Re: RFC 54 (v1) Operators: Polymorphic comparisons

2000-08-13 Thread Ken Fox

Bart Lateur wrote:
 On Tue, 08 Aug 2000 23:43:26 -0400, Ken Fox wrote:
 (assuming min() is polymorphic):
   min($a, $b) eq $a
 Ugly, but minimal changes to the language.
 We could adopt a syntax similar to sort():
 $lowest  = min($x, $y, $z); # default: numerical (?)
 $first = min { $a cmp $b } ($x, $y, $z);  # alphabetical

That's missing the point that min() should be polymorphic and
information preserving though. I think min() should attempt to
downcast it's arguments until they are either the same type or
information would be lost. If information would be lost, then
upcast the simpler one to the other.

The definition of "information loss" is slippery though. The
string "10.0" has more information than 10 or even 10.0 (stored
as a fixed precision float). IMHO we could come up with a practical
definition that made generic algorithms possible.

- Ken

Re: RFC 54 (v1) Operators: Polymorphic comparisons

2000-08-09 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 05:12 PM 8/7/00 -0400, Chaim Frenkel wrote:
  "DC" == Damian Conway [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  I currently fail to switch to 'eq' many times when I should, but the
  failure mode is obvious. Her the failure mode will be really strange.

DC I would claim that the failure mode is not obvious: "dog"=="cat" is 

Sure it is. I pass a large amount of data and _everything_ matches! Voila,
I messed up the test. Test looks okay. (If I was a newbie, '==' is broken.
Given my experience, I used the wrong test.)

Both ways have issues. "dog"=="cat", but "10.0"ne"10". Both are arguably 
wrong--dogs aren't cats, but 10.0 really is 10...


--"it's like this"---
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk

Re: RFC 54 (v1) Operators: Polymorphic comparisons

2000-08-09 Thread Clayton Scott

Dan Sugalski wrote:
 At 05:12 PM 8/7/00 -0400, Chaim Frenkel wrote:
   "DC" == Damian Conway [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   I currently fail to switch to 'eq' many times when I should, but the
   failure mode is obvious. Her the failure mode will be really strange.
 DC I would claim that the failure mode is not obvious: "dog"=="cat" is
 Sure it is. I pass a large amount of data and _everything_ matches! Voila,
 I messed up the test. Test looks okay. (If I was a newbie, '==' is broken.
 Given my experience, I used the wrong test.)
 Both ways have issues. "dog"=="cat", but "10.0"ne"10". Both are arguably
 wrong--dogs aren't cats, but 10.0 really is 10...

I first thought that "==" and "eq" were cut from the same cloth as
 "||" and "or" that is the difference was precedence. But I guess I

Or did I?

Clayton Scott

Re: RFC 54 (v1) Operators: Polymorphic comparisons

2000-08-09 Thread David L. Nicol

Clayton Scott wrote:

 I first thought that "==" and "eq" were cut from the same cloth as
  "||" and "or" that is the difference was precedence. Then I learned.

Mr. Scott's experience is evidence for a strong argument AGAINST operator
overloading.  If we allow object types, and allow object types to
overload, we lose the clarity we have in a language that doesn't have
these things.

Maintaining code with perl5 package-modules is difficult enough, but
at least all the object method calls are explicitly object method
calls and there aren't any object method calls masquerading as
well-understood builtins!

  David Nicol 816.235.1187 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   On hold for tech support since 1995

Re: RFC 54 (v1) Operators: Polymorphic comparisons

2000-08-09 Thread Damian Conway

  I first thought that "==" and "eq" were cut from the same cloth as
  "||" and "or" that is the difference was precedence. Then I learned.

Mr. Scott's experience is evidence for a strong argument AGAINST operator


I draw exactly the opposite conclusion: If "==" were overloaded to
automatically Do The Right Thing for numbers vs strings as operands,
there would have been no confusion in the first place!

If we allow object types, and allow object types to overload,
we lose the clarity we have in a language that doesn't have
these things.

