Re: On the case for exception-based error handling.

2000-08-27 Thread Peter Scott

At 10:26 AM 8/27/00 -0400, Bennett Todd wrote:
So I'd expect instead

 use Fatal qw(:arithmetic :io ...);

  Therefore the default (to get the current behavior) would be that
  some of the classes had Fatality enabled and others didn't?

And if Fatal supported unimport, then the default could be inverted

 use Fatal qw(:io ...);
 no  Fatal qw(:arithmetic);

Bingo, yes.  I will make appropriate changes to RFC 80.  You might think 
about whether RFC 70 needs to be changed.  The ramifications of some of 
these things are sufficiently important that drawing attention to them 
might be a good thing.  In this case, note that Perl 6 will need to spell 
out which core exceptions are by default fatal (eg, :arithmetic) and which 
aren't.  Although RFC 70 doesn't have to do that.

Oh, reminds me, I forgot to respond to:

I beat you to it. While RFC 70 was intended to just request that it
be possible to finish so it works as intended and desired,
it does mention:

 If [the finishing-up of, after fixing the busted core]
 were a success, then the requested category could also be posted
 into a testable variable, allowing module authors who wished to
 to automatically support this functionality as well.

Got anything in mind?  $^something?

Peter Scott
Pacific Systems Design Technologies

Re: On the case for exception-based error handling.

2000-08-24 Thread Tony Olekshy

Glenn Linderman wrote:
 Tony Olekshy wrote:
  Glenn Linderman wrote:
   actually wrapping a bunch of code inside a try block
   affects how that code reacts to die, thus affecting the
   behavior of the program that previously used die to mean
   terminate the program.
  Hang on, this can't be true. To quote from RFC 88:
  try { may_throw_1 }
  catch may_throw_2 = { may_throw_3 }
  finally { may_throw_4 }
  is exactly the same as (assuming traditional Perl semantics):
  eval { may_throw_1 };
  my $exception = $@;
  if ($exception) {
  my $test = eval { may_throw_2 };
  $@ and $exception = $@;
  if ( ! $@ and $test ) {
  eval { may_throw_3 };
  $exception = $@;
  eval { may_throw_4 };
  ($exception ||= $@) and die $exception;
  How can this affect how code reacts to die?  It reacts the same
  as with eval, whether wrapped in a try or not.  Say I had:
  now I wrap it in a try:
  try { do_something(); }
  this is equivalent to:
  eval { do_something(); };
  my $exception = $@;
  $exception and die $exception;
  Which is *exactly* the same as bare do_something(); as per Perl 5.
 OK, this example clearly demonstrates something.
 99% of the catch clauses in the world should be conditional,
 handling only those specific exceptions that it knows about, and
 knows it can handle.  The "catch-all" (unconditional catch of
 anything), is error prone; [...] a "catch-all" might bite off
 _lots_ more than it should chew.  Maybe "catch-all"s that do
 something and then re-throw would be relatively safe.


Only when one knows an awful lot about what's going on in the body
of a try is a catch-all that does much more than set a state
variable and re-throw possibly safe, because by definition once an
exception has raised there are a bunch of things one shouldn't make
too many assumptions about.

Here is one possibly safe example:

try { $y = ( $a * $x * $x + $b * $x + $c ) / $d; }

catch { $y = undef; }

but this would be even safer:

try { $y = ( $a * $x * $x + $b * $x + $c ) / $d; }

catch Exception::CORE::Math = { $y = undef; }

The only case where catch really should be unconditional (and not
just re-throw) is when top-level (some sort of code wraps
the whole shebang in a try with this type of explicit purpose:

try { the_whole_shebang() }

catch { pass_to_client($@-show(label = 1, trace = 1)) }

Where pass_to_client may be print + exit;

Yours, c, Tony Olekshy

Re: On the case for exception-based error handling.

2000-08-23 Thread Glenn Linderman

Peter Scott wrote:

 Yes, we get breakage; the user expects die to be trapped by eval.

It still would be.

 Users of also expect it to be trapped by catch.

It still would be, if you 'use'.

 I do not think we should
 maintain die/eval as a separate mechanism from try/catch;

I do, unless some fancy footwork is done to avoid accidentally catching fatal
errors in catch-all clauses.  And that makes for added complexity.

 I think they
 should be synonymous for interoperation (so users aren't forced to migrate
 an entire application from one method to the other just because one module
 uses the other method).

Handle this with wrapper modules if needed.  And see if p52p6 can convert
standard uses of and to the new mechanism, to avoid the need
for most of the wrapper modules.

 This means that die can be trapped by catch, and
 that throw can be trapped by eval.

Blecch.  Orthogonality of the mechanisms is easier to understand than funny
rules, special cases, and syntactical magic.

 Peter Scott
 Pacific Systems Design Technologies

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Re: On the case for exception-based error handling.

