Re: numerics, roles, and naming

2010-03-16 Thread Martin D Kealey
On Sun, 14 Mar 2010, Jon Lang wrote:
 Ruud H.G. van Tol wrote:
  Did you consider discrete?

 I think that Discrete could work quite well as the role that
 encapsulates the ways in which Integer and Gauss are alike.  It may
 even be genralizable beyond that, although there might be some discord
 between theory and practice.

Discrete sounds good to me.

Carl Friedrich Gauß was a very significant figure in the development of
number theory and many other areas of mathematics; to use his name to label
one of his a relatively minor developments doesn't really do him justice.
Not that I have a better label in mind though.

 (In theory, Boolean is every bit as discrete as Integer is; but in
 practice, it has no use for most if not all of the methods in Integer that
 pertain to discreteness (factors, remainders, primes, etc.)

George Boole also worked in several areas of mathematics. One of those was
what he termed algebra of logic, hence Boolean algebra as mathematicians
know it now.

But what we (programmers) call Boolean, although in line with his original
concept, is a pale shadow of where Boolean Algebra has developed since. In
particular there are things call power sets, and a field using set
intersection and union over those has the same algebraic properties as the
original algebra of logic, but not with just two true and false

So mathematically a Boolean value doesn't necessarily behave the same way
as a bit, rather it behaves like a structured collection of bits. Treating
an integer value as a vector of bits is certainly one such structure.

Things like primes over Z(2) are not very interesting, but a field or ring
over Z(2)^n does have interesting behaviour that depends on n.

So I'm in favour of a Boolean role including things such as a vector of

I suggest Predicate as the name of the role which implements a single
true-or-false value (as distinct from a bit, which implements a 0-or-1


Re: numerics, roles, and naming

2010-03-16 Thread Martin D Kealey
On Mon, 15 Mar 2010, Mark J. Reed wrote:
  Anything that can be made into a list is discrete.

 Not quite, since you can create lists whose members belong to
 continuous sets, e.g. real numbers.   Anything that naturally forms a
 list, maybe.

A discrete non-finite set is isomorphic to the set of integers.

This implies that you can pick an ordering, although perhaps not one that is
computational useful. E.g. rational numbers can be mapped onto integers by
laying them out in a 2D array, much like Gauß's complex integers, and then
walking diagonally in one quadrant. If you have more than one quadrant, take
them in turns. Extends to 3D and higher in a logic fashion.

But totally useless as a greater than/equal to/less than comparison test.


Re: numerics, roles, and naming

2010-03-16 Thread Doug McNutt
At 10:25 +1300 3/17/10, Martin D Kealey wrote:
On Mon, 15 Mar 2010, Mark J. Reed wrote:
  Anything that can be made into a list is discrete.

 Not quite, since you can create lists whose members belong to
 continuous sets, e.g. real numbers.   Anything that naturally forms a
 list, maybe.

A discrete non-finite set is isomorphic to the set of integers.

This implies that you can pick an ordering, although perhaps not one that is
computational useful. E.g. rational numbers can be mapped onto integers by
laying them out in a 2D array, much like Gauß's complex integers, and then
walking diagonally in one quadrant. If you have more than one quadrant, take
them in turns. Extends to 3D and higher in a logic fashion.

aleph 0.

In the world of real (pun intended) computers there is no continuous set of 
real numbers. Microsoft Excel users are regularly reminded of that when they 
report bugs that are nothing more than the impossibility of representing 0.1 
(10) as an IEEE float.

Perhaps everything is discrete in the set of things that perl is expected to 
deal with.

-- If you are presented a number as a percentage, and you do not clearly 
understand the numerator and the denominator involved, you are surely being 
lied to. --

Re: numerics, roles, and naming

2010-03-16 Thread Darren Duncan

Martin D Kealey wrote:

George Boole also worked in several areas of mathematics. One of those was
what he termed algebra of logic, hence Boolean algebra as mathematicians
know it now.

But what we (programmers) call Boolean, although in line with his original
concept, is a pale shadow of where Boolean Algebra has developed since. In
particular there are things call power sets, and a field using set
intersection and union over those has the same algebraic properties as the
original algebra of logic, but not with just two true and false

So mathematically a Boolean value doesn't necessarily behave the same way
as a bit, rather it behaves like a structured collection of bits. Treating
an integer value as a vector of bits is certainly one such structure.

