RFC: Community Education Page

2006-05-07 Thread David K Storrs
Hmmm...This doesn't seem to have particularly grabbed the popular  
imagination among the Perl6 crowd.  Let me ask something a little  
more concrete and see if that gets us to ignition, otherwise it's  
probably not feasible.

Assume that I'm going to create, host, and maintain a small website  
that explains where Perl6 stands and how it got there.  The message  
of this site is essentially marketing (oh no, he used the M- 
word!!!).  The message is:

- We are a serious project, not a toy or a research effort
- We can be counted on to release a 1.0 in a reasonable timeframe,
	- We can solve real problems in ways that are better than anything  
else out there

Here are some questions I would need help answering (many of them are  
restatements of each other):

- Why are we creating a new language?
- Why should people be interested in Perl6 when (Python | Ruby | Java  
| C# | $other_language) already exists and probably fills their needs?

- What are the major new features that we want to include?
- Continuations
- Coroutines
- Redefinable language grammars
- Regexen that are a grammar as opposed to a minilanguage
- Junctions
- ???
- Why do we want each of these features, beyond Because it's shiny?

- Having any one of the above features would probably be a good  
thing.  Is there extra leverage to getting 2+ of them in  
combination?  E.g. does all(continuations, MMD) give you a 2x  
multiplier in terms of any(expressiveness, power, Anything) over just  
one(contininuations, MMD)?

- The initial estimate for how long it would take was one year for  
design, 2-3 years for implementation.  We're now at five years and  
still doing design.  What happened?

- Why should people regard us as anything other than vaporware?
- What real, useful projects are being done in Perl6 right now?
- What real, useful *commercial* projects are being done in Perl6  
right now?

- Other questions that might be useful?


RFC: Community education page

2006-05-04 Thread David K Storrs
I was chatting with a P6 person the other day (who can remain  
nameless unless he chooses to identify himself).  He made the  
following observation:

Every time we're lambasted for how long Perl 6 is taking I remind  
myself that Short Term Thinking is the norm now.

I think there are a couple of reasons for this lambasting, and the  
more important (and remediable) one is lack of education on the part  
of the baster.  They don't understand :

(A) how hard it is to design a language; and,
(B) how much progress really has been made.

I'd like to propose that there be a single web page (or maybe a small  
wiki, but one page might be preferable) somewhere that could be  
pointed at to show just how much has been done.  It could list all  
the CPAN modules in the Bundle::Perl6 module (are those all Perl6  
modules explicitly or are some of them support framework?), all the  
sites where Pugs has been deployed in production (I gather there are  
some?), any non-toy / non-arcane projects that are being worked on in  
Perl6, etc.  I suppose it could also list the various language  
implementations that are targetting Parrot, but that's much less  
impressive to the common hacker who just wants to get work done, and  
not terribly relevant to the question Why is __Perl6__ taking time?.

Also, the page should talk about why it is difficult to do what is  
being done.  Ask the reader questions:  You want to support  
continuations / have coroutines / embedd yacc in your language /  
whatever.  How do you do it?  Then offer up an analysis of various  
design choices that were considered and rejected and why.  In  
particular, since the average person probably thought of the naïve  
answer, shoot big holes in that one.  That way they sit up and say  
Oh.  Hmm, I guess this really is kinda hard.

I see this as a small effort towards community outreach, where  
community is both the existing Perl people and the wider Internet.   
I volunteer to create the page, host it, and maintain it, but I would  
need help gathering the information in the first place.  And if the  
Perl6 community doesn't think it's a good idea, then I won't bother.



Re: RFC: Community education page

2006-05-04 Thread David K Storrs

On May 4, 2006, at 10:59 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Thu, May 04, 2006 at 10:44:29AM -0400, David K Storrs wrote:

Also, the page should talk about why it is difficult to do what is
being done.  Ask the reader questions:  You want to support
continuations / have coroutines / embedd yacc in your language /
whatever.  How do you do it?  Then offer up an analysis of various
design choices that were considered and rejected and why.

I think this will see a lot of use, not just in terms of people really
outside the perl6 project, looking at it, and wondering what's  
taking so
long, but also people on the semi-inside, trying to remember things  

I'm sure there's a reason other then C if condition_without_parens
{block}  that we can't have C %foo  {'bar'}  DTRT, but I can't
remember it, which certianly happens to me fairly often.

Also, as a checklist for proposals.  If you're thinking of proposing
something, go look there.  If it's already there, do you have any  
new pros

to put against the existing cons?

   -=- James Mastros

That's an advantage I hadn't thought of.

We'd have to be careful to keep it brief, though.  The whole point is  
that this is supposed to be a single page that can be read in a  
reasonable period of time (~10 mins).  It's supposed to answer one  
question:  Why should I still be excited about Perl6 even though  
it's taking longer than was expected?, not a horde of questions like  
why were coroutines implemented that way? and such.


