Re: RFC 188 (v2) Objects : Private keys and methods

2000-09-19 Thread Nathan Wiger

Damian Conway wrote:
> The problem with specifying them as attributes is that I do not believe
> there is any way (or even any proposed way) of applying attributes to
> a hash entrie or a hash slice, nor is there any way of *retrospectively*
> applying an attribute to a hash that has already been declared elsewhere.

You're correct. I personally think there should be. My examples have
been based on the idea that this could be possible in Perl 6.

I'm going to post a Nat-inspired 'IDEA' to perl6-language in a little
bit (if my head doesn't explode first) and see how much it's shot at.


Re: RFC 188 (v2) Objects : Private keys and methods

2000-09-19 Thread Damian Conway

The problem with specifying them as attributes is that I do not believe
there is any way (or even any proposed way) of applying attributes to
a hash entrie or a hash slice, nor is there any way of *retrospectively*
applying an attribute to a hash that has already been declared elsewhere.


Re: RFC 188 (v2) Objects : Private keys and methods

2000-09-19 Thread Nathan Wiger

Jonathan Scott Duff wrote:
> With the exact same semantics?  I.e.,
> my $hash{$key} : private = $val;
> makes %hash non-autovivifying, thus forcing the programmer to
> "declare" all of the hash keys he intends to use?

If you wanted to declare you lexical scope separate from your data
access properties, you could do so in this way:

   my %hash;
  $hash{$key} : private = $val;
  $hash{$key} : public = $val2;

Here's my concern: Are "private" and "public" scopes? They don't appear
to be. They appear to be access modifiers, changing properties of the
variable they're attached to.

In this case, they're attributes, and belong after the variable, just
like ":64bit" or ":long". Regardless of their importance, if they're not
scope modifiers, it's inconsistent to put some before and some after


   my int $x :64bit = get_huge_value();
   my string $self->{NAME} :private = shift;

See what I'm getting at? 'string' and 'int' are types. ':64bit' and
':private' are modifiers.


Re: RFC 188 (v2) Objects : Private keys and methods

2000-09-19 Thread Jonathan Scott Duff

On Tue, Sep 19, 2000 at 12:35:31PM -0700, Nathan Wiger wrote:
> > This RFC proposes two new keywords -- C and C -- that limit
> > the accessibility of keys in a hash, and of methods.
> I still think these should be attributes across the board:
>my $hash{$key} : private = $val;
>my @hash{qw(_name _rank _snum)} : public;
>sub dostuff : private { }
> I'd be interested what others think.

With the exact same semantics?  I.e.,

my $hash{$key} : private = $val;

makes %hash non-autovivifying, thus forcing the programmer to
"declare" all of the hash keys he intends to use?  And how would the
programmer do this in your scheme?

my @hash{$key1,$key2,$key3} : private;


Jonathan Scott Duff

Re: RFC 188 (v2) Objects : Private keys and methods

2000-09-19 Thread Nathan Wiger

> This RFC proposes two new keywords -- C and C -- that limit
> the accessibility of keys in a hash, and of methods.

I still think these should be attributes across the board:

   my $hash{$key} : private = $val;
   my @hash{qw(_name _rank _snum)} : public;
   sub dostuff : private { }

I'd be interested what others think.


RFC 188 (v2) Objects : Private keys and methods

2000-09-19 Thread Perl6 RFC Librarian

This and other RFCs are available on the web at

=head1 TITLE

Objects : Private keys and methods

=head1 VERSION

  Maintainer: Damian Conway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Date: 1 Sep 2000
  Last Modified: 19 Sep 2000
  Mailing List: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Number: 188
  Version: 2
  Status: Developing


This RFC proposes two new keywords -- C and C -- that limit
the accessibility of keys in a hash, and of methods. Their primary use
would be to provide encapsulation of attributes and methods in
hash-based objects.