Things like primes over Z(2) are not very interesting, but a field or ring
over Z(2)^n does have interesting behaviour that depends on n.

So I'm in favour of a Boolean role including things such as a vector of

I suggest Predicate as the name of the role which implements a single
true-or-false value (as distinct from a bit, which implements a 0-or-1

What you're talking about now reminds me of the relational model of data, which 
may be (I'm not sure) derived from that algebra of logic you mention (it is at 
least based on predicate logic and set theory), where a relation value's heading 
represents a predicate and the relation's body represents a set of true 
propositions that can be formed from that predicate.  So it may be worth 
considering, when deciding on Boolean-related role names that are meant be as 
feature-rich as you say, as to whether any choices would be appropriate for a 
relation type to compose.  Of course, we also come back to the question as to 
whether what boolean algebra has evolved into is something that would be fitting 
in the Perl core or be best left to modules. -- Darren Duncan

Re: numerics, roles, and naming

2010-03-15 Thread Mark J. Reed
On Sun, Mar 14, 2010 at 11:26 PM, Doug McNutt wrote:
 Anything that can be made into a list is discrete.

Not quite, since you can create lists whose members belong to
continuous sets, e.g. real numbers.   Anything that naturally forms a
list, maybe.

 The other option is a function in the sense of the calculus that truly has an 
 infinite number of values.

The set of integers is both discrete and infinite.  Likewise rationals
and all the other countable sets.

The main thing that discrete sets have that continuous sets don't is
the ability to map them exactly onto a sequence.  Given an integer,
there's a single next integer; given a real number, there's
infinitely many - and infinitely many more real numbers in between the
start number and whichever next you choose.

 Perhaps the term atomic could be discreetly considered in place of discrete.

In CSland, I suspect atomic is too strongly associated with
operations to be applied to a data type that has nothing to do with
multithreading or transactional integrity.

Mark J. Reed

Re: numerics, roles, and naming

2010-03-14 Thread James Cloos
 DD == Darren Duncan writes:

Some tiny thoughts:

DD ... I would consider Numeric more broad, such as to include
DD anything that might conceivably be called a number, probably
DD user-defined, that isn't representable by a complex.

Is Numeric intended to have a guarantee of commutability? Ie, is it a ring?

Or, put another way, would a Quaternion be a Numeric?

DD Or maybe better yet for completion sake, make Gaussian a role and
DD something like Gaus the type or something.

Wasn’t his name Gauß?  If so, then Gauß or Gauss, yes?

In general, though, I agree with the thesis.

James Cloos OpenPGP: 1024D/ED7DAEA6

Re: numerics, roles, and naming

2010-03-14 Thread Ruud H.G. van Tol

Darren Duncan wrote:

For the integer version, my understanding is that number theory already 
provides a suitable term, Gaussian integer, which is a complex number 
whose real and imaginary parts are both integers.

So I suggest using Gaussian as the name option for an IntComplex.

Or maybe better yet for completion sake, make Gaussian a role and 
something like Gaus the type or something.

Alternately, while we would still need a Complex-specific role, we could 
possibly avoid a need to explicitly declare some of the composing types 
if Complex is parameterizable, as AFAIK Rational et al are parameterizable.

What do you think?

Did you consider discrete?


Re: numerics, roles, and naming

2010-03-14 Thread Jon Lang
Ruud H.G. van Tol wrote:
 Did you consider discrete?

I think that Discrete could work quite well as the role that
encapsulates the ways in which Integer and Gauss are alike.  It may
even be genralizable beyond that, although there might be some discord
between theory and practice.  (In theory, Boolean is every bit as
discrete as Integer is; but in practice, it has no use for most if not
all of the methods in Integer that pertain to discreteness (factors,
remainders, primes, etc.)

Jonathan Dataweaver Lang

Re: numerics, roles, and naming

2010-03-14 Thread Darren Duncan

Jon Lang wrote:

Ruud H.G. van Tol wrote:

Did you consider discrete?

I think that Discrete could work quite well as the role that
encapsulates the ways in which Integer and Gauss are alike.  It may
even be genralizable beyond that, although there might be some discord
between theory and practice.  (In theory, Boolean is every bit as
discrete as Integer is; but in practice, it has no use for most if not
all of the methods in Integer that pertain to discreteness (factors,
remainders, primes, etc.)

