When I tried to checkout parrot from CVS today, I've got the following error over docs/resources/up.gif docs/resources/parrot.small.png

   cvs checkout: invalid RCS expansion flags
   Valid flags are one of:
   t    Text file (default)
   b    Binary file (merges not allowed).
   u    Unicode (UCS-2) file.
   Followed by any of:
   k    Substitute keyword.
   v    Substiture value.
   l    Generate lockers name.
   o    Don't change keywords.
   L    Generate Unix line endings on checkout.
   (Specify the --help global option for a list of other help options)
   cvs server: internal error: unsupported substitution string -kCOPY

Should I upgrade my CVS client or is there something wrong with these files?
(Currently using WinCVS, cvs 1-10.)


-- Adriano R. Ferreira Oasis Comunicacao e Tecnologia Ltda.

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