Re: [OT] Re: Perl Doesn't Suck

2001-07-03 Thread David L. Nicol

Stephen Zander wrote:

> OpenSource.  Try writing a second Perl implementation from scratch.

Well it's a dicier proposition that writing a Fortran or COBOL 
implementation from scratch, but it's Not Intractable.  The next
assertion might come as a small shock to you but Larry isn't god.

Topaz worked, didn't it?

> Were something dreadful to happen to Larry and his estate chose to
> change the licensing terms of the current *implementation*, where
> would Perl6 go? Or even Perl5 for that matter?

We would have to continue operating under the license we have been
granted, which does not contain provision for rescinsion.

> --
> Stephen
> "Farcical aquatic ceremonies are no basis for a system of government!"

   David Nicol 816.235.1187
And the cow threw up seven times, and said:
"Say it now and say it loud, I'm a cow and I am proud."

Re: Perl Doesn't Suck

2001-07-02 Thread Abigail

On Fri, Jun 29, 2001 at 06:59:07PM -0400, Michael G Schwern wrote:
> As a Solaris gal, this might all seem perfectly sensible.  Myself, I'm
> doubly screwed running Linux (which is not Windows or Solaris) on a
> PowerPC (which is not Intel or Sparc).  Sun might have perfectly valid
> business reasons for concentrating on Solaris and Windows, but in the
> end it still means I'm screwed.

Blech. Sun didn't force you to run either Linux, or to use a PPC platform.
It's your choice, and blaming Sun to screw you doesn't make much sense.


[OT] Re: Perl Doesn't Suck

2001-07-02 Thread Stephen Zander

> "schwern" == schwern  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
schwern> Sun doesn't give out its JDK source code freely, they
schwern> have all sorts of restrictions.  If I wanted to port the
schwern> JDK I can do it, but I need special permission from Sun
schwern> to distribute it.  This Sucks.  Especially considering
schwern> that you could go through a whole lot of work and then
schwern> have Sun deny you.

Speaking as someone with feet firmly in both camps (I'm a Blackdown
member and the Debian maintainer for the jdk and some of the largest
perl modules in that distribution), IMNSHO the fatal assumption made
by millions of people is that Java is OpenSource just because it's a
*language*.  It isn't.  Get over that expectation and life becomes

Just because there's a Fortran or a COBOL standard doesn't make it any
easier to write compilers and run-time support from scratch for those
languages, regardless of platform.  And, no, no one will help support
you in this endeavour.  That's where things like Kaffe and Japhar find
themselves.  Perl's great blessing is also it's great curse; there's a
single implementation and that *implementation* happens to be
OpenSource.  Try writing a second Perl implementation from scratch.
Were something dreadful to happen to Larry and his estate chose to
change the licensing terms of the current *implementation*, where
would Perl6 go? Or even Perl5 for that matter?


"Farcical aquatic ceremonies are no basis for a system of government!"

Re: [OT] Re: Perl Doesn't Suck

2001-06-30 Thread Me

All, of course, imho:

> Were something dreadful to happen to Larry and his estate chose to
> change the licensing terms of the current *implementation*

Well they can only do that to a copy of their own, not
existing copies. While the law isn't clear on a lot of
nuances related to more complex open source
licenses, perl's is clear enough that it is implausible
that A) a non-corrupt modern judicial system is going
to interpret it in a way that allows license changes to
apply retroactively to existing copies and B) they can
then enforce this in a manner that truly stops a fork.

(And guess which version the book authors and gurus
would follow? Consider Borland's Interbase, which had
a far more restrictive license, not even remotely as
open as perl. Borland mucked about, so the community
forked. All the gurus immediately backed the fork and
the new direction was established in less than a week.
Now Borland seeks to merge its fork (the original
set of sources, since further developed a little) back
with the community fork. This will happen, and the
pragmatic strength of freedom over self-serving
manipulation will have asserted itself.)