=head2 Private hash entries

It is proposed that Perl 6 provide a unary function, C, that
restricts hash entries to the current package. The keyword could be applied to
a single hash entry:

private $hash{key};
private $hash{$key};
private $hashref->{key};

or to a hash slice:

private @hash{qw(_name _rank _snum)};

or to a complete hash (either directly, or via a reference):

private %hash;
private { _name => "demo", _rank => "private", _snum => 123 };
private bless { @attrs }, $class;
bless private { @attrs }, $class;

In all cases, a call to C would return its single argument.

The effects of applying C to a single hash entry would be to:

=over 4

=item 1.

mark the entire hash as non-autovivifying (except via future calls to
C or C -- see below)

=item 2.

mark the particular entry as being restricted to the package in which the
call to C occurs

=item 3.

mark any other existing entries of the hash as publicly accessible (see 
L below).


After a hash has been marked in this way, the specific key(s) would only be
directly accessible in the same package:

package MyClass;

sub new { bless private { secret => 'data' }, $_[0] }

package main;

my $obj = MyClass->new();
print $obj->{secret};   # dies, inaccessible entry

Attempts to autovivify keys of a C-ized hash would also be fatal:

package MyClass;

sub print_me { print $_[0]->{sekret} }  # dies, no such entry

package main;

my $obj = MyClass->new();
print $obj->{public};   # dies, can't create entry

Once a hash has been C-ized, the only way to extend its set of
entries is via another call to C (or C -- see below):

sub new {
my ($class, %self) = @_;
bless private \%self, $class;
$self{seed} = rand; # dies, can't autovivify
private $self{seed} = rand; # okay
$self{seed} = rand; # now okay

Applying C to a hash slice would apply it individually to each
entry in the slice. Applying C to an entire hash (directly, or via
a reference) would apply it to every entry in the hash that is not already
private (or public -- see below).

=head3 C entries and inheritance

Private entries of hashes could be I accessed in packages
that inherit from the entry's package, by qualifying (i.e. prefixing) the
key with the entry's package name. For example:

package Base;

sub new {
my ($class, @data) = @_;
bless private { data => [@data] }, $class;

package SortableBase;
use base 'Base';

sub sorted {
my ($self) = @_;
print sort @{ $self->{Base::data} };

Note, however, that it would still be a fatal error to attempt to access a
private entry outside its package's hierarchy, even with full qualification:

package main;

my $obj = Base->new(@data);

print $obj->{Base::data};   # dies, not in derived class

Because private entries are only directly acccessible within their own package,
a hash could be given two private entries with the same key, but associated 
with different packages. For example:

package Base;

sub new {
my ($class, @data) = @_;
bless private { data => [@data] }, $class;

sub data { return $_[0]->{data} };  # Base::data

package Derived;
use base 'Base';

sub new {
my ($class, $derdatum, @basedata) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@basedata);
private $self->{data} = $derdatum;
return $self;

sub data { return $_[0]->{data} };  # Derived::data

Note that this solves the pernicious "data collision" problem in OO Perl.

=head3 Iteration of C-ized hashes

When a C-ized hash is iterated -- via C, C, or
C -- the only keys or values returned would be those that are
directly or indirectly accessible within the current package. Furthermore,
iterators that return keys would

Re: FYI: Ruby 1.6.0 - An object-oriented language for quick and easyprogramming

2000-09-19 Thread Dave Storrs

On Tue, 19 Sep 2000, Adam Turoff wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 19, 2000 at 08:07:33AM -0700, Dave Storrs wrote:
> > I think I would be
> > guardedly in favor of changing the default scope from global to local
> > (although I have the feeling there is something I'm not considering). What
> > does everyone else think?
> [the following is shown out of original order]
> Really?  You want a brand new $foo inside a while loop, distinct
> from the one inside the surrounding sub?  That is lost when the while
> loop terminates?

