Same-named arguments

2006-08-23 Thread Michael Snoyman


I'm just starting with Perl 6.  I was reading through "Perl 6 and Parrot
Essentials" (finally arrived yesterday from Amazon; very happy) and I was
wondering what would happen if you had a parameter list that included
variables of a different type but the same name (ie, $foo, @foo).  I wrote a
little test script and ran it through pugs.  Here's what I got:


use v6;

sub mysub($foo, @foo, %foo) {
say "Starting mysub";
say "Printing scalar";
say $foo;
say "Printing array";
say @foo;
say "Printing hash";
say %foo;
say "Leaving mysub\n";

my $foo = 'foo';
my @foo = qw|foo bar|;
my %foo = ( foo => 'bar', foo2 => 'bar2' );

mysub($foo, @foo, %foo);
mysub(:foo($foo), :foo(@foo), :foo(%foo));


Starting mysub
Printing scalar
Printing array
Printing hash
foo barfoo2 bar2
Leaving mysub

Starting mysub
Printing scalar
Printing array

Printing hash

Leaving mysub

Just wondering if the language is meant to work that way, or if it's a pugs


IO::Socket, or any IO

2006-08-24 Thread Michael Snoyman

I was thinking of rewriting a little webserver program I wrote in Perl 5
using Pugs.  I was wondering what the equivilent (if any) of IO::Socket is.
I suppose I could use an external webserver and use CGI to get this working
with IO, but my preference would be a pure Perl 6 approach.

If you're wondering, the program I wrote is a simple little webpage with two
buttons so my wife can play music off my Linux box (with good speakers) from
her laptop (with bad speakers), so I don't really need this to be a very
stable setup, it's mostly for curiosity's sake.


Writing modules

2006-08-28 Thread Michael Snoyman


I wanted to start working on a module (mainly to learn Perl 6, I doubt
anyone would ever want to use it).  I want to do this "properly," whatever
that means.  I was wondering if someone could explain to me:

1) How to construct the
2) How exactly to set up and run tests

I realize that there are lots of modules to look at in the Pugs
distribution, but as far as I can tell they are meant to be built from
within the Pugs source tree, and since my code clearly won't be living there
I'd rather not write it there either.


Re: IO::Socket, or any IO

2006-09-08 Thread Michael Snoyman

Thanks Audrey.  I actually found that after writing that post.  What I had
wanted to do was write a threaded server, implemented in Perl 6 only (ie,
including Perl 6 regexs).  I got that working almost entirely, when I
couldn't find any thread implementation.  I tried using fork() to get a same
effect, but it seems that fork also isn't available.  Was I missing
something, or are these just features that I need to wait for?


On 9/8/06, Audrey Tang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

在 Aug 25, 2006 12:54 AM 時,Michael Snoyman 寫到:

> I was thinking of rewriting a little webserver program I wrote in
> Perl 5
> using Pugs.  I was wondering what the equivilent (if any) of
> IO::Socket is.
> I suppose I could use an external webserver and use CGI to get this
> working
> with IO, but my preference would be a pure Perl 6 approach.

See examples/network/ in the Pugs tree. :-)


CGI Session management (was Re: the in Perl 6)

2006-09-11 Thread Michael Snoyman

If Perl6 is intended to be the successor of the P5 (the
quasi-standard for Perl web programming) is should really get a modern

I agree  completely.  In that vein, I think that one thing a lot of web
developers would like to have available more easily would be session
management.  In PHP it's as simple as $_SESSION['key'] = 'value'.  I
understand that is a fundemantally different concept from PHP and
that this can't be completely taken care of by the module.  Still, if
something could be written in, I think it would make many people's lives

Perhaps a method like CGI->get_session_key, which would return a unique ID
and handle all this via cookies without the developer needing to notice
anything.  It would then be a lot easier to keep a (flat file|dbm|sql
database) of information tied to that ID.

On the other hand, that might be the kind of feature that needs to be done
in a seperate module.  In any case, I'd be happy to help out with writing
it; I'm just not entirely certain of how it should work.


Re: HTTP::Request/Response (was Re: the in Perl 6)

2006-09-15 Thread Michael Snoyman

On 9/14/06, Darren Duncan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Having had some prior experience in tackling this problem (eg,
CGI::Portable), I will endeavour to work on / help with the Perl 6
analogy to HTTP::Request/Response, so to replace the use of
corresponding aspects of

I really like this idea.  I was actually working on a threaded HTTP server
in Perl that used that exact approach.  The idea was that you could write a
HTTP::Server::Threaded::Handler implementation; this could easily work for
CGI as well.  I can't test my code, since my Pugs installation is currently
broken (I've been working on it from work, and I'm trying to get everything
working in Cygwin right now).  However, I've posted my code at this URL:

As a note to Audrey: This is what I was asking about threads for; I added
the async statement, but haven't tested it.


Re: Perl6 "style-guide"

2006-09-20 Thread Michael Snoyman

On 9/20/06, jerry gay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

don't "just leave this to the community." take part! take advantage of
the perl 6 wiki ( and create a page
describing the task. write some code yourself. ask folks to
contribute, and fix the existing code or add their own. create an
outline of what you'd like to see there... and have fun!

be the community.

Would a plausible idea be to have a section on the wiki devoted to "free
coding?"  All developers, including those brand new to Perl 6, could start
writing random test code, which the more experienced in the Perl 6 world
could then tweak so that eventually, we should have a very broad sample of
code that the community has decided looks right.
