics of the add operation are different, we are doing MMD.

The MMD dispatch looks at the left and right types of the infix 
operation, locates a function that matches and call the function.

You can look at it like a matrix:
  PyStringPyIntPyNum  Integer  ...
PyString  py_add_sadd_err   add_err   add_err
PyInt add_err add_i add_n add_i
PyNum add_err add_n add_n add_i
Integer   add_err add_i add_n add_i
There are four incarnation of the add multi sub:
py_add_s   := concat (function name Parrot_PyString_add_PyString)
add_err:= emit a TypeError : cannot concat ...
add_i  := integer add (Parrot_Integer_add_Integer)
add_n  := float   add (Parrot_Float_add_Float)
So what actually need to exist in Python scalar classes is a constructor 

in pystring.pmc
pmclass PyString extends PyObject extends String {
  METHOD PMC* add(PMC *right) {
MMD_PyString: {  ... do a concat }
MMD_DEFAULT:  {  ... emit TypeError }
in pyint.pmc  (and pyfloat analog)
pmclass PyInt extends PyObject extends Integer {
   // inherit add
The METHOD specifier shall install all given variants with 
VTABLE_add_method, i.e. register the NCI functions so that 
VTABLE_find_method can locate the entry.

But the matrix implementation doesn't work, because it's too static, 
inheritance can't be described easily (or not at all) in terms of it.

As my proposal is primarily focused on where the logic is placed
And that's the main problem of your approach. You are forgetting MMD.
inline op add (out PMC, in PMC, in PMC) :base_core {
$1 = VTABLE_add(interp, $2, $3);
With that you are already calling an add function that depends on the 
 left type - this is not MMD and it forces the left operand to handle 
all possible cases of add/concat with int/float/string ... This is 
exactly the point, where interoperbility is violated. The left type 
doesn't know all possible right types to deal with them correctly.

With that you get a cascade of ifs that handle the different types. We 
had that earlier. It was discarded in favor of MMD.

pmclass default abstract noinit {
PMC* add (PMC* left, PMC* right) {
add_func = mmd_find(__add...) // via VTABLE_find_method
and here it becomes horribly slow and weird. You are already in one 
add. What do you want to find here?

REG_PMC(5) = left;
REG_PMC(6) = right;
VTABLE_invoke(interp, add_func, 0);
and redispatching - no and no - sorry.
I know that Leo keeps telling me that I need to map __add__ to __add at 
compile time, but there are tests like t/pie/b3.t that indicate that 
such tests need to be made at runtime.
When I say, that __add__ maps to Parrot's __add at compile time, it 
doesn't preclude that you have to do something at runtime too. E.g. you 
emit code for:

  foo.__add__ = myadd(or __dict__.__add__)
then the user is installing an overridden version of the add method. 
You have to know that, or you can't do the right thing when it comes to

  foo + x
So you have to call
  VTABLE_add_method(class_of_foo, __add, myadd).
If you don't do that, VTABLE_find_method(... __add) will fail later or 
return the wrong function.

But and that's the big difference of our porposals: nothing more has to 
be done. The MMD dispatch at the runloop (and not inside every class) 
handles the selection of the correct subroutine, being it a C function 
(wrapped into NCI) or PASM/PIR user code. This just doesn't matter and a 
class doesn't need to know about that.

Allowing me to subclass, extend, and replace how methods like add works 
gives me a place to insert any logic I find necessary. 
Which logic would you insert in add(PyInt, PyInt)? What for?
... And, when I find 
out that something is not as necessary as I once thought, it can be 
removed just as easily.
No because you are duplicating the method dispatch. You can't remove 
that. And that's the big problem with your approach - besides that it'll 
be around a factor 10 slower then the dispatch at the opcode level like 
now. We can't afford a factor ten in speed decrease.

Arguements can be made against each individual example (perhaps I could 
create a small function that raises Type Error and register it dozens of 
times to handle the PyString.add example, and yes,
Instead of the check (if right.type isnt a PyString) you are already in 
the MMD method Py_String_add 

MMD distance (was: MMD and VTABLE_find_method)

2004-12-23 Thread Leopold Toetsch
Sam Ruby wrote:
Leopold Toetsch wrote:

* finding the __add method uses VTABLE_find_method to
  find all possible __add methods and a distance
  function to get the best match
* the best matching function is invoked

The word best here should be setting off alarm bells in everybody's 
head.  What is the chance that we can get Larry, Guido, Matz, Brenden 
and others to agree on such a thing?  Particularly when they can't even 
agree on what + means when dealing with strings (actually, in the list 
above, Larry is the lone hold out... ;-)  (and apologies to all involved 
for personifying this))
Finding the best matching function can be HLL dependent, there can be 
different schemes, even user code that influences it.

But I think that using the function with a minimum value of
  left.class_search_depth**2 + right.class_search_depth**2
should do it.
WRT the '+' operation: You just need a PyString_add_* and 
PyString_add_PyString (the same with PyList). If the class isa PyString 
(which includes derived classes), one of these methods will be called.

