Re: Classes with several, mostly unused, attributes

2004-12-16 Thread Abhijit Mahabal
Larry Wall wrote:
On Fri, Dec 10, 2004 at 11:05:32AM -0500, Abhijit Mahabal wrote:
: Consider a class (e.g., the hypothetical Geometry::Triangle) that can 
: have several attributes (side1, side2, side3, angle1, ang_bisector1, 
: side_bisector,  altitude1 and so forth), most of which will not be 
: needed for most instances of Geometry::Triangle.

This sounds to me more like a situation where you want to use mixins,
if you're thinking of it as different kinds of triangles.
But more likely, you just want a single private hash attribute that is
manipulated by as many publicly facing methods as you like.  Method
declarations don't cost you anything on a per-object basis unless they're
autogenerated from an attribute.  But a hash attribute autovivifies
just like any ordinary hash variable, and is probably clearer as well
to whoever has to read your code.
So, apart from declaring the methods, I just need to write
.bisector1 = ...;
instead of
$.bisector1 = ...;
Yes, that looks almost as nice as with the $, though perhaps a tad less. 
That leaves the issue of writing several methods that look like:

method bisector1() is rw { return %:att };
Here is an attempt to do this using traits:
role hash_attributes {
  has %:att;
  multi sub trait_auxillary:(hash_attributes $trait,
 Class $container :
$container does hash_attributes;
for @atts -> $att {
&($container)::($att) := method () is rw { return %:att{$att} };
class Geometry::Triangle
  has hash_attributes <== 
  method calculate_sides(){
.side1 = ...;
Does that look about right?
I'd just use a hash attribute.  All other things being equal, go for
simple and standard.
Does it look about standard? (especially the bit using the pipe operator)...

Re: Classes with several, mostly unused, attributes

2004-12-16 Thread Larry Wall
On Fri, Dec 10, 2004 at 11:05:32AM -0500, Abhijit Mahabal wrote:
: Consider a class (e.g., the hypothetical Geometry::Triangle) that can 
: have several attributes (side1, side2, side3, angle1, ang_bisector1, 
: side_bisector,  altitude1 and so forth), most of which will not be 
: needed for most instances of Geometry::Triangle.

This sounds to me more like a situation where you want to use mixins,
if you're thinking of it as different kinds of triangles.

But more likely, you just want a single private hash attribute that is
manipulated by as many publicly facing methods as you like.  Method
declarations don't cost you anything on a per-object basis unless they're
autogenerated from an attribute.  But a hash attribute autovivifies
just like any ordinary hash variable, and is probably clearer as well
to whoever has to read your code.

Alternately, you can still bless a hash as you typically do in Perl 5,
but then you get most of the problems of Perl 5 if you want to derive
from your class.

: I know how this can be done in P5. Using the layout "Hash" things are 
: easy. How can P6 deal with this, without allocating too much memory to 
: things that'd never get used? The layout "P6Hash" could come to the 
: rescue, but there is still the issue of syntax:
: what exactly does C do?

It does whatever the metaclass says "has" should do.  But you really want
to have a good reason for switching metaclass behavior from the default.

: IIRC, in the P6Opaque layout, 
: every instance of the class would have space the size of a PMC allocated 
: for it. This behavior is not needed for P6Hash, and it should just leave 
: attributes alone until they are assigned to (where defaults are also 
: "assigns").

I think the overhead might just be a pointer to a PMC, but I'm not
an expert on Parrot OO internals.

: In which case, maybe for that layout we can get away without declaring 
: all attributes, perhaps? (Since the declaration does nothing except help 
: the parser).

The layouts are mostly intended to help in detecting impedance mismatches
between different languages' objects.  Doubtless you can play games with
different layouts within Perl 6, but you should recognize that you'll run
into the same issues as you get with cross-language inheritance: you'll
probably end up with inheritance being emulated by delegation, which
is likely to induce various sorts of fragilities and inefficiencies.

: I was thinking whether we could do something like this:
: class Triangle is layout does autovivify{
:   method calculate_bisectors { $.bisector1 = ...;
:# $.bisector1 autovivifies
:  }
: }
: where it is an error without the autovivify, and only P6Hash supports 
: autovivification.

I'd just use a hash attribute.  All other things being equal, go for
simple and standard.


Re: Classes with several, mostly unused, attributes

2004-12-16 Thread Larry Wall
On Thu, Dec 16, 2004 at 10:42:35AM +0100, Michele Dondi wrote:
: On Wed, 15 Dec 2004, Abhijit Mahabal wrote:
: >#!/usr/bin/perl -e
: >$x = 1;
: Is this supposed to work? I would tend to consider it counter intuitive...

