Re: Nested modules

2003-11-03 Thread Joseph Ryan
Luke Palmer wrote:

So, we can have :: in names, but that doesn't represent any inherent
relationship between the module before the :: and the one after.  I
think this is an important thing to keep.
However, will it be possible to, for example, do:

   module Foo;

   module Bar { ... }

And refer to the inner module as, say, Foo.Bar.

Kinda like an inner class in Java?

A more interesting
concept, can one use variables as modules, like: 


except dynamic?

(On a side note, that syntax doesn't seem right, although I can't
fathom what is...)
Or some awful thing like that?

And of course this would imply the existance of anonymous modules.  Yay.

How... would that be useful?  What would one use an anonymous
module for that they couldn't do with an anonymous class?  I
thought a module was more of a compiletime distinction, while
a class was a runtime + compiletime (i.e. all encompassing)
- Joe

How to get environment variables?

2003-11-03 Thread Andrew Shitov
Is it possible to get environment variables from perl6 programme? It 
failes when I try to use perl5 hash %ENV. Thanks.

Re: How to get environment variables?

2003-11-03 Thread Simon Cozens
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andrew Shitov) writes:
 Is it possible to get environment variables from perl6 programme? It
 failes when I try to use perl5 hash %ENV. Thanks.

Are you sure you're using the Perl 6 hash syntax? (%ENV{FOO} rather than Perl
5-style $ENV{FOO})

What version of Perl 6 are you using?

The C Programming Language -- A language which combines the power of
assembly language with the flexibility of assembly language.

Re: How to get environment variables?

2003-11-03 Thread Andrew Shitov
I tried this one-line programme for example:

my %e = %ENV;

and got this (parrot-0.0.13/perl are built under mandrake linux):

Global '_HV_ENV' not found
Error: '/parrot-0.0.13/parrot -r env.imc ' failed with exit code 1
Stopped at /parrot-0.0.13/languages/perl6/perl6 line 339
	main::mydie(256,'/parrot-0.0.13/parrot -r env.imc ') called at 
/parrot-0.0.13/languages/perl6/perl6 line 819
	main::pass4('env.imc','env.warn') called at 
/parrot-0.0.13/languages/perl6/perl6 line 741
	main::pass2('env.imc','env.warn') called at 
/parrot-0.0.13/languages/perl6/perl6 line 435
called at /parrot-0.0.13/languages/perl6/perl6 line 500
	main::pass1('Parse::RecDescent=HASH(0x8f2ed70)','env.p6','env.warn','undef') called at /parrot-0.0.13/languages/perl6/perl6 line 562
	main::run() called at /parrot-0.0.13/languages/perl6/perl6 line 219

Are you sure you're using the Perl 6 hash syntax? (%ENV{FOO} rather than Perl
5-style $ENV{FOO})
What version of Perl 6 are you using?

This week's summary

2003-11-03 Thread Piers Cawley
The Perl 6 Summary of the week ending 20031102
It's Monday morning, the croissants have been baked, the focaccia is
glistening with all the extra virgin olive oil I poured on it as it left
the oven and, in the airing cupboard, a raisin borodinsky slouches
towards full proof (thought at the rate it's currently rising it'll
probably be Tuesday before I can bake it off), what better time could
there be to pause and write a summary?

So, I'll kick off with perl6-internals because, well, it's on the
summary checklist (which goes something like: 1. Wibble about the
weather or something before; 2. Start with perl6-internals; 3. Continue
with perl6-language if it saw any traffic; 4. Make announcements,
suggest people give money to the Perl Foundation; 5. Make sure Leon
Brocard gets a mention; 6. Aspell; 7. Mail PODs to and
a text version to perl6-announce; 8. Profit!)

  NULL Px Proposal
Right at the end of the previous week, Melvin Smith suggested having the
initial 'empty' PMC registers all point at a global PMCNull which would
throw an exception if you tried to invoke any of its methods. Which
sounds weird, but it does mean that you get a real exception instead of
a segfault, and exceptions are so much more trappable. Dan liked the

Melvin later posted a patch implementing the idea, which Leo Ttsch
fixed up slightly an applied.

  Parrot Calling Convention Confusion
Steve Fink is having problems using an unprototyped call to a prototyped
function, which he thinks is a reasonable thing to do (and I think I
agree with him; I can imagine cases where you have a function pointer or
something where you don't know its exact prototype, but you do want to
make a call to it so you'd be forced to make an unprototyped call.).
Melvin Smith disagrees with him. Steve then went on to point out that
he's still getting failures when the function is both declared and
called in an unprototyped fashion. According to Leo, this is because
unprototyped returns are neither defined nor implemented. Which is odd
really -- I thought they were exactly the same as an unprototyped call,
but you invoke the return continuation (P1) instead of P0, the other
registers are set up exactly as if you were making an unprototyped
function call.

