2003-03-14 Thread Murat Ünalan

  PS: But before reinventing a wheel, i would like to suggest to
  adopt the .NET/Java object hierarchy.
 uhm. either I am completely wrong or you are totally out
 of track. I really don't understand what you're talking about :-)

Urgs. Hopefully i didn't trapped into a dunghill ? But let me dig deeper
into it. Here an example class Hashtable from .NET Framework Class

 System.Collections Namespace

Class Description 
 HashtableRepresents a collection of key-and-value pairs
that are organized based on the hash code of the key. 

 public class Hashtable : IDictionary, ICollection, IEnumerable,
ISerializable, IDeserializationCallback, ICloneable

 anyway, on you find now a 
 pretty GraphViz image accompanied by the XML data source (I'm 

Let me grab your suggestion for the example Hash:

 Hash isa Type
 Type isa Object

What i intended is to go and copy the .NET/Java
object/interface/inheritance hierarchy (s.a.). So

 Hash isa  IDictionary, ICollection, IEnumerable, ISerializable,
IDeserializationCallback, ICloneable

 digging up the references right now) and the script I used to 
 produce the diagram.
 any (possibly meaningful) feedback will be very appreciated.



2003-03-13 Thread Murat Ünalan

 effort on properties), so I started to put down a tentative 
 class hierarchy of the Perl6 language (I call it P6FC for 
 Perl6 Foundation Classes, but the name may (should? :-) very 
 well change).

A very good idea, but i am afraid that this ML isnt the right

PS: But before reinventing a wheel, i would like to suggest to 
adopt the .NET/Java object hierarchy.


AW: Language Discussion Summaries

2003-02-04 Thread Murat Ünalan
 to provide a feeling for the weight of opinion, e.g., most 
 people felt this way, some people felt differently, etc. 

One should trace back who was of what opinion. So my suggestion would be

 Discussion: Foo feature
  Want it:Person A, Person B, Person C, Person D
  Reject it:   Person E, Person F, Person G, Person H
  Neutral:Person I

So posters should also may try to give a clean statement on there
final posts
how they feal about the feature.


 I think that, but this is
 Vote: reject this feature.


AW: Language Discussion Summaries

2003-02-03 Thread Murat Ünalan
Thats a great idea.


AW: Sabbatical from the list

2003-02-01 Thread Murat Ünalan
 It is likely that I will start reading again after A6 and E6 

Sorry for uninformedness, but what is A6 and E6 ? Any versioning of
p6 dev releases ?


AW: AW: Sabbatical from the list

2003-02-01 Thread Murat Ünalan
  Apocalypse 6 and Exgenesis 6.  Please do a search on for 1-5.
 Exegesis \Ex`e*gesis\, n.; pl. Exegeses. [NL., fr.Gr. ?,fr. ?
to explain, interpret; ? out + ? to guide, lead, akin, to ?
to lead. See Agent.]
1. Exposition; explanation; especially, a critical
   explanation of a text or portion of Scripture.

Ahhh.. .then it is good news that damian is off for some time to work on
A6 to E6. Silly me, thought it would be another language which he is now
working on ;) like P6, but A6 and E6 !

Thx thx,

AW: Multimethod/multisub thought...

2003-01-24 Thread Murat Ünalan

 Strange.  I think parameters to subroutines are in list 
 context unless stated otherwise.

I agree. Do we miss something ? 


AW: my int( 1..31 ) $var ?

2003-01-04 Thread Murat Ünalan
  It's also far slower. Constructing a 31-element list, junctionizing 
 This might well be done at compile-time. And/or, lazily. So 
 the cost of these two steps is likely to be negligible.
  then testing against each element vs. 2 numeric comparisons.
 Yes. That's a significant cost in this case.

My example was bad. I intended something with more behind it.

 print creditcard if $var == CreditCard( 'VISA' );

wich should do a mod10 on $var and then match a regex or something.

I think one could say CreditCard( 'VISA' ) is then the property. And
reading further seeing it could be smart matched like:

 print creditcard if $var ~~ CreditCard( 'VISA' );

Brought to a point: Properties could be also smart matched.


AW: my int( 1..31 ) $var ?

2003-01-04 Thread Murat Ünalan
 my $var = 0;
 # or my $var = 0;
 # or my int $var = 0;
 # or my num $var = 0;
 # all 4 cases should print is integer
 print is integer if int $var == $var;
 This should work as a more generic method to test Integer 
 *value*, rather than type, which IMHO is more useful (and 
 more commonly wanted).

I agree. And i found an interesting thread about that in comp.object


AW: AW: nag Exegesis 2

2003-01-04 Thread Murat Ünalan
  where the distance grows with property-syntax-complexity.
 Oh, *that's* what you're concerned about?
 Then you're just not thinking in enough simultaneous dimensions:
   my int ($pre, $in, $post) is constant
   = (0,1,   2);

This could been written faster in a single line, without decorating with
extra newline+tab+tab+tab+tab:

 my constant int ($pre, $in, $post) = ( 0, 1, 2 );

 or even:
   my int ($one,$two,   $three,  $four,  $five,  $six, 
  $seven )
  is Prop('camel', 'perl', 'camel', 'perl' 
   = (0,   1,  2,   3,  4,  5, 
 6  );


 However, I have to say that I consider it a questionable 
 practice to declare multiple constants in a single statement. 
 Which makes much of this discussion moot from my point of view.

