Re: A s/// brain teaser to share

2018-05-02 Thread James Ellis Osborne III
Don't say innocent if you mean punchline.

On Tue, May 1, 2018, 10:46 PM ToddAndMargo  wrote:

> Hi All,
> You guys will noticed a bunch of things you have been helping me with
> in the following.  Thank you!
> :-)
> I have been working on cleaning up the file transfer of data from a
> point of sale software (POS) program to a label printer.
> The customer puts his margin on the end of the description line, so
> his labels show his margin, not that anyone would know what that
> meant.  He puts his margin and shipping after a slash.
> Anyway, the transfer file is a comma delimited text file.
>  "sss",""   etc.
> Well now, instead of writing out inches, he used a quote.
> There goes the label program.  So I changed " to inches.
> and the whacking to rid the margin was something to behold.
> #!/usr/bin/env perl6
> my $LabelStr='"00046436405","HALT 3/4" ORIG LNG #35-1333-RD/.55 +
> SHP",""," 3.95","  0.00","  0.00","  0.00","
> 0.00","","","  0.00","35-1002-RD","WEAV","","","BRIDL","",""';
> say "$LabelStr\n";
> $LabelStr ~~ s:global|"3/4\""|3/4 inch|;
> $LabelStr ~~ s:global|(.*)\/(.*?)(\"\,.*)|$0$2|;
> # say "0 = <$0>\n1 = <$1>\n2 = <$2>";
> say $LabelStr;
> $ RemoveMarginTest.pl6
> "00046436405","HALT 3/4" ORIG LNG #35-1333-RD/.55 + SHP","","
> 3.95","  0.00","  0.00","  0.00","  0.00","","","
> 0.00","35-1002-RD","WEAV","","","BRIDL","",""
> "00046436405","HALT 3/4 inch ORIG LNG #35-1333-RD",""," 3.95","
> 0.00","  0.00","  0.00","  0.00","","","
> 0.00","35-1002-RD","WEAV","","","BRIDL","",""
> About killed me, but I got it.
> Part numbers and prices changed to protect the innocent.
> -T
> --
> ~~
> Computers are like air conditioners.
> They malfunction when you open windows
> ~~

Re: <<>> question

2017-10-05 Thread James Ellis Osborne III
MIME Is The Sacha Guitry Picture.

On Oct 4, 2017 8:23 PM, "Todd Chester"  wrote:

> On 10/04/2017 08:20 PM, Todd Chester wrote:
>> So in this context "{$x}" means insert (interpolate) a
>> variable into the list?  I was thinking it meant to
>> insert a variable into a string.  Did saying <<>>
>> automatically tell Perl6 that this was a list
>> and not a sting?
> is
> synonymous with
> ?

Re: Tip: hash indexing

2017-10-03 Thread James Ellis Osborne III
Canadian Handicrafts Guild

On Oct 3, 2017 11:22 AM, "ToddAndMargo"  wrote:

> Sweet!I added a reverse print to the pile!
> #!/usr/bin/env perl6
> #`{
>   Hashes do not print in the order they are created.  it is a Perl 6 thing.
>   To overcome this, create an index of the hash.
> }
> my @SmtpIndex =
>qw[ DebugTrace smtp port username password from to Subject Text
> FileName ];
> my %Smtp =
>   [ "{ @SmtpIndex[0] }" => "1",
> "{ @SmtpIndex[1] }" => "smtps://",
> "{ @SmtpIndex[2] }" => "465",
> "{ @SmtpIndex[3] }" => '',
> "{ @SmtpIndex[4] }" => "NaYukYukYuk",
> "{ @SmtpIndex[5] }" => '',
> "{ @SmtpIndex[6] }" => @['',''],
> "{ @SmtpIndex[7] }" => "Stooges",
> "{ @SmtpIndex[8] }" => "Certainly!",
> "{ @SmtpIndex[9] }" => @[""] ];
> sub output(%hash, @index=@SmtpIndex) {
> for @index -> $key {
> printf "%10s = %s\n", $key, %hash{$key};
> }
> print "\n";
> }
> sub revoutput(%hash, @index=@SmtpIndex) {
> for reverse ( @index ) -> $key {
> printf "%10s = %s\n", $key, %hash{$key};
> }
> print "\n";
> }
> my @SmtpValues = %Smtp{@SmtpIndex};
> my %Smtp2 = do {
> my $index = 0;
> { "{ @SmtpIndex[$index++] }" => $_ };
> };
> my %Smtp3 = gather for 0..@SmtpIndex.elems-1 {
> take @SmtpIndex[$_] => @SmtpValues[$_].Str;
> };
> my %Smtp4 = @SmtpIndex Z=> @SmtpValues;
> # These are all equivalent
> # output(%Smtp);
> # output(%Smtp2);
> # output(%Smtp3);
> output(%Smtp4);
> # print in reverse
> revoutput(%Smtp4);
> $ HashIndexTest.pl6
> DebugTrace = 1
>   smtp = smtps://
>   port = 465
>   username =
>   password = NaYukYukYuk
>   from =
> to =
>Subject = Stooges
>   Text = Certainly!
>   FileName =
>   FileName =
>   Text = Certainly!
>Subject = Stooges
> to =
>   from =
>   password = NaYukYukYuk
>   username =
>   port = 465
>   smtp = smtps://
> DebugTrace = 1

