Re: Syntax of using Perl5 modules?

2005-05-27 Thread Adam Kennedy
You get all those possibilities whenever you install any new version of 
a module you get from someone else, regardless of a p5->p6 hop. In p6, 
when you say "use Digest;", you are specifically asking for what p6 
considers the "latest" version. In p5, it was "first match on libpath".

Except that within Perl 5, there is an general expectation that the same 
API will exist across multiple module versions. It is assumed that newer 
versions of a module will continue to work the same as older ones, with 
API breakages being a bad and rare thing.

The 6 month long mod_perl Apache::->Apache2:: argument was over this 
very thing. There is a huge difference between an API version and a 
module (implementation) version.

As far as I'm aware, there is no expectation that *every* module in Perl 
6 that shares a name with a module in Perl 5 will merely be a 
re-implementation of the same API in Perl6.

If I am expected to reimplement all my Perl 5 modules in Perl 6 without 
the opportunity to do a better job and take advantage of new Perl 6 
API-related features, could someone please point my boot in the general 
direction of the ass of whoever came up with that idea.

Adma K

RE: (OT) Re: Perl development server

2005-05-27 Thread Konovalov, Vadim
> Icelandic: laukur (Incidentally, none of you will ever guess how to
> correctly pronounce that.)

Russian: luk (pronounced similar to English "look"). For some reason,
Icelandic translation of onion is much closer to Russian than any other

Re: Sets (was: Reductions, junctions, hashslices, and cribbage scoring)

2005-05-27 Thread Michele Dondi

On Thu, 26 May 2005, Patrick R. Michaud wrote:

The continuing exchanges regarding junctions, and the ongoing tendency
by newcomers to think of them and try to use them as sets, makes
me feel that it might be worthwhile to define and publish a standard
C class and operations sooner rather than later in Perl 6
development.  This might reduce the tendency to confuse junctions

I fully second that. You can search the archives for my own thoughts on 
the subject.

you'll see that it shouldn't be so. AND, the writting as usuall is
fantastic incompetent. To illustrate, i quote:
- Xah Lee trolling in clpmisc,
  "perl bug File::Basename and Perl's nature"

Re: Syntax of using Perl5 modules?

2005-05-27 Thread Rod Adams

Adam Kennedy wrote:

You get all those possibilities whenever you install any new version 
of a module you get from someone else, regardless of a p5->p6 hop. In 
p6, when you say "use Digest;", you are specifically asking for what 
p6 considers the "latest" version. In p5, it was "first match on 

Except that within Perl 5, there is an general expectation that the 
same API will exist across multiple module versions. It is assumed 
that newer versions of a module will continue to work the same as 
older ones, with API breakages being a bad and rare thing.

The 6 month long mod_perl Apache::->Apache2:: argument was over this 
very thing. There is a huge difference between an API version and a 
module (implementation) version.

As far as I'm aware, there is no expectation that *every* module in 
Perl 6 that shares a name with a module in Perl 5 will merely be a 
re-implementation of the same API in Perl6.

If I am expected to reimplement all my Perl 5 modules in Perl 6 
without the opportunity to do a better job and take advantage of new 
Perl 6 API-related features, could someone please point my boot in the 
general direction of the ass of whoever came up with that idea.

Across all languages, libraries, modules, applications, operating 
systems, and most everything else in the computer world, I expect 
interoperability to remain mostly the same across minor version numbers, 
but anything goes when a new major version comes out. Now, I'm not 
terribly active in the CPAN arena, but I think it's short sighted to 
expect the API from version 1.1.5 to still be there in 2.7.1. This 
phenomenon is why it's fairly common to see the last minor version of 
the previous major version still around and available in many areas.
Major changes in usage and syntax are what major version jumps are all 

As an alternative, the URI field of the module version could be extended 
to have the API version mixed somehow, maybe "cpan:JRANDOM#1.5.6". But 
that gets non-intuitive and ugly very quickly.

Part of the p5 problem is that module upgrades were all or nothing. In 
p6, you'll be able to load both the old version and the new version, at 
the same time. Or just tell the old apps that you don't have time to fix 
to use versions < 2.0.0, and the new apps to use version >= 2.0.0.

