[perl #81548] [BUG] Can't do 'handles' on a type in Rakudo

2011-01-06 Thread Moritz Lenz via RT
FWIW 'has $!a handles TypeObject' is now implemented, and works fine for

It doesn't work for classes, because they have a .new method. So the
standard .new is overridden, trying to call the .new on an attribute,
but since there's no instance yet, the access to the attribute fails.

That's a conceptual problem and needs a spec resolution.

One possible approach would be to only install methods not yet present
in $?CLASS or its superclassess any better ideas?


[perl #72972] [BUG] False ~~ True in Rakudo

2010-02-22 Thread Moritz Lenz via RT
On Sat Feb 20 13:31:33 2010, masak wrote:
>  rakudo: say False ~~ True
>  rakudo ec47f3: OUTPUT«1␤»
>  o.O
>  (which is Worng)
>  alpha: say False ~~ True
>  alpha 30e0ed: OUTPUT«1␤»
>  pugs: say False ~~ True
>  pugs: OUTPUT«␤»
> * masak submits rakudobug
>  can't believe no-one caught this before.

No one caught this so far, because it's according to the spec. Read
http://perlcabal.org/syn/S03.html#Smart_matching :-)

Afaict this was the case so that

given $thing {
   when True { # always matches }

But we might wish to change that, and use

  when *

As the always matching alternative.

At least I'd find it more intuitive if smart-matching against Bool would
coerce the the LHS to Bool and then do a comparison, much like
smart-matching against strings and numbers work.

The downside is that then

given $thing {
when some_function($_) { ... }

won't work as intuitively expected if $thing is false and some_function
returns True.

But IMHO this is not what smartmatching and given/when is meant for (at
least not primarily), so we could sacrifice this possible usage. But I
won't do so without permission from Larry.


[perl #64566] @a[1..*] adds trailing undef value

2009-08-19 Thread Moritz Lenz via RT
On Wed Apr 08 14:59:19 2009, moritz wrote:
> 23:55 <@moritz_> rakudo: my @a = 1..4; say @a[1..*].perl
> 23:56 < p6eval> rakudo 6b9755: OUTPUT«[2, 3, 4, undef]␤»
> It should just be [2, 3, 4].

Since the discussion came up on #perl6 if this is really the expected
behaviour, S09 says:

As the end-point of a range, a lone "whatever" means "to the maximum
specified index" (if fixed indices were defined):

say @calendar[5..*];  # Same as:  say @calendar[5..11]
say @calendar{Jun..*};# Same as:  say @calendar{Jun..Dec}

or "to the largest allocated index" (if there are no fixed indices):

say @data[1..*];  # Same as:  say @results[1..5]

It doesn't mention how the postcifcumfix:<[ ]> is supposed to introspect
those to find out if the WhateverCode object constructed by 1..* needs
to receive self.elems or self.elems-1 as an argument.

Which is why I CC: p6l to get some ideas or clarification, and if we
want to maintain this DWIMmy but not very consistent behaviour.


[perl #66824] "argument doesn't array" with one-item ranges

2009-06-21 Thread Moritz Lenz via RT
On Sun Jun 21 12:05:11 2009, moritz wrote:
> 21:03 <@moritz_> rakudo: my @a = 1, 2, 4; sub f($a) { say $a };
> f(|@a[*-1..*-1])
> 21:03 < p6eval> rakudo 1b06df: OUTPUT«argument doesn't array␤in sub f
> (/tmp/2x4tmnOO68:1)␤called from Main (/tmp/2x4tmnOO68:2)␤»

I investigated a bit more, and found that @a[*-1..*-1] just gives 4, and
f(|4) results in the same error message. So while the current behaviour
is not very dwimmy, it is at least somewhat understandable.

What's the opinion of the p6l people? Should |@a[1..1] work? even at the
cost of allowing |1 not to be an error?


[perl #61130] :nth() does not work with :x() or :g in .subst in Rakudo

2008-12-08 Thread Moritz Lenz via RT
On Sun Dec 07 07:24:07 2008, masak wrote:
> The .subst method in Rakudo r33599 can understand :x()...
> $ perl6 -e 'say "foo1foo2foo3foo4".subst("foo", "bar", :x(2))' # yes
> bar1bar2foo3foo4
> ...and :nth()...
> $ perl6 -e 'say "foo1foo2foo3foo4".subst("foo", "bar", :nth(2))' # yes
> foo1bar2foo3foo4
> ...and :g...
> $ perl6 -e 'say "foo1foo2foo3foo4".subst("foo", "bar", :g)' # yes
> bar1bar2bar3bar4
> ...but not :x() together with :nth()...
> $ perl6 -e 'say "foo1foo2foo3foo4".subst("foo", "bar", :x(2),
> :nth(2))' # expected foo1bar2foo3bar4
> foo1bar2foo3foo4
> ...and not :g together with :nth().
> $ perl6 -e 'say "foo1foo2foo3foo4".subst("foo", "bar", :g, :nth(2))' #
> expected foo1bar2foo3bar4
> foo1bar2foo3foo4
> The above are my personal expectations. The current version of S05 is
> silent on how :nth() interacts with :x() and :g. There are spectests
> for :g:nth but not (as far as I can see) for :x:nth.

Since your personal expectations are the same as mine, I took the liberty to
turn our expectations into spec tests, in
t/spec/S05-substitution/subst.t (pugs r24207).

The reasoning behind it is quite simple: I imagine :g to mean the same as
:x(*). Now a :x($x) and :nth($n) interact like this:

for 1 .. $x {
match here
if ($x-1) % $n == 0 {
do substitution

(CC'ing p6l, since it defines language semantics, albeit just a bit)

[perl #60674] sign($x) always returns 1 when $x ~~ Complex

2008-11-20 Thread Moritz Lenz via RT
On Wed Nov 19 07:35:48 2008, masak wrote:
>  what should the behaviour of sign($x) be when $x is complex?

I'd argue that it's a Failure.
If you care about complex numbers, you usually want an angle instead,
which you can get with Complex.polar. (And it's easier to give it a
another meaning later that way)

(If you wanted a complex number with magnitude one, then you should call
that method "phase" or so, but that would confuse most people when
talking about real numbers.)


>  rakudo: say sign($_) for 42, -42, 0+42i
>  rakudo 32877: OUTPUT[1␤-1␤1␤]
>  somehow, that last one doesn't feel right to me.
>  I vote for either an error or $x/abs($x)
>  why would it be an error?
>  because 'sign' could be argued to only be applicable to real
> numbers.
>  i.e. positive numbers, negative numbers, and zero.
>  but what is it specced to do?  :-)
>  ah.
>  it's supposed to return the 'sign' of a number.
>  i.e. +1, -1 or 0 for the above three groups.
>  in that way, it's a bit like <=>, except it always compares to
> 0
>  oh, it's wrong anyway I think.
>  rakudo: say sign(-5+3i);
>  rakudo 32877: OUTPUT[1␤]
>  that can't be right.
>  it always returns 1 on complex numbers.
> * masak reports a bug