Re: Announce: Rakudo Star Release 2016.07

2016-07-22 Thread James Ellis Osborne III
That is quite a step forward! Happy 22nd, All!

On Jul 22, 2016 4:01 AM, "Steve Mynott"  wrote:

> On behalf of the Rakudo and Perl 6 development teams, I’m pleased to
> announce the July 2016 release of “Rakudo Star”, a useful and usable
> production distribution of Perl 6. The tarball for the July 2016 release is
> available from
> This is the third post-Christmas (production) release of Rakudo Star and
> implements Perl v6.c. It comes with support for the MoarVM backend (all
> module tests pass on supported platforms).
> Please note that this release of Rakudo Star is not fully functional with
> the JVM backend from the Rakudo compiler. Please use the MoarVM backend
> only.
> In the Perl 6 world, we make a distinction between the language (“Perl 6″)
> and specific implementations of the language such as “Rakudo Perl”. This
> Star release includes release 2016.07 of the Rakudo Perl 6 compiler,
> version 2016.07 of MoarVM, plus various modules, documentation, and other
> resources collected from the Perl 6 community.
> Some of the new compiler features since the last Rakudo Star release
> include:
> + Ability to use a customer debugger module
> + The “is-approx” sub from Test.pm6 now allows for relative/absolute
> tolerance
> + A fail in a custom BUILD will now be returned, rather than thrown
> + Introduce .Map coercer
> + Implement alternate ways to call subtest
> + Support for new leap-second at the end of 2016
> + The “is required” trait on Attributes can now take a Bool or a Str
> + IO::[Path,Handle] gained a .mode method which returns the POSIX file
> permissions
> + Distribution is now a role interface that enables encapsulating IO used
> for distribution installation
> + CompUnit::Repository::Installation now uses the new Distribution
> interface
> + Custom repository implementations now supported, including precompilation
> Compiler maintenance since the last Rakudo Star release includes:
> + Basic object creation (using either .new or .bless) now up to 3x faster
> + All routines now have less overhead
> + The MMD cache accepts candidates with named parameters if it can. (This
> made adverbed slices about 18x as fast)
> + Sigificant optimizations for speed in many parts of the system (.map,
> gather/take etc.)
> + Many precompilation fixes (including EVAL and improved support of OS
> packaging)
> + Arrays with holes (e.g. from :delete) now correctly iterate/auto-vivify
> + An issue with reverse dependencies of installed modules was fixed
> + “is_approx” sub (note underscore) from Test.pm6 deprecated
> + Harden Mu.Str against moving GC
> + Simplify $USER/$GROUP initialization
> + Mu can now be the result of a Promise
> + samewith() now also works on non-multi’s
> + Many fixes in the area of pre-compilation and installing modules
> + count-only and bool-only now are optional methods in Iterators (only to
> be implemented if they can work without generating anything)
> + IO::ArgFiles.slurp / IO::ArgFiles.eof are fixed
> + REPL whitespace and error handling
> + CompUnit::Repository::Installation no longer considers bin/xxx and
> resources/bin/xxx the same content address
> + min/max on Failures throw instead of returning ±Inf
> + NativeCall’s is mangled trait no longer ignored for CPPStruct
> + Many Str, List and Array methods much faster
> + Map/Hash initializations are now 30% faster
> + make DESTDIR now correctly finds CompUnit::Repository::Staging
> + Output from Test.pm6′s diag() is no longer lost in non-verbose prove
> output when called at the start of the test file or during TODO tests
> + Improved error messages
> Notable changes in modules shipped with Rakudo Star:
> + DBIish: v0.5.9 (with many Oracle/MySQL fixes) plus README.pod and
> mojibake fixes
> + NativeHelpers-Blob: v0.1.10
> + PSGI: v1.2.0 supports P6SGI 0.7Draft
> + Pod-To-HTML: v0.1.2 plus fixes
> + debugger-ui-commandline: README fixes
> + doc: many fixes to documentation content and HTML generation
> + panda: Avoid Rakudo internals deprecation warning and don’t require
> to inherit Panda::Builder
> + perl6-file-which: CI fixes
> + perl6-http-easy: v1.1.0 (with more flexible P6SGI support) plus avoid
> errors in binary request
> + shell-command: Mention already implemented commands missing from README
> + perl6-lwp-simple: track as upstream
> (as panda does) which has a test fix needed since we don’t support https in
> R* and a test url had a new https redirect
> perl6intro.pdf has also been updated.
> There are some key features of Perl 6 that Rakudo Star does not yet handle
> appropriately, although they will appear in upcoming releases. Some of the
> not-quite-there features include:
> + advanced macros
> + non-blocking I/O (in progress)
> + some bits of Synopsis 9 and 11
> + There is an online resource at that
> lists the known implemented and missing features of 