Urmm...I think maybe I just realized what it was that I wasn't
considering.  Never mind.  Forget I said anything. *blush*


Re: FYI: Ruby 1.6.0 - An object-oriented language for quick and easy programming

2000-09-19 Thread Adam Turoff

On Tue, Sep 19, 2000 at 08:07:33AM -0700, Dave Storrs wrote:
> On Tue, 19 Sep 2000, Nathan Wiger wrote:
> > And then there's the lexical variable issue too:
> > 
> >The default variable scope rules for Ruby (default: local) are
> >much better suited for medium-to-large scale programming tasks;
> >no "my, my, my" proliferation is needed for safe Ruby programming
>   Actually, this is the bit that interests me.  Most times, when you
> create a variable, you *do* want local scope.  

Really?  You want a brand new $foo inside a while loop, distinct
from the one inside the surrounding sub?  That is lost when the while
loop terminates?

> I think I would be
> guardedly in favor of changing the default scope from global to local
> (although I have the feeling there is something I'm not considering). What
> does everyone else think?

Sounds like a really bad idea.  That's one of the reasons why people
tend to hate tcl: everything is 'upvar' this and 'upvar' that to go
up one level of scope.


Re: FYI: Ruby 1.6.0 - An object-oriented language for quick and easyprogramming

2000-09-19 Thread Nathan Wiger

Dave Storrs wrote:
> >The default variable scope rules for Ruby (default: local) are
> >much better suited for medium-to-large scale programming tasks;
> >no "my, my, my" proliferation is needed for safe Ruby programming
> Actually, this is the bit that interests me.  Most times, when you
> create a variable, you *do* want local scope.  I think I would be
> guardedly in favor of changing the default scope from global to local
> (although I have the feeling there is something I'm not considering). What
> does everyone else think?

There's been a big discussion on -strict on this. I invite you to join
the list and check out RFC 106, which I feel is a pretty good proposal.

But please, any further discussion on this needs to be on -strict, not
here. Thanks.


Re: FYI: Ruby 1.6.0 - An object-oriented language for quick and easy programming

2000-09-19 Thread iain truskett

[in Ruby documentation:]
> > The default variable scope rules for Ruby (default: local) are much
> > better suited for medium-to-large scale programming tasks; no "my,
> > my, my" proliferation is needed for safe Ruby programming

* Dave Storrs ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [20 Sep 2000 02:08]:
> Actually, this is the bit that interests me. Most times, when you
> create a variable, you *do* want local scope.

Yes, but you'd need something that is a 'create variable' function.
Otherwise, if you typo you create a new locally scoped variable. That's
not what we want, surely?

The joy of 'my' (and the equivalent declarations in C/Pascal/etc.) is
that it traps such things.

\def\Koschei{Iain Truskett}%
{\if\i\f\f\else\i\fi}\def\Am{am}  \WhoAmI?\I\ \Am\ \Koschei\bye!

Re: FYI: Ruby 1.6.0 - An object-oriented language for quick and easy programming

2000-09-19 Thread Dave Storrs

On Tue, 19 Sep 2000, Nathan Wiger wrote:

> And then there's the lexical variable issue too:
>The default variable scope rules for Ruby (default: local) are
>much better suited for medium-to-large scale programming tasks;
>no "my, my, my" proliferation is needed for safe Ruby programming

Actually, this is the bit that interests me.  Most times, when you
create a variable, you *do* want local scope.  I think I would be
guardedly in favor of changing the default scope from global to local
(although I have the feeling there is something I'm not considering). What
does everyone else think?


Re: FYI: Ruby 1.6.0 - An object-oriented language for quick and easy programming

2000-09-19 Thread Nathan Wiger

> What sets Ruby apart is a clean and consistent
> language design where everything is an object.

I like this part. Assuming I ever finish my last RFC I'd like Perl to
have embedded objects as well. The difference being Perl's wouldn't get
in the way, unlike Python's.

Of particular interest seems to be this link:

Which has a somewhat poignant analysis of Perl's OO:

   Ruby was a genuine easy-to-use object-oriented language from the
   beginning; whereas Perl's OOP features were added to non-OO Perl,
   so that these features are (unlike the rest of Perl) very clumsy
   and hard to use correctly and effectively. For many people and
   purposes, Ruby is a better OO Perl than Perl. 