> Try writing a second Perl implementation from
> scratch.

Indeed, Perl 6 is, afaik, a rewrite, from scratch.
All you need is a community willing and able to do it.

> Perl's great blessing is also it's great curse; there's a single
> implementation and that *implementation* happens to be
> OpenSource.

If anyone concludes that a particular language with a clear
spec that stands free of any given implementation is a
lesser strategic risk than perl, then I think they should adopt
that other language. I very much doubt they will have much
success convincing those working on perl that a commitment
to a spec that stands free of the current implementation would
be a good use of their time, because the license is sufficiently
free, and a stand alone spec that kept up with a continuously
evolving and pragmatically driven thing like perl would take
an inordinate amount of effort.

Re: [OT] Re: Perl Doesn't Suck

2001-06-30 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

Stephen Zander [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*>Speaking as someone with feet firmly in both camps (I'm a Blackdown
*>member and the Debian maintainer for the jdk and some of the largest
*>perl modules in that distribution), IMNSHO the fatal assumption made
*>by millions of people is that Java is OpenSource just because it's a
*>*language*.  It isn't.  Get over that expectation and life becomes

Well, I think a lot of people don't consider the OS v CS when choosing a
technology and, honestly, it's not the point I was trying to make.

I see too much griping about how anything that isn't open source sucks,
etc. while all around us there are fewer and fewer choices to make. I
don't care so much about licensing as I have my own personal choices that
aren't shared by everyone nor do I expect them to be so or consider others
who don't to be stupid. But I am very concerned that as time goes by that
diversity in platforms and in software will cease to exist.

George Carlin had a interesting observation that our lives are filled with
meaningless choices at the grocery store, 165 breakfast cereals, over 100
different kinds of mustard, and that while we have these meaningless
choices we have little diversity in important choices; 2 poltical parties, 
2 or 3 major media companies, 2 home computing platforms, etc.  I have
this same feeling when looking at computing these days.

Saying that Microsoft Sucks has not had much effect on its market share or
in deterring people from using it. I wouldn't expect much more of an
effect by saying Java or anything else sucks. Obviously, there needs to be
a better method of making open source technologies more attractive to more


Re: [OT] Re: Perl Doesn't Suck

2001-06-30 Thread schwern

On Sat, Jun 30, 2001 at 01:49:45PM -0700, Stephen Zander wrote:
> Perl's great blessing is also it's great curse; there's a single
> implementation and that *implementation* happens to be OpenSource.
> Try writing a second Perl implementation from scratch.

Fortunately, we don't have to. :)

Perl 6 should have a more fathomable design, or at least better
documented.  I don't think it'll ever reach the sort of standards that
things like Java and C++ have.  Then again, have you LOOKED at the
ANSI C++ standard? ;)

> Were something dreadful to happen to Larry and his estate chose to
> change the licensing terms of the current *implementation*

In that Highly Unlikely event, we can simply fork off the source code
from the point where the license changed.  License changes are not
retroactive.  The only restriction is we couldn't call it 'perl' under
the AL.

I don't think such a thing has ever happened to a major Open Source
project, this doesn't worry me.  The license squabbling between the
various BSD's is similar, but they're all still Open.

> where would Perl6 go? 

Same place its going right now, as there's no code. :)

Michael G Schwern   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Perl6 Quality Assurance <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   Kwalitee Is Job One

Re: Perl Doesn't Suck

2001-06-30 Thread schwern

On Sat, Jun 30, 2001 at 11:57:42AM -0500, Elaine -HFB- Ashton wrote:
> If Java sucks to install on some boutique/niche platforms it
> could mean that a) noone has told them about the issues

I can't even conceive they're not accutely aware.

> b) noone in the FreeBSD/Linux world has taken it upon themselves to
> care enough to love it and see it through to make it work.