Another part of the problem with p5 is that while there was the ability 
to spec a version in a 'use' call, it was only a lower bound. You 
couldn't specify an upper bound as well, to tell people that you weren't 
ready for a new API/semantics. (To my knowledge, _nobody_ overrides the 
VERSION method)

Personally, I would prefer having to track which major version number 
I'm using over the mess that's in CPAN, where it seems like the standard 
way to introduce a new API is to come up with a new name for the module 
that means the same thing. However, as I pointed out before, since in p5 
there is no notion of an author URI, haveing that become the string 
'perl5' makes sense, and could be matched against, both positively and 

-- Rod Adams

Method overloading, MMD/SMD

2005-05-27 Thread Yuval Kogman
In Synopsis 13 MMD is discussed as the mechanism for overloading an

Many a times I would like to overload a method of a class.

I just played around with this:

Notice how the Named event variation appends the role, adding some
more specific signatures to familiar functions, to increase

How do i get this to behave?

Do I need to say all the methods that can ever be overloaded are
multi? Or do I say that only the overloading ones are multi? If the
first - how do I get a delegation to be multi? Does that rely on the
delegation handler method?

Also, is SMD not possibly representable in MMD? Is SMD a subset of
MMD or a completely different system?

Also on a side note, say I have two roles, both of which define the
private attribute $.:horse. Do these attributes conflict, or does
each role get it's own slot? What about MI/mixins?


 ()  Yuval Kogman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 0xEBD27418  perl hacker &
 /\  kung foo master: /me tips over a cow: neeyah!!

Description: PGP signature

Re: (1,(2,3),4)[2]

2005-05-27 Thread TSa (Thomas Sandlaß)

Markus Laire wrote:

@m[0;1] is a multidim deref, referencing the 4.

Referencing the 2, I hope?

Yes, the 2.


I consider this puzzling indicative that the (,) vs. [,] distinction
in Perl6 falls into the same category as e.g. starting the capture
variables at $1.

@m here has _single_ array-ref so
@m[0] returns that single array-ref - [[1,2],[3,4]]
@m[0;1] then returns array-ref [3,4]
@m[0;0] would return [1,2]
@m[0;0;1] would return 2

Yea, that's the---in my eyes unfortunate---preservation of
reference level depending on the left side of assignment.
Or stated the other way round, the auto-referencing when
the lhs is a $ variable. BTW, are lvalue subs handled the
same as $ vars here?

Could the ones who know it, enlighten me *why* it has to be so?
What does it buy the newbie, average, expert Perl6 programmer?
The answer "that's how Perl5 did it" is a good default, but
never hindered @Larry to change things.

Here are some speculations from me:

1) On one hand @a shall be a single handle to an array but
   always writing a total slice, or flattener when you want
   to replace the array as a whole is considered cumbersome
   or redundant. Thus @a = 1 is basically a shortcut for
   @a[] = 1 or [EMAIL PROTECTED] = 1.  Note that for keeping some of the
   existing values one has to use a non-total index/slice
   like @a[42] = 1.

   Question: With @a = (0,1,2,3,4,5), what does @a[2..4] = 7 mean?
   @a == (0,1,7,5)? @a == (0,1,7,7,7,5)? I think it's the former,
   and the latter actually is written @a[2..4] »=« 7.
   How about: @a[1] = @b? Is that storing a ref to @b in @a at
   position 1? Then @a[1] = 23 puts the 23 into @b at position 0?
   So to get it back one has to use @a[1][0]?

2) Since a distinction between (,) and [,] for arrays and
   ( => , => ) and { => , => } for hashes is /syntactically/ possible
   it is used to separate values from refs. But context spills
   over from the lhs, though. I wouldn't unify these directly but
   through the following typing:

 (,) --> Eager  (but not flattening nested Lazy stuff)
 ..  --> Lazy
 =>  --> Pair
 ( => , => ) --> Eager of Pair
 []  --> Array  (this actually doesn't need the comma op)
 {}  --> Hash   (actually Code, but evaluated immediately if
 recognizeable at compile time)

3) The example in 1) might actually be wrong if @a = 1 sets
   the size of the array. I see a tendency in perlkind to
   have special cases like "it's a number assigned to an array,
   so the size changes". The assignment is smutten with these
   special meanings because an imperative language is built
   around it. E.g. ($x,$y) = (1,2) falls in this category as
   well. In a purer setting it could be required to write
   ($x,$y) »=« (1,2) as it is for ($x,$y) »+« (1,2). Hmm,
   then this is ultra-pure: @a[] »=« (1,2,3). Note that when @a
   always denotes a single handle @a »=« (1,2,3) could be expanded
   to (@a = 1, @a = 2, @a = 3) not (@a[0] = 1, @a[1] = 2, @a[2] = 3).

