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=head1 TITLE

Allow exception-based error-reporting.

=head1 VERSION

  Maintainer: Bennett Todd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Date: 8 Aug 2000
  Last Modified: 18 Sep 2000
  Mailing List: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Number: 70
  Version: 4
  Status: Frozen

=head1 CHANGES

   1. Status frozen.

   2. Added NOTES ON FREEZE section.

   3. Dropped glob from the list of non-wrappable builtins.


Allow full implementation of, for programmers who prefer
exceptions for error reporting. To enable this, ensure that all
builtins (like e.g. print()) that return errors can be wrapped. In
addition, ensure that builtins like e.g. integer division, which
currently throw exceptions on errors, can have that behavior
switched off. At least print, and printf should be wrappable.


Perl has traditionally reflected the Unix syscall and library
tradition for error reporting: errors are indicated by
otherwise-impossible return values, which must be checked for
explicitly, lest system error events be ignored. Some programmers
prefer to have errors print a message and exit with non-zero status,
by default, rather than having to always code " || die ...". In
perl5 this has proven elusive of implementation. has been the attempt made to date, and it suffers from two
problems. One can be fixed with further development: it should have
various lists of builtins available, e.g. :io, :system, :all for
including all calls affecting I/O, all system calls of any sort, and
all calls that can have error returns. If these were a success, then
the requested category could also be posted into a testable
variable, allowing module authors who wished to to automatically
support this functionality as well.

In addition, for classes of errors that currently throw exceptions,
Fatal could be taught to disable them, allowing e.g.

        no Fatal qw(:arithmetic);
        my $result = 1 / 0; # $result now contains undef, w/
                            # error posted in $! or maybe $@

But development stalls out early, because some builtins,
which report testable error conditions, cannot be wrapped. A
conspicuous example is print().


Ensure that every perl builtin that can return an error, can be
wrapped. Perhaps in addition ensure that routines that currently die
on error, can have their behavior changed as well.

For the first part, tchrist posted a nice list of non-overridable
builtins; running my eye down it, it looks like the gross offenders
here are:

        print, printf

I don't know whether this is purely an implementation issue (and so
lies solely in the domain of perl6-internals) or whether any
programmer-visible changes may be necessary to allow this
(justifying posting to perl6-language).


This RFC drew very little discussion. It simply proposes a fix to
the core, allowing a couple of existing routines to be wrapped,
which would allow the completion of an already-existing external
module to allow exception-style error handling. Other RFCs have gone
far further in requesting that exceptions and/or objects
representing them be welded into the core. The changes during its
life were additions of references, just below, and specifics about
the currently-unwrappable core routines that can return errors,
deduced from a list posted by tchrist.

=head1 REFERENCES, as included with recent perls., available from CPAN, and cited by RFC 63: if this
        proposal should carry, then will see some very
        active development, and if RFC 63 should also prevail, then
        Fatal's development should be guided by RFC 63/

RFC 80 Proposes a taxonomy for exception objects; should it
        prevail, it should guide the structure of exceptions thrown
        when gets worked on.

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