Sun doesn't give out its JDK source code freely, they have all sorts
of restrictions.  If I wanted to port the JDK I can do it, but I need
special permission from Sun to distribute it.  This Sucks.  Especially
considering that you could go through a whole lot of work and then
have Sun deny you.

Some are trying from scratch, a truly masive undertaking given that
the current JDK is 20 megs *compressed*.  Hungry Hackers has Japhar
which is a 1.1.5 JDK and there are others, but it all lags behind.

If Sun really wanted to help porters, they could release the JDK
source code Freely.  They won't.  Do not blame the Open Source guys
for lack of effort.

> Where would Perl on VMS be without Peter Prymmer? etc?

White Knights are necessary, but Peter Prymmer did not have to rebuild
perl from scratch.  Being an OS Knight isn't an easy job, but we don't
throw roadblocks in their way.  Some of us have been bending over
backwards to help.

Guys like Hungry Hackers have 0 help from Sun.  All they've got is a

> The issue behind platform selection and support is that since Sun is a
> company out to make money

That's all prefectly valid.  It still means Java doesn't work well on
my machine.

> Java has no platform angels in the corporation or out in the field most
> likely.

Hungry Hackers and Blackdown are two off the top of my head.
Blackdown is in a special position in that Sun has granted them
permission to use the JDK source code, but nobody else can see it.

If I don't have the source code, how am I supposed to fix anything?  I
can patch something and send it off to Sun, sure, but let's think
about a full platform port...

Let's say Peter Prymmer decides he wants to port the JDK to VMS (God
Help Us ALL).  What's his course of action.

0)  Consult a psychiatrist.
1)  Joins the Sun Developer Community
2)  Download a copy of the JDK
3..100)  Goes through a massive amount of work to get it working under VMS
101)  Trumphantly sends the patches off to Sun.
102a)  Sun sets Peter up with a Blackdown-like deal allowing him to
   distribute his port.
102b)  Sun thanks Peter for his time but isn't going to trouble itself with
102c)  Sun thanks Peter for his time, but doesn't feel the port is good
   enough to be blessed.

Its that last bit of fuzziness at the end.  You could go through
 that work and still be denied at the end.  At least, that's
how I'm reading their license.

The other problem is steps 3 to 100 must be done in a relative vacuum.
I don't believe he'd be allowed to redistribute his patches, so no
vmsjava mailing list or community of developers to work with.  Of
course, he could ask permission from Sun beforehand, but again, this
all relies on the good will of Sun (and them trusting Peter, who could
be some schmo for all they know).

Perhaps more importantly than all this, the spontaneity is lost.  I
know of many, many porting projects which started out with one guy
saying "Gee, I wish X worked on my OS" and in a flurry of wild
patching something is made to work in a few hours/days.  Not perfect,
but enough to get the snowball rolling.

Finally, if the core developers (ie. Sun engineers) are unconcerned
with your OS, they're going to keep cranking out platform specific
code which you're going to have to keep patching over and over again.
At least with perl we've got things like Windows and VMS in the back
of our heads when making core patches (and if we don't we'll have
Peter BEATING the backs of our heads ;) Thinks either work out of the
box or are caught very early on.  None of this ports lagging behind a
few versions while they fix everything up.

Anyhow, this is just the old Open vs Closed source debates rehashed.
Except s/Closed/Community License/

Michael G Schwern   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Perl6 Quality Assurance <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   Kwalitee Is Job One

Re: Perl Doesn't Suck

2001-06-30 Thread Elaine -HFB- Ashton

Adam Turoff [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
*>This is the issue in a nutshell.  Let's not mix business issues
*>with technical ones.  Let's not mix cluster management with simple
*>end-user installation.  Let's not mix businesses losing millions
*>by the microsecond with the guy who just wants his little website
*>to just *work*. [*]

P5P was created becausePerl sucked to get it installed on many
platforms. If Java sucks to install on some boutique/niche platforms it
could mean that a) noone has told them about the issues or b) noone in the
FreeBSD/Linux world has taken it upon themselves to care enough to love it
and see it through to make it work. What's the 'little guy' using Java for
anyway since Open Source supposedly should have revolutionised the choices
for them by now.