It occurred to me as I was dropping off to sleep last night that it
can't work on any OS that processes #! for you, since there's no way
to pass an argument to the script that wouldn't be misinterpreted as
the argument to -e.  So forget that subidea.  -e still sets "lax" mode,
of course.

: >#!/usr/bin/perl
: >v6; $x = 1;
: Incidentally, and on a totally OT basis, I've noticed that Perl6 is 
: supposed to have v-strings. But (current) 'perldoc perldata' warns that 
: they won't be there after 5.8: taking all this into account I wonder 
: wether this would be a wyse choice. I mean: maybe it hasn't been such a 
: good thing to introduce them in the first place, but now that they're 
: there, it may be even worse to remove them...

The problem wasn't the syntax so much as the semantics.  In Perl 6,
C creates a string, not an object, so there's no way to overload
its operators to avoid conflicts with other kinds of strings.
In Perl 6 C makes a version object, not a utf-8 string, and
they compare using numeric operators instead of string operators.
(Perl 5's v-strings had a numeric component that was an old-style
floating point number version (5.00401, for instance), and you could
compare those numerically.  Perl 6 will be able to handle those via
MMD without compromising the normal comparison semantics when you
compare two version objects with numeric comparisions.)

The other places v-strings cause ambiguity problems in Perl 5 have
also been addressed, at least insofar as

v6 => "mumble"

always autoquotes its left side even if it's a keyword, and


never autoquotes anymore, so there's never any keyword ambiguity in either
of those places.


Re: Classes with several, mostly unused, attributes

2004-12-16 Thread Michele Dondi
On Wed, 15 Dec 2004, Abhijit Mahabal wrote:
#!/usr/bin/perl -e
$x = 1;
Is this supposed to work? I would tend to consider it counter intuitive...
v6; $x = 1;
Incidentally, and on a totally OT basis, I've noticed that Perl6 is 
supposed to have v-strings. But (current) 'perldoc perldata' warns that 
they won't be there after 5.8: taking all this into account I wonder 
wether this would be a wyse choice. I mean: maybe it hasn't been such a 
good thing to introduce them in the first place, but now that they're 
there, it may be even worse to remove them...

The amount of repetition repetition isn't that great. 
- Ignacy Sawicki in comp.text.tex
  thread "Bug in FeynMF's Queues?"

Re: Classes with several, mostly unused, attributes

2004-12-16 Thread Smylers
David Storrs writes:

> On Dec 15, 2004, at 6:11 PM, Abhijit Mahabal wrote:
> > S01 says:
> >
> > # Perl 5 code is not strict by default, while Perl 6 code is. But it 
> > should be easy to relax with -e or maybe even a bare version number:
> this would suck.  Badly.
> We should not be optimizing for the compiler's convenience, but for the 
> programmer's.

I find strictness _is_ for the programmer's benefit!  I've had to work
on some scripts which were originally written by people new to Perl who
didn't know about strict (or warnings); I found I was making various
sorts of errors (some embarrassingly simple) that I don't normally make,
because I'm used to them being caught for me automatically.

The compiler doesn't care whether you use strict or not -- it'll happily
compile what you've written, even if there are logical errors in there!

> Although I can't prove it, I strongly suspect that the majority of 
> times that someone sits down to do something with Perl, it's a quick 
> one-liner or short script.

Who knows?  Perl is used in so many different ways there probably isn't
a 'typical' user.  And note that C<-e> is one of the things that
disables strictness, so your concern about one-liners has been

> Strictness just gets in the way for those.

A short script tends not to use many variables, so having to type C
a few times isn't much of a burden; nor will it be much effort to
disable strictness.

I think Larry's got this one right: somebody writing a short script
who's getting strictness errors can get irritated by this, and therefore
looking up how to disable it; whereas the current way round, a new Perl
programmer writing a large script can mistype many variable names
without it ever occurring to him that something like C exists
and the situation could be avoided.


Re: Classes with several, mostly unused, attributes

2004-12-15 Thread Luke Palmer
Paul Hodges writes:
> That said, it's the strange and usually VERY old script that doesn't
> start with
>   use strict;
>   use warnings;

Moreover, it should be a clue to us that there's a shirt stating:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

Hinting that this is the way you start a perl program.  While I don't
like strict all that much for my small programs, apparently a bunch of
people do.  

But it's mainly a toss-up whether it's on or off by default.  It's
definitely off by default for -e scripts.  It's definitely on by default
for modules.  But the main program could go either way.  I'd actually
like to see it on by default for the consistency (noticing that there
are a few different ways of being consistent) that everything in a file
has strict on. 

Larry has proposed a three-character "no strict".  I'm not sure there's
really much to complain about.  He's thinking in the right direction
(how could we assume otherwise :-).