Re: '!' versus 'not' in boolean expression

2016-01-18 Thread James Ellis Osborne III
Too many Reimanns & Not enough role?


On 18 January 2016 at 11:37, Elizabeth Mattijsen  wrote:
>> On 18 Jan 2016, at 19:55, Tom Browder  wrote:
>> In creating some new Perl 6 programs I've run across several instances
>> I'm confused about, to wit:
>> Example 1
>> ---
>>> my %h; say 'false' if !%h:exists;
>> Unexpected named parameter 'exists’ passed
> Yeah, this is an unexpected one.  However, there is a simple solution:
>   my %h; say 'false' if %h:!exists;
> In general, :foo is equivalent to foo => True, and :!foo is equivalent to foo 
> => False.
>> Example 2
>> ---
>>> my %h; say 'false' if not %h:exists;
>> false
>> It looks like '!' doesn't work as I thought it was supposed to.  But,
>> I just discovered that when I use parens, it works.
> Yes, the ! binds closer, and eats the :exists, and then complains about it.
> Liz

Re: Recalling previous commands

2016-01-01 Thread James Ellis Osborne III
Try Out Linenoise
panda install Linenoise


On 1 January 2016 at 13:52, Brandon Allbery  wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 1, 2016 at 4:47 PM, Parrot Raiser <> wrote:
>> Every time I make a typo in a complex command, I reflexively hit
>> ctrl-k before remembering I'm not in bash any more.  :-)*
> ...ctrl-k? wtf is bash misteaching people any more? I'd expect ctrl-p, like
> pretty much anything else with line editing (including bash).
> That said, I don't know how Linenoise does in the history department.
> --
> brandon s allbery kf8nh   sine nomine associates
> unix, openafs, kerberos, infrastructure, xmonad

Re: $epsilon = 1.0e-6 feels too big for Rat()

2015-12-31 Thread James Ellis Osborne III
Considering that the Chinese 5th Century is 1849, I would expect to present
less zuo.


On 31 December 2015 at 03:48, Darren Duncan  wrote:
> Considering that a non-fat Rat has a 64-bit denominator, I would expect
> conversions from Num to make use of that full precision by default, and not
> round off to 6 decimal places. -- Darren Duncan

Hello List! Error found in glossary.pod

2015-12-27 Thread James Ellis Osborne III
Line 1585:1587 Reads:
=head2 NST

No Such Thing.

Surely Thi[j]s Is No Longer True?