It just needs a working find_method implementation not much more.

add (out PMC ... (was: MMD and VTABLE_find_method)

2004-12-23 Thread Leopold Toetsch
Sam Ruby wrote:
Leopold Toetsch wrote:

the basics are:
* the destination PMC $1 is created by the opcode

I don't want to dwell on this point, but it would be rather handy if the 
caller were able to pass in an object which was responsible for 
producing the desired destination PMC on request.

It would accept requests like give me an Integer and would respond 
with things like here's a PyInt.

At the moment, we have a fairly good approximation of this with 
VTABLE_morph.  Make yourself a BigInt...OK, (P.S. I'm really a PyLong).

This won't work for languages which have a notion of singletons, unless 
the language uses a double-reference system... like Ruby and Perl 5 do 
today (per Dan's previous statements).
Python's None is a singleton. False and True should be, but for 
compatiblity reasons this wasn't changed (yet). There's old code around 
that does:

  False, True = 0, 1
Anyway disallowing singletons as return results is major drawback of the 
current scheme.

Second: we have two different function signatures: overridden methods 
are returning new PMCs. Internal methods currently get the destination 
PMC. We'd need glue code to translate between these two schemes.

And there are of course performance considerations:
  Px = new Undef
  add Px, Py, Pz
If add is overridden, we are preconstructing a PMC for nothing. That 
increases pressure on GC. And morphing the Undef (or whatever) is a 
rather expensive operations - look at pmc.c:pmc_reuse().

WRT constructing the new type: Given that PyInt_add_PyInt is inherited 
from the Integer PMC, it should work if we do:

  dest = pmc_new(interp, SELF-vtable-base_type);
  VTABLE_set_integer_native(interp, dest, sum);
  return dest:
When e.g. a BigInt is created due to overflow, we could to
  dest = pmc_new(interp, SELF-vtable-base_type);
  VTABLE_set_bigint(interp, dest, left);
  VTABLE_inplace_add(interp, dest, right);  // d += r
  return dest;
Additionally it wouldn't harm, if there is a list of basic types per 
supported language, so that a destination of the HLL's flavor can be 


integer interning (was: MMD and VTABLE_find_method)

2004-12-23 Thread Leopold Toetsch
Sam Ruby wrote:
Oh, well, back to coding.  BTW, I'm committing the change to opcode 
issame to make use of the similarly named VTABLE entry as I need this in 
order to pass a test.  Oddly, in Python:

(1,2) == (1,2), (1,2) is (1,2)
(True, False)
1+2 == 1+2, 1+2 is 1+2
(True, True)
 101+2 == 101+2, 101+2 is 101+2
(True, False)
Just forget it.
That are CPython internals (int interning, string interning). No 
real code is depending on that. Even Python people often give wrong 
answers on c.l.p, where the actual limits of interned integers are.

If there is a test for that, drop that test (one was testing the exact 
amount of compare operations in sort() - same weirdness).

- Sam Ruby

Re: MMD and VTABLE_find_method

2004-12-23 Thread Leopold Toetsch
Leopold Toetsch wrote:
  PyStringPyIntPyNum  Integer  ...
PyString  py_add_sadd_err   add_err   add_err
PyInt add_err add_i add_n add_i
PyNum add_err add_n add_n add_i
Sorry, typo add_n of course.

Re: MMD and VTABLE_find_method

2004-12-22 Thread Leopold Toetsch
Sam Ruby wrote:
Leopold Toetsch wrote:
A foo PMC could represent an entire row in a two dimensional MMD, or 
an entire plane in a three dimensional MMD, ... etc.
What does it mean: represent a row...? What about the namespace 
pollution? Again: where does this hypothetical MMD PMC come from?

A Perl6 compiler could translate the above to:
87 find_lex P5, a
90 find_lex P6, b
93 find_lex P7, c
96 find_global P0, foo
   108 set I0, 1
   111 set I1, 0
   114 set I2, 0
   117 set I3, 3
   120 set I4, 0
   126 invokecc
You seem to like double dispatching :-)
The foo PMC could know how many of the arguments are relevant for MMD 
dispatch.  Should only the first two arguments be relevant, this code 
could be as simple as:

  void* invoke(void* next) {
  if (cache-type == (Py-vtable-base_type  
   return VTABLE_invoke( cache-function );
Where ist the Ccache coming from? Please read again my articles WRT 
*inline* cache.

Where does this hypothetical MMD PMC come from? Where is it created? 
The opcode is just:

  add Px, Py, Pz
Py or Pz can be plain PyInts or Integers. Where does that MMD PMC come 

Once MMD is solved connecting it up to the PerlScalar PMC (for example) 
would be rather straightforward.  Syntax like the following would result 
in an appropriate entry being added to the MMD dispatch table:
How do you connect MMD to the scalar PMC? And to which scalar PMC? 
Which MMD dispatch table?

  multi sub infix:+ (Us $us, Us $ustoo) {...}
The Parrot_PerlScalar_add function (which would revert back to being a 
vanilla vtable) would know about the portion of the MMD dispatch table 
that is relevant to Perl scalar add operations, and invoke it.
So Perl is unable to add an integer that originated from Python code. 
Sam that all doesn't play together.

(Note: one thing that hasn't been discussed to date is how registers 
will be handled.  The current add opcode doesn't have any side effects)
That's obvious: overloaded operations don't have side effects WRT 
register usage, and the current implementation in Parrot core preserves 
all registers.

