Re: but true

2003-12-19 Thread Abhijit A. Mahabal
On Fri, 19 Dec 2003, Larry Wall wrote:

> On Fri, Dec 19, 2003 at 10:23:45AM -0800, Austin Hastings wrote:
> : Of course, when I do:
> :
> :   my $x = 0 but (true|false);
> :
> : then what happens?
> That's the problem with making them methods.  Any such operational
> definition is going to get you in trouble.  I think I like them better
> as enums, because then you can have junctions of them functioning as
> a kind of subtype.

Is that thought about just traits, or also about roles? Sometime earlier
Larry mentioned that roles could add multimethods, and my worry about that
is this:
If you simultaneously have a multi method with a signature and
another without, given a particular call to this multimethod how do you
choose which of the two happens if the signature matches? Disallowing such
clashes seems problematic because it may mean that if the class writer
used types and signatures these get forced onto the user of the class.


Array/Hash Slices, multidimensional

2004-04-15 Thread Abhijit A. Mahabal
As the hash syntax is being worked out, I thought it'd be a good time to
ask if the following will be supported in some form:

If I have some structure like %foo{"monday"}, %foo{"tuesday"} etc,
I can set their values enmass using:
%foo<> = <>;

What if I had
%foo{"monday"}{"food_expenditure"}   = 10;
%foo{"tuesday"}{"fuel_expenditure"}  = 100;
%foo{"monday"}{"food_expenditure"}   = 15;
%foo{"tuesday"}{"fuel_expenditure"}  = 150;

Can I say %foo... = <<10 100 15 150>>;
for some definition of ...?

I don't claim that we'd need that frequently.

We probably do need the array version of the same problem frequently,

@matrix... = <<1 0 0 1>>;

At least we'd need it more frequently if we had it. A2 says that something
like this will be supported, come A9.


Abhijit A. Mahabal

RE: Array/Hash Slices, multidimensional

2004-04-16 Thread Abhijit A. Mahabal

On Fri, 16 Apr 2004, Aaron Sherman wrote:

> > >   @matrix... = <<1 0 0 1>>;

> In the case of:
>   @matrix = <<1 2 3 4 5>>;
> You need only add the type:
>   int @matrix = <<1 2 3 4 5>>;

> There is no string phase, or at least should never be.
> The compiler can
> pre-compute the list:
>   int @matrix = ('1','2','3','4','5');
> And it then has another obvious pre-computation to perform:
>   int @matrix = (+'1', +'2', +'3', +'4', +'5');
> And since everything is a constant, you end up with:
>   int @matrix = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5);

This int business may make sense for a one dimensional array, but I meant
@matrix to be 2 dimensional, and hence you'd need something like

my @matrix is Array of Array of Int = <<1 2 3 4 5>>;
# that syntax won't work, obviously, but I do not know how to take slices,
and that was my original question...

It seems to me that trying to get the compiler to do all that for all
sorts of weird constructs is hard, more work than what we get out of it,
and all you'd probably get is something that works for a few special

In any case, I used <<1 2 3 4 5>> because it is less typing, and I use
stuff like qw{2 3 5 7 11} in P5 all the time.


Apo 12: Space in method calls

2004-04-17 Thread Abhijit A. Mahabal
I do not understand one of the examples in the Use of methods/the dot
notation section:

$obj.method ($x + $y) + $z

>From the earlier examples (like $obj.method +1), I got the impression that
you look ahead until you find a term or an operator. In the example above,
isn't ($x + $y) a full term, all by itself, and in that case would not
this mean ($obj.method($x + $y)) + $z, the same as the other call it is
contrasted with:

$obj.method($x + $y) + $z

What am I missing?


Abhijit A. Mahabal

Re: Apo 12: Space in method calls

2004-04-19 Thread Abhijit A. Mahabal

On Mon, 19 Apr 2004, Larry Wall wrote:

> On Sat, Apr 17, 2004 at 01:07:44PM -0500, Abhijit A. Mahabal wrote:
> : $obj.method ($x + $y) + $z
> :
> : >From the earlier examples (like $obj.method +1), I got the impression that
> : you look ahead until you find a term or an operator. In the example above,
> : isn't ($x + $y) a full term, all by itself, and in that case would not

> : What am I missing?
> The distinction is not term/operator exactly.  It's a four-way distinction
> between
> definitely a postfix op   -> () hold arguments, otherwise no arguments
> definitely a binary op-> there are no arguments
> ambiguous -> require disambiguation
> definitely a term -> treat method as list operator
> where the last category assumes that the term indicates the first item
> in an expression.  (Note that a definite unary operator is the beginning
> of a term.)