4) I guess not many want @a = \1 to be valid. But why not?
   &prefix:{'\'}:( Any $x : --> Ref of $x.type ) could build
   an anonymous Ref of Int and then that is assigned to the
   array on the left making it "two-dimensional" because of the
   reference. Thus getting back the 1 needs one of the following
   forms: @a[0][0], @a[0][], [EMAIL PROTECTED] or [EMAIL PROTECTED] The first 
three forms
   assume that &postcircumfix:<[ ]> is supported by the Ref type.

I'm still arguing in favor of a---possibly strictly compiler enforced---
least upper bound typing of plain sigil expressions:

  & --> Code
  $ --> Item   (if that is the name now)
  @ --> Array
  % --> Hash

The strict type enforcement would prevent things like

  @foo = sub (Int $x) { return $x * $x }
  say @foo(13);  # prints 169

OTOH without it, going almost sigilless would just be

  my &foo = 3;
  my &bar = "HaloO";

  if foo < 2 { say bar }

  my &array is Array;

  array[12] = 17;

My line of thought might actually be easier to understand if
you treat = as a normally dispatched infix operator without any
special significance. The two operators ::= and := are *not*
dispatched. They are macros or a direct part of the grammar.
::= is mostly syntactic sugar for a BEGIN block and := is basically 
compiled to the engine level destructive assignment operation.

But this view might also be completely wrong.

TSa (Thomas Sandlaß)

Re: (1,(2,3),4)[2]

2005-05-27 Thread TSa (Thomas Sandlaß)

Juerd wrote:
From S02: "Array and hash variable names in scalar context 
automatically produce references."
Since [...] produces a scalar arrayref, we end up with an arrayref one 
both sides of the =.


There is no scalar context on the LHS of the assignment operator.

And, assigning to a reference is impossible, as a reference is a VALUE,
not a VARIABLE (container).

This argumentation breaks down as soon as you regard &infix:{'='} as
an operator like many others. How do you derive context for the lhs
and rhs of &infix:{'+'} or &infix:{'*~*'}? From its invocant part of
the signature? With the sigil giving the default overrideable with the
'is context' param trait? Or does only the slurpy indicator * enforce
list context?

But then there might be a little bootstrapping problem with MMD if
both contexts are defined. How does one dispatch an Array then?
Junctively flattened and unflattened?

And another oddity is that the compiler has potentially to go back
and re-compile some code with invocations of ops if it later sees more
overloaded definitions of these ops that have other context traits in 
their signature. It's much easier to just compile to MMD code and leave

the rest to the runtime dispatch. But this requires a self-contained
definition of the meaning of @a and [] as described by Rod.
TSa (Thomas Sandlaß)

Unicode Operators cheatsheet, please!

2005-05-27 Thread Rob Kinyon
I would love to see a document (one per editor) that describes the
Unicode characters in use and how to make them. The Set implementation
in Pugs uses (at last count) 20 different Unicode characters as

While I'm sure these documents exist on the web somewhere, since P6 is
the first time most of us will be using these operators, it'd be nice
if P6 provided a nice cheatsheet for them.


Re: (1,(2,3),4)[2]

2005-05-27 Thread TSa (Thomas Sandlaß)

Juerd wrote:

And, assigning to a reference is impossible, as a reference is a VALUE,
not a VARIABLE (container).

What should hinder &infix:{'='}:(Ref, Int: --> Int) to exist and be
usefull at least if the Ref is known to something that derefs it
and then finds the new referee? On the Perl6 language level references
are a means to share values. Don't mix that with the implementation
level references---which should be called pointers---that allow an
efficient implementation of handling heavyweight data.
TSa (Thomas Sandlaß)

Re: (1,(2,3),4)[2]

2005-05-27 Thread Juerd
"TSa (Thomas Sandlaß)" skribis 2005-05-27 16:22 (+0200):
> This argumentation breaks down as soon as you regard &infix:{'='} as
> an operator like many others.

Which we don't, making this discussion much easier for everyone. 


Re: (1,(2,3),4)[2]

2005-05-27 Thread Juerd
"TSa (Thomas Sandlaß)" skribis 2005-05-27 15:44 (+0200):
> Could the ones who know it, enlighten me *why* it has to be so?
> What does it buy the newbie, average, expert Perl6 programmer?
> The answer "that's how Perl5 did it" is a good default, but
> never hindered @Larry to change things.

Because the alternative is to drop context.