- Sam Ruby

Re: MMD and VTABLE_find_method

2004-12-22 Thread Sam Ruby
Leopold Toetsch wrote:
Sam Ruby wrote:
Leopold Toetsch wrote:
A foo PMC could represent an entire row in a two dimensional MMD, or 
an entire plane in a three dimensional MMD, ... etc.
What does it mean: represent a row...? What about the namespace 
pollution? Again: where does this hypothetical MMD PMC come from?
Since you are going to snip away everything, let's start all over.
First, a direct quote from

As we mentioned, multiple dispatch is enabled by agreement of both
caller and callee. From the caller's point of view, you invoke
multiple dispatch simply by calling with subroutine call syntax
instead of method call syntax. It's then up to the dispatcher to
figure out which of the arguments are invocants and which ones are
just options. (In the case where the innermost visible subroutine is
declared non-multi, this degenerates to the Perl 5 semantics of
subroutine calls.) This approach lets you refactor a simple
subroutine into a more nuanced set of subroutines without changing
how the subroutines are called at all. That makes this sort of
refactoring drop-dead simple. (Or at least as simple as refactoring
ever gets...)
In the general case, a call to a subroutine with three arguments can 
have four possibilities: anywhere from zero to three arguments may be 
involved in the dispatch.

I also read this to say that whatever code is generated by a subroutine 
call is independent of the number of arguments involved in the dispatch. 
 If you read this differently, perhaps we can get a ruling from the 
Per6 language folks.  If I am correct, this will have the nice side 
benefit that any such methods can be invoked transparently by all languages.

None of this precludes a Polymorphic Inline Cache.  Or Multidimensional 
Multimethod Dispatch.  Or 30 to 70% performance improvements.

But it does constrain where the logic needs to be placed.  And it does 
rule out syntax changes and using a different opcode for invoking MMD 
subroutines than non-MMD subroutines.

- Sam Ruby

Re: MMD and VTABLE_find_method

2004-12-22 Thread Leopold Toetsch
Sam Ruby wrote:
First, a direct quote from
Please let's stay at the basics. Please describe your counter proposal 
for a very elementary

  add Px, Py, Pz
There's really no need to procede to Perl6 objects, if we can't even 
find a common interoperating implementation that is suited for Parrot's 
target languages.

 And it does rule out syntax changes and using a different opcode for
 invoking MMD subroutines than non-MMD subroutines.
- Sam Ruby

Re: MMD and VTABLE_find_method

2004-12-22 Thread Sam Ruby
Leopold Toetsch wrote:
Sam Ruby wrote:
First, a direct quote from
Please let's stay at the basics. Please describe your counter proposal 
for a very elementary

  add Px, Py, Pz
There's really no need to procede to Perl6 objects, if we can't even 
find a common interoperating implementation that is suited for Parrot's 
target languages.

  And it does rule out syntax changes and using a different opcode for
  invoking MMD subroutines than non-MMD subroutines.
First, a few things to note: the semantics of add vary from language 
to language.  In particular, add is not guaranteed to be commutative in 
Python (think string addition).

As my proposal is primarily focused on where the logic is placed in the 
system, not how it works, I'll like to use your proposal as a starting point.  Just to make sure that I 
don't mischaracterize your proposal, can you take a look at the attached 
and either agree that it represents a reasonable first approximation of 
what you had in mind, or modify it so that it is?

Once that's done, I'll sketch out all of the changes required to enable 
Perl and Python to each have their own separate semantics for this 
operation, and yet be able to have meaningful interop when it comes to 
adding a PerlInt and a PyInt, or vice versa.

- Sam Ruby
Index: math.ops
RCS file: /cvs/public/parrot/ops/math.ops,v
retrieving revision 1.32
diff -u -r1.32 math.ops
--- math.ops7 Dec 2004 17:24:53 -   1.32
+++ math.ops22 Dec 2004 16:08:50 -
@@ -171,7 +171,32 @@
 inline op add (in PMC, in PMC, in PMC) :base_core {
-  mmd_dispatch_v_ppp(interpreter, $2, $3, $1, MMD_ADD);
+  if (1) { /* this is here to allow declarations, even in C89 */
+  struct Parrot_Context ctx;
+  struct parrot_regs_t *bp = interpreter-ctx.bp;
+  STRING *__add = const_string(interpreter, __add);
+  INTVAL mmd_flag;
+  PMC *addsub;
+  /* we probably don't need to save the full context, just a few regs... */
+  save_context(interpreter, ctx);
+  /* let's ignore the complexities of a distance_func for now... */
+  mmd_flag = 0;
+  addsub = VTABLE_find_method(INTERP, $1, __add, 0, mdd_flag);
+  if (!addsub)
+  mmd_flag = 0;
+  addsub = VTABLE_find_method(INTERP, $2, __add, 1, mdd_flag);
+  /* assume NCI for now */
+  VTABLE_invoke(interpreter, sub, NULL);
+  /* note: this was allocated by __add */
+  $3 = BP_REG_PMC(bp,5);
+  /* again, probably overkill */
+  restore_context(interpreter, ctx);
+  }
   goto NEXT();

Re: MMD and VTABLE_find_method

2004-12-22 Thread Leopold Toetsch
Sam Ruby wrote:
First, a few things to note: the semantics of add vary from language 
to language.  In particular, add is not guaranteed to be commutative in 
Python (think string addition).
Yes, of course.
As my proposal is primarily focused on where the logic is placed in the 
system, not how it works, I'll like to use your proposal as a starting point.  Just to make sure that I 
don't mischaracterize your proposal, can you take a look at the attached 
and either agree that it represents a reasonable first approximation of 
what you had in mind, or modify it so that it is?
It's a reasonable respresentation, yes. Finding the right functions is 
more complex, though, as described in my proposal.