Where would Perl on VMS be without Peter Prymmer? etc?

The issue behind platform selection and support is that since Sun is a
company out to make money, it's going to choose the ones that will reach
the most interested paying customers. Some would even say that makes a
certain amount of business sense, especially in an economy where tech
profits are drying up.

Java has no platform angels in the corporation or out in the field most
likely. It doesn't have to mean it sucks rather it is a function of it's

*>Personally, I don't really care what my support options are at 4am,
*>who I can pay to rouse out of bed, or whose pager I can pay to
*>page.  I want technology that works, not technology with a glitzy
*>sales presentation and more hype than the Beatles.  

Probably because you aren't a Sysadmin called to fix something a developer
broke who doesn't wear a pager and doesn't answer the phone at 4am so you
are left with fixing the cryptic code yourself or calling support. 

It's not about hype, it's about time. 

Linux used to be a real bitch to install on non-supported hardware too,
especially the esoteric and the new. You learned to buy supported hardware
or live with waiting for a driver. The same could be said for the FreeBSD
and even Solaris on Intel. It takes time.

*>There are always improvements to be made, even with Perl.  But where
*>we are today, Perl doesn't suck.

For you. It probably does suck for some people which is why we should be
glad that there are so many platforms and other languages to choose from.
If something sucks, use something else.

After losing yet another platform, Alpha, this week I would think that we
should cherish every bit of diversity in computing we can get.


Re: Perl Doesn't Suck

2001-06-30 Thread Adam Turoff

On Fri, Jun 29, 2001 at 05:20:40PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> There's the trick, Solaris is Sun's Blessed Platform.  As a
> Linux/PowerPC user, I know how Ziggy feels.  I'm almost totally
> ignored by Sun and I'd imagine I'd have just as much trouble getting
> it working as he did.

This is the issue in a nutshell.  Let's not mix business issues
with technical ones.  Let's not mix cluster management with simple
end-user installation.  Let's not mix businesses losing millions
by the microsecond with the guy who just wants his little website
to just *work*. [*]

Personally, I don't really care what my support options are at 4am,
who I can pay to rouse out of bed, or whose pager I can pay to
page.  I want technology that works, not technology with a glitzy
sales presentation and more hype than the Beatles.  

I don't want technology that's unnaturally bound to customer support
to make it work.  I want something that works, as advertised, and
works reliably enough for me to adopt it (perhaps after making a
few patches).

Plenty of companies find lots of work playing in Sun's (or Oracle's
or Microsoft's ) view of the world.  That does not define the
world of computing.  Not by a longshot.  Let's not forget that the
mainframe never died, even after 20 years predicting it's imminent
demise.  Remember too that the proprietary, commercially supported
client/server programming languages focused on "mainstream platforms"
like Win3.1+Sybase are now a footnote to history.

This is especially sad with Java, which promised to be write-once
run-anywhere, and continues to fail to deliver on that promise.
This is especially nice with Perl, which has delivered on write-once
run-anywhere without promising it, and has done so for more than
a decade.  Doubly so when Perl's single-implementation standard
gives predictable results pretty much everywhere, while Java is
subject to multiple JVMs which can be differently buggy.

> But yes, module installation can be made easier.  We're working on it.

There are always improvements to be made, even with Perl.  But where
we are today, Perl doesn't suck.


*: What good is that multi-billion dollar business doing?  Who knows.
   What good is that little guy doing?  Who knows, but it might be the 
   next version of the OED, a realtime snapshot of the company's P&L,
   or satellite data that reaches you quicker.