And then there's the lexical variable issue too:

   The default variable scope rules for Ruby (default: local) are
   much better suited for medium-to-large scale programming tasks;
   no "my, my, my" proliferation is needed for safe Ruby programming

Food for though at least. 


Re: RFC 163 (v2) Objects: Autoaccessors for object data structures

2000-09-19 Thread Dave Storrs

On Mon, 18 Sep 2000, Glenn Linderman wrote:

> This is an interesting comment to be made about an interesting side effect of
> this proposal.
> (1) array elements can be accessed by name
> (2) member data can be looked up quicker (by array index, rather than by
> hashed name)
> new RFC:
>my @foo;  # empty array
>$foo ['month'] = 10;  #  $#foo == 1, $foo[0] == 10
>$foo ['day'] = 20;   # $#foo == 2, $foo [1] == 20
>$foo ['year'] = 30;   # $#foo = 3, $foo [2] == 30

This is an interesting idea, question is, if we go
with this idea, what will hashes be used for?  Or are they simply rendered
obsolete? (I find that hard to believe, but I can't offhand think of a
usage that this doesn't cover.)

This will require every array to carry around an internal hash
mapping its symbolic names to the index at which they point.


Re: RFC 224 (v1) Objects : Rationalizing C, C, and C

2000-09-19 Thread Graham Barr

On Mon, Sep 18, 2000 at 08:54:30AM -0600, Tom Christiansen wrote:
> >This RFC proposes that rather than three separate mechanisms (in three
> >separate namespaces) to determine object typing information, Perl 6
> >simply extend the C function to return all the necessary
> >information in a list context.
> That sounds nice.  It would also cure the funny business I tacitly
> demonstrated in my last message in which ref defaults to $_ but
> that reftype does not.

It also reminds me of an RFC I did not submit, which was about
reftype() and blessed() in the Scalar::Util package. Currently
it is not very efficient to determine if a reference is blessed


FYI: Ruby 1.6.0 - An object-oriented language for quick and easy programming

2000-09-19 Thread H . Merijn Brand

I don't like OOP, you folks obviously do. Maybe docs/specs/... are interesting
for you ...

Have fun.

Newsgroups: fm.announce
Subject: Ruby 1.6.0 - An object-oriented language for quick and easy programming
Date: 19 Sep 2000 09:58:15 GMT

 application: Ruby 1.6.0
  author: Yukihiro Matsumoto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 license: GPL
category: Development/Languages
 urgency: medium


Ruby is a language for quick and easy programming. Similar in scope to
Perl and Python, it has high-level data types, automatic memory
management, dynamic typing, a module system, exceptions, and a rich
standard library. What sets Ruby apart is a clean and consistent
language design where everything is an object. Other distinguishing
features are CLU-style iterators for loop abstraction, singleton
classes/methods and lexical closures.

A major release. Numerous bugfixes have been added.


H.Merijn Brand   Amsterdam Perl Mongers (
using perl-5.005.03, 5.6.0, 5.7.1 & 516 on HP-UX 10.20 & 11.00, AIX 4.2 & 4.3,
 DEC OSF/1 4.0 and WinNT 4.0 SP-6a,  often with Tk800.022 and/or DBD-Unify

Re: RFC 218 (v1) C is just an assertion

2000-09-19 Thread Piers Cawley

Michael G Schwern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Mon, Sep 18, 2000 at 09:48:27AM +0100, Piers Cawley wrote:
> > Michael G Schwern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > Nope.  fields::new() basically just does C > > [\%{"$class\::FIELDS"}], $class>, but the current pseudohash
> > > implementation doesn't care if something is an object or not.  It just
> > > cares about either A) its type or B) what's in $ph->[0].
> > 
> > Hmm... it still feels like undocumented behaviour. I'd definitely be
> > inclined to tighten up the base/fields behaviour. My feeling is that
> > the proposal makes them closer to the Right Thing.
> Its plenty documented.  But if we simply put a bullet into
> pseudo-hashes, as per RFC 241, this all goes away.