And this particular issue has nothing to do with making things easy for
the compiler.  There are some things that are, like classes being closed
at runtime unless asked otherwise.  But note that you can still keep
them open, so we're not taking away any rope, we're just making you ask
for it.  I doubt terseness is an issue when you're modifying classes at


Re: Classes with several, mostly unused, attributes

2004-12-15 Thread Paul Hodges

--- David Storrs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> . . . .
> Obviously, however @Larry decide it should be, is the way it'll be
> and nothing I can say will change that.

Au contraire -- that's what this list is for.
State your opinion, man! :)

> That said:  this would suck.  Badly.
> We should not be optimizing for the compiler's convenience, but for
> the programmer's.

I'm pretty sure that's the case so far. The @Larry are trying to do as
much of the for as possible while minimally reducing the latter,
though, and that's also good.

> Although I can't prove it, I strongly suspect that the majority of 
> times that someone sits down to do something with Perl, it's a quick 
> one-liner or short script.  Strictness just gets in the way for
> those.  
> (And, for the record; I make my living writing Perl, mostly large 
> programs, and I always use strict in those programs.  I want strict. 
> I like strict.  Strict is good.  I just don't want strict by

For the record likewise, I also make my living writing perl scripts,
and the huge preponderance of them fall into one of two major
1) tools which use one or more of our in-house libraries such as
modules to parse a particular file layout, or
2) little 5 or 10 line utility scripts that handle a frequently needed
niche. (Or maybe that correct wierd behavior by reimplementing our
strange version of head)

That said, it's the strange and usually VERY old script that doesn't
start with

  use strict;
  use warnings;

In fact, one of those little utility scripts is explicitly for that: it
opens a file and puts things like those pragma and a stamp for who
started it when and when at the top. (Mostly it just edits itself into
a new file. :)

I for one (minority or not) would like strictures unless otherwise
requested, though I think the last I heard was the right approach --
strict by default in modules and classes, but not in simple scripts.

Doesn't that handle it?


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Re: Classes with several, mostly unused, attributes

2004-12-15 Thread David Storrs
On Dec 15, 2004, at 6:11 PM, Abhijit Mahabal wrote:
David Storrs wrote:
On Dec 15, 2004, at 5:36 PM, Abhijit Mahabal wrote:
I think that "slackness-on-demand" is a better policy than 
"strictness-on-demand", but that, again, is just my opinion

Until now, the policy in Perl has always been that it is as slack and 
forgiving as possible, and you have to ask if you want it to be 
strict with you.  I hope that doesn't change.
There should be little reason to complain so long as it is drop-dead 
easy to turn on slackness. S01 says:

# Perl 5 code is not strict by default, while Perl 6 code is. But it 
should be easy to relax with -e or maybe even a bare version number:

perl -e '$x = 1'
#!/usr/bin/perl -e
$x = 1;
v6; $x = 1;
Of course, you can counter that with "there should be little reason to 
complain so long as it is drop-dead easy to turn *strictness* on". But 
in either case, people are going to trip over this, expecting 
one(strictness/slacknesss) but getting the other. In one case 
(expecting slackness, but getting strictness from the compiler) it 
would be easier for the compiler to know that they have in fact 

Obviously, however @Larry decide it should be, is the way it'll be and 
nothing I can say will change that.

That said:  this would suck.  Badly.
We should not be optimizing for the compiler's convenience, but for the 

Although I can't prove it, I strongly suspect that the majority of 
times that someone sits down to do something with Perl, it's a quick 
one-liner or short script.  Strictness just gets in the way for those.  
(And, for the record; I make my living writing Perl, mostly large 
programs, and I always use strict in those programs.  I want strict.  I 
like strict.  Strict is good.  I just don't want strict by default.)

Re: Classes with several, mostly unused, attributes

2004-12-15 Thread Abhijit Mahabal
David Storrs wrote:
On Dec 15, 2004, at 5:36 PM, Abhijit Mahabal wrote:
I think that "slackness-on-demand" is a better policy than 
"strictness-on-demand", but that, again, is just my opinion

Until now, the policy in Perl has always been that it is as slack and 
forgiving as possible, and you have to ask if you want it to be strict 
with you.  I hope that doesn't change.

There should be little reason to complain so long as it is drop-dead 
easy to turn on slackness. S01 says:

# Perl 5 code is not strict by default, while Perl 6 code is. But it 
should be easy to relax with -e or maybe even a bare version number:

perl -e '$x = 1'
#!/usr/bin/perl -e
$x = 1;
v6; $x = 1;
Of course, you can counter that with "there should be little reason to 
complain so long as it is drop-dead easy to turn *strictness* on". But 
in either case, people are going to trip over this, expecting 
one(strictness/slacknesss) but getting the other. In one case (expecting 
slackness, but getting strictness from the compiler) it would be easier 
for the compiler to know that they have in fact tripped.