If we drop context, we have to use an array where we now use a list. And
"list" automatically becomes an alias for "array" in our jargon. 

Also, arrays will then probably no longer have any referenceless
version, and always be objects and thus references. 

Then we lose the point for having different sigils, and everything gets
a dollar sign.

The end result is very different from Perl, and can no longer be thought
of even as derrived from Perl, in my opinion.


Declarations of constants

2005-05-27 Thread Ingo Blechschmidt

  # Way 1
  my $MEANING_OF_LIFE is constant = 42;

  # Way 2
  my &MEANING_OF_LIVE = -> () { 42 };
  # or
  sub MEANING_OF_LIVE () { 42 }

  # Then one can use sigilless constants:

  # Way 3 (still possible?)
  use constant MEANING_OF_LIVE => 42;

  # Way 4 (evil?)
  macro MEANING_OF_LIVE { "42" }

  # Way 5 (overloading of the numification of Class -- evil)
  Class does role {
method *prefix:<+> (MEANING_OF_LIVE $class:) {
  class MEANING_OF_LIVE {}

  # Please add more ways :)


Linux, the choice of a GNU | Black holes result when God divides the
generation on a dual AMD   | universe by zero.  

Re: Declarations of constants

2005-05-27 Thread TSa (Thomas Sandlaß)

Ingo Blechschmidt wrote:

  # Please add more ways :)

enum ;

my &MEANING_OF_LIVE = 42; # But might be considered evil sigilless mode
TSa (Thomas Sandlaß)

Re: (1,(2,3),4)[2]

2005-05-27 Thread TSa (Thomas Sandlaß)

HaloO Juerd,

you wrote:

Because the alternative is to drop context.
Then we lose the point for having different sigils, and everything gets
a dollar sign.

Isn't the strong type system adequate compensation?
Especially when the sigils denote the level below
which you can't go in untypedness or unspecificity?

The two new list types Eager and Lazy nicely fit the
jargon term. Actually you could e.g. apply them to
complete files and view them as a list of lines if
that suites a certain task.

OTOH, some classes might like to travel in variables
with the @ and % sigil. E.g.

my @data is DatabaseTable;
my %tree is StructuredDocument;
TSa (Thomas Sandlaß)

Re: Declarations of constants

2005-05-27 Thread Ingo Blechschmidt

"TSa (Thomas Sandlaß)" wrote:
> my &MEANING_OF_LIVE = 42; # But might be considered evil sigilless
> mode

is that allowed (as 42 is a Num (or an Int), not a Code)?

Do (most of) the basic types morph themselves into Codes, when needed?
  say 42();# 42?
  say "Perl"();# Perl?
  say [1,2,3].does(Code)   # true?

Or did you simply forget the braces around 42? :)


Linux, the choice of a GNU | Wer die Freiheit aufgibt, um Sicherheit zu 
generation on a dual AMD   | gewinnen, der wird am Ende beides
Athlon!| verlieren" -- Benjamin Franklin  

Re: Declarations of constants

2005-05-27 Thread TSa (Thomas Sandlaß)

Ingo Blechschmidt wrote:

is that allowed (as 42 is a Num (or an Int), not a Code)?

I don't know, but guess not.

Do (most of) the basic types morph themselves into Codes, when needed?

I don't consider it type morphing. If your examples parse
at all they will be dispatched as usual

  say 42();# 42?

&postfix:<.( )>:( Int :)

  say "Perl"();# Perl?

&postfix:<.( )>:( Str :)

  say [1,2,3].does(Code)   # true?

Depends on the type of [] which is Ref of Array or so.
But I think it should be false.

Or did you simply forget the braces around 42? :)

No, it was intented for seeing what the reactions will be :)
Just using &foo as unsigiled variable. This might need

my &foo is rw;

But then I presume you could say:

foo = 17;
if foo < 8
   @a[foo] = 8;

We could call that a codeless lvalue sub ;)
TSa (Thomas Sandlaß)

Re: Unicode Operators cheatsheet, please!

2005-05-27 Thread Gaal Yahas
On Fri, May 27, 2005 at 10:29:39AM -0400, Rob Kinyon wrote:
> I would love to see a document (one per editor) that describes the
> Unicode characters in use and how to make them. The Set implementation
> in Pugs uses (at last count) 20 different Unicode characters as
> operators.

Good idea. A modest start is at docs/quickref/unicode .