I'd just outline the functionality of the add opcode like this:
  inline op add (out PMC, in PMC, in PMC) :base_core {
  add_func = mmd_find(__add...) // via VTABLE_find_method
  REG_PMC(5) = $2;
  REG_PMC(6) = $3;
  VTABLE_invoke(interp, add_func, 0);
  res = REG_PMC(5);
  $1 = res;
the basics are:
* the destination PMC $1 is created by the opcode
* no other registers are changed, nor the context
* finding the __add method uses VTABLE_find_method to
  find all possible __add methods and a distance
  function to get the best match
* the best matching function is invoked
Once that's done, I'll sketch out all of the changes required to enable 
Perl and Python to each have their own separate semantics for this 
operation, and yet be able to have meaningful interop when it comes to 
adding a PerlInt and a PyInt, or vice versa.
Great, thanks.
- Sam Ruby

Re: MMD and VTABLE_find_method

2004-12-22 Thread Carlos
Hi, a lurker here.

Probably you forgot the braces:

 +  /* let's ignore the complexities of a distance_func for now... */
 +  mmd_flag = 0;
 +  addsub = VTABLE_find_method(INTERP, $1, __add, 0, mdd_flag);
 +  if (!addsub)
 +  mmd_flag = 0;
 +  addsub = VTABLE_find_method(INTERP, $2, __add, 1, mdd_flag);


Re: MMD and VTABLE_find_method

2004-12-21 Thread Leopold Toetsch
Sam Ruby wrote:
Leopold Toetsch wrote:

However, from
Whenever you make a call using subroutine call syntax, it's a
candidate for multiple dispatch.
I read this to mean that the *caller* does nothing to distinguish
between calls to single dispatch subroutines from multiple dispatch
So... how does one determine at compile time which opcode to use?
This probably needs some clarification from Perl6 people. Anyway, if 
Parrot just gets:

  foo(Px, Py, Pz)
there is no information, how many invocants are participating in MMD. So 
candidates for multiple dispatch must be declared somewhere.

  $$b, $c)   :=   foo($a, $b, $c)

Given the latter syntax, how does the compiler know when to emit a
callmethodcc foo and when to emit a call_MMD foo?
The compiler has to know it. E.g.
  foo($a: $b, $c);  # 1 invocant
  foo($a, $b: $c);  # 2 MMD invocants
and as Parrot has to find a method depending on n MMD invocants, this 
information must be present at runtime. This leads to the assumption 
that we'll need an opcode

  call_MMD meth, n_invocants
and some changes in pdd03 as the current calling scheme doesn't have 
anything about argument order. I have described that in subject:

  MMD: more implications
The only thing I am attempting to solve is the presumption that MMD
calls can be detected at compile time.
It's quite clear for infix operations like add. For arbitrary 
subroutines the compiler has to know it, as outlined above.

Unless you can describe a mechanism which enables the callers to detect
at compile time whether they are invoking a MMD subroutine or not, 
this code needs to be either executed as a part of an VTABLE_invoke.
See above.
Again, I am not suggesting that the algorithm be made any thinner, in
fact, I am not suggesting any change to the algorithms that you have
described.  I am merely suggesting where the logic needs to be placed.
This is quite clear, IMHO. As said:
  Px = Py + Pz
is a call to a MMD function, which is located by the described sequence 
of VTABLE_find_method and called. The dispatch happens at the opcode 
level. That's really the same as a callmethodcc opcode, which happens 
to have just one invocant. There is no difference between these to 
invocations except that add or + is a fancy shortcut for humans 
reading the source code. Above is exactly the same as:

  Px = Py.__add(Pz)
But as there are two invocants and we know that's and add operation, 
we have an optimized opcode for this kind of infix MMD operations like:

  Px = call_MMD_2 __add, Py, Pz
where Px is *created* by the opcode.
I'm just proposing this equivalence and a scheme to make it running.
And despite that it's looking like a fat method call, Parrot executes 
this sequence, if the __add isn't overloaded:

  if (cache-type == (Py-vtable-base_type  16|Pz-vtable-base_type)
 Px = (cache-function)(Py, Pz);
which is 30% faster then the current mmd_dispatch based opcode.
- Sam Ruby

Re: MMD and VTABLE_find_method

2004-12-21 Thread Sam Ruby
Leopold Toetsch wrote:
Sam Ruby wrote:
Leopold Toetsch wrote:

However, from
Whenever you make a call using subroutine call syntax, it's a
candidate for multiple dispatch.
I read this to mean that the *caller* does nothing to distinguish
between calls to single dispatch subroutines from multiple dispatch
So... how does one determine at compile time which opcode to use?
This probably needs some clarification from Perl6 people. Anyway, if 
Parrot just gets:

  foo(Px, Py, Pz)
there is no information, how many invocants are participating in MMD. So 
candidates for multiple dispatch must be declared somewhere.
A few things to note: foo is a PMC.  It therefore is an object.  It 
can have state (properties, attributes, etc).  It can know how many 
arguments are involved in multiple dispatch.