Re: Perl Doesn't Suck

2001-06-29 Thread Chip Turner

Michael G Schwern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Fri, Jun 29, 2001 at 05:29:53PM -0500, Elaine -HFB- Ashton wrote:
> > Not all OS, though most, have Perl in the base install and those that do
> > even have problems. has issues on HP and Sun, RedHat has spotty
> > RPMs that occsaionally go awry. 
> That's their fault.  Find a better distribution.

Or send suggestions on how to make it better.  Send them to me if need
be.  If you want better Red Hat RPMs, send feedback.  If you've sent
feedback, give me a URL and I'll see what I can do to improve the
situation.  I've had issues with our mod_perl and apache RPMs, but the
perl RPMs are pretty good.  Combined with /usr/lib/rpm/cpanflute for
turning cpan tarballs into RPMs, it works pretty well, in my
experience.  I used to compile from scratch, but once I started
working with RPM and not against it, I had good success. 



Re: Perl Doesn't Suck

2001-06-29 Thread Michael G Schwern

On Fri, Jun 29, 2001 at 05:29:53PM -0500, Elaine -HFB- Ashton wrote:
> Not all OS, though most, have Perl in the base install and those that do
> even have problems. has issues on HP and Sun, RedHat has spotty
> RPMs that occsaionally go awry. 

That's their fault.  Find a better distribution.

> *>Then again, even for big things like Tk or LWP, I've found perl's
> *>installation process to be at least more consistent.  perl Makefile.PL
> *>&& make test && make install will just about do it.  By contract, I've
> *>had to install the JMF under Linux.  HOoboy, that was a mess.  All
> *>sorts of little hard-coded paths and config options to tweak and
> *>jigger, copying things around by hand.  Unpleasent.  I'd imagine it
> *>would be easier to do on Solaris, but that doesn't help me.
> Well, call your Linux support and ask for them to make it better/easier to
> install Java on Linux. Sun isn't going to do it for the other platforms I
> would imagine.

Well, see there's the trick.  Sun (and thus Java) cares about Solaris
and Windows.  Everyone else has to fend for themselves.  To make
matters worse, its very difficult to get your hands on the JVM source
code, so its not like I can even fix it.  With Perl, I can at least
fix it myself and roll it back into the core.  Its the old Open vs
Closed Source argument.

As a Solaris gal, this might all seem perfectly sensible.  Myself, I'm
doubly screwed running Linux (which is not Windows or Solaris) on a
PowerPC (which is not Intel or Sparc).  Sun might have perfectly valid
business reasons for concentrating on Solaris and Windows, but in the
end it still means I'm screwed.

With Perl, if you're running some fucked up OS on some fucked up
hardware we'll at least give it our best shot to get it working.  If
you figure out how to get it working, we'll do what we can to roll it
into the core (mod a little p5p squabbling).

> The one time I did have an issue with a Java package I had
> an engineer issue a patch within the day...and he was awakened at 4am.

Did Sun do this out of the goodness of their heart or did you have
commercial support?

Given that Sun charges $200 per incident for a two day response time
($1600 for four hour reponse) this is not something most people can
afford.  Expensive, commercial support, while it is nice for those who
can afford it, is not a general solution.

> *>But yes, module installation can be made easier.  We're working on it.
> No, module installation isn't hard and wasn't what I was driving at.
> Enterprise wide deployment. Make it easy to install and deploy perl across
> 5k boxes in a farm and you'll have a winner. :)

With Debian I just make dpkgs (or use the Debian ones), stick them
into a local repository and sync normally from there.  Most OS's have
a similar packaging system.  Otherwise, you can use CPAN::Site to set
up a local CPAN repository which overlays your own.  Or you can set up
your own local CPAN mirror of approved modules.  After that its all
cron jobs.

Making it easier to do those last two is a good way to go.  That an
Ingy's NAPC idea.  Like I said, we're working on it.


Michael G. Schwern   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Perl6 Quality Assurance <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   Kwalitee Is Job One
Only mindless violence can raise my spirits now!