Re: Declarations of constants

2005-05-27 Thread Ingo Blechschmidt

"TSa (Thomas Sandlaß)" wrote:
> Ingo Blechschmidt wrote:
>> Or did you simply forget the braces around 42? :)
> No, it was intented for seeing what the reactions will be :)


> Just using &foo as unsigiled variable. This might need
> my &foo is rw;

I don't think this will DWYW, as firstly "is rw" is the default
on vars declared with my(), and secondly &foo will be undef, not some
kind of Proxy object. To do what you want, you'd have to write (I
  my &foo = new_codeless_lvalue_sub();

  sub new_codeless_lvalue_sub {
my $var;
return {
  new Proxy: FETCH => { $var }, STORE => -> $new { $var = $new };

> But then I presume you could say:
> foo = 17;
> if foo < 8
> {
> @a[foo] = 8;
> }
> We could call that a codeless lvalue sub ;)

This indeed looks very slick! I wouldn't use it for normal vars, though.


Linux, the choice of a GNU | The next statement is not true.
generation on a dual AMD   | The previous statement is true.  

Re: [S29] uniq

2005-05-27 Thread TSa (Thomas Sandlaß)

Luke Palmer wrote:

So I suppose that's my proposal.  Allow, even encourage, overloading
of =:=, but only for value types.  I've been thinking that we ought to
provide a standard role for making something a value type.  Maybe it
would require definition of =:=.

I would like to propose something slightly different:
1) Let =:= be non-overloadable purely macro/grammar based
   --- same could be applied to ::= and := I think
2) the implementation of =:= then checks type homogenity
   as a precondition and calls the type specific EQUAL
   submethod or some such

The rational is that type homogenity is a necessary condition
for identity and thus allows to return false when violated.

The EQUAL class/type submethod could be used as the default for
the == and eq operators as long as subtype homogenity for both
sides holds. Well, or the operator name is a parameter to the
parametric role:

role Identity[ &eq_op:( ::?CLASS, ::?CLASS: --> bit ) = $::CLASS::EQUAL ]
does Identity[ ::?CLASS ]  # F-bounded

which is implicitly forced into every class definition by virtue of

role Any does Identity;

In particular we have:

class Num does Identity[ &infix:{'=='} ] {...}
class Str does Identity[ &infix:{'eq'} ] {...}

To what exteent in canbe auto-generated with dispatching to
the respective methods of all elements defined into the class'
value environment, I can't say.
TSa (Thomas Sandlaß)

Transparent / Opaque references

2005-05-27 Thread Luke Palmer
When we heard that Larry didn't acutally want $$foo to infinitely
dereference, some of us were overjoyed, and others severely
disappointed.  Both transparent dereferencing (infinite $$foo) and
opaque dereferencing (one-level $$foo) have their uses, but they are
definitely distinct.  Instead of adding different syntax for each
kind, I'll propose something different: two types of references:
Opaque and transparent.

Opaque references always need to be explicitly dereferenced (except
for binding an array to an array reference, etc.).  Transparent
references always automatically dereference.  The decision of what
type of dereferencing will go on is left up to the reference taker.

What I can't decide is which one \ will create, and how you will
create the other kind.  Also, I can't decide how to one-level
dereference the transparent references so that you can change them.


Default invocant of methods

2005-05-27 Thread Ingo Blechschmidt

what is the default invocant of methods?

  method blarb ($normal_param) {...}
  # Same as
  method blarb (Class | ::?CLASS $invocant: $normal_param) {...}
  # or
  method blarb (::?CLASS $invocant: $normal_param) {...}
  # ?

I prefer the latter, as then one can't accidentally call a instance
method on the class -- i.e.
  Foo.blarb   # will die.

You can always specify Class as invocant, if you want to have a class



Linux, the choice of a GNU | Elliptic paraboloids for sale.  
generation on a dual AMD   | 

Re: Transparent / Opaque references

2005-05-27 Thread Juerd
Luke Palmer skribis 2005-05-27 20:59 (+):
> Opaque references always need to be explicitly dereferenced (except
> for binding an array to an array reference, etc.).  Transparent
> references always automatically dereference.  The decision of what
> type of dereferencing will go on is left up to the reference taker.

The way I see things, an opaque reference is a value, while a
transparent reference is a name. And thus we already have both.

The name $foo points to a container, and so does \bar. However, to get
at the container using $foo, you use simply $foo. To get at the
container using the reference to bar, you have to dereference explicitly
with another $.