  A clash of symbols
Arthur Bergman, Ponie stablemaster, popped up to point out that
definitions like

#define version obj.version

(found in include/parrot/pobj.h if you're interested) did some scary
things to Perl_utilize in the Perl 5 core. Steve Fink stuck his hand
up to being the person who added the version field (which is apparently
rather handy if you're debugging the Garbage Collection (GC) system. Leo
fixed things by applying a s/version/pobj_version/g patch.

  Storing external data in PMCs
Arthur popped up again asking for help with implementing a Perl5LVALUE
PMC. It turns out that the API doesn't quite support what he needs.
After a certain amount of discussion of various options Arthur proposed
a Parrot_PMC_attach_data(Parrot, PMC, *void) extension to the API. He
didn't *quite* get what he wanted, but he got something very like it
later in the week.

I did like Arthur's reasons for starting the serious Ponie effort by
working on Perl5LVALUEs though: [because] it is so obscure that it's
hardly used anywhere and is limited to a few small areas in the core.

  Screaming Pumpkins Ahoy!
On Monday, Leo declared that yes, Melvin Smith's proposed Halloween
'Screaming Pumpkin' Parrot release would be happening. Various people
promised extra goodies, and a few problems were sorted out with some

Features were frozen on Wednesday and Parrot 0.0.13 Screaming Pumpkin
was released upon a cowering world at 2003103114:11:46 precisely. For
all the astonishing speed of the release cycle, there's a lot of good
stuff to be had in the screaming pumpkin, check out Leo's announcement
for details. -- Leo's announcement

  Header Dependencies
Jrgen Bmmels wasn't entirely happy with the way Parrot's headers are
set up. Apparently there are some nasty dependency (and crypto
dependency) issues. He proposed fixing up the headers as much as
possible to eliminate these issues. Dan and Leo thought it would be
nice, but Dan thought there wouldn't be that much point in doing it as
things would probably decay, and pretty much everything internal should
just be using parrot.h, and everything external should be using extend.h
or embed.h.

Jrgen Bmmels triggered a quick bout of tinderbox fixing, as various
different hardware 

Re: Nested modules

2003-11-03 Thread Larry Wall
On Sun, Nov 02, 2003 at 07:50:05PM -0700, Luke Palmer wrote:
: So, we can have :: in names, but that doesn't represent any inherent
: relationship between the module before the :: and the one after.  I
: think this is an important thing to keep.
: However, will it be possible to, for example, do:
: module Foo;
: module Bar { ... }

That just makes another global module named Bar.  To get an inner
module, you'd have to use what we already use to get packaged
names of variables:

module Foo;

our module Bar { ... }

: And refer to the inner module as, say, Foo.Bar.

Its full name would be Foo::Bar.  The other would be a Bar method
call on class Foo, presumably.

: A more interesting
: concept, can one use variables as modules, like:
: ::($foo)::somefunc();
: Or some awful thing like that?

Yes, there's going to be a ::() interpolation syntax for names.

: And of course this would imply the existance of anonymous modules.  Yay.

Yes, and you left out lexical modules:

module Foo;

my module Bar { ... }

In theory I suppose you could have objects with module attributes:

class Foo {
has module .Bar { ... }

Just don't ask me what it means...


Re: Nested modules

2003-11-03 Thread Damian Conway
Larry wrote:

In theory I suppose you could have objects with module attributes:

class Foo {
has module .Bar { ... }
Just don't ask me what it means...
Of course, Larry's just joking there...he knows precisely what it means.

It means that every object of class Foo has its own private version of
the .Bar module which in turn has its own private namespace. So that, for 
example, any reference to a package variable of that module:

method Foo::baz {
refers to the $qux variable belonging to the .Bar module belonging to the Foo 
object on which the baz method was invoked.

This kind of behaviour is more useful for nested classes, I suspect, but
it should certainly be available for nested modules as well.

Re: Nested modules

2003-11-03 Thread Joseph Ryan
Damian Conway wrote:

Larry wrote:

This kind of behaviour is more useful for nested classes, I suspect, but
it should certainly be available for nested modules as well.

So, what's the difference between a module and a class, and
why would you want dynamic namespaces?  Isn't that something
you'd use a class for?  I'm a bit confused. (-:
- Joe