Re: Perl Doesn't Suck

2001-06-29 Thread Michael G Schwern

On Fri, Jun 29, 2001 at 06:51:33PM -0500, Elaine -HFB- Ashton wrote:
> *>That's their fault.  Find a better distribution.
> There are a lot of Solaris 8 users out there and to have a broken OEM Perl
> is not optimal. That response would not be well received.

If  distributes a broken Perl with , what are we to do about it?

> Well, Sun has worked with other major OS vendors to make Java work
> properly so I don't know what the issues are behind Linux and *BSD not
> doing the same.

That's all lovely, I still don't have a recent version of Java on my
machine.  I don't expect this situation to really be fixed anytime

> *>As a Solaris gal, this might all seem perfectly sensible.  Myself, I'm
> *>doubly screwed running Linux (which is not Windows or Solaris) on a
> *>PowerPC (which is not Intel or Sparc).  Sun might have perfectly valid
> *>business reasons for concentrating on Solaris and Windows, but in the
> *>end it still means I'm screwed.
> There are platforms which are also difficult to install Perl though it has
> gotten better over the years. I remember when I first installed or rather
> tried to install perl5 on Solaris when it first came outit was a PITA
> to say the least. 
> P5P was conceived for just this task to make Perl install and run on a
> wide variety of platforms since, at the time, the number was few.
> Nothing installs perfectly on every OS and runs perfectly as well. 
> It such a thing exists, I'll buy stock in the company right now :)

Yeah, but Perl does an amazing job of trying.  About the only thing I
can think that's been so well ported is maybe something like gcc, vi
or make.  It runs on the Amiga!  It supports EBCDIC for god's sake!

I think the key difference here is that p5p is committed to trying
like hell to get Perl working on pretty much everything, while Sun is
only doing the ones it thinks are important and leaving the rest to
independent porting operations it gives its blessing, and source code,
to (like Blackdown).

Yes, you still need a White Knight for your OS, yes things take time
to firm up, yes its not perfect, but we're trying and succeeding.  Sun
isn't even trying.  

Java's been around long enough and sure as hell has had enough
resources poured into it.  If they really wanted Java to be truely
cross-platform, they'd have done it by now.  They don't care.  That's
fine as a business, but like I said, whatever the reason the end-users
are still fucked.

> *>Given that Sun charges $200 per incident for a two day response time
> *>($1600 for four hour reponse) this is not something most people can
> *>afford.  Expensive, commercial support, while it is nice for those who
> *>can afford it, is not a general solution.
> When you have web sties that loose millions of dollars per hour of down
> time it's not an option not to have support. Sun is a business, Perl is
> not. People don't answer pagers at 4am for free :)

You misread.  Commercial support is entirely necessary and justifiable
in your case and many others.  It must exist.  However, you can't hold
it up as a good general solution.

Advocating, "When I had a problem, Sun fixed it right away
because I pay them lots of money" is cheating.  Take
any technology, apply lots of money, and it will work wonderfully.

> It would be neat to have 'make solaris-dist' or something like that
> for most of the major platforms.
> NAPC sounds cool but I don't know enough about it to say whether or not it
> will be Enterprise level.

Given that "Enterprise" has pretty much no meaning anymore, I'd say
yes. :)

Seriously though, NAPC (if it works) is exactly the sort of packaging
tool you're looking for.  Since NAPC will produce, essentially, a
"binary" package, you can just translate that into a solaris package.

Anyhow, I think we've beaten this topic to death.  Point is, Perl's
installation isn't any worse than Java and possibly better.