All calls to foo are likely to have the same number of arguments 
participating in MMD.  This number is known when foo is defined.  If 
that information is captured in the PMC itself, it can be exploited at 

  $$b, $c)   :=   foo($a, $b, $c)
Given the latter syntax, how does the compiler know when to emit a
callmethodcc foo and when to emit a call_MMD foo?
The compiler has to know it. E.g.
  foo($a: $b, $c);  # 1 invocant
  foo($a, $b: $c);  # 2 MMD invocants
and as Parrot has to find a method depending on n MMD invocants, this 
information must be present at runtime. This leads to the assumption 
that we'll need an opcode

  call_MMD meth, n_invocants
Changing the external syntax for subroutine calls in P6 may be an 
option.  Changing the syntax for function calls in Python is not an 
option.  Therefore, if changing the syntax is required, it is likely 
that Python will not be able to call arbitrary subroutines involving MMD.

It would be ideal if callers did not have to know how such subroutines 
were defined, and could continue to emit invokecc sequences on Sub 
PMCs, and for this to be handled at runtime.

and some changes in pdd03 as the current calling scheme doesn't have 
anything about argument order. I have described that in subject:

  MMD: more implications
The only thing I am attempting to solve is the presumption that MMD
calls can be detected at compile time.
It's quite clear for infix operations like add. For arbitrary 
subroutines the compiler has to know it, as outlined above.
When expressed via an infix notation, I agree that it is not a problem. 
 When expressed via the equivalent method call notation, (as Python 
allows), it becomes one.

And despite that it's looking like a fat method call, Parrot executes 
this sequence, if the __add isn't overloaded:

  if (cache-type == (Py-vtable-base_type  16|Pz-vtable-base_type)
 Px = (cache-function)(Py, Pz);
which is 30% faster then the current mmd_dispatch based opcode.
That code will execute just as fast if placed inside the invoke logic 
of a MMD PMC.

- Sam Ruby

Re: MMD and VTABLE_find_method

2004-12-21 Thread Leopold Toetsch
Sam Ruby wrote:
Leopold Toetsch wrote:

A few things to note: foo is a PMC.  It therefore is an object.  It 
can have state (properties, attributes, etc).  It can know how many 
arguments are involved in multiple dispatch.
The MMD information can't hang off the Sub PMCs. How do you find the 
correct foo Sub then?

... This leads to the assumption 
that we'll need an opcode

  call_MMD meth, n_invocants

Changing the external syntax for subroutine calls in P6 may be an 
option.  Changing the syntax for function calls in Python is not an 
option.  Therefore, if changing the syntax is required, it is likely 
that Python will not be able to call arbitrary subroutines involving MMD.
Python doesn't have the concept of MMD. You can't specify the number of 
invocants in Python source code. So yes, if nothing is known about the 
subroutine, it's unlikely that it can be called from Python. If the 
translator is aware of the fact that a Perl6 multi sub is called, the 
call syntax can be adapted - however it'll look like.

It would be ideal if callers did not have to know how such subroutines 
were defined, and could continue to emit invokecc sequences on Sub 
PMCs, and for this to be handled at runtime.
Well, I don't know how the Perl6 compiler will translate:
   foo($a, $b, $c)
If there is more then one foo Sub PMC around, the call syntax still 
must have the number of invocants attached to it, so that MMD can happen.

It's quite clear for infix operations like add. For arbitrary 
subroutines the compiler has to know it, as outlined above.

When expressed via an infix notation, I agree that it is not a problem. 
 When expressed via the equivalent method call notation, (as Python 
allows), it becomes one.
Please note that the shown method call syntax was an internal 
representation of the functionality. But WRT Python:

  i = 1
  j = 2
  print i.__add__(j)
can be translated directly to the method call of Parrot's infix __add 

And despite that it's looking like a fat method call, Parrot 
executes this sequence, if the __add isn't overloaded:

  if (cache-type == (Py-vtable-base_type  16|Pz-vtable-base_type)
 Px = (cache-function)(Py, Pz);
which is 30% faster then the current mmd_dispatch based opcode.

That code will execute just as fast if placed inside the invoke logic 
of a MMD PMC.
Where does this hypothetical MMD PMC come from? Where is it created? The 
opcode is just:

  add Px, Py, Pz
Py or Pz can be plain PyInts or Integers. Where does that MMD PMC come from?
And no, it wouldn't have the same performance.
- Sam Ruby

Re: MMD and VTABLE_find_method

2004-12-21 Thread Sam Ruby
Leopold Toetsch wrote:
Sam Ruby wrote:
Leopold Toetsch wrote:

A few things to note: foo is a PMC.  It therefore is an object.  It 
can have state (properties, attributes, etc).  It can know how many 
arguments are involved in multiple dispatch.
The MMD information can't hang off the Sub PMCs. How do you find the 
correct foo Sub then?
Well, I don't know how the Perl6 compiler will translate:
   foo($a, $b, $c)
If there is more then one foo Sub PMC around, the call syntax still 
must have the number of invocants attached to it, so that MMD can happen.
A foo PMC could represent an entire row in a two dimensional MMD, or 
an entire plane in a three dimensional MMD, ... etc.