2000-08-23 Thread Peter Scott

At 02:37 PM 8/23/00 -0700, Glenn Linderman wrote:
  This means that die can be trapped by catch, and
  that throw can be trapped by eval.

Blecch.  Orthogonality of the mechanisms is easier to understand than funny
rules, special cases, and syntactical magic.

But that *is* being orthogonal.  That's how implemented it and it 
makes perfect sense.  Nothing in RFC 88 precludes die and throw from 
sharing the same underlying code, or simlarly catch/eval.  I think it 
should make it clear that they *are* the same thing.

Peter Scott
Pacific Systems Design Technologies

Re: On the case for exception-based error handling.

2000-08-23 Thread Tony Olekshy

Chaim Frenkel wrote:
 Tony Olekshy wrote:
  If no exception is in scope Perl should continue to generate and
  propagate exceptions (die and $@) as it does now, so we don't
  break tradition.
 No, that should be the difference between die and throw. Die is
 immediately fatal. (i.e. current semantics) throw is new and does
 the magic.
 We get no breakage that way.

But if die and eval are supposed to do keep doing what they do now,
RFC 88 doesn't impact them at all.  In fact it depends on what they
do now.  To quote from RFC 88:

Although the following code using the new mechanism:

try { may_throw_1 }
catch may_throw_2 = { may_throw_3 }
finally { may_throw_4 }

can be written in Perl 5 like this:

eval { may_throw_1 };
my $exception = $@;
if ($exception) {
my $test = eval { may_throw_2 };
$@ and $exception = $@;
if ( ! $@ and $test ) {
eval { may_throw_3 };
$exception = $@;
eval { may_throw_4 };
($exception ||= $@) and die $exception;

the opportunity for flow-control errors increases.

On the other hand, if eval is suddenly supposed to stop catching
so-called non-fatal errors, then all hades breaks loose. Trust me.

Yours, c, Tony Olekshy

Re: On the case for exception-based error handling.

2000-08-22 Thread Markus Peter

--On 22.08.2000 10:48 Uhr -0700 Glenn Linderman wrote:

 This probably won't work. What would you return exactly? Also, there's
 plenty of chance that the return value could interfer with the regular
 return values of that function... This will never be possible without
 work done by the module author so the return value plays nicely.


 Hence, exception handling (with or without catch phrases) allows the
 normal, non-error case to be coded more simply both when you don't care
 about catching errors (die), and when you do.

Hmm.. I don't know how this paragraph relates to my comments (even though 
it's a nice overview of the advantages from exceptions - which I'm already 
convinced of after being forced to program in Java for several years.) What 
I was talking about is that I cannot imagine that the perl core itself 
magically transforms exceptions into return values as someone else 

 "enabling/disabling fatality for exceptions with a pragma"... if the idea
 is that control continues linearly past a throw, then sub/module authors
 must write twice the error handling logic, which is painful.  If it means

No - the sub returns as if it has correctly thrown the exception, but if 
the exception really propagates to the top most level, it will be ignored 
instead of die'ing. This is really the same as a try/catch block around my 
whole program just not that ugly.

 that the destination of the throw is bounded to some boundary, that
 boundary must be defined... so I guess that's a scoped pragma, so the
 syntax would be something like

{ use no_fatal_throws;
   ignore_my_errors ( @params );

 That's just about exactly the same length and complexity as the null catch
 phrase above, which does exactly the same job.

What I was actually requesting was a small pragma which simply turns off 
all fatality, in the whole program, similar to what $SIG{__DIE__} currently 
is able to do, without the need to span a try/catch block across my whole 
main program - I simply do not like the look and feel of that. Even though 
this has global effects, it's not necessarily evil, we should only ensure 
that it cannot be used from within a .pm

Markus Peter - SPiN GmbH

Re: On the case for exception-based error handling.

2000-08-22 Thread Peter Scott

At 02:00 PM 8/22/00 -0600, Tony Olekshy wrote:
Peter Scott wrote:
  I actually see nothing wrong in division returning undef for a
  dividend of 0.  It's just as easy to check as doing an eval.

Please don't do this.  I would have to check every divide in all
my code, since no fatal is the default!  Leave the current version
of Perl's best guess as to what it should die on alone, unless
use fatal is in scope.  Consider this:

 $amount_i_owe_you = $gross_amount / $discount_rate - $paid;

If $discount_rate is accidentally undef and $paid is $100, then the
$amount_i_owe_you is now -$100.  I don't see my cheque yet ;-)

But surely you have to be consistent.  I understood Chaim's point to be 
that he wanted no exceptions if he didn't ask for them.  If the core 
currently dies where it could return and set $!, then it is being 
inconsistent, since this is not an error that prevents perl from 
continuing.  How can Chaim or anyone else write a program and know that it 
won't die if we allow such things to continue?