Michael G. Schwern   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Perl6 Quality Assurance <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   Kwalitee Is Job One
Schwern Unit:  a positive but insignificant quantity

Re: Perl Doesn't Suck

2001-06-29 Thread Christopher Masto

Having gone through much the same pain a couple of weeks ago (although
I just broke down and installed the linux-jdk-1.3.1 port after Sun's
web site told me to come back later), I eagerly await a pure-Perl
replacement for FOP (
Christopher Masto Senior Network Monkey  NetMonger Communications

Free yourself, free your machine, free the daemon --

Re: Perl Doesn't Suck

2001-06-29 Thread Adam Turoff

On Fri, Jun 29, 2001 at 01:18:07PM -0500, Elaine -HFB- Ashton wrote:
> Adam Turoff [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] quoth:
> *>
> *>Nevertheless, a degenerate case for installing Perl never requires
> *>transfers or temporary disk space measured in quarter gigabytes.
> Sure it can. 

Allow me to clarify: a degenerate case for installing a *single* *specific*
version of Perl never requires transfers or temporary disk space measured
in quarter gigabytes.

Mirroring all of CPAN is not a pre-requisite for installing a version
of Perl, multiple versions of Perl, etc.
> *>Worst-case-to-worst-case, Perl doesn't suck, and it's doing much
> *>better than Java.  I wonder which is easier to support post-install.
> Perl can suck and often does for the newcomer who, when faced with trying
> to wade through all the XML modules on CPAN trying to figure out which one
> is which for what purpose, can be quite frustrated with getting things to
> work as advertised. 

That's not the issue here.

Chris and I are talking about the case where a user finds a piece
of software requiring (Perl|Java) and need to install the language
distribution as well as the software requiring that distribution
(or, a simpler case of installing a specific version of a language
distribution).  Wading through CPAN is not an issue here.

> Everything can suck given enough scrutiny.

Surely.  And if you want to believe that Perl sucks, please do.  

While installing Java this week, I stumbled across the "installation 
experience" and "supported platforms" aspects of a language and found
that Perl is doing remarkably well, even if no one takes the time to
say so.  I chronicled my experiences in detail to show how bad it can
be, and to highlight how remarkably well-engineered and supported Perl
is by comparison.


Re: Perl Doesn't Suck

2001-06-29 Thread Adam Turoff

On Fri, Jun 29, 2001 at 12:02:28PM -0400, Christopher Masto wrote:
> Having gone through much the same pain a couple of weeks ago (although
> I just broke down and installed the linux-jdk-1.3.1 port after Sun's
> web site told me to come back later), I eagerly await a pure-Perl
> replacement for FOP (

For the brief period of time when I was working for a commercial software
vendor, GOOBE was a priority (good out-of-the-box experience).

FreeBSD + Java may be an extreme case of poor GOOBE for Java, but it's
not just Java that's the issue here; it's the GOOBE for Java products.

I can't remember when I had such a truly bad experience with Perl
or products based on Perl (primarily through CPAN).  The worst I've
seen is configure asking for input from the console (do you want
feature X?), failing for cause (you must install on
your system; find it here), or forcing Perl to be upgraded (mismatched
module versions).  That's not to say that there aren't issues with
buggy modules, missing compilers, etc.

Nevertheless, a degenerate case for installing Perl never requires
transfers or temporary disk space measured in quarter gigabytes.

Worst-case-to-worst-case, Perl doesn't suck, and it's doing much
better than Java.  I wonder which is easier to support post-install.


Perl Doesn't Suck

2001-06-27 Thread Adam Turoff

What follows is a long, detailed summary of an attempt to install JDK 1.2.2
on FreeBSD today.  FreeBSD/JDK 1.2.2 is an unsupported configuration for Sun,
although patches exist to get the JDK to work under FreeBSD.

Skip to the last two paragraphs if you want to see how this installation
compares to a standard Perl installation, and what this means for Perl.
Please read the rest if you want to see what a 'simple' installation took
for this version of Java.  (Note: JDK 1.1.8 is supported, but JDK 1.2.2 isn't,
and some software requires JDK 1.2.2 (Java2)).

Comments welcome.