Maintaining code with perl5 package-modules is difficult enough, but
at least all the object method calls are explicitly object method
calls and there aren't any object method calls masquerading as
well-understood builtins!

So these:

$vec4 = $vec1-add($vec2-unit-cross_product(

$diff = Math::BigFloat-new((Math::BigFloat-new((

are better than these:

$vec4 = $vec1 + ~$vec2 x ~$vec3 . ~$vec1;

$diff = abs(
  - ($USA{gdp}*$USA{gdp_incr})/($USA{pop}*$USA{pop_incr})

Surely not?

Operator overloading can certainly be abused (hey, I'm building a career
on that! ;-), but it can also significantly *improve* the maintainability
of code, when used correctly.

In other words: it's just like *every* other feature of Perl.


Re: RFC 54 (v1) Operators: Polymorphic comparisons

2000-08-08 Thread Ken Fox

Michael Fowler wrote:
 I would argue that you should be manipulating your data, or checking values,
 so that numbers and strings are sorted how you wish.  The proposed isnum(),
 or way-to-determine-if-a-scalar-is-a-number would help.  This should be an
 explicit check, though, because you have a very definite idea about how you
 want things sorted.

That's not very generic programming is it? People should be able to write
code and only say "this must be ordered", and let Perl figure out what ordered
means. In C++ you have to write an overloaded comparison operator and then
use a template function. Damian is saying Perl should make this hard
thing easier.

I think Glenn Linderman implied that the string comparison is Perl's generic
ordering function. It isn't. Equality is perfect, but ordering isn't. If they
were, the results of lt would be the same as  for all numbers.

  "20" lt "3"  # true
  20 lt 3  # true -- should be false

I don't think it's possible to retrofit different behavior into Perl though,
mostly because it's weakly typed between strings and numbers.

Perhaps the new min() and max() operators should have polymorphic behavior
with the type chosen as the simplest type representation that does not lose
information? eq is already generic like Glenn said.

Here's a proper polymorphic = (assuming min() is polymorphic):

  min($a, $b) eq $a

Ugly, but minimal changes to the language. What might be nicer is to complement
min() and max() with ordered(). ordered() will just return true if all it's
arguments are "well ordered". The same information preserving downcasting
should be used in selecting an ordering function.

- Ken

Re: RFC 54 (v1) Operators: Polymorphic comparisons

2000-08-07 Thread Chaim Frenkel

This seems to be adding a special case. (I.e. only if _both_ are
non-numeric will it switch to a cmp operation.)

I currently fail to switch to 'eq' many times when I should, but the
failure mode is obvious. Her the failure mode will be really strange.

(And how does one tell if the string is numeric or not?

eg. "35abc" == "n37c"


Would modifying the waya number is converted to string be more
satisfactory? I generally look at the 'cmp' amily as doing a lexical
ordering. While the '=' as doing a numerical ordering. 

So I'm not sure that your generic insertion is generic enough. One still
has to decide on the ordering.

Enlighten me O' prolific one.


 "PRL" == Perl6 RFC Librarian [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


PRL This RFC proposes that numeric comparison operators default to stringwise
PRL comparison when both arguments are non-numeric strings.


PRL Currently the expression:

PRL"cat" == "dog"

PRL returns true. 

PRL It is proposed that if Ineither argument of a numeric comparison
PRL operator can be converted to a number, rather than both being converted
PRL to zero, the two operands should be compared using the equivalent
PRL stringwise comparison operator.

Chaim FrenkelNonlinear Knowledge, Inc.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   +1-718-236-0183

Re: RFC 54 (v1) Operators: Polymorphic comparisons

2000-08-07 Thread Damian Conway

 This RFC proposes that numeric comparison operators default to stringwise
 comparison when both arguments are non-numeric strings.
The problem with this, is that we're removing orthogonality from the


Do we want to say:
  $num1 == $num2 works
  $string1 == $string2 works
  $string1 eq $string2 works
  $num1 == non-decimal numeric literal works
  $num1 eq non-decimal numeric literal breaks?