> $obj.meth,-> obviously not arguments
> $obj.meth $foo,$bar   -> obviously arguments

 $obj.meth() + $bat -> obviosly not arguments
 $obj.meth () + $bat-> obviosly not arguments
 $obj.meth ($foo + $bar) + $bat -> ambiguous, likely to be list
 $obj.meth($foo + $bar) + $bat  -> $foo + $bar the argument
 $obj.meth($foo + $bar), $bat   -> list

Is that about the story so far? Or is the last example probably going to
be illegal without a space?

How bad is it to require space before arguments that are a list, so that
the no-space case is unambiguous?

> Larry


Is Dog|undef a legal type?

2004-04-19 Thread Abhijit A. Mahabal
If we have a method that returns Dog if it returns anything at all, can we

method foo returns Dog|undef {...}

In a similar vein, if the function reurns a dog or a refernce to an array
, can we use  Dog|Array?

And is this legal:

given ($obj){
when Dog: ...
when Array: ...
   #obviously $obj can be a ref to an array, not itself an array


Abhijit A. Mahabal

Re: Apo 12: Space in method calls

2004-04-19 Thread Abhijit A. Mahabal
> No, obviously arguments.  Okay, I see the problem.  What you're missing
> is that in an earlier Apocalypse, we said that postfix subscripts
> and argument lists may not have an intervening space.

Oh, I see. Yes, I had missed that. Thanks for clearing that up.


Re: Is Dog|undef a legal type?

2004-04-19 Thread Abhijit A. Mahabal

> Abhijit A. Mahabal skribis 2004-04-19 11:00 (-0500):
> > when Dog: ...
> > when Array: ...
> Shouldn't that be:
> when Dog { ... }
> when Array { ... }
> Or is there some .when that I have not yet heard of?

Guilty as charged. My Perl6 is getting rusty...


Re: A12: syntax to call Attributes

2004-04-21 Thread Abhijit A. Mahabal

On Wed, 21 Apr 2004, Brent 'Dax' Royal-Gordon wrote:
> Which actually brings up an interesting question:
>  class Silly {
>  has $.thing=1;
>  has @.thing=(2, 3);
>  has %.thing=(4 => 5, 6 => 7);
>  }

I had assumed that'd be illegal: each of $.thing, @.thing and %.thing
autogenerates a method named thing. I would hope that is illegal, for my
head would hurt otherwise keeping track of what a particular "thing"

We surely don't allow the following in the same class:
has @.thing is Array of Cat;
has @.thing is Array of Dog;

It seems to me that the $.thing/@.thing issue is similar (though the
sigil makes this easier for the compiler):
has $.thing is Scalar;
has @.thing is Array;


A question about binary does

2004-04-22 Thread Abhijit A. Mahabal

This is actually a couple of questions:
1: can you extend roles by saying: role Set is extended {}
2: if yes, does this change variables for which you said  $var does Set?
In other words, is the singleton class like a closure or a first-class

What follows is just some example code in case my question is vague.


role Set{
  method add ($elt) { $self.{$elt} = 1  }
  method remove ($elt) {...}
  method intersection($other where Set) {
# can I write that as: method intersection (Set $other) ?
return $self.keys.grep { exists $other{$^a}  }

class Set_class does Set {}

class Collector{
  has %.coins does Set;# brand new singleton class
  has Set_class %.stamps;  # use existing class

my Collector $collector .= new;
$collector.coins.add(new Coin());   #okay
$collector.stamps.add(new Stamp()); #okay

# much later during compilation

role Set is extended{ # is this: die if any collision in any class
  method difference ($other where Set) {...}

$collector.stamps.difference(...); # okay
$collector.coins.difference(...);  # Is that legal?

# In other words, is the singleton class like a closure or like a
first-class class?

Abhijit A. Mahabal

Re: MethodMaker techniques in Perl 6

2004-04-25 Thread Abhijit A. Mahabal

On Sat, 24 Apr 2004, John Siracusa wrote:

> Based on the "default accessors and encapsulation" thread, it seems like a
> Perl 6 equivalent of Class::MethodMaker will be still be useful in our (or
> at least "my") Brave New World.  I've been pondering the best way to create
> such a beast in Perl 6.

Yes, I agree. As you point out below, Class::Makemethods does lots of
crazy stuff. Much of that (like pre- and post-hooks) will be easier to
write in P6, but there is still lots of stuff that won't be in the core.