I'm inclined to consider a Discrete to be broad enough to include Boolean, as 
well as every single enum type in general; it would also include Order, say.  So 
I would also then add a more specific something, say DiscreteNumeric.

I see some of the role relationships going like this:

 - Numeric is a proper subset of the universal set
 - Ordered is a proper subset of the universal set
 - Discrete is a proper subset of the universal set
 - Ordinal is a subset of [Ordered intersect Discrete]
 - DiscreteNumeric is a subset of [Numeric intersect Discrete]
 - Integral is a subset of [Ordinal intersect DiscreteNumeric]
 - Real, Rational are subsets of [[Ordered intersect Numeric] minus Ordinal]
 - Complex is a subset of [Numeric minus Ordered]
 - Gaussian is a subset of DiscreteNumeric (or [Complex intersect Discrete])
 - Boolean, Order are subsets of Discrete (or of Ordinal, take your preference)
 - Stringy is subset of [Ordered minus Ordinal] (or [Ordered minus Discrete]?)

Or, sort of arranged visually (with some repeats):

  Real, Rational
Integral (conceptually also Real, Rational)
Gaussian (conceptually also Complex)
Boolean, Order
  Real, Rational
Boolean, Order

A distinction between Ordered and Ordinal is that only Ordinal provides pred() 
and succ() while both provide before(), after(), etc.

So, some thoughts.

-- Darren Duncan

Re: numerics, roles, and naming

2010-03-14 Thread Jon Lang
Darren Duncan wrote:
 I'm inclined to consider a Discrete to be broad enough to include Boolean,
 as well as every single enum type in general; it would also include Order,
 say.  So I would also then add a more specific something, say

There are discrete things that are not ordered (such as gaussian
integers), and there are ordered things that are not discrete (such as
real numbers or strings).  As well, I was using the term Discrete as
shorthand for DiscreteNumber, just as Real can be thought of as
shorthand for RealNumber: the role's purpose, regardless of name, is
to mandate methods that are mostly unique to integer math (e.g.,
infix:%).  As such, it would be silly to apply the role to, say, an
enum of the days of the week: Thursday % Tuesday should not equal
Sunday; it should be nonsense.

And with that in mind, the role (whatever it's called) should not be
composed into Boolean, even conceptually: while Boolean values can be
mapped to numeric values, they are not inherently numeric, any more
than strings are.  Never mind the fact that there's no practical
application for such things as infix:% when talking about a class
with two possible values.

More generally, we need to be careful to keep anything new firmly
grounded in the practical.  If we introduce a Discrete role, it
should be because doing so allows us to do something more easily
(taking into account the effort involved in writing the role in the
first place), or because it makes some task possible that would
otherwise be impossible.  A role representing discrete numbers might
just meet these requirements, in that they let you write functions
that depend on being able to, say, factor numbers or find remainders
without worrying about what kind of numbers they are.  And even here
I'm leery, given the fringe status of non-Integer discrete numbers.
I'm not at all sure what practical benefit a generic Discrete role
would bring to the table.

Remember also: we're putting together the Perl 6 core here; we need to
show some discretion in terms of what to include vs. what gets farmed
out to perl 6 modules.  I suspect that gaussian integers belong
firmly in the latter camp; as such, they are germane to discussions
about core features only to the extent that the core needs to
anticipate such things.

Jonathan Dataweaver Lang

Re: numerics, roles, and naming

2010-03-14 Thread Darren Duncan

Jon Lang wrote:

Remember also: we're putting together the Perl 6 core here; we need to
show some discretion in terms of what to include vs. what gets farmed
out to perl 6 modules.  I suspect that gaussian integers belong
firmly in the latter camp; as such, they are germane to discussions
about core features only to the extent that the core needs to
anticipate such things.

I agree, in general.

Presumably, the core doesn't have to have any roles built-in that aren't already 
composed into at least 2 core classes or roles, to keep things simpler.

I would expect that a third-party module should be able to effectively define a 
role that would conceptually cover both a core type as well as types of their 
own, which they can then use, even though the definition of the core type 
doesn't compose that role itself.

So then they get the same functionality, and the core stays simpler.

