UTF-8 operator possibilities

2002-10-31 Thread Michael Lazzaro
Here is more to think about.  No freaking out, this is just for 

If we, for the moment, assume the use of «op» for hypers, that 
obviously raises the _possibility_ of using some other Unicode/UTF-8 
characters for other "very special" tasks.  I'm not actually advocating 
most of these (no APL, please) but note that some chars might have 
distinct possibilities, especially with superpositions:

-- a wide variety of unary and binary ops, some obscure, some obvious:

   ± × ÷ ≤ ≥ ≠ ≅ ≈ ≡
   ∩ ∪ ⊂ ⊃ ⊆ ⊇ ∈ ⊄ ∉
   ⇒ ⇔
   ∧ ∨ ∴ ∀ ∃ ∠ ⊥ ∝ √ ∫ ∇ ∅ ⊕ ⊗ ∍

   †  ‡  ˇ  ∑  ∏  ∆  Ω  ¡  ¿  ¬  ∂  •  º  ©

  (including things like:)

   ∑@array  - summation
   ∏@array  - product
   ±$x  - { any(+$^x,-$^x) }

   $v ∈ @array;   # element of

-- possible alternate separators in place of ';', where ';'
   would result in doing a very, very wrong thing:

   for (@x • @y) -> ($x • $y) { ... }   - (bullet)
   for (@x ∫ @y) -> ($x ∫ $y) { ... }
   for (@x ‡ @y) -> ($x ‡ $y) { ... }
   for (@x † @y) -> ($x † $y) { ... }
   for (@x ⊥ @y) -> ($x ⊥ $y) { ... }

-- a global var like "epsilon" or "mu" that sets a +-bound
   for "like" comparisions between floating point nums,
   to locally allow comparisions with a settable degree
   of accuracy:

   temp µ = 0.5;
   ( 10/3 == (1/3) * 10 );   # FALSE, floating point issues
   ( 10/3 ~~ (1/3) * 10 );   # TRUE, is within µ

   (OK, we could name that $EPSILON, or anything else in ASCII.
   but you gotta admit it looks really slick.  If you can see it.)

-- *plenty* more wierd bracketing and quotelikes, if you dare:


-- and, of course, terms (e.g. "duh" synonyms)

   ∞   - Inf
   π   - Pi
   ø   - null set

Just something to think about -- No reason to go all APLish, but if we 
find we need another few chars for some obscure but incredibly useful 
operations, there _are_ possibilities.  Depends primarily on which 
characters are most widely recognized on the various platforms, and how 
confident we are or aren't that we should say "deal with it" to people 
with non-Unicode-capable editors.

And note that using special chars for special things may increase 
readability significantly, since we don't have to worry as much about 
similar-looking punctuational strings doing completely different 
things, which is already a bit of a problem.

Oh, and here's another tip for you OSX types:

From within Mail, choose Format -> Font -> Show Fonts.
  From the "Extras" menu, choose "Show Characters"

 you are presented with the grouped listings for every character 
that exists on your computer, along with Unicode identifiers.  Double 
click them to insert them into your email.  :-)  (Note that you can 
also use it in BBEdit.)


Re: UTF-8 operator possibilities

2002-10-31 Thread Chip Salzenberg
According to Michael Lazzaro:
>?? ?? ?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
>??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
>??? ???
>??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???

Am I the only person who discovered Korean spam on p6-lang?
Chip Salzenberg - a.k.a.  -<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 "It furthers one to have somewhere to go."

Re: UTF-8 operator possibilities

2002-10-31 Thread Michael Lazzaro

On Thursday, October 31, 2002, at 12:18  PM, Chip Salzenberg wrote:

According to Michael Lazzaro:

   ?? ?? ?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
   ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
   ??? ???
   ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???

Am I the only person who discovered Korean spam on p6-lang?

Rats.  I was trying to write mostly Greek spam.  ;-)