> The most common two Perl 5 techniques are:
> 1. Use a string eval: build up a big string that looks the code for the
> method that I would have typed myself if I wasn't so lazy, then eval the
> string and assign the resulting code ref to the appropriate typeglob.
> Example:
> $attr = 'baz';
> *{"Foo::$attr"} = eval qq(sub { \$_[0]->{'$attr'} });

> This technique seems to have the best runtime performance in Perl 5 (by a
> small margin), but it's also much more expensive (not to mention tedious and
> persnickety) to create the method in the first place.  For whatever reason,
> it's always just struck me as "wrong" (sort of like source filtering where
> code is just seen as a giant string--something that Perl 6 blessedly saves
> us from :)
> 2. Use a closure: build a method by assigning what would normally be
> constant values to a set of variables, then capturing their state in a
> closure.  Example:
> $attr = 'baz';
> *{"Foo::$attr"} = sub { $_[0]->{$attr} };

Symbol tables and typeglobs and such belong to A10... and the * has been
stolen... so I'll just speculate in pseudocode.
Blocks-are-subroutines makes life easier, and in pseudocode that can be
  *{"Foo::name1"} = -> $a { $a->{name1} };
  for @names -> $name {
my $private_scalar = $name;
   *{"Foo::$name"} = -> $a {$a->{$private_scalar}};

> Making the method this way has always seemed "cleaner" to me, but it bothers
> me that $attr a full blown variable that has to be read from every time the
> method is run.

> Really, it should be a constant, which is probably why the
> string eval version has a speed edge at runtime.

That is something the compiler may be able to deal with. I don't know much
about compilers, but here is something from the camel book, 3rd ed, page
229 about inlining functions:

my $prod = 1;
for (1..10) { $prod *= $_; }
sub NFACT () { $prod }

Here, NFACT is inlined because the compiler sees that $prod can never
change. So maybe the $private_scalar above can also be inlined. (There is
a new $private_scalar each time through the loop because of the my, and
$name is also implicitly my).  For that code I did not need to introduce
$private_scalar, but I put it there to stand for more complex calculations
if you need there.

 Maybe there should be a way to give hints to the compiler that inlining
maybe possible.

> The two Perl 5 techniques still seem like they will work (albeit with
> different syntax), but I'm sure there are better ways...perhaps something
> involving macros?  The ideal solution has the strengths of both Perl 5
> techniques, but none of their weaknesses.  Creation should be fast and
> clean, and there should be no wasted overhead when calling the generated
> methods.  It should be just as if I wrote the methods myself.

> I haven't retained enough Perl 6 syntax to have any idea what this would
> look like, so I'm looking for suggestions.  Which Perl 6 features are best
> suited to creating a good Perl 6 MethodMaker?  Anyone want to post some
> simple examples?

Wicked Traits come to mind. They seem to be all about warping class

role methodmaker{
  method trait_auxillary:install( : Class $container, $method_semantics,
given $method_semantics {
   when "semantics1" {
for @names -> $name {
my $method = -> $arg {...};
$container.install($name, $method);
for @names -> $name {
   my $method = $container.get_method($name);

# And in our class:
class Dog{
install "some_semantics", <>;

Or perhaps you want to put the install in a BEGIN{} if you want to have
the body of the class see these (especially their signatures).

class Dog{
BEGIN{ install "some_semantics", <> }

> -John


Re: MethodMaker techniques in Perl 6

2004-04-25 Thread Abhijit A. Mahabal

On Sun, 25 Apr 2004, Dave Whipp wrote:

> "Abhijit A. Mahabal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Symbol tables and typeglobs and such belong to A10... and the * has been
> > stolen... so I'll just speculate in pseudocode.
> > Blocks-are-subroutines makes life easier, and in pseudocode that can be
> > just:
> >   *{"Foo::name1"} = -> $a { $a->{name1} };
> If I read A12 correctly, this could be written as:
>   &Foo::$name1 := -> $a {$a.name1};

Could be; that sounds somewhat right, but could you point out where in A12
because a search for := revelaed nothing relevant to me.

In any case, I should have written that as:
   *{"Foo::name1"} = -> $a { $a.<> };

Oscillating between using P5 and P6 is occasionally frustrating, though
working at a stretch in either is a pleasure...

The issue for P6 is more complicated than in P5 because you cannot just
assign to the typeglob: you will somehow have to take signatures in
consideration while populating the symbol table.

> Dave.