No, this last one still works.


Re: RFC 54 (v1) Operators: Polymorphic comparisons

2000-08-07 Thread John Porter

Damian Conway wrote:
  This RFC proposes that numeric comparison operators default to stringwise
  comparison when both arguments are non-numeric strings.
 The problem with this, is that we're removing orthogonality from the

But it's true. 
The semantics of == vs eq is currently very well defined and distinct. 
The proposal muddies the distinctions. 

The thing that allows you to LOL is precisely the thing which should
motivate us to not reduce Perl's already low orthogonality quotient
without very compelling reasons.

John Porter

Re: RFC 54 (v1) Operators: Polymorphic comparisons

2000-08-07 Thread Chaim Frenkel

 "DC" == Damian Conway [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I currently fail to switch to 'eq' many times when I should, but the
 failure mode is obvious. Her the failure mode will be really strange.

DC I would claim that the failure mode is not obvious: "dog"=="cat" is true

Sure it is. I pass a large amount of data and _everything_ matches! Voila,
I messed up the test. Test looks okay. (If I was a newbie, '==' is broken.
Given my experience, I used the wrong test.)

DC I often need a generic comparison test (typically for equality of less-than),
DC and to get it one has to jump through hoops:

DC sub generic_eq {
DC my $failed;
DC local SIG{__WARN__} = { $failed = 1 };
DC return $_[0] eq $_[1] || $_[0]==$_[1]  !$failed;
DC }

DC I want generic equality to DWIM. I.e. are these the same (for some
DC reasonable value of "same").

DC And "dog"=="cat" is not a reasonable value of "same".

Agreed. But ... one of the side effects of the '==' comparison is that
it coerces the two sides into being numbers. This has effects (not nice
ones) on future usages of the value. (Think '' and '|'.)

Are you proposing that usage of numeric comparisons _will not_ change
the 'type' of the arguments?

(This should be an internals issue, but in perl5 it is a user visible
effect. RFC anyone?)

Chaim FrenkelNonlinear Knowledge, Inc.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   +1-718-236-0183

RFC 54 (v1) Operators: Polymorphic comparisons

2000-08-07 Thread Perl6 RFC Librarian

This and other RFCs are available on the web at

=head1 TITLE

Operators: Polymorphic comparisons

=head1 VERSION

  Maintainer: Damian Conway [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: 7 August 2000
  Version: 1
  Mailing List: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Number: 54


This RFC proposes that numeric comparison operators default to stringwise
comparison when both arguments are non-numeric strings.


Currently the expression:

"cat" == "dog"

returns true. 

It is proposed that if Ineither argument of a numeric comparison
operator can be converted to a number, rather than both being converted
to zero, the two operands should be compared using the equivalent
stringwise comparison operator.

It is further proposed that the current warning:

Argument "%s" isn't numeric

be changed to:

Arguments of "%s" aren't numeric - using string comparison instead


Perl has excellent support for generic programming, because of its dynamic
typing, generic data types, and interface polymorphism. Just about the only
place where that DWIM genericity breaks down is in comparisons.

It is difficult to construct many generic algorithms and data structures
in Perl, because there is no generic way to specify an ordering on
dynamically typed data. For example, one cannot simply code a
generic BST insertion method:

sub insert
my ($self, $key, $value) = @_;
if (!defined($self-{key}))
$self-{key} = $key;
return $self-{value} = $value;
my $compare = $key = $self-{key};
return $self-{value} = $value unless $compare;

$self-{$compare} = $self-new() unless $self-{$compare};
return $self-{$compare}-insert($key,$value);

This will work well for numeric keys, but fail miserably on most
string-based keys, because = will generally return 0 for most pairs of

The above code would work correctly however if = detected the string/string
comparison and automagically used cmp instead.


Dammit, Jim, I'm a doctor, not an engineer!


Chapter 12 of "Object Oriented Perl"