Re: Classes with several, mostly unused, attributes

2004-12-15 Thread David Storrs
On Dec 15, 2004, at 5:36 PM, Abhijit Mahabal wrote:
I think that "slackness-on-demand" is a better policy than 
"strictness-on-demand", but that, again, is just my opinion

Until now, the policy in Perl has always been that it is as slack and 
forgiving as possible, and you have to ask if you want it to be strict 
with you.  I hope that doesn't change.


Re: Classes with several, mostly unused, attributes

2004-12-15 Thread Abhijit Mahabal
David Storrs wrote:
Incidentally, I just want to go on record as saying that the verbosity 
of class declarations in P6 is really starting to skeeve me.  I keep 
reminding myself that these are the edge cases that are being discussed, 
that you don't need all this stuff for the common case (right?) that 
Perl 6 can be pretty much the same easy, succint, fun language that I 
know and love, that sensible defaults will be chosen so that in the 
common case the things I get automatically are the things I wanted 
anyway.  But, occasionally, I still find myself going "eeew...Java."

I have been having the opposite feeling: I rather like the verboseness 
of class declarations, and their self documenting nature. It's not like 
java in that I have the freedom to be as specific or as vague as I want 
to be. I can say C<< has Cat is shape(Dog) >> if I want to, or 
C otherwise. Except for cases like the hypothetical 
Geometry::Triangle I can live with this, and maybe even in that case, 
because again it is probably a Good Idea. I don't know what happens when 
we have classes for which we do not know all the attributes ahead of 
time, but for that something like AUTOMETH would work.

All this is subjective, of course, and I am fully with you that the 
possibility of being succinct should be open, to the extent that it is, 
er, possible. But there is a Pandora's box here:

 1. When a class is composed, all the roles and the current class are 
meshed together; Clearly, if a role uses an attribute expecting it to be 
a particular type, it must explicitly say so (to avoid clashes with 
other roles or the class). Taciturnity, then, is open only to classes.
 2. It will also be impossible to spot typos in argumentless method 
calls because that could be an undeclared attribute. (of the current 
class or any of its ancestors or roles)
 3. If we use $.foo without declaring it, how would the compiler know 
if it is an object attribute or a class attribute?

I think that "slackness-on-demand" is a better policy than 
"strictness-on-demand", but that, again, is just my opinion


Re: Classes with several, mostly unused, attributes

2004-12-15 Thread David Storrs
On Dec 10, 2004, at 11:05 AM, Abhijit Mahabal wrote:
Consider a class (e.g., the hypothetical Geometry::Triangle) that can 
have several attributes (side1, side2, side3, angle1, ang_bisector1, 
side_bisector,  altitude1 and so forth), most of which will not be 
needed for most instances of Geometry::Triangle.

I know how this can be done in P5. Using the layout "Hash" things are 
easy. How can P6 deal with this, without allocating too much memory to 
things that'd never get used? The layout "P6Hash" could come to the 
rescue, but there is still the issue of syntax:

what exactly does C do? IIRC, in the P6Opaque layout, 
every instance of the class would have space the size of a PMC 
allocated for it. This behavior is not needed for P6Hash, and it 
should just leave attributes alone until they are assigned to (where 
defaults are also "assigns").

In which case, maybe for that layout we can get away without declaring 
all attributes, perhaps? (Since the declaration does nothing except 
help the parser).

I was thinking whether we could do something like this:
class Triangle is layout does autovivify{
  method calculate_bisectors { $.bisector1 = ...;
   # $.bisector1 autovivifies
where it is an error without the autovivify, and only P6Hash supports 

If it's an error without the autovivify and only P6Hash supports 
autovivify, then isn't this redundant?  Simply saying 'P6Hash' should 
get me the autovivify behavior for free. (Incidentally that is 'should' 
as in 'that is the way I think it would make sense for it to work in an 
ideal universe' not 'should' as in 'based on the implementation, here 
is the behavior I expect').

If, for some reason, I DON'T want that behavior, then I can pick 
another layout or explicitly say 'does noautovivify'.

Incidentally, I just want to go on record as saying that the verbosity 
of class declarations in P6 is really starting to skeeve me.  I keep 
reminding myself that these are the edge cases that are being 
discussed, that you don't need all this stuff for the common case 
(right?) that Perl 6 can be pretty much the same easy, succint, fun 
language that I know and love, that sensible defaults will be chosen so 
that in the common case the things I get automatically are the things I 
wanted anyway.  But, occasionally, I still find myself going 