I suppose we could have a

 use Fatal qw/legacy/


Peter Scott
Pacific Systems Design Technologies

Re: On the case for exception-based error handling.

2000-08-22 Thread Markus Peter

On Tue, 22 Aug 2000, Glenn Linderman wrote:
 I'm suddenly intuiting that maybe you want to continue execution after the sub
 call that caused the throw.  But if you continue, you won't have the return
 values from the sub call.  Where should the continuation take place for
 something like:
   $a =  foo (  bar ( $b ));
baz ( $a );
 in the two different cases that bar throws, and that foo throws?  If you
 continue "immediately after" the sub call, and bar throws, foo is likely to
 get bad parameters and also fail.  And if you say the next statement after a

Yes, that's true, but I'm not talking about such cases. Your above
example would result in garbage in, garbage out which is ok if I want to
circumvent the exception system. Maybe it's easier to understand if I
explain what I do not want to have ;-)

I'd normally use such a pragma when I want to write a small hack, not a
large project. What I fear are that certain modules will die on me even on
stuff comparable to e.g. unlink in side effects - as they simply want to
throw an exception as a means of reporting "file is not there anyway" -
which I absolutely do not care about...

E.g. in Java writing small hacks is impossible because you'll spend half
your time adding try/catch blocks around stuff... Perl is a bit better in
that respect - it allows me the choice to forget completely about
exceptions or having the same trouble as in Java

What I request is probably similar to the no Fatal pragma someone
proposed. The only thing I dislike about no fatal is that modules are
supposed (are they really?) to return error return values then - and what
I'd like to have is still that I CAN catch exceptions at some points, but
I need not to. If I don't check it, I'll simply get an undef return
value, but I still have the choice to check one or two possible
exceptions without enabling/disabling all that myself.

The current definition of use fatal/no fatal would not allow this I think
as suddenly those modules could stop throwing exceptions, so I'd end up
enable/disabling use fatal all the time...

Another way to achieve the same result would be to NOT get rid of the try
part of try/catch and then try automatically implies use fatal for that 

Markus Peter

RE: On the case for exception-based error handling.

2000-08-22 Thread Brust, Corwin

-Original Message-
From: Markus Peter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Another way to achieve the same result would be to NOT get rid of the try
part of try/catch and then try automatically implies use fatal for that 

Markus Peter

So that was:

Any exception raised in a try will be fatal unless caught?


RE: On the case for exception-based error handling.

2000-08-22 Thread Peter Scott

At 04:06 PM 8/22/00 -0500, Brust, Corwin wrote:

-Original Message-
From: Markus Peter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Another way to achieve the same result would be to NOT get rid of the try
part of try/catch and then try automatically implies use fatal for that

So that was:

 Any exception raised in a try will be fatal unless caught?

It already is (RFC 88).

Peter Scott
Pacific Systems Design Technologies

Re: On the case for exception-based error handling.

2000-08-22 Thread Chaim Frenkel

 "PS" == Peter Scott [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

PS  From the reactions on this thread so far I am wondering whether the 
PS message I sent out about it when it had a different name got 
PS through.  Relevant excerpt:

PS Well, you could certainly have a pragma that makes throw set $! to the 
PS message and does a return undef.  But that will only return from the 
PS current subroutine; there could be a bunch of module subroutines between 
PS that one and the module user.  Asking module programmers to keep straight 
PS two possible flows of control in error situations, no less, is asking for 
PS trouble.  If you think it can be made easier, can you show an example?

Actually, why not simply unwind the call stack to the routine that 
has the pragma active.

sub foo {use exception; baz()}

sub baz { throw "a fit" }

sub bar {
no exception;

The unwind logic would treat a scope with no exception set _as if_
each call were wrapped in at try block.

PS ***But it's entirely up to each programmer whether or not they use 
PS Fatal-checking***  This is the Perl way anyway.

Fatal checking, is for core functions. And optional for module authors.

Then and could possibly be consolidated.

Chaim FrenkelNonlinear Knowledge, Inc.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   +1-718-236-0183

Re: On the case for exception-based error handling.

2000-08-22 Thread Tony Olekshy

Chaim Frenkel wrote:
 Actually, why not simply unwind the call stack to the routine that
 has the pragma active.
 sub foo {use exception; baz()}
 sub baz { throw "a fit" }
 sub bar {
 no exception;


 The unwind logic would treat a scope with no exception set _as if_
 each call were wrapped in at try block.

I don't think so.  If no exception is in scope Perl should continue
to generate and propagate exceptions (die and $@) as it does now,
so we don't break tradition.

 PS ***But it's entirely up to each programmer whether or not they use
 PS Fatal-checking***  This is the Perl way anyway.
 Fatal checking, is for core functions. And optional for module authors.


 Then and could possibly be consolidated.


I like something like this

 Chaim FrenkelNonlinear Knowledge, Inc.
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   +1-718-236-0183