Thinking about the brace matching problem, regarding the specific
problem of writing a regex to match any valid specification of
a scalar written like 

        ${expression returning name or reference goes here}

I realized that no amount of lookahead is going to be without possible

So why not give up and try another direction?  A special backslash
assertion that matches ___> a valid perl expression which appears as if
it would return a value <___ would be just the thing.

We could call it \v for valid, and it would match as far as it could get
in validity.

        ($Name_Of_The_First_Interpolable_Scalar) = m/\$(\w+|(\{\v\}))/;

It's opposite, \V, is something I'd like to know more about before submitting
a RFC on this idea.  Would it be greedy?  Would it require a quantifier, matching
dot for that many, and then validate the results?  Maybe it should be left undefined:
can anyone come up with a situation in which you'd want to match all the characters
that were not syntactically valid, or match up to the last token that would match all
the previous brackets?

                          David Nicol 816.235.1187 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
           perl -e'map{sleep print$w[rand@w]}@w=<>' ~/nsmail/Inbox

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