On Tue, Feb 20, 2001 at 05:57:10PM +0000, David Mitchell wrote:
> > Do we want to go with Tolkein quotes for perl 6 and, if so, who wants to 
> > put together a list of good ones? It's been ages since I've read the books, 
> > and I'm likely to pull quotes from other places anyway. (Usagi Yojimbo 
> > strikes me as a good place to yank from, as does Zot!, but Pratchett will 
> > do too...)
> Err, would that be Larry's prerogative ???
> And what about us poor semi-literates who've never heard of Yojimbo ???
> If we can't go with Tolkien, I'd vote for Pratchett, 'cause *everyone*'s
> read him :-)

Adams rather than Pratchett, I'd think. :)

Roman M. Parparov - NASA EOSDIS project node at TAU technical manager.
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]               http://www.komkon.org/~romm
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