Re: [perl #56030] Parrot buildfest YAPC::NA::2008 x86 Leopard, build revision 28515 - Configure msg on readline test

2008-07-30 Thread Andy Bach
On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 5:56 PM, James Keenan via RT
> Andy:  Are you still getting the error reported in this ticket?  If so,
> could you paste output of
okay - attached - here's stderr
Updated to revision 29896.
Macintosh-3:/usr/share/cvs/afbach/parrot afbach$ perl > ../conf.out
Use of uninitialized value in scalar assignment at
lib/Parrot/ line 95.
dyld: lazy symbol binding failed: Symbol not found: _rl_get_keymap
  Referenced from: /usr/share/cvs/afbach/parrot/./test
  Expected in: dynamic lookup

dyld: Symbol not found: _rl_get_keymap
  Referenced from: /usr/share/cvs/afbach/parrot/./test
  Expected in: dynamic lookup


Description: Binary data

Re: [perl #56304] AutoReply: smokej consumes all memory Revision: 28672 on linux

2008-07-14 Thread Andy Bach
Seems to be fixed as of 29440:
 TEST_PROG_ARGS="-j  " prove -v t/stm/runtime.t
ok 1 - choice (one thread)
ok 2 # SKIP Intermittently failing everywhere
ok 3 # SKIP Intermittently failing everywhere
not ok 4 - queue adapted for the library

#   Failed test 'queue adapted for the library'
#   at t/stm/runtime.t line 506.
#  got: 'Unhandled exception in thread with tid 2
(message=ResizableIntegerArray: Can't pop from an empty array!,
# Unhandled exception in thread with tid 1
(message=ResizableIntegerArray: Can't pop from an empty array!,
# interpreter 0x840ff40 had pending transaction on exit
# interpreter 0x8260090 had pending transaction on exit
# '
# expected: 'ok
# '
ok 5 - queue (non-blocking; nested)
# Looks like you failed 1 test of 5.
 Dubious, test returned 1 (wstat 256, 0x100)
 Failed 1/5 subtests
(less 2 skipped subtests: 2 okay)

Test Summary Report
t/stm/runtime.t (Wstat: 256 Tests: 5 Failed: 1)
  Failed test number(s):  4
  Non-zero exit status: 1
Files=1, Tests=5,  1 wallclock secs ( 0.01 usr  0.00 sys +  0.68 cusr
0.09 csys =  0.78 CPU)
Result: FAIL
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/share/cvs/andy/parrot> TEST_PROG_ARGS="  " prove -v
ok 1 - choice (one thread)
ok 2 # SKIP Intermittently failing everywhere
ok 3 # SKIP Intermittently failing everywhere
ok 4 - queue adapted for the library
ok 5 - queue (non-blocking; nested)
All tests successful.
Files=1, Tests=5,  1 wallclock secs ( 0.01 usr  0.00 sys +  1.43 cusr
0.11 csys =  1.55 CPU)
Result: PASS

[perl #56326] docs fail to build in make smoek - PERLDOC not defined in makefiles: Revision: 28692

2008-06-25 Thread Andy Bach
# New Ticket Created by  "Andy Bach" 
# Please include the string:  [perl #56326]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# >

Seeing, on linux and x86 Darwin/leopard for make smoke:

ranlib: file: blib/lib/libparrot.a(gc_gms.o) has no symbols
ranlib: file: blib/lib/libparrot.a(jit_debug_xcoff.o) has no symbols
ranlib: file: blib/lib/libparrot.a(io_win32.o) has no symbols
./parrot -o runtime/parrot/include/parrotlib.pbc
make -C docs
perl -MExtUtils::Command -e mkpath ops
perldoc -ud packfile-c.pod ../src/packfile.c
Perldoc (Pod::Perldoc::ToPod) output saved to packfile-c.pod
ud ops/bit.pod ../src/ops/bit.ops
make[1]: ud: Command not found
make[1]: [ops/bit.pod] Error 127 (ignored)

in make smoke,  appears something has slipped. The top of docs/Makefile has:
# Generated by Parrot::Configure::Compiler from config/gen/makefiles/

# Copyright (C) 2001-2006, The Perl Foundation.
# $Id: 13506 2006-07-24 17:19:41Z chip $

# Setup of some commands
PERL   = perl

PERLDOC = /usr/local/bin/perldoc

or, on the Mac
PERLDOC = /opt/local/bin/perldoc

makes it work. Interesting that the make file has:
packfile-c.pod: ../src/packfile.c
perldoc -ud packfile-c.pod ../src/packfile.c

but the rest are:
ops/bit.pod: ../src/ops/bit.ops
$(PERLDOC) -ud ops/bit.pod ../src/ops/bit.ops
$(CHMOD) 0644 ops/bit.pod

ops/cmp.pod: ../src/ops/cmp.ops
$(PERLDOC) -ud ops/cmp.pod ../src/ops/cmp.ops
$(CHMOD) 0644 ops/cmp.pod

ops/core.pod: ../src/ops/core.ops
$(PERLDOC) -ud ops/core.pod ../src/ops/core.ops
$(CHMOD) 0644 ops/core.pod

PERLDOC = perldoc

would work but somewhere up the Makefile chain.