Re: A12: on inheriting wrappers

2004-04-30 Thread Abhijit A. Mahabal
On Fri, 30 Apr 2004, Aldo Calpini wrote:

> let's suppose I want to build a class that keeps track of the objects it
> creates.
> let's suppose that I want this class to be the base for a variety of
> classes.
> let's suppose that I decide, rather than fiddling with the default
> constructor, to wrap it up.
> something like:
> class Animal {
> our @.zoo;
> &new.wrap( {
> my @results = call();
> push(@.zoo, @results[0]);
> return @results;
> } );
> }
> class Lion is Animal { ... }
> class Tiger is Animal { ... }
> class Panther is Animal { ... }
> my $simba =;
> my $shere_khan =;
> my $bagheera =;
> my @all = @Animal::zoo;
> # @all should contain ($simba, $shere_khan, $bagheera);
> will the above code work as expected, or is there something I've
> overlooked?

For this particular case, I guess wrapping the BUILD submethod of Animal
would work as it will surely get called. Moreover, since it will be called
by BUILDALL in its own class the wrapper will work, regardless of how
wrappers get inherited.

But I suppose you were asking about wrapper inheriting in general...

> cheers,
> Aldo


Re: A12: on inheriting wrappers

2004-04-30 Thread Abhijit A. Mahabal

On Fri, 30 Apr 2004, Aldo Calpini wrote:

> so I wanted to explore the possible interoperability of wrappers and
> classes. another example I can think of:

> role Logging {
> POST {
> foreach ( ::_.meta.getmethods() ) -> $method {
> $method.wrap( {
> log($somewhere, "calling $method");
> call;
> log($somewhere, "called $method");
> } );
> }
> }
> class Foo does Logging { ... }
> does something like this make sense?

Sure, but where is inheritance involved here? Roles are composed into
classes, not inherited from. (That particular Role seems to be messing
with the class though.. its a trait rather than a role... and it will have
to be processed *after* all methods in the class are known (including
those that come from other roles)... all that may render what I say below

If further you said something like

class Bar is Foo {...}

and wanted that to do Logging for Bar methods, that is a different
question. But since you'd have only so many classes saying

class Bar is Foo does Logging {...}

isn't too much work, and this gives you the chance to control logging on a
class by class basis.

> cheers,
> Aldo


Re: A12: on inheriting wrappers

2004-04-30 Thread Abhijit A. Mahabal
> > role Logging {
> > POST {
> > foreach ( ::_.meta.getmethods() ) -> $method {
> > $method.wrap( {
> > log($somewhere, "calling $method");
> > call;
> > log($somewhere, "called $method");
> > } );
> > }
> > }
> >
> > class Foo does Logging { ... }
> >
> > does something like this make sense?
> Sure, but where is inheritance involved here? Roles are composed into
> classes, not inherited from. (That particular Role seems to be messing
> with the class though.. its a trait rather than a role... and it will have
> to be processed *after* all methods in the class are known (including
> those that come from other roles)... all that may render what I say below
> meaningless)

Oops, I had missed the POST{}. Sorry about that. Maybe that renders your
code workable! But let me understand this:
The POST block will be composed into the Class{...} block and
would be the last thing that runs. There could be timing issues though:
just when is the last block run? After all other class composition work?
What if there are two POST blocks? Can a POST add methods? Seems dangerous
to me, after the class has gone to all the trouble of making sure that a
class is sensibly composed, the POST may just mess things up.

Just some paranoid random thoughts...


Required Named Params and "go write your own grammar"

2004-05-04 Thread Abhijit A. Mahabal
As I try writing P6 programs I do find myself needing required named
params, and I thought I'd like something like ++$named_req for myself as a
shorthand for "+$named_req is required" or whatever is decided.

Now, larry often says (only partly jokingly) "go write your own grammar".
But I do not know how I'd change/modify/append the grammar to accomodate
that cosmetic change above. Needing to know "the entire P6 grammar"
isn't mouth watering. I am sure this has been discussed before, so can
somebody please point me to some place where I can start reading about

"macros" does not seem to be an answer as I seem to think of them as
defining syntax for new commands that you are writing. (In this case, I do
not know where I would put the "is parsed" trait). I may be wrong and
macros in some form are the answer. Either way, I'd appreciate any
thoughts/answers/pointers on this.