I recently had occasion to upgrade Java on my FreeBSD installation at
home.  I have both the Java Runtime Environment (JRE), v1.1.8 and Kaffe
1.0.6.  I deal with XSLT a lot, so keeping these around is a necessity
when dealing with XSLT engines, such as Michael Kay's Saxon and James
Clark's xt.

The JRE apparently comes directly from Sun and contains only the virtual
machine required to execute Java programs.  It lacks things like
documentation and javac, the Java compiler (written in Java).  JRE 1.1.8
implements the Java 1.1 specification, which appears to be useful, but
out of date compared to the current Java 2 specification (JDK 1.2 and
above), and the imminent Java 1.3 release.  (I'm going on memory here;
there's so much *stuff* on, it's quite difficult to
easily determine whether Java 1.3 is shipping, in a late beta cycle
or in an early PR cycle.)

As the name would imply, the JRE is just that - a runtime environment.
Unfortunately, it's not the kind of "run anywhere" environment you would
expect from Java.  To be fair, it's only Java 1.1, and that's OK.  But
it's insufficient for running applets in my favorite web browser du
jour, Konqueror.  So I installed an Open Source reimplementation of Java
1.1, Kaffe.  Now, whenever I visit, Konqueror loads and
runs the applets through Kaffe, and I get a familiar grey box which says
"Loading Applet".  And a core file from Kaffe whenever it's invoked.
But Kaffe also runs Java programs without a hitch, just like the JRE.
(Note: Kaffe may not be fully compliant, but it runs what it's supposed
to run, and it doesn't crash, except within Konqueror and running

At this point, you probably think this is another rant about Java being
a bad language, unsuitable for software development, or an example of
immature software being thrust upon the uncaring public.  It's not.
Java is a fine environment, and until today, I never had to think about
it, even though I use programs written in Java every day.  The fact that
Saxon is implemented in Java is an unimportant fact that sits buried in
a Makefile or two.  It's as unimportant a detail as cvsup being
implemented in Modula-3.

In a sense, that's the hallmark of good software -- it should do a job,
do it well, and stay out of the way.  The JRE and Kaffe do that with
Java 1.1 software.

If only Java 2 would be so unobtrusive.

I installed Java 1.2.2 today because I want to start using other XML
technologies, like SVG.  The Apache XML project is working on a project
called Batik that will do pretty much anything with images in the SVG
format.  All I really want to do is generate SVG files using XSLT, and
translate vectorized SVG files into rasterized PNG images.  Batik
promises to do that, and much, much more.

As I said before, I'm running FreeBSD.  This should be a simple pair of
commands: 'cd /usr/ports/java/jdk12-beta; make install'.  The native JDK 1.2
port appeared within the last few weeks or so; previously, to run JDK
1.2 applications, the Linux JDK needed to be run, and that was one too
many levels of emulation to consider.  

So I start with the obvious.  And it doesn't work.  To install the
jdk12-beta port, the JDK sources and patches need to be downloaded
manually; this is because of some licensing issues with Sun, where the
sources are available only to registered developers.  Annoyed, I
register and get the sources, and then the patches.  Due to poor web
design on Sun's site, it took a while to actually find the links for
downloading the sources -- it's almost like Sun doesn't want you to find
them.  Getting the patches was easier, although it also involved a
clickwrap check, since the patches are only available to developers who
have registered with Sun's developer program.  (Who *else* would be
interested in patches to the JDK?)

Having downloaded, about 18MB of software, I start the build process.
Yes, the JDK sources are about 18MB.  Compressed.  Now time to let the
port build itself.

The wonderful thing about ports is that build and runtime dependencies
will be checked, and installed as required.  After downloading,
extracting and patching the 18MB JDK 1.2.2 sources, the very next thing
that happens is that the full JDK 1.1.8 is installed as a build
dependency (Sun's JDK, as binaries, including 'javac').  

Then the Linux version of the JDK