To bind a name (and thus have a transparent reference), we can either
declare the name, creating the variable at that point, or use some other
means of creating the variable, and use := to bind it later.

There are named arrays, @foo, and anonymous arrays, [].

There are named hashes, %foo, and anonymous hashes, {}.

There are only anonymous pairs. You can't dereference a pair, or bind a
name to it. 

> What I can't decide is which one \ will create, and how you will
> create the other kind.  Also, I can't decide how to one-level
> dereference the transparent references so that you can change them.

The only real problem with having only infix := for binding, is that you
can't easily use an alias (aka transparent reference) in a list. You can
have an array of aliases, but it's harder to have an array or hash in
which one element is an alias. Binding can be done explicitly:

%hash = { key => undef, foo => 'bar' };
%hash := $variable;
%hash = 5;  # $variable is now 5 too

But there is no way to set the transparent reference (aka alias)
initially, because we lack a \-like syntax.

So I propose that := becomes a prefix operator as well as an infix one,

%hash = { key => := $variable, foo => 'bar' };
%hash = 5;  # $variable is now 5 too

(This almost makes \ want to be \=, and $foo \= $bar to be what we now
write as $foo = \$bar, and $foo = := $bar to be the same as $foo :=
$bar, and stacked :=s to be irrelevant... But let's not think about this
too much...)


Re: Transparent / Opaque references

2005-05-27 Thread Juerd
Juerd skribis 2005-05-28  1:15 (+0200):
> There are named arrays, @foo, and anonymous arrays, [].
> There are named hashes, %foo, and anonymous hashes, {}.
> There are only anonymous pairs. You can't dereference a pair, or bind a
> name to it. 

I forgot an important one:

There are named scalars, $foo, and anonymous scalars, but they are
'literals', and read only, like 42.

There is no way to get an anonymous rw scalar, is there?


Re: Transparent / Opaque references

2005-05-27 Thread Ashley Winters
On 5/27/05, Juerd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> There is no way to get an anonymous rw scalar, is there?

Can't the [] and {} syntaxes be considered aliases for new Array(...)
and new Hash(...)?

my $x := new int = 10;   # looks like it should work

Ashley Winters

Re: comprehensive list of perl6 rule tokens

2005-05-27 Thread Jeff 'japhy' Pinyan
In regards to 
which discusses character class syntax in Perl 6, I have some comments to 

First, I've been very interested in seeing proper set notation for char 
classes in Perl 5.  I was pretty vocal about it during TPC in 2002, I 
think, and have since added some features that are in Perl 5 now that 
allow you to define your own Unicode properties with not only + and - and 
! but & as well.

If we want to treat character classes as sets, then we should try to use 
notation that reads properly.  I don't see how '+' and '|' are any 
different in this case: <+Foo +Bar> and  should produce the 
same results always.  I suppose the + is helpful in distinguishing a 
character class assertion from any other, though.  To *complement* a 
character class, I think the character ~ is appropriate.  Intersection 
should be done with &.  Subtraction can be provided with -, although it's 
really just a shorthand:  A - B is really A & ~B... but I suppose huffman 
encoding tells us we should provide the - sign.

Here are some examples, then:

  <+alpha -vowels>all alphabetic characters except vowels
  <+alpha & ~vowels>  same thing
  <[a..z] -[aeiou]>   all characters 'a' through 'z' minus vowels
  <[a..z] & ~[aeiou]> same thing
  <~(X & Y) | Z>  all characters not in X-and-Y, or in Z

The last example shows <~ which is currently unclaimed as far as 
assertions go.  Since I'd be advocating the removal of a unary - in 
character classes (to be replaced by ~), I think this would be ok.  The 
allowance for a unary + in character classes has already been justified.

For the people who are really going to use it, the notation won't be 
foreign.  And I'd expect most people who'd use it would actually abstract 
a good portion of it away into their own property definitions, so that

  <~(X & Y) | Z>

would actually just be


which would be defined elsewhere.

What say you?

Jeff "japhy" Pinyan %  How can we ever be the sold short or
RPI Acacia Brother #734 %  the cheated, we who for every service  %  have long ago been overpaid?   %-- Meister Eckhart

Re: Transparent / Opaque references

2005-05-27 Thread Brent 'Dax' Royal-Gordon
Juerd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> There is no way to get an anonymous rw scalar, is there?

There's always the Perl 5 hack:

\do { my $x }

Although that's not truly anonymous, I suppose.

Brent 'Dax' Royal-Gordon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Perl and Parrot hacker