> [coke - Tue Jan 03 18:03:31 2006]:
> OS.pmc should provide both a:
> copy(source_file,target)
> And a
> copy(array_of_source_files,targetDir)
This needs some more discussion. If we look to Perl, for instance, it
doesn't have a built-in copy. You should use either a module, or open
both files, copy contents, and close both files.
Thus, what I ask if we should have a copy method on OS.pmc.
Basically, I think we have three hipothesis:
1) do not implement copy at all.
2) implement it under os.pmc, in C
3) implement it somewhere else in PIR
Given that we have (I think) all the needed instructions in PIR, it will
be a lot easier to make copy portable using the third choice... but I'm
not sure if Parrot will ship with a PIR library...
Please, share your ideas.