A Perl6 compiler could translate the above to:
87 find_lex P5, a
90 find_lex P6, b
93 find_lex P7, c
96 find_global P0, foo
   108 set I0, 1
   111 set I1, 0
   114 set I2, 0
   117 set I3, 3
   120 set I4, 0
   126 invokecc
The foo PMC could know how many of the arguments are relevant for MMD 
dispatch.  Should only the first two arguments be relevant, this code 
could be as simple as:

  void* invoke(void* next) {
  if (cache-type == (Py-vtable-base_type  
   return VTABLE_invoke( cache-function );

That code will execute just as fast if placed inside the invoke 
logic of a MMD PMC.
Where does this hypothetical MMD PMC come from? Where is it created? The 
opcode is just:

  add Px, Py, Pz
Py or Pz can be plain PyInts or Integers. Where does that MMD PMC come 
Once MMD is solved connecting it up to the PerlScalar PMC (for example) 
would be rather straightforward.  Syntax like the following would result 
in an appropriate entry being added to the MMD dispatch table:

  multi sub infix:+ (Us $us, Us $ustoo) {...}
The Parrot_PerlScalar_add function (which would revert back to being a 
vanilla vtable) would know about the portion of the MMD dispatch table 
that is relevant to Perl scalar add operations, and invoke it.

(Note: one thing that hasn't been discussed to date is how registers 
will be handled.  The current add opcode doesn't have any side effects)

- Sam Ruby

Re: MMD and VTABLE_find_method

2004-12-20 Thread Leopold Toetsch
Sam Ruby wrote:
Leopold Toetsch wrote:
The caller sets:
  mmd_flag := NULL ... no MMD, plain method lookup
  mmd_flag := depth   ... return the next matching method starting
   at the given parent search depth

In the general case, how does the caller know that MMD is invoked?
Perl6 multi subs are denoted with the multi keyword. We need some 
extensions to pdd03 that pass this information on to Parrot. It 
basically boils down to a new opcode:

  call_MMD method, n
as described in subjects MMD: more implications and MMD dispatch
A cache invalidation function is called from add_method (and 
remove_method) which resets entries for the passed class.

And, in some languages, all calls to set_attr or setprop type methods, 
where the value invoked may be invokable, or might obscure visibility to 
one that is.  As calls to setting attributes/properties are frequent, my 
concern is that this may more than wipe out any potential benefit that 
such a cache may provide.
You don't have operator overloading implemented in py*, do you? Anyway 
the code generator emits:

   add Px, Py, Pz
Now some attribute set operations on the class, metaclass or in the 
__dict__ can mean an overloading of the __add__ method of CPy. To 
handle that correctly, you can either not emit an add opcode in the 
first place, or you have to track the attribute set operations so that 
you are able to call the user-provided __add__ method.
You can of course in the current scheme install an add MMD method that 
does always a full method lookup, but then you got the performance 
problem you are worrying about.

Also, note that the Perl sub defined above is not a method.
Yes. But Perl6 allows multi subs to be called as methods on the first 
invocant too:

  $$b, $c)   :=   foo($a, $b, $c)
Comments welcome,

I see no reason why a full multi-dimensional multi-method dispatch PMC 
could not commence immediately, complete with a fully-functional 
polymorphic inline cache.  Once it is ready and tested, we can explore 
setting things up so that the various mmd_dispatch_* functions to 
exploit this functionality for the existing predefined binary operations.
I don't see how this solves anything, except that you seem to be moving 
the burden of MMD to an additional PMC. What does this proposed MMD PMC 
do? How does it find the appropriate multi-method?

I've described a versatile MMD scheme that is able to do n-dimensional 
MMD. Counter-proposals are very welcome, but the proposal has to include 
the mechanism how it works. A MMD PMC that does it is too thin, sorry.

- Sam Ruby

Re: MMD and VTABLE_find_method

2004-12-20 Thread Sam Ruby
Leopold Toetsch wrote:
Sam Ruby wrote:
Leopold Toetsch wrote:
The caller sets:
  mmd_flag := NULL ... no MMD, plain method lookup
  mmd_flag := depth   ... return the next matching method starting
   at the given parent search depth

In the general case, how does the caller know that MMD is invoked?
Perl6 multi subs are denoted with the multi keyword. We need some 
extensions to pdd03 that pass this information on to Parrot. It 
basically boils down to a new opcode:

  call_MMD method, n
as described in subjects MMD: more implications and MMD dispatch
My question was: how does the caller make such a determination?
Yes, in Perl 6, the multi subs are defined with the multi keyword.
However, from
Whenever you make a call using subroutine call syntax, it's a
candidate for multiple dispatch.
I read this to mean that the *caller* does nothing to distinguish
between calls to single dispatch subroutines from multiple dispatch
So... how does one determine at compile time which opcode to use?
A cache invalidation function is called from add_method (and 
remove_method) which resets entries for the passed class.