-- Darren Duncan

Re: numerics, roles, and naming

2010-03-14 Thread Doug McNutt
At 18:14 -0800 3/14/10, Jon Lang wrote:
There are discrete things that are not ordered (such as gaussian
integers), and there are ordered things that are not discrete (such as
real numbers or strings). 

The word discrete as in atoms are the discrete view of matter may turn out to 
be confusing to a class of calculus trained folks.

Anything that can be made into a list is discrete. The other option is a 
function in the sense of the calculus that truly has an infinite number of 
values. Computers don't deal with that kind of thing except, perhaps, in the 
likes of Mathematica and Maple where ROOTOF( ) is used to represent something 
that cannot be calculated right now. I really don't think perl should be 
getting into that.

But there is a discrete Fourier transform that is never exactly the same as a 
Fourier transform done with  the techniques of integral calculus. Perl6 surely 
will be performing the discrete kind but will the arguments and answers need to 
be discrete variables? They will surely be lists of, often complex, numbers.

Perhaps the term atomic could be discreetly considered in place of discrete.

-- A fair tax is one that you pay but I don't --

numerics, roles, and naming

2010-03-12 Thread Darren Duncan
So, I've been looking more closely at Perl's native value types and associated 
roles, and there are a few matters of their naming or availability that I have 
questions or suggestions on.

1.  As a general observation, I note that it is a common pattern for basic Perl 
6 value types that a role for the concept is written out as the whole name, such 
as Boolean or Rational or Integral or String etc, and the primary Perl 
type composing that is an abbreviation thereof, Bool or Rat or Int or 
Str etc.

2.  There doesn't seem to be a role for complex as there is for integer or 
rational or real or numeric.  So, if the boxed Perl complex number is 
called Complex and the machine native one is called complex or complex128 
or whatever, what would one name the role that is common to all of these?

Note that I wouldn't necessarily consider Numeric to be the answer because I 
would consider Numeric more broad, such as to include anything that might 
conceivably be called a number, probably user-defined, that isn't representable 
by a complex.

So, is current thinking that Numeric is supposed to fill the role I mentioned, 
or is it meant to be broader than that, in which case do we need a complex role.

If we should have a complex role, then what would we name it?

Following the above pattern, you'd think that Complex would be best used as th 
role name and so something else is needed for the type, either as some 
abbreviation, or alternately with additions.

Conceivably one could have a complex type defined in terms of any combination of 
the various real or rational or integer types, such as NumComplex or 
RatComplex (and FatRatComplex) and IntComplex etc.

So I suggest making a Complex role and splitting the old Complex type at 
least into the distinct [Num|Rat|FatRat]Complex types I mentioned.

For the integer version, my understanding is that number theory already provides 
a suitable term, Gaussian integer, which is a complex number whose real and 
imaginary parts are both integers.

So I suggest using Gaussian as the name option for an IntComplex.

Or maybe better yet for completion sake, make Gaussian a role and something 
like Gaus the type or something.

Alternately, while we would still need a Complex-specific role, we could 
possibly avoid a need to explicitly declare some of the composing types if 
Complex is parameterizable, as AFAIK Rational et al are parameterizable.

What do you think?

3.  I notice that some roles that are longer forms of type names look like 
nouns, while others look like adjectives.  I suppose that adjectives are what 
you're going after, and the ones that look like nouns such as Boolean and 
Rational and Real are also adjectives.  On the other hand, lots of roles are 
surely just nouns, such as Failure and Routine.

So a question I have is, given the context, is Integral the best name for that 
role, or would Integer be better?

From some quick searching around, the term integral doesn't seem to be used a 
lot in literature for the meaning you're ascribing, and integer seems to be 
much more common, when referring to these things.

That is, unless you're specifically going for integral domain as what Integral 
is meant to cover.  Is that it?

So is there a specific reason or three that Integral is better than Integer or 
is it really a wash?  Is anyone opposed to renaming Integral to Integer?

Besides my inclination to think that some roles are better off looking like 
nouns when possible, it seems that most literature searches for the term 
integral bring up calculus operations, such as integration is seemingly a much 
more commonly used interpretation of the term integral, and so integer may 
lessen confusion there.  Maybe.

-- Darren Duncan

Re: numerics, roles, and naming

2010-03-12 Thread Darren Duncan

Follow-up, ...