Re: A proposition for streamlining Perl 6 development

2006-02-07 Thread David K Storrs

On Feb 7, 2006, at 5:33 PM, Allison Randal wrote:

Parrot, on the other hand, has noticeably gained momentum the past  
6 months or so. AFAICT, this is largely due to the fact that we're  
close enough to finished that we can see the light at the end of  
the tunnel, and because Pugs reminded us to hold on to our sense of  

First off, I'm just a lurker on the lists and I don't spend tuits  
hacking Perl6, Parrot, or pugs.  Also, I'm definitely behind on the  
SOTA as far as P6 goes so, hopefully, nothing that I say below is  
outright wrong.  If it is, apologies.

I know that, over the last year or so, I've been feeling fairly  
exhausted with Perl6--as all large projects do, it takes a long time  
and, while it's going on, it's hard to see the progress that is being  
made.  I follow the lists, but I haven't done any Parrot or pugs  
hacking, so I didn't really have a practical sense of where things  
stood.  It seemed like a never ending treadmill, and I've been  
reading the lists in a more and more casual way as tuits and energy  

Well, after this exchange I decided to check out the state of things,  
and I was very pleasantly surprised.  IIRC, $Larry said that he would  
define the language in terms of the chapters from the Camel book,  
with the Synopses being the definitive version of the AES triad for a  
particular chapter.  So, here are the Synopses that are written and  
in the repository at https://svn.perl.org/perl6/doc/trunk/design/syn/

# S01.pod
# S02.pod
# S03.pod
# S04.pod
# S05.pod
# S06.pod
# S07.pod	Not actually here because formats have been removed, but  
I'm including it in the complete section.

# S09.pod
# S10.pod
# S11.pod
# S12.pod
# S13.pod
# S17.pod   Not complete, just lists topics to cover
# S29.pod   Not complete, just a pointer to

So, if @Larry precisely followed the Camel, here's what's left  
(sorted by my opinion of its likelihood of being written):

Will it be written? (Just IMO)

S14.pod Tied variables   ?
S25.pod		Portable  
Perl  Maybe--probably  
just a tweak of P5 version
S19.pod		The  
Probably not
S20.pod		The Debugger
Probably not
Probably not
Probably not

S24.pod Common Practices   No
S27.pod		Perl  
Unicode  Yes
Compiling   Yes

S21.pod Internals and ExternalsYes
Security   Yes

S28.pod Reference; Special Names Yes
S30.pod Reference; The Standard Perl Library  Yes
S31.pod Reference; Pragmatic Modules  Yes
S32.pod Reference; Standard ModulesYes
S33.pod Reference; Diagnostic Messages  Yes

My reasoning:

	- S14: I'm not clear on whether tied variables have gone the way of  

	- S25: Portable Perl, it's unclear how much the elements addressed  
therein would change from Perl5 to Perl6, so it might not be  
necessary to rewrite this beyond a few tweaks to the P5 version (like  
deleting the section on XS).

	- The ones labelled Probably not are (arguably) not properly part  
of the language but part of the toolkit around it.  As such, they  
don't really need to be included in the language spec.  YMMV.

	- S24: There can't really be any Common Practices until some time  
after 6.0.0 is released, so that's a No.

- S25: Perl Culture is definitely not part of the language design.

	- S08: More and more elements are being given first-class status and  
auto-referencing behaviors.  Once something is first-class and can  
smartly manage its own (de)referencing, there is no real need for  
user-level operators to do it.  However, we still need defined  
semantics for how it all works under the hood, so we need a Synopsis.

	- S15, S16, S18, S21, S23:  I thought these were a pretty clear call  
for gotta have a spec.

	- S28, S30-33: The Reference Synopses are simply compilations of  
information that is designed elsewhere so 

Re: A proposition for streamlining Perl 6 development

2006-02-07 Thread David K Storrs

On Feb 7, 2006, at 6:51 PM, David K Storrs wrote:

I'd say that qualifies as light at the end of the tunnel indeed!

Forgot to say...all of this was was predicated on the idea that the  
code can't really be written until the spec is done.  Once the spec  
is complete (even if not totally frozen), it becomes much easier to  
produce the code.  Also, simply having the complete spec is a pretty  
major milestone that would be worth a lot of spirit uplifting points.


Re: split on empty string

2006-01-18 Thread David K Storrs

On Jan 18, 2006, at 1:18 AM, Jonathan Scott Duff wrote:

On Tue, Jan 17, 2006 at 12:35:57PM -0500, Mark Reed wrote:

On 2006-01-17 12:24 PM, Gaal Yahas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

[split on empty string] doesn's seem to be specced yet.

I would prefer the current pugs behavior; it's consistent with the  
case, in which a string which does not match the splitting regex  
results in
a single-item list containing the original string.  This is the  


I find the Perl5 (and, surprisingly, Ruby) behavior rather  

FWIW, I agree with Mark.


Just to show opposite, I've always found that behavior (i.e.  
returning the original string unchanged) confusing.  Csplit works  
based on sequential examination of the target string to locate  
matching substrings on which to split.  There is a matching empty  
string substring between every character.  Naturally, what you get  
back is an array of characters.

Plus, it's a useful idiom.