I intended to address property syntax in general (where constant is just
an example). So please don't proof me wrong with just taking a very
primitive example. My believe is to clear something fogged by syntax.
Back to natural reading:

 my wise uncles ( john, james, jim and tony ) are ( 42, 77, 32, 34

is a template for 

 my property type ($john, $james, $jim, $tony ) = ( 42, 77, 32, 34

could be in real world application for making statistics about average
age of webshop users:

 my Customer('WebShop') AGE ( $john, $james, $jim, $tony ) = ( 42, 77,
32, 34 );


AW: AW: nag Exegesis 2

2003-01-04 Thread Murat Ünalan
 Yes, but
   my int $foo is constant;
 Is self-explanatory for many language-speakers.  If I recall, 
 the set of cross-language-programmers is a proper subset of 
 the set of language-speakers.  It is clear which is clearer :).

You do proof by best case scenario. In my previous posting i showed
how this can become complicated to read when the list grows.

To language-speakers: Why isn't my example language-speaker conform:

 my wise uncles ( john, james, jim and tony ) are ( 42, 77, 32, 34

is a template for 

 my property type ($john, $james, $jim, $tony ) = ( 42, 77, 32, 34

could be in real world:

 my Application('Bricolage') USER ( $john, $james, $jim, $tony ) = (
'john camel', 'james content', 'jim parrot', 'tony perl' ;

Excerpt: why don't catch two mosquitos with one snatch... easy c++/java
and language-speaker migration.


AW: my int( 1..31 ) $var ?

2003-01-04 Thread Murat Ünalan
 Why should you care? Perl 6 isn't going to be that strictly 
 typed, is it?

Not even optional ?


AW: AW: AW: nag Exegesis 2

2003-01-04 Thread Murat Ünalan
 And that shows precisely why Perl 6 does it the other way. 
 Prepending extended properties like that makes the 
 declaration almost unreadable. Because it separates the 

I shoot in my own foot. My example was extremly bad. Give me a better


 my size(4), human DNA ($alpha, $beta, $gamma, $delta ) = ( 'atgc',
'ctga', 'aatt', 'ccaa' );

is so perfect, vs


 my DNA ($alpha, $beta, $gamma, $delta) is human, size(4) = ( 'atgc',
'ctga', 'aatt', 'ccaa' );

which is so prone to overlook the eucaryotic property during i.e.
debugging hassle. Why do code beautify (2) when (1) so crystal clear
without it. And (1) is so close to natural language. BTW: are multiple
properties separated with ',' ?

This was my last try, promise!


nag Exegesis 2

2003-01-03 Thread Murat Ünalan
In the name of the bum (and c++-used eyes), i have some small criticism
about the type and property syntax. Exegesis 2 - Any variables to
declare? suggests:

 my int ($pre, $in, $post) is constant = (0..2);

Two things type and property that belong so together are visually so
disrupted, which hurts. Additionally it is so confusing for a mainly
c++/java/c# that he would mixup perl property with his c++ object
declaration (resulting in a hard learning curve during p6 basics).
While the type int is more the object he would have expected. My
suggestion for alternativ syntax:

 my constant int ($pre, $in, $post) = (0..2);

 my int is constant ($pre, $in, $post) = (0..2);

This also protects from overlooking somewhere trailing properties in
growing variable lists, like in:

 my int ($one, $two, $three, $four, $five, $six, $seven, $eight, $nine,
$ten) is constant = (0..9);

or complex property collections

 my int ($one, $two, $three, $four, $five, $six, $seven ) is Prop(
'camel', 'perl', 'camel', 'perl' ) = (0..X);

In alternativ syntax:

 my constant int ($one, $two, $three, $four, $five, $six, $seven,
$eight, $nine, $ten) = (0..X);

here i had just looked in the head and see whats it.

 my int Prop( 'camel', 'perl', 'camel', 'perl' ) ($one, $two, $three,
$four, $five, $six, $seven ) = (0..6);

here i had just looked at the tail and can count how many vars to
initialize (more like perl5, nothing disturbing inbetween).

Addition: I have an idea ;) Also i think one could recycle decleration
is for testing values in non-declerational-context. What if i have a
propertyless variable and want to test whether its would suffice a
property's spirit. When is would result in a boolean value i could
write my unloading perl6 like:

 my ($var, $a);

 print this is a month day if $var is Any(1..31);
 print this is a valid email   if $var is Email( 'mxcheck' );
 print debug: var was constant if $var is constant;

 print 'MasterCard'  if $a is CreditCard( 'MASTER' );
 print 'VISA'if $a is CreditCard( 'VISA' );
 print 'i am confused'   if $a is SocialNumber( 'US' );
   boolean expr


PS: Sorry for opening a new thread, but after rereading my last stupid
question i realized that i wasn't using perl6-talk. So i reread apo/exe
and reconfigured my whole intention ;)