4.  If Integral is better called Integer, or regardless ...

Would Numeric be better called Number?  Would there by any objection to 
renaming it such?  What are advantages of the former over the latter?

Basically, same idea, if we're going more for nouns or adjectives role names.

(Note, any replies to this follow-up message should be tacked on as a reply to 
the initial one.)

Thank you.

-- Darren Duncan

Re: numerics, roles, and naming

2010-03-12 Thread Jon Lang
Darren Duncan wrote:
 2.  There doesn't seem to be a role for complex as there is for integer
 or rational or real or numeric.  So, if the boxed Perl complex number
 is called Complex and the machine native one is called complex or
 complex128 or whatever, what would one name the role that is common to all
 of these?

I'm definitely in favor of there being a Complex role - not just for
the reasons given above, but also to have a common role that applies
to a complex number regardless of the coordinate system that's being
used to store the value (e.g. cartesian vs. polar).  Both should be
able to provide you with the real, imaginary, magnitude, and direction
components; but classes based off of the cartesian model should be
able to do the former two directly and calculate the latter two, and
vice versa.  A single role that's agnostic about the coordinate system
would allow us to use any of these in a function call.  For that
purpose, I think that the common, underlying role should be called

 Following the above pattern, you'd think that Complex would be best used
 as th role name and so something else is needed for the type, either as some
 abbreviation, or alternately with additions.

 Conceivably one could have a complex type defined in terms of any
 combination of the various real or rational or integer types, such as
 NumComplex or RatComplex (and FatRatComplex) and IntComplex etc.

For practical purposes, I think that the component types for Complex
should be standardized as Real - that is, the Complex role should
assume that the components do the Real role.  As I indicate above, I
think that a more significant distinction should be the coordinate
system: cartesian complex numbers are essentially optimized for use
with addition and subtraction; polar complex numbers are a more
efficient choice for multiplication and division; raising a number to
a complex exponent works most efficiently if the exponent is cartesian
and the result is polar, and vice versa for logs.  And so on.

 For the integer version, my understanding is that number theory already
 provides a suitable term, Gaussian integer, which is a complex number
 whose real and imaginary parts are both integers.

 So I suggest using Gaussian as the name option for an IntComplex.

 Or maybe better yet for completion sake, make Gaussian a role and
 something like Gaus the type or something.

Hmm... true enough.  I'd rather have Gaussian be to Complex as
Integral is to Real: a separate role, not necessarily related in any
sort of role composition sense, but serving a similar purpose.  Note
that Gaussian would not have separate cartesian and polar forms; by
definition, it operates off of a cartesian coordinate system.  While a
polar version could exist in theory, it doesn't in practice; and even
if it did, it wouldn't be interchangeable with the cartesian version,
the way that they are when the components are Real.

OTOH, Gaussian definitely has analogs comparable to the differences
between Integral vs. Real, in that Gaussian and Integral have the
concept of factors and everything that goes with them (e.g., primes,
gcf, lcm, remainders, etc.)  Perhaps we need a role to encapsulate
that notion, much like we have one that encapsulates the notion of
order (e.g., before/after).  Or would that turn out to be unnecessary
clutter, seeing as how we only have two examples of roles that would
compose it (Integral and Gaussian), one of which is a highly technical
fringe case?

 Alternately, while we would still need a Complex-specific role, we could
 possibly avoid a need to explicitly declare some of the composing types if
 Complex is parameterizable, as AFAIK Rational et al are parameterizable.

I'm fine with Complex being parameterizable, as long as Real is the
default parameter.

 3.  I notice that some roles that are longer forms of type names look like
 nouns, while others look like adjectives.  I suppose that adjectives are
 what you're going after, and the ones that look like nouns such as Boolean
 and Rational and Real are also adjectives.  On the other hand, lots of
 roles are surely just nouns, such as Failure and Routine.

 So a question I have is, given the context, is Integral the best name for
 that role, or would Integer be better?

From a layman's view of things, I keep on finding myself wanting to
say Integer rather than Integral.  That said, it's not that hard
to retrain myself; and I do see some benefit to the notion that role
names are adjectives while class names are nouns, as long as it's
applied consistently to the standard roles.  That said, see below.

Still: when I first saw Integral, the first thing that came to mind
was a calculus operation, not whole numbers.