Abhijit A. Mahabal

Re: Required Named Params and "go write your own grammar"

2004-05-04 Thread Abhijit A. Mahabal

On Tue, 4 May 2004, Luke Palmer wrote:

> Abhijit A. Mahabal writes:
> > Needing to know "the entire P6 grammar" isn't mouth watering.
> grammar Grammar::ReqNamed {
> is Grammar::Perl;

Ah, I see. That does answer my question. I had forgotten that grammers can
be inherited from and you can change only the bits you want to change...

> Luke


Re: A12: Required Named Parameters Strike Back!

2004-05-05 Thread Abhijit A. Mahabal

On Wed, 5 May 2004, John Siracusa wrote:

> Anyway, once we're spelling things out, don't forget to throw in some
> traits for params that are required and must be provided as pairs.
> Damian promised! ;)

Looking thru what exists of P6C I saw this in P6C/

use Class::Struct P6C::signature => { qw(positional @
 optional @
 required_named @
 slurpy_array $
 slurpy_named $
 optional_named @
) };

So in theory it is all there :), and must have been for a while! It does
not (yet) have an invocant, but the required_named is there.

> -John


Re: Perl 6's for() signature

2003-08-01 Thread Abhijit A. Mahabal
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rod Adams) wrote in message

> Proposed behavior of *?@ : All Arguement to Parameter mapping left of it
> are processed Left to Right. Once seen, the mapping starts over right to
> left. Everything remaining is slurpable.
> Yes, it's more expensive to use, just like the RE version, but shouldn't
> impact performance _too_ bad when it's not, since the behavior will be
> detectable at compile time.
> Thoughts?

There is another problem beyond efficiency: the P6 list semantics is lazy.

The following is valid P6, AFAIK:

for 1 .. Inf {
  print $_;
  last when 10;

And then most of the proposed methods (including popping off [EMAIL PROTECTED]) would
not work.

There is another problem that I see with a user defined my_for. We want to
be able to write

my_for 1 .. 5 { something }

and not have to write:

my_for 1 .. 5 {something };

What is bothering me is the following: If we have a sub with the
  sub very_complicated(Int $x, Code [EMAIL PROTECTED])

how would the following get parsed:

very_complicated 7 { print "Hello," } { print " world!"}
# Those were the 3 args I wanted to pass
# and the next one is outside the call
sub next_routine {...}

It seems to me, then, that calls to user defined subs will need to end
with a semi-colon.


Abhijit A. Mahabal   Home: 520 N. Grant St, Apt #2
Graduate Student,  Bloomington IN 47408
Dept of Cog Sci and Computer Science,  812 331 2286
Indiana University   Off:  LH301I; 812 855 8898

Re: Junctions & Set Theory

2003-08-01 Thread Abhijit A. Mahabal
On Fri, 1 Aug 2003, Derek Ross wrote:

> Do junctions have a direct representation as predicate logic statements?
>   In particular, do the following logic statements correspond directly
> to the following perl6 junctions:
> =   
> (exists x)(x is false)  one  (abjunction)
> I'm more familiar with), but it seems that the fourth type of junction,
> "one" is inconsistent with the logic definition.
> Maybe "one" should be named "one_isnt", or the logic statement should
> become (exists a single x)(x is true).  Either way, maybe another
> junction is needed!

The logic statement should become (exists a unique x) (x is true). This is
typically written (exists!)(x is true).

No other junction should be necessary:

 If you want to say that something is *false* for at least one of the
values, you can just rephrase that as not (true for all values).

On the other hand, if you wanted to say "true for all except exactly one
value, I can't think of a way. (but then, nor of a reason for wanting to).

> Derek Ross.


macros and is parsed

2003-08-02 Thread Abhijit A. Mahabal
In E6 Damien writes about macros:

"As soon as it has parsed that subroutine call (including its argument
list) it will detect that the subroutine &request is actually a macro, so
it will immidiately call &request with the specified arguments".

If macroness is found *after* parsing the arguments, when does the "is
parsed" trait's action kick in?

Elsewhere, he writes:
"The 'is parsed' trait tells the parser what to look for  immediately
after it encounters a macro's name".

I would guess that the latter is what is intended. Or is it that the
absence of an explicit "is parsed" changes the behaviour (for efficiency
reasons, perhaps, as many common uses will parse arguments in standard
ways [though act in mind warping ways] ) ?


Abhijit A. Mahabal

Macro question

2003-08-02 Thread Abhijit A. Mahabal
This is a rather silly question:

The code:
macro foo() { return {my $x = 7} }
print $x;

is equivalent to which of the following?

{my $x = 7}
print $x;


my $x = 7;
print $x;