Re: [perl #56304] AutoReply: smokej consumes all memory Revision: 28672 on linux

2008-06-24 Thread Andy Bach
Yeah, it's runtime.t

top - 11:14:36 up 1 day,  3:37,  4 users,  load average: 1.11, 0.75, 0.34
Tasks:  95 total,   2 running,  93 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
Cpu(s): 14.8% us, 35.5% sy,  0.0% ni, 49.7% id,  0.0% wa,  0.0% hi,  0.0% si
Mem:   2074556k total,  1251040k used,   823516k free,   419196k buffers
Swap:  1052216k total,88152k used,   964064k free,   213692k cached

10155 andy  23   0 71956  58m 4044 S 99.8  2.9   0:37.46 parrot

had to kill it
- t/stm/llqueue.t
- t/stm/queue.t
- t/stm/runtime.t
make: *** [smokej] Interrupt

It does run w/ the non JIT (I believe) prove:
prove -v t/stm/runtime.t
ok 1 - choice (one thread)
ok 2 # SKIP Intermittently failing everywhere
ok 3 # SKIP Intermittently failing everywhere
ok 4 - queue adapted for the library
ok 5 - queue (non-blocking; nested)
All tests successful.
Files=1, Tests=5,  1 wallclock secs ( 0.01 usr  0.01 sys +  1.37 cusr
0.11 csys =  1.50 CPU)
Result: PASS

I don't know how to get the -j flag into prove though.


[perl #56304] smokej consumes all memory Revision: 28672 on linux

2008-06-24 Thread Andy Bach
# New Ticket Created by  "Andy Bach" 
# Please include the string:  [perl #56304]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# >

running smokej from cron, all seems to build find and smoke.html gets
made/submitted but the admin had to kill a parrot process that had
consumed all swap/memory.  He didn't see which test it was, possibly:
- t/stm/runtime.t

#   Failed test 'queue adapted for the library'
#   at t/stm/runtime.t line 506.
# Exited with error code: [SIGNAL 15]
# Received:
# Unhandled exception in thread with tid 1
(message=ResizableIntegerArray: Can't pop from an empty array!,
# Expected:
# ok
# Looks like you failed 1 test of 5.
- t/compilers/json/from_parrot.t

as he sent a kill to the process (said it took 5 minutes to get
through/die).  This has been happening for the last few days, the cron
job svn ups the build each night.  I tried to split out the pir
chunksfrom runtime.t and run them w/
./parrot -D40 -j --gc-debug

but they all finished.  Unfortunately, I'm leaving town so we have to
turn off the tests for a while. It's a sort of useful box ... I'll try
and start up another here and watch it so I can kill things before it
goes off into the weeds.

smoke.html info:
duration: 24337
branch: unknown
harness_args: -D40 -j --gc-debug
DEVEL: -devel
VERSION: 0.6.3
archname: i586-linux-thread-multi
build_dir: /usr/share/cvs/andy/parrot
cc: cc
cpuarch: i386
osname: linux
revision: 28672

Summary of my perl5 (revision 5.0 version 8 subversion 3) configuration:
osname=linux, osvers=2.6.5, archname=i586-linux-thread-multi
uname='linux oldboy 2.6.5 #1 smp fri nov 18 15:22:13 utc 2005 i686
i686 i386 gnulinux '
config_args='-ds -e -Dprefix=/usr -Dvendorprefix=/usr
-Dinstallusrbinperl -Dusethreads -Di_db -Di_dbm -Di_ndbm -Di_gdbm
-Duseshrplib=true -Doptimize=-O2 -march=i586 -mcpu=i686
-fmessage-length=0 -Wall -Wall -pipe'
hint=recommended, useposix=true, d_sigaction=define
usethreads=define use5005threads=undef useithreads=define
useperlio=define d_sfio=undef uselargefiles=define usesocks=undef
use64bitint=undef use64bitall=undef uselongdouble=undef
usemymalloc=n, bincompat5005=undef
-fno-strict-aliasing -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64',
optimize='-O2 -march=i586 -mcpu=i686 -fmessage-length=0 -Wall -Wall -pipe',
ccversion='', gccversion='3.3.3 (SuSE Linux)', gccosandvers=''
intsize=4, longsize=4, ptrsize=4, doublesize=8, byteorder=1234
d_longlong=define, longlongsize=8, d_longdbl=define, longdblsize=12
ivtype='long', ivsize=4, nvtype='double', nvsize=8, Off_t='off_t',
alignbytes=4, prototype=define
  Linker and Libraries:
ld='cc', ldflags =''
libpth=/lib /usr/lib /usr/local/lib
libs=-lnsl -ldl -lm -lcrypt -lutil -lpthread -lc
perllibs=-lnsl -ldl -lm -lcrypt -lutil -lpthread -lc
libc=, so=so, useshrplib=true,
  Dynamic Linking:
dlsrc=dl_dlopen.xs, dlext=so, d_dlsymun=undef,
cccdlflags='-fPIC', lddlflags='-shared'

Characteristics of this binary (from libperl):
  Locally applied patches:
SPRINTF0 - fixes for sprintf formatting issues - CVE-2005-3962
  Built under linux
  Compiled at Dec 17 2005 03:24:12
 gcc -v
Reading specs from /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-suse-linux/3.3.3/specs
Configured with: ../configure --enable-threads=posix --prefix=/usr
--with-local-prefix=/usr/local --infodir=/usr/share/info
--mandir=/usr/share/man --enable-languages=c,c++,f77,objc,java,ada
--disable-checking --libdir=/usr/lib --enable-libgcj
--with-gxx-include-dir=/usr/include/g++ --with-slibdir=/lib
--with-system-zlib --enable-shared --enable-__cxa_atexit
Thread model: posix
gcc version 3.3.3 (SuSE Linux)

Linux DCLOES3A 2.6.5-7.286-smp #1 SMP Thu May 31 10:12:58 UTC 2007
i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux

[perl #56152] Darwin 10.5.3 x86 rel 28576 - test codingstd/perlcritic - assuming ProhibitAmbiguousNames::default_forbidden_names() in Perl::Critic 1.03

2008-06-20 Thread Andy Bach
# New Ticket Created by  "Andy Bach" 
# Please include the string:  [perl #56152]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# >

prove -v t/codingstd/perlcritic.t
t/codingstd/perlcritic..Undefined subroutine
called at t/codingstd/perlcritic.t line 142.
 Dubious, test returned 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00)
 No subtests run

Perl::Critic 1.080 on perl, v5.8.8 built for
darwin-thread-multi-2level (with 1 registered patch). They check for
P::C version > 1.03. Not sure if this is related to the use of the
local lib version of Perl::Critic modules?
but it may be that default_forbidden_words() doesn't show up until
1.084. my 1.080 here has:

and violates() uses PPI and ... so, don't know if this is the right route but:

Index: t/codingstd/perlcritic.t
--- t/codingstd/perlcritic.t(revision 28576)
+++ t/codingstd/perlcritic.t(working copy)
@@ -139,8 +139,12 @@

 # Allow some names normally proscribed by PBP.
-my @ambiguousNames = grep {$_ ne 'abstract'}
+my @ambiguousNames = ();
+if  ( $Perl::Critic::VERSION >= 1.084 ) {
+# Perl::Critic didn't have default_forbidden until 1.084
+   @ambiguousNames = grep {$_ ne 'abstract'}

 # These policies are not yet passing consistently.
 my %extra_policies = (

prove -v t/codingstd/perlcritic.t
t/codingstd/perlcritic..# Perl::Critic::Bangs not installed: not
testing for TODO items in code

ok 1 - BuiltinFunctions::ProhibitStringySplit
ok 2 - CodeLayout::ProhibitDuplicateCoda
ok 3 - CodeLayout::ProhibitHardTabs
ok 4 - CodeLayout::ProhibitTrailingWhitespace
ok 5 - CodeLayout::UseParrotCoda
ok 6 - InputOutput::ProhibitBarewordFileHandles
ok 7 - InputOutput::ProhibitTwoArgOpen
ok 8 - Subroutines::ProhibitExplicitReturnUndef
ok 9 - Subroutines::ProhibitSubroutinePrototypes
ok 10 - TestingAndDebugging::MisplacedShebang
ok 11 - TestingAndDebugging::ProhibitShebangWarningsArg
ok 12 - TestingAndDebugging::RequirePortableShebang
ok 13 - TestingAndDebugging::RequireUseStrict
ok 14 - TestingAndDebugging::RequireUseWarnings
ok 15 - Variables::ProhibitConditionalDeclarations
All tests successful.
Files=1, Tests=15, 28 wallclock secs ( 0.01 usr  0.00 sys + 26.66 cusr
 0.41 csys = 27.08 CPU)
Result: PASS

Re: [perl #56118] AutoReply: --jitcapable seg fault on Darwin x86 10.5.3 on Revision: 28564

2008-06-19 Thread Andy Bach
Here's a simpler bt (from integer_42.pasm)

#0  0x8fe18b42 in __dyld_misaligned_stack_error ()
#1  0x0004 in ?? ()
#2  0x005cbbe0 in real_exception (interp=0x112a00, ret_addr=0x0,
exitcode=28, format=0x85143b "Divide by zero") at src/exceptions.c:903
#3  0x0104cc5f in ?? ()
#4  0x005dec4d in runops_jit (interp=0x112a00, pc=0x130550) at
#5  0x005df033 in runops_int (interp=0x112a00, offset=0) at
#6  0x005df9f7 in runops (interp=0x112a00, offs=0) at src/inter_run.c:106
#7  0x005dfc8a in runops_args (interp=0x112a00, sub=0x30ce50,
obj=0x103ce70, meth_unused=0x0, sig=0x84d710 "vP", ap=0xb90c
"4?0") at src/inter_run.c:232
#8  0x005dfdc9 in Parrot_runops_fromc_args (interp=0x112a00,
sub=0x30ce50, sig=0x84d710 "vP") at src/inter_run.c:301
#9  0x005c870f in Parrot_runcode (interp=0x112a00, argc=1,
argv=0xba18) at src/embed.c:943
#10 0x00829299 in imcc_run_pbc (interp=0x112a00, obj_file=0,
output_file=0x0, argc=1, argv=0xba18) at compilers/imcc/main.c:782
#11 0x00829d6d in imcc_run (interp=0x112a00, sourcefile=0xbaa0
"/usr/share/cvs/afbach/parrot/t/op/integer_42.pasm", argc=1,
argv=0xba18) at compilers/imcc/main.c:1070
#12 0x210c in main (argc=1, argv=0xba18) at src/main.c:61

Re: [perl #56118] AutoReply: --jitcapable seg fault on Darwin x86 10.5.3 on Revision: 28564

2008-06-19 Thread Andy Bach
After some fiddling (thanks Bruce!!!) I was able to get a core dump -
here's the backtrace:

#0  0x005d4405 in gc_ms_alloc_objects (interp=0x1117c0, pool=0x111b10)
at src/gc/smallobject.c:399
399 pool->objects_per_alloc = (size_t)(pool->objects_per_alloc *
(gdb) bt
#0  0x005d4405 in gc_ms_alloc_objects (interp=0x1117c0, pool=0x111b10)
at src/gc/smallobject.c:399
#1  0x005d410a in gc_ms_get_free_pmc_ext (interp=0x1117c0,
pool=0x111b10) at src/gc/smallobject.c:278
#2  0x005d7067 in new_pmc_ext (interp=0x1117c0) at src/headers.c:344
#3  0x005d6fde in new_pmc_header (interp=0x1117c0, flags=67109888) at
#4  0x0061ef0e in get_new_pmc_header (interp=0x1117c0, base_type=40,
flags=1024) at src/pmc.c:246
#5  0x0061eb60 in pmc_new (interp=0x1117c0, base_type=40) at src/pmc.c:71
#6  0x007ee66b in Parrot_PMCProxy_init (interp=0x1117c0, pmc=0x30cb20)
at pmcproxy.pmc:95
#7  0x007ee82c in Parrot_PMCProxy_init_pmc (interp=0x1117c0,
pmc=0x30cb20, init_data=0x30cb3c) at pmcproxy.pmc:124
#8  0x0061f110 in pmc_new_init (interp=0x1117c0, base_type=64,
init=0x30cb3c) at src/pmc.c:347
#9  0x006123b7 in Parrot_oo_get_class_str (interp=0x1117c0,
name=0x2f1e3c) at src/oo.c:287
#10 0x005805ce in Parrot_new_p_sc (cur_opcode=0x320178,
interp=0x1117c0) at pmc.ops:87
#11 0x00337c9d in ?? ()
#12 0x005dec4d in runops_jit (interp=0x1117c0, pc=0x320178) at
#13 0x005df033 in runops_int (interp=0x1117c0, offset=1022) at
#14 0x005df9f7 in runops (interp=0x1117c0, offs=1022) at src/inter_run.c:106
#15 0x005dfc8a in runops_args (interp=0x1117c0, sub=0x30e6e8,
obj=0x30cb90, meth_unused=0x100fb88, sig=0x84d356 "v", ap=0xb680
"t?0") at src/inter_run.c:232
#16 0x005e002a in Parrot_run_meth_fromc_args (interp=0x1117c0,
sub=0x30e6e8, obj=0x30cb90, meth=0x100fb88, sig=0x84d356 "v") at
#17 0x007b30f1 in initialize_parents (interp=0x1117c0,
object=0x30cb90, all_parents=0x30cd6c) at class.pmc:343
#18 0x007b4eda in Parrot_Class_instantiate (interp=0x1117c0,
pmc=0x30dd48, init=0x103ba70) at class.pmc:1103
#19 0x0058060f in Parrot_new_p_sc (cur_opcode=0x31feb8,
interp=0x1117c0) at pmc.ops:90
#20 0x00337706 in ?? ()
#21 0x005dec4d in runops_jit (interp=0x1117c0, pc=0x31fb4c) at
#22 0x005df033 in runops_int (interp=0x1117c0, offset=627) at
#23 0x005df9f7 in runops (interp=0x1117c0, offs=627) at src/inter_run.c:106
#24 0x005dfc8a in runops_args (interp=0x1117c0, sub=0x30ead8,
obj=0x30d5bc, meth_unused=0x100e988, sig=0x856cf6 "vS", ap=0xb920
"?[/") at src/inter_run.c:232
#25 0x005e002a in Parrot_run_meth_fromc_args (interp=0x1117c0,
sub=0x30ead8, obj=0x30d5bc, meth=0x100e988, sig=0x856cf6 "vS") at
#26 0x007e05b1 in Parrot_Object_push_string (interp=0x1117c0,
pmc=0x30d5bc, value=0x2f5b8c) at src/pmc/object.c:3083
#27 0x00ac2b08 in ?? ()
#28 0x005dec4d in runops_jit (interp=0x1117c0, pc=0x32400c) at
#29 0x005df033 in runops_int (interp=0x1117c0, offset=3) at
#30 0x005df9f7 in runops (interp=0x1117c0, offs=3) at src/inter_run.c:106
#31 0x005dfc8a in runops_args (interp=0x1117c0, sub=0x30fe50,
obj=0x103ba70, meth_unused=0x0, sig=0x84d710 "vP", ap=0xbafc
"\b?0") at src/inter_run.c:232
#32 0x005dfdc9 in Parrot_runops_fromc_args (interp=0x1117c0,
sub=0x30fe50, sig=0x84d710 "vP") at src/inter_run.c:301
#33 0x005c870f in Parrot_runcode (interp=0x1117c0, argc=1,
argv=0xbc00) at src/embed.c:943
#34 0x00829299 in imcc_run_pbc (interp=0x1117c0, obj_file=0,
output_file=0x0, argc=1, argv=0xbc00) at compilers/imcc/main.c:782
#35 0x00829d6d in imcc_run (interp=0x1117c0, sourcefile=0xbc60
"/usr/share/cvs/afbach/parrot/examples/pir/sudoku.pir", argc=1,
argv=0xbc00) at compilers/imcc/main.c:1070
#36 0x210c in main (argc=1, argv=0xbc00) at src/main.c:61

[perl #56118] --jitcapable seg fault on Darwin x86 10.5.3 on Revision: 28564

2008-06-19 Thread Andy Bach
# New Ticket Created by  "Andy Bach" 
# Please include the string:  [perl #56118]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# >

Building w/ JIT a number of the smokej tests fail:
10911 OK from 11062 tests (98.63% ok)

(all smoke tests pass) w/ seg faults. For instance:
./parrot -j   t/op/integer_42.pasm

fails (though these both:
./parrot   t/op/integer_42.pasm
./parrot -j -Ot  t/op/integer_42.pasm

succeed) Using dtrace I get:
2008-06-19 17:43:59.574 dtrace[40553:10b] *** Terminating app due to
uncaught exception 'NSRangeException', reason: '*** -[NSCFArray
objectAtIndex:]: index (0) beyond bounds (0)'

t/op/string_70.pasm and examples/pir/sudoku.pir (two other failing
tests) have the same dtrace result

perl  --jitcapable
Parrot Version 0.6.3 Configure 2.0
Copyright (C) 2001-2008, The Perl Foundation.

Hello, I'm Configure. My job is to poke and prod your system to figure out
how to build Parrot. The process is completely automated, unless you passed in
the `--ask' flag on the command line, in which case I'll prompt you for a few
pieces of info.

Since you're running this program, you obviously have Perl 5--I'll be pulling
some defaults from its configuration.

Checking MANIFEST...mmak..done.
Setting up Configure's default values.done.
Setting up installation paths.done.
Tweaking settings for miniparrot...skipped.
Loading platform and local hints files...e.done.
Finding header files distributed with Parrot..done.
Determining what C compiler and linker to use.done.
Determining whether make is installed..yes.
Determining whether lex is installed...skipped.
Determining whether yacc is installed..skipped.
Determining if your C compiler is actually gcc.yes.
Seeing if GNU libc is
Determining whether libc has the backtrace* functions..yes.
Determining Fink location on Darwin.Fink not installed.
Determining Macports location on Darwinyes.
Determining if your C compiler is actually Visual
Detecting compiler attributes (-DHASATTRIBUTE_xxx)done.
Detecting supported compiler warnings (-Wxxx)... pbc...set for gcc.
Determining flags for building shared libraries...done.
Determine if parrot should be linked against a shared library..yes.
Determining what charset files should be compiled in..done.
Determining what encoding files should be compiled in.done.
Determining what types Parrot should use..done.
Determining what opcode files should be compiled in...done.
Determining what pmc files should be compiled in..done.
Determining your minimum pointer alignment. 1 byte.
Probing for C headers...
Determining some sizesdone.
Computing native byteorder for Parrot's wordsize.little-endian.
Test the type of va_ptr (this test is likely to segfault)stack.
Figuring out how to pack() Parrot's types.done.
Figuring out what formats should be used for sprintf..done.
Determining if your C library has a working S_ISREGyes.
Determining CPU architecture and OS...done.
Determining architecture, OS and JIT capability...done.
Generating CPU specific stuff.done.
Verifying that the compiler supports function pointer castsyes.
Determining whether your compiler supports computed goto...yes.
Determining if your compiler supports inline...yes.
Determining what allocator to use.done.
Determining if your C library supports memalignalready set.
Determining some signal stuff.done.
Determining whether there is socklen_t.yes.
Determining if your C library has setenv / unsetenv...both.
Determining if your platform supports
Determining if your platform supports
Determining if your platform supports readlin

Re: [perl #56030] AutoReply: Parrot buildfest YAPC::NA::2008 x86 Leopard, build revision 28515 - Configure msg on readline test

2008-06-19 Thread Andy Bach
Never mind - an newly added application got in the path w/ an older
version of something.  Original msg in Config is the only issue.

[perl #56030] Parrot buildfest YAPC::NA::2008 x86 Leopard, build revision 28515 - Configure msg on readline test

2008-06-19 Thread Andy Bach
# New Ticket Created by  "Andy Bach" 
# Please include the string:  [perl #56030]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# >

Parrot/perl6 build fine but:

Checking MANIFEST.done.
Setting up Configure's default values.done.
Setting up installation paths.done.
Tweaking settings for miniparrot...skipped.
Loading platform and local hints filesdone.
Finding header files distributed with Parrot..done.
Determining what C compiler and linker to use.done.
Determining whether make is installed..yes.
Determining whether lex is installed...skipped.
Determining whether yacc is installed..skipped.
Determining if your C compiler is actually gcc.yes.
Seeing if GNU libc is
Determining whether libc has the backtrace* functions..yes.
Determining Fink location on Darwin.Fink not installed.
Determining Macports location on Darwinyes.
Determining if your C compiler is actually Visual
Detecting compiler attributes (-DHASATTRIBUTE_xxx)done.
Detecting supported compiler warnings (-Wxxx)..set for gcc.
Determining flags for building shared libraries...done.
Determine if parrot should be linked against a shared library..yes.
Determining what charset files should be compiled in..done.
Determining what encoding files should be compiled in.done.
Determining what types Parrot should use..done.
Determining what opcode files should be compiled in...done.
Determining what pmc files should be compiled in..done.
Determining your minimum pointer alignment. 1 byte.
Probing for C headers.done.
Determining some sizesdone.
Computing native byteorder for Parrot's wordsize.little-endian.
Test the type of va_ptr (this test is likely to segfault)stack.
Figuring out how to pack() Parrot's types.done.
Figuring out what formats should be used for sprintf..done.
Determining if your C library has a working S_ISREGyes.
Determining CPU architecture and OS...done.
Determining architecture, OS and JIT capability...done.
Generating CPU specific stuff.done.
Verifying that the compiler supports function pointer casts...done.
Determining whether your compiler supports computed goto...yes.
Determining if your compiler supports inline...yes.
Determining what allocator to use.done.
Determining if your C library supports memalignalready set.
Determining some signal stuff.done.
Determining whether there is socklen_t.yes.
Determining if your C library has setenv / unsetenv...both.
Determining if your platform supports
Determining if your platform supports
Determining if your platform supports readline...dyld: lazy symbol
binding failed: Symbol not found: _rl_get_keymap
  Referenced from: /usr/share/cvs/afbach/parrot/./test
  Expected in: dynamic lookup

dyld: Symbol not found: _rl_get_keymap
  Referenced from: /usr/share/cvs/afbach/parrot/./test
  Expected in: dynamic lookup
Determining if your platform supports
Determining if your platform supports pcreyes, 7.6.
Determining if your platform supports OpenGLyes, MacOSX_GLUT 5.
Determining if your platform supports crypto...yes, 0.9.7l.
Seeing if your configuration includes
Testing snprintf..done.
Determining whether perldoc is installed...yes.
Determining whether GNU m4 is installedyes.
Determining whether (exuberant) ctags is
Determining Parrot's revision...r28515.

Re: [perl #56030] AutoReply: Parrot buildfest YAPC::NA::2008 x86 Leopard, build revision 28515 - Configure msg on readline test

2008-06-19 Thread Andy Bach
Applied patch:

which cleared up the config error (close ticket as it's a duplicate anyway)

Test Summary Report
t/op/sprintf.t (Wstat: 0 Tests: 308 Failed: 0)
  TODO passed:   157
t/codingstd/perlcritic.t   (Wstat: 65280 Tests: 0 Failed: 0)
  Non-zero exit status: 255
  Parse errors: No plan found in TAP output
Files=585, Tests=11387, 408 wallclock secs ( 4.01 usr  3.90 sys +
209.22 cusr 81.89 csys = 299.02 CPU)
Result: FAIL
Failed 1/585 test programs. 0/11387 subtests failed.

t/codingstd/perlcritic.Undefined subroutine
called at t/codingstd/perlcritic.t line 142.
t/codingstd/perlcritic. Dubious, test returned
255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00)
 No subtests run

On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 3:09 PM, Andy Bach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Never mind - an newly added application got in the path w/ an older
> version of something.  Original msg in Config is the only issue.

Re: [perl #56030] AutoReply: Parrot buildfest YAPC::NA::2008 x86 Leopard, build revision 28515 - Configure msg on readline test

2008-06-19 Thread Andy Bach
svn upped to 28515 and now attempting perl6 (all tests passed all
spectest_regression tests passed on 28513) and:

dyld: Symbol not found: __cg_jpeg_resync_to_restart
  Referenced from:
  Expected in: /data/wre/prereqs/lib/libJPEG.dylib

Trace/BPT trap

and tests failed. Now on rev 28524 perl Configure fails:
... [same as before]
Determining if your platform supports
Determining if your platform supports readline...dyld: lazy symbol
binding failed: Symbol not found: _rl_get_keymap
  Referenced from: /usr/share/cvs/afbach/parrot/./test
  Expected in: dynamic lookup

dyld: Symbol not found: _rl_get_keymap
  Referenced from: /usr/share/cvs/afbach/parrot/./test
  Expected in: dynamic lookup
Determining if your platform supports
Determining if your platform supports pcreyes, 7.6.
Determining if your platform supports OpenGL...dyld: Symbol not found:
  Referenced from:
  Expected in: /data/wre/prereqs/lib/libJPEG.dylib

Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at
config/auto/ line 198.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at
config/auto/ line 198.
.yes,  .
Determining if your platform supports crypto...dyld: Symbol not found:
  Referenced from:
  Expected in: /data/wre/prereqs/lib/libJPEG.dylib

Seeing if your configuration includes
Testing snprintf...dyld: Symbol not found: __cg_jpeg_resync_to_restart
  Referenced from:
  Expected in: /data/wre/prereqs/lib/libJPEG.dylib

step auto::snprintf died during execution: Can't run the snprintf
testing program:  at config/auto/ line 43.

 at line 66

Determining whether perldoc is installed...yes.
Determining whether GNU m4 is installedyes.
Determining whether (exuberant) ctags is
Determining Parrot's revision...r28524.
Determining whether ICU is installedno.
Generating C headers..done.
Generating core pmc list..done.
Generating Digest PMC filesskipped.
Generating runtime/parrot/include.done.
Generating OpenGL bindings...Use of uninitialized value in numeric ge
(>=) at config/gen/ line 851.
Use of uninitialized value in numeric ge (>=) at config/gen/ line 852.
Use of uninitialized value in numeric ge (>=) at config/gen/ line 853.
Use of uninitialized value in string eq at config/gen/ line 854.
Use of uninitialized value in string eq at config/gen/ line 855.
Use of uninitialized value in string eq at config/gen/ line 855.
Use of uninitialized value in string eq at config/gen/ line 858.
Use of uninitialized value in string eq at config/gen/ line 858.
Use of uninitialized value in string eq at config/gen/ line 858.
Generating NCI signature list.done.
Configuring languages.done.
Generating makefiles and other build filesdone.
Moving platform files into place..done.
Recording configuration data for later retrieval..done.
During configuration the following steps failed:
54:  auto::snprintf
You should diagnose and fix these errors before calling 'make'


Re: [perl #55196] 'print' and 'say' format a number register differently

2008-06-03 Thread Andy Bach
On Mon, 2008-06-02 at 12:27 -0700, Bernhard Schmalhofer wrote:

> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/devel/Parrot/trunk$ ./parrot t.pir
> 3.14159
> 3.141590
> Why should 'print' print trailing a '0' and 'say' not?

default rounding length?
sub main

  $N0 = 3.141596

./parrot ../pi.pir

and for 
 $N1 = 3.1415968




Andy Bach
Systems Mangler
Voice: (608) 261-5738 Fax: 264-5932

Sent from Evolution (CentOS)!!!

Re: [perl #54734] AutoReply: make perl6 failing on Revision: 27774 (Ubuntu 8.06)

2008-05-24 Thread Andy Bach
Hmm on another box found the next command was (in the languages/perl6
$ /usr/bin/perl build/ \ src/pmc/mutable.pmc.template

Tried that and got:
Mutable PMC template file 'src/pmc/mutable.pmc.template' does not exist
at build/ line 32.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] perl6]$ ls -l src/pmc/mutable.pmc.template
ls: src/pmc/mutable.pmc.template: No such file or directory

but w/ an underscore before "pmc" the file is there:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] perl6]$ ls -l src/pmc/mutable_pmc.template 
-rw-rw-r-- 1 andy andy 826 May 23 15:55 src/pmc/mutable_pmc.template

Changed it in the Makefile and make perl6 succeeds.


Andy Bach
Systems Mangler
Voice: (608) 261-5738 Fax: 264-5932

Sent from Evolution (CentOS)!!!

Re: [perl #50408] Test suite litters $TMPDIR

2008-01-30 Thread Andy Bach

> One directory appears to contain a complete copy of MANIFEST.

 Other directories contain lib/Parrot/, lib/Parrot/,

I think those may come from the post-configure revision tests - they use 
File::Tmp (er, sorry, no source here) and now have a 'remove' flag set 
but if they fail, not sure it cleans them.

I ran into those the other day (on linux) and meant to poke further.


Re: [perl #50218] Uninitialized svk install hangs postconfig/03-revision.t and Parrot::Revision usage

2008-01-25 Thread Andy Bach
I'm working from an svn fetched version - but the 03-revision.t goes 
out, makes a tmp dir, puts in a cache file .parrot_current_rev (w/ 16000 
in it) file and a Makefile so the call to Parrot::Revision::current runs:

sub _get_revision {
my $revision;
if (-f $cache and ! -f 'Makefile') {
eval {
open my $FH, "<", $cache;
chomp($revision = <$FH>);
close $FH;
return $revision unless $@;

$revision = _analyze_sandbox();

and is going to call analyze_sandbox. I don't have the boxes here but if 
I run svn info in that tmp dir I get 'not a working copy' and that'll 
fall through to git and svk. Running:
perl -e 'use lib "lib/Parrot"; require Revision; print 
$Parrot::Revision::current '


in that tmp dir, I get zero, which is what I see if I mod the 03-rev 
test (shouldn't the test be:

  like($Parrot::Revision::current, $rev,
  "Got numeric value for reversion number: 

  like($Parrot::Revision::current, qr/^\d+$/,
  "Got numeric value for reversion number");
) ... but maybe I'm missing something.


Re: [svn:parrot] r18724 - in trunk/config: auto init/hints

2007-06-02 Thread Andy Bach

Nicholas Clark wrote:

Works for me! :-)
A note: as possibly the stumbler-upon-this-issue; chromatic's patch made 
things work here, right through make smoke.



Andy Bach, Sys. Mangler
VOICE: (608) 261-5738  FAX 264-5932

"Capital is only the fruit of labor. Labor is the superior of capital and deserves 
much the higher consideration."
Abraham Lincoln, first annual address to Congress 1861

Re: [perl #40815] Summary of 'make test' failures on Darwin

2006-12-01 Thread Andy Bach

James Keenan via RT wrote:

On Sat Nov 11 10:17:33 2006, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
perl --without-gmp --cc=gcc --ccflags='-fno-common -pipe  
-I/usr/local/include -pipe -fno-common'

Then chromatic suggested manually editing the Makefile to delete '- 
bundle' from the following line.

LD_LOAD_FLAGS   = -bundle -undefined suppress
It appears (from google) that "-bundle" is a MacOS specific option to 
their version of gcc's c++ (also Intel's MacOS c++) but, I'm guessing, 
your version of c++, which is then treating the -bundle as -b undle or 
somesuch.  So, perhaps the MacOS guessing code needs to poke a tad 
harder at the versions of gcc/c++ its getting its hands on.


Andy Bach, Sys. Mangler
VOICE: (608) 261-5738  FAX 264-5932

"Capital is only the fruit of labor. Labor is the superior of capital and
deserves much the higher consideration."
Abraham Lincoln, first annual address to Congress 1861