 4.  If Integral is better called Integer, or regardless ...

 Would Numeric be better called Number?  Would there by any objection to
 renaming it such?  What are advantages of the former over the latter?

 Basically, same idea, if we're going more for nouns or 

Re: numerics, roles, and naming

2010-03-12 Thread Darren Duncan

Jon, thanks for your feedback; it was both informative and supportive.

Jon Lang wrote:

Darren Duncan wrote:

2.  There doesn't seem to be a role for complex as there is for integer
or rational or real or numeric.  So, if the boxed Perl complex number
is called Complex and the machine native one is called complex or
complex128 or whatever, what would one name the role that is common to all
of these?

I'm definitely in favor of there being a Complex role - not just for
the reasons given above, but also to have a common role that applies
to a complex number regardless of the coordinate system that's being
used to store the value (e.g. cartesian vs. polar).  Both should be
able to provide you with the real, imaginary, magnitude, and direction
components; but classes based off of the cartesian model should be
able to do the former two directly and calculate the latter two, and
vice versa.  A single role that's agnostic about the coordinate system
would allow us to use any of these in a function call.  For that
purpose, I think that the common, underlying role should be called

I agree 100%.  I also foresaw the cartesian vs polar thing, and considered it 
very important, but I didn't mention it in my post because for some reason I 
assumed that the existing Complex type already supported both views, or I 
thought I recalled the Synopsis already talking about it.

Anyway, yes, a Complex role *must* include both the cartesian and polar 
possible-representations (possreps), and then there can be a composing class 
optimized for each one.

Following the above pattern, you'd think that Complex would be best used
as th role name and so something else is needed for the type, either as some
abbreviation, or alternately with additions.

Conceivably one could have a complex type defined in terms of any
combination of the various real or rational or integer types, such as
NumComplex or RatComplex (and FatRatComplex) and IntComplex etc.

For practical purposes, I think that the component types for Complex
should be standardized as Real - that is, the Complex role should
assume that the components do the Real role.

That's reasonable.

As I indicate above, I
think that a more significant distinction should be the coordinate
system: cartesian complex numbers are essentially optimized for use
with addition and subtraction; polar complex numbers are a more
efficient choice for multiplication and division; raising a number to
a complex exponent works most efficiently if the exponent is cartesian
and the result is polar, and vice versa for logs.  And so on.

And now I learned something about complex math.

For the integer version, my understanding is that number theory already
provides a suitable term, Gaussian integer, which is a complex number
whose real and imaginary parts are both integers.

So I suggest using Gaussian as the name option for an IntComplex.

Or maybe better yet for completion sake, make Gaussian a role and
something like Gaus the type or something.

Hmm... true enough.  I'd rather have Gaussian be to Complex as
Integral is to Real: a separate role, not necessarily related in any
sort of role composition sense, but serving a similar purpose.  Note
that Gaussian would not have separate cartesian and polar forms; by
definition, it operates off of a cartesian coordinate system.  While a
polar version could exist in theory, it doesn't in practice; and even
if it did, it wouldn't be interchangeable with the cartesian version,
the way that they are when the components are Real.

Personally I prefer the idea of Int and Rat etc being disjoint as programming 
language data types, even if they are considered subsets by some conceptions, 
because then we can just have Int as the one primitive type in terms of which 
everything else is defined.

So it stands to reason in such as system that making Gaussian/Int-Complex types 
and Real-Complex types disjoint is consistent with the fact that Int does *not* 
compose the Real role.

OTOH, Gaussian definitely has analogs comparable to the differences
between Integral vs. Real, in that Gaussian and Integral have the
concept of factors and everything that goes with them (e.g., primes,
gcf, lcm, remainders, etc.)  Perhaps we need a role to encapsulate
that notion, much like we have one that encapsulates the notion of
order (e.g., before/after).  Or would that turn out to be unnecessary
clutter, seeing as how we only have two examples of roles that would
compose it (Integral and Gaussian), one of which is a highly technical
fringe case?

The role may still be a good idea, though.

See also Boolean, which currently is used by just Bool and Bit (and bit).

On a tangent, something else I was wondering or suggesting is whether it would 
be reasonable for the Boolean role to be composed by anything that supports 
bitwise operations (I don't mean shifting, but not/and/or/xor/etc) since I 
believe all those bitwise operations are direct analogies to boolean