And, in some languages, all calls to set_attr or setprop type methods, 
where the value invoked may be invokable, or might obscure visibility 
to one that is.  As calls to setting attributes/properties are 
frequent, my concern is that this may more than wipe out any potential 
benefit that such a cache may provide.
You don't have operator overloading implemented in py*, do you? Anyway 
the code generator emits:

   add Px, Py, Pz
Now some attribute set operations on the class, metaclass or in the 
__dict__ can mean an overloading of the __add__ method of CPy. To 
handle that correctly, you can either not emit an add opcode in the 
first place, or you have to track the attribute set operations so that 
you are able to call the user-provided __add__ method.
You can of course in the current scheme install an add MMD method that 
does always a full method lookup, but then you got the performance 
problem you are worrying about.
The overloading functionality has been added for a number of methods,
but not yet for __add__.  I've been adding methods one at a time based
on the existence of test cases.
Classes like PyString are primitive, and opcodes like get_iter directly
access the vtable.
For classes written completely in PIR, the vtable entry for get_iter 
causes __iter__ methods to be invoked.  Note: this decision is made at 
runtime, not at compile time.  Instead of pessimistically assuming 
that all such invocations will require a method lookup, this decision is 
deferred to the appropriate implementation of VTABLE_get_iter.

Classes written in PIR but inherit from primitive classes employ a
proxy, analogous to the delegate class, but in reverse.  Note: proxies
are only created if there is such a mix of PIR and NCI involved.
All of this is taken care of by the Cinvoke methods of PyType and 
PyProxyType, the compiler is unaware of these details.

Also, note that the Perl sub defined above is not a method.
Yes. But Perl6 allows multi subs to be called as methods on the first 
invocant too:

  $$b, $c)   :=   foo($a, $b, $c)
Given the latter syntax, how does the compiler know when to emit a
callmethodcc foo and when to emit a call_MMD foo?
Comments welcome,

I see no reason why a full multi-dimensional multi-method dispatch PMC 
could not commence immediately, complete with a fully-functional 
polymorphic inline cache.  Once it is ready and tested, we can explore 
setting things up so that the various mmd_dispatch_* functions to 
exploit this functionality for the existing predefined binary operations.
I don't see how this solves anything, except that you seem to be moving 
the burden of MMD to an additional PMC. What does this proposed MMD PMC 
do? How does it find the appropriate multi-method?

I've described a versatile MMD scheme that is able to do n-dimensional 
MMD. Counter-proposals are very welcome, but the proposal has to include 
the mechanism how it works. A MMD PMC that does it is too thin, sorry.
The only thing I am attempting to solve is the presumption that MMD
calls can be detected at compile time.
Unless you can describe a mechanism which enables the callers to detect
at compile time whether they are invoking a MMD subroutine or not, 
this code needs to be either executed as a part of an VTABLE_invoke.

Again, I am not suggesting that the algorithm be made any thinner, in
fact, I am not suggesting any change to the algorithms that you have
described.  I am merely suggesting where the logic needs to be placed.
- Sam Ruby

MMD and VTABLE_find_method

2004-12-19 Thread Leopold Toetsch
The current MMD scheme is strictly 2-dimensional and it is totally 
static. It is not suitable for supporting Perl6 in it's current form.

1) summary of current state
MMD (multi method dispatch) is used to find a method for binary 
operations like add or cmp depending on the classes (or types) of 
the left and right operand. The current implementation utilizes a 
quadratic table per function. Entries can be added dynamically with the 
mmdvtregister opcode.

For the MMD_ADD function of two Integer PMCs:
  add Px, P.Integer, P.Integer
a different slot is used as for adding an Integer and a PerlInt
  add Px, P.Integer, P.PerlInt
(the P.type notation indicates the PMC class)
We have already a native Integer PMC and PyInt, PerlInt, and TclInt 
variants in the Parrot tree. At least the first three are doing 
basically the same. They should just inherit the functionality of 
Integer. The same is true for other Parrot core types.

But creating even a static setup of MMD functions for all permutations 
of Integer PMCs is almost impossible, the more that another HLL can 
easily be added at runtime. Creating MMD slots for this type would need 
the knowledge of other existing types including their behavior. And 
there are of course more permuations: add P.Float, ...

   $P0 = new PyInt# or PerlInt, TclInt, Integer, ...
   $P1 = new Integer# or PerlInt, TclInt, ...
   $P2 = add $P0, $P1
If Parrot should be able to run code originating from different HLLs the 
core implementation has to provide a common and reasonable subset of 
functionality. [1]

Currently even above mixed types add operation isn't working (The 
Integer could be the result of a Parrot library call).

2) n-dimensional MMD
Perl6 supports a more general form of MMD:
  multi sub foo(ClassA $a, ClassB $b, ClassC $c : ...) { ... }
which dispatches on the types of three invocants. Extending the static 
two-dimensional table to even just one more dimension would already 
occupy more memory then most computers have (yes, I know that tables can 
be compressed - just add one more dimension ...:-)

3) 1-dimensional method lookup
This is handled by VTABLE_find_method. A new method can easily be 
installed by calling VTABLE_add_method. Both are under control of the 
class that implements these two VTABLEs.

4) Proposed changes:
a) All method lookup goes through VTABLE_find_method. To achieve MMD 
functionality, two arguments are added to the find_method signature:

   PMC* find_method(STRING* meth_name, INTVAL mmd_nr, INTVAL* mmd_flag)
mmd_nr is the MMD invocant number:
  0 := first (or only invocant)
  1 := second invocant (e.g. right argument of 2-dim MMD)
mmd_flag is a pointer to an integer, indicating the desired behavior:
The caller sets:
  mmd_flag := NULL ... no MMD, plain method lookup
  mmd_flag := depth   ... return the next matching method starting
   at the given parent search depth
   depth := 0  this class
 := 1  first parent in search order
 := n  n-th pareht ...
The called class returns either NULL (if method wasn't found) or a 
pointer to the method function. C *mmd_flag  is set to the search 
depth of the found method.
Additionally the class can set C *mmd_flag   to -1 if no further MMD 
lookup should be performed, i.e. the returned function (if any) should 
be used.

A 2-dimensional MMD search for a method looks similar to this:
  mmd_flag = 0
meth = left.find_method(left, name, 0, mmd_flag)
if mmd_flag == -1
return meth
if (meth)
push(found, (meth, mmd_flag, 0))
mmd_flag ++
  mmd_flag = 0
meth = right.find_method(right, name, 1, mmd_flag)
if (meth)
push(found, (meth, mmd_flag, 1))
mmd_flag ++
  if ! found.elements
 return NULL
  sort { distance_func } found
  return found[0].meth
b) the Cadd_method vtable is extended with one argument:
   void add_method(STRING* meth_name, INTVAL mmd_nr)
The default implementation uses a store_global like the opcode:
  store_global class_name_right\0__1, meth_name, func
c) Parrot objects have a dedicated parent_search_array of classes. Plain 
PMCs have self_name and their parent names in the Cisa_str. To 
simplify and unify both schemes, we move the functionality into the vtable:

  vtable-mro ... array of classes for method resolution order
5) Performance considerations
As these scheme obviously needs several lookups to find a matching MMD 
function the result should be cached. This caching can be efficiently 
done at the opcode level in predereferenced run loops (including JIT) 
with a PIC (polymorphic inline cache).  [2]

A PIC scheme outperforms the current static MMD table lookup by 30% up 
to 70% for overloaded operations.

A cache invalidation function is called from add_method (and 
remove_method) which resets entries for the passed class.

Method lookups called from inside Parrot aren't really very

Re: MMD and VTABLE_find_method

2004-12-19 Thread Sam Ruby
Leopold Toetsch wrote:
2) n-dimensional MMD
Perl6 supports a more general form of MMD:
  multi sub foo(ClassA $a, ClassB $b, ClassC $c : ...) { ... }
4) Proposed changes:
a) All method lookup goes through VTABLE_find_method. To achieve MMD 
functionality, two arguments are added to the find_method signature:

   PMC* find_method(STRING* meth_name, INTVAL mmd_nr, INTVAL* mmd_flag)
mmd_nr is the MMD invocant number:
  0 := first (or only invocant)
  1 := second invocant (e.g. right argument of 2-dim MMD)
mmd_flag is a pointer to an integer, indicating the desired behavior:
The caller sets:
  mmd_flag := NULL ... no MMD, plain method lookup
  mmd_flag := depth   ... return the next matching method starting
   at the given parent search depth
In the general case, how does the caller know that MMD is invoked?
A PIC scheme outperforms the current static MMD table lookup by 30% up 
to 70% for overloaded operations.

A cache invalidation function is called from add_method (and 
remove_method) which resets entries for the passed class.
And, in some languages, all calls to set_attr or setprop type methods, 
where the value invoked may be invokable, or might obscure visibility to 
one that is.  As calls to setting attributes/properties are frequent, my 
concern is that this may more than wipe out any potential benefit that 
such a cache may provide.

Also, note that the Perl sub defined above is not a method.
Comments welcome,
With Parrot today, compiler writers need not know the difference between 
a closure, a continuation, a coroutine, an nci, or a sub.  Or, for that 
matter, a PyFunc, a PyGen, or a PyType.

The general case is that the caller has a PMC which does sub.  This 
may not be a method (the Perl syntax above suggests a simple sub).  It 
may have been found via find_lex or find_global, been returned by a 
previous subroutine call, or have been newly created.  Whatever.

At this point, the caller's responsibilities are merely to set up the 
registers according to the Parrot Calling Conventions and then execute 
the invoke opcode, or equivalent (invokecc, tailcall, ...).

At this point, there are two paths that are possible.  Either the 
compiler takes full responsibility for emitting code that does the 
appropriate second level dispatch.  Or there can be code in the Parrot 
repository in the form of a new subclass of the existing Sub class which 
locates and appropriate destination.  (Note: these choices are not 
mutually exclusive).

I see no reason why a full multi-dimensional multi-method dispatch PMC 
could not commence immediately, complete with a fully-functional 
polymorphic inline cache.  Once it is ready and tested, we can explore 
setting things up so that the various mmd_dispatch_* functions to 
exploit this functionality for the existing predefined binary operations.

- Sam Ruby