
At the Austrian Perl Workshop (see Call for Papers / Participation further
down) there will be a day devoted to Parrot.

Leo Toetsch will do a tutorial (in english or german, depending on the
number of non-german speeking attendees). The tutorial will be followed by a
hopefully productive hacking session.

So if you're interested in some f2f Parrot stuff, visit us in Vienna!

And if you're also interested in general Perl issues, or even want to do a
talk on one topic or the other, even better!

Call for Papers / Participation

>From 20th to 22th May 2004 vienna.pm presents the first Austrian Perl

The workshop offers Perl users of all experiences (from newbie to

* the opertunity to learn, teach and chat.
* contact to Austrian and international Perl developers.
* insights in methods and practices of other programmers.
* interesting, amusing and instructive talks.
* a few nice days in the centre of Vienna.
* and all the other amenities of real-live meetings.

Programme / Topics

The programm is still work in progress. But we've got this topics:

20.5.: Perl Culture - The Culture of Perl
    Perl employed in cultural projects, Perl culture, obfuscations,
    generative art, ..

21.5.: Perl in daily use
    Diverse applications from small to large, CPAN modules, etc.

22.5.: Parrot / Perl6
    Leo Toetsch is giving a Parrot Tutorial, to be followed by general

A provisional registration from is available here:



In order to have a workshop at all, we need talks. A talk should be
between 5 and 60 minutes long, and preferably cover one of the
workshop's topics. Presentations about "non-professional" topics are
interesting and desired, too, so don't be shy

Send talk ideas either to domm AT zsi.at or use the form provided


until 31. March 2004. The more the merrier.!

If possible (i.e. Sponsors) there will be a speakers' dinner.

Presentations may be in German or English.

Further information

You can find further information on this website:

There is a mailing list: to subscribe, send a mail to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the subject 'subscribe'.

The workshop takes place at quartier21 (Freiraum) in the
MuseumsQuartier Wien:

Leo Toetsch (the parrot patchmonster) donates a signed copy of "Perl6
Essentials" to the person comming from furthest away.

In cooperation with Linuxwochen:

The workshop takes place as part of the Coded Culture Congress:

See you!
Thomas Klausner

#!/usr/bin/perl                               http://domm.zsi.at
for(ref bless{},just'another'perl'hacker){s-:+-$"-g&&print$_.$/}

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