P5's s[pat][repl] syntax is dead

2006-10-11 Thread Aaron Sherman

@larry[0] wrote:

P5's s[pat][repl] syntax is dead, now use s[pat] = repl

Wow, I really missed this one! That's a pretty big thing to get my head 
around. Are embedded closures in the string handled correctly so that:

s:g[\W] = qq{\\{$/}};

Will do what I seem to be expecting it will?

How will that be defined in the Perl6-based parser? Will macros be able 
to act as an LVALUE and modify their RVALUE in this way, or is this just 
some unholy magic in the parser?

+ s[pattern] = doit()
+ s[pattern] = eval doit()


+There is no syntactic sugar here, so in order to get deferred
+evaluation of the replacement you must put it into a closure.  The
+syntactic sugar is provided only by the quotelike forms.


+This is not a normal assigment, since the right side is evaluated each
+time the substitution matches (much like the pseudo-assignment to declarators
+can happen at strange times).  It is therefore treated as a thunk, that is,
+as if it has implicit curlies around it.  In fact, it makes no sense at
+all to say
+s[pattern] = { doit }

Please clarify quotelike forms, since to my untrained eye, the above 
appeared to be contradictory at first (I read quotelike forms as s/// 
not s{...}).

Very interesting.

Re: P5's s[pat][repl] syntax is dead

2006-10-11 Thread Larry Wall
On Wed, Oct 11, 2006 at 10:32:13AM -0400, Aaron Sherman wrote:
: @larry[0] wrote:
: Log:
: P5's s[pat][repl] syntax is dead, now use s[pat] = repl
: Wow, I really missed this one! That's a pretty big thing to get my head 
: around. Are embedded closures in the string handled correctly so that:
:   s:g[\W] = qq{\\{$/}};
: Will do what I seem to be expecting it will?

Yes, the right side is implicitly closurized and evaluated repeatedly
by the left side.

: How will that be defined in the Perl6-based parser? Will macros be able 
: to act as an LVALUE and modify their RVALUE in this way, or is this just 
: some unholy magic in the parser?

This is just a macro with a fancy is parsed rule, I think.  It eats the =
in complete disregard for precedence.  Nothing much to generalize, I think.

: + s[pattern] = doit()
: + s[pattern] = eval doit()
: [...]
: +There is no syntactic sugar here, so in order to get deferred
: +evaluation of the replacement you must put it into a closure.  The
: +syntactic sugar is provided only by the quotelike forms.
: [...]
: +This is not a normal assigment, since the right side is evaluated each
: +time the substitution matches (much like the pseudo-assignment to 
: declarators
: +can happen at strange times).  It is therefore treated as a thunk, that 
: is,
: +as if it has implicit curlies around it.  In fact, it makes no sense at
: +all to say
: +
: +s[pattern] = { doit }
: Please clarify quotelike forms, since to my untrained eye, the above 
: appeared to be contradictory at first (I read quotelike forms as s/// 
: not s{...}).

s{...} is also a quotelike form.  Basically I mean anything where
you get to choose your own quote characters, whether or not they are

: Very interesting.

Yeah, we whacked on possible syntaxes a goodly long time on IRC the
other night.  Trying to balance out history and visuals and semantics
and failure modes was all quite interesting, but in the absence of
more Unicode keys on the keyboard I'm liking this notation pretty
well, particularly since we've already used pseudo assignment in
other places to thunkize the right side.
