RE: C# (.NET) has no interpreters

2000-08-21 Thread Simon Peyton-Jones has pointers to three implementations.
None are 'industrial strength' yet.

You can't really implement C-- on top of C efficiently, because of (a) tail
and (b) the runtime interface for garbage collection, exception handling
etc.  But you can do it inefficiently, as the Trampoline C-- compiler does
(see the above URL for pointer to it).


| -Original Message-
| From: Joshua N Pritikin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
| Sent: 03 August 2000 15:01
| To: Simon Peyton-Jones
| Subject: Re: C# (.NET) has no interpreters
| On Thu, Aug 03, 2000 at 09:32:10AM -0400, 
|  Joshua N Pritikin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
|   On Wed, Aug 02, 2000 at 07:30:23PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
|I'd prefer us to tackle native code generation using C as the
|intermediate language instead of a JIT.
|   Oh, yah.  C is the obvious choice, but it doesn't have to 
| be the only
|   backend.  In theory we could also generate C#'s IL.  Or C--.
|  Help.  I'm only halfway through the C-- paper, and I'm wondering:
|  What is the status of implmentations?  Why not implement it as
|  extensions to existing C compilers?
| Simon, can you comment?
| -- 
| Never ascribe to malice that which can be explained by stupidity.
|(via, but not speaking for Deutsche Bank)

Re: C# (.NET) has no interpreters

2000-08-21 Thread John Tobey

Simon Peyton-Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You can't really implement C-- on top of C efficiently, because of
 (a) tail calls and (b) the runtime interface for garbage collection,
 exception handling etc.

Agreed.  But any practical C-- implementation will start with a C/C++
compiler so that it can get structs and typedefs right, and preferably
also inline functions.  It would have to discriminate and reject
"ill-behaved" C constructs.

I was not thinking of implementing C-- "on top of" C; certainly not on
top of ANSI C.  But I could imagine a (Perl?) program that translates
C-- into asm-ified C without C function calls.  All you'd really need
are a few primitives for getting and setting the sp and ip, a list of
the registers, and some macros for inserting span metadata into a
different linker section.  All of this would be straightforwardly
implemented with GCC using a smallish machine-specific header.

I'll bet a non-optimizing version could be produced with no asm - just
use volatile for variables and goto for jumps.  Accessing the stack
pointer and inserting span data might require asm.


John Tobey, late nite hacker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
\\\   ///
]]] With enough bugs, all eyes are shallow.   [[[
///   \\\

Re: C# (.NET) has no interpreters

2000-08-02 Thread Ken Fox

Joshua N Pritikin wrote:
 Of course perl6 can retain both execution models (op-tree  native
 code), but perhaps the emphasis should be on optimized native code.

The Kaffe java VM uses a native code JIT and they've had trouble
getting decent performance. From their own web page (

| Kaffe's current performance, despite the fact that Kaffe features a JIT
| compiler, is rather weak.  While we do not have hard data, we would
| estimate that Kaffe performs about as good or only slightly better than
| the JDK 1.1.7 interpreter on a platform such as Linux.

| Kaffe's Just-in-time compiler does not perform any
| optimizations.  This leads to a large number of emitted machine
| code instructions per bytecode instruction, many of them
| unnecessary and expensive loads and stores.

 perl5 is interpreter-centric with native code generation
 bolted on well into the development lifecycle.

I'd prefer us to tackle native code generation using C as the
intermediate language instead of a JIT. It's more portable, simpler
and takes advantage of all the C compiler optimizations. I'm not
looking for Perl 6 to be a Java/Applet replacement. Is that really
where we want to go?

 On the other hand, compile-time variable typing seems
 eminently relevant.

There are several threads trying to tackle this problem right now.
I'm starting to think that mailing lists are poor substitutes
for face-to-face brain storming.

- Ken

Re: C# (.NET) has no interpreters

2000-08-02 Thread Dan Sugalski

On Wed, 2 Aug 2000, Kevin Scott wrote:

 While C might be fine and dandy for getting o.k. native code w/o too
 much implementation effort, I think that it might be worth the effort
 to implement a JIT compiler for the perl interpreter's intermediate

Given the number of OSes and chip architecture perl runs on, this is a
daunting task, and I don't think it should be a target for the core
development. Alternate backend, sure, but not a primary target.

We might want to leave that to the various OS vendors for now. Most of 'em
handle the high-performance JITs for their systems, and perl's as
important in some ways as Java. Besides, I can guarantee that the folks in
Dec engineering know the Alpha far better than anyone else we have handy
does, and the same can probably be said for the other chips. (Well, we've
got Jeff from HP and Alan from Sun, but they